- Absence of commanders, 67
- Abuses in the navy, 5-10
- Administration, 18-36
- Admiralty commissions:
- 1659-60, 18;
- 1673-79, 30;
- 1679-84, 32;
- special commission of 1686, 34, 48
- Aldeburgh, 49
- Algiers, 35
- Allin, Sir Thomas, comptroller of the navy 24, 67
- Anglesey, Earl of, treasurer of the navy, 24
- Bagwell, Mr, 46
- Barber Surgeons, Company of, 39
- Barlow, Thomas, clerk of the acts, 21
- Batten, Lady, 20
- —— Sir William, surveyor of the navy, 20, 24
- Berkeley, Lord, commissioner of the navy, 22
- Billingsgate, 45
- Birch, Colonel, 70
- Black Book of the Admiralty, 3
- Blackwall, 70
- Blake, Robert, 22, 23, 78
- Boatswains' stores, establishment for (1686), 73
- Boteler, Captain, 62
- Bowles, Phineas, secretary of the admiralty, 36
- Bristol, 39
- Brouncker, Lord, commissioner of the navy, 25, 33
- Cabins, establishment for (1673), 66
- 'Calentures,' 62, 63
- Capel, Sir Henry, commissioner of the admiralty, 32
- Captains' tables, establishment for (1686), 72
- Carpenters' stores, establishment for (1686), 73
- Carteret, Sir George, treasurer of the navy, 19, 24
- Chaplains, establishment for (1677), 71
- Charles I, 19, 21
- —— II, 4, 18, 33, 43, 44, 54;
- his interest in the sea, 19, 31, 33, 77
- Chatham, 22, 45, 46, 49, 65, 24, 45, 46, 58
- Midshipmen, establishments for (1676 and 1686), 73
- Monck, George, 12, 23
- Monson, Sir William, 2, 5, 9, 24
- Myngs, Sir Christopher, 13, 14
- Narbrough, Sir John, 70;
- on special commission of 1686, 35
- Naval Discipline Act (1661), 64
- Naval stores, embezzlement of, 64
- Navy Board:
- in 1659, 18;
- in 1660, 22;
- in 1673, 30;
- in 1679, 33;
- in 1688, 35;
- a body of experts, 18, 23, 27, 30, 33;
- its functions, 26, 50
- North Foreland, 13
- Northumberland, Earl of, 5
- Nottingham, Earl of;
- see Finch
- Orange, Prince of, 36
- Ordnance Office, 40, 76 n.
- Parliament, 76;
- vote of 1665, 40;
- of 1666, 41;
- of 1677, 32;
- of 1678, 43
- Pay, rates of, 52;
- continuous pay for naval officers, 55;
- see also Wages
- Pearse, James, chirurgeon-general of the navy, 51
- Penn, Sir William, commissioner of the navy, 22, 25;
- his Naval Collections, 2
- Pension Parliament, 31
- Pensions, 56
- Pepys, John, clerk of the acts, 30
- —— Mrs, 20
- —— Paulina, 11
- Pepys, Samuel:
- clerk of the acts (1660), 21;
- treasurer of Tangier commission (1665), 28;
- surveyor-general of victualling (1665), 28, 59;
- secretary of the admiralty (1673), 30;
- his speech in Parliament (1677), 31;
- involved in the Popish Plot and resigned (1679), 32;
- second secretaryship (1684), CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED BY J. B. PEACE, M.A., AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS.