
[1] Diary, 13 June, 1664.

[2] Vols. ii.-v. of these letters have been calendared already, and calendars of vols. vi. and vii. are in preparation: see the writer's Catalogue of Pepysian MSS. (Navy Records Society's Publications), vols. ii. and iii.

[3] See Hollond's Discourses of the Navy, ed. J. R. Tanner, published by the Navy Records Society in 1896. This volume also includes Slyngesbie's Discourse of the Navy.

[4] Pepysian MSS., Miscellanies, x. 273.

[5] Naval Tracts (ed. M. Oppenheim), iv. 143.

[6] See Appendix to Hollond's Discourses, pp. 361-406.

[7] Diary, 25 July, 1662.

[8] 'Interim Report of a Committee to inquire into abuses in the Victualling Department at Portsmouth' (House of Commons Miscellaneous Reports, vol. xxxvi. No. 55).

[9] Discourses, p. 131.

[10] Discourses, p. 149.

[11] A Large and Severe Discourse, &c. (Pepysian MSS., Miscellanies, x. 226).

[12] A Large and Particular Complaint against Phineas Pett, &c. (Pepysian MSS., Miscellanies, x. 257).

[13] Discourses, p. 140 n.

[14] An Account of Particular Abuses to be proved against the Officers of the Navy (Pepysian MSS., Miscellanies, x. 271).

[15] C. N. Robinson, The British Fleet, p. 347. There are two copies of the Report of 1608 in the Pepysian Library—MSS. 2165, and Miscellanies, iii. 355.

[16] Discourses, p. 100.

[17] Naval Tracts, iv. 147.

[18] Naval Tracts, iv. 143.

[19] Discourses, p. 154.

[20] Pepysian MSS., No. 2735, p. 65.

[21] Hollond, First Discourse (Discourses, p. 78).

[22] Ib. p. 67.

[23] On 1 January, 1660.

[24] Diary, 31 May, 1669.

[25] Diary, 24 April, 1665.

[26] Diary, 13 June, 1666.

[27] See for instance a letter of 17 December, 1678, courteously discouraging a commander from sending his chaplain's sermon to the Bishop of London for his perusal, as owing to the pressing nature of his Parliamentary engagements the Bishop might not be 'at leisure to overlook it' (Pepysian MSS., Admiralty Letters, viii. 432).

[28] Pepysian MSS., Admiralty Letters, vi. 43.

[29] Historical MSS. Commission, Fifteenth Report, Appendix, pt. ii. p. 153.

[30] A list of Lord High Admirals and Admiralty Commissions from August, 1628, to March, 1689, is given in Pepysian MSS., Miscellanies, xi. 211-26.

[31] Naval Tracts, iv. 141.

[32] History of England (2 vols. Longman, 1880), ii. 218.

[33] Pepysian MSS., Admiralty Letters, xii. 71. We also find him desiring 'for his own satisfaction and use to have an account of the just rake of all the upright-stemmed ships in his royal navy, and the present seat of the step of each main-mast' (ib. xi. 200); and his pocket-book in the Pepysian Library (MSS. No. 488) contains a number of facts about the navy. For his interest in inventions see Admiralty Letters, xii. 91 and xiii. 23.

[34] Pepysian MSS. No. 2866, Naval Minutes, p. 175.

[35] Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1667-8, p. xxxvi; cf. also Diary, 8 July, 1668 ('I to the Duke of York to attend him about the business of the Office; and find him mighty free to me, and how he is concerned to mend things in the Navy himself, and not leave it to other people').

[36] Dictionary of National Biography, ix. 208.

[37] Diary, 30 October, 1662.

[38] Ib. 12 April, 1667.

[39] Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1631-3, p. 546.

[40] State Papers, Domestic, Charles II, i. 153.

[41] Diary, 31 July, 1661.

[42] Ib. 5 November, 1662.

[43] Ib. 28 December, 1662.

[44] Diary, 10 March, 1663.

[45] Ib. 11 March, 1663.

[46] Ib. 25 July, 1662.

[47] Ib. 5 July, 1664.

[48] Ib. 23 May, 1664.

[49] Ib. 13 June, 1663.

[50] Ib. 4 October, 1667.

[51] Ib. 17 July, 1660.

[52] Diary, 9 February, 1665.

[53] Dictionary of National Biography, iv. 361-2.

[54] Ib. xliv. 308-9.

[55] The Commissions of 1653 and 1659 (Pepysian MSS., Miscellanies, xi. 216, 218, 219).

[56] Dictionary of National Biography, xlv. 103.

[57] Ib. xlv. 102.

[58] H. B. Wheatley, Samuel Pepys and the World he lived in, p. 285.

[59] x. 358.

[60] Report of the Navy Commissioners to the Duke of York, 17 April, 1669; printed in Charnock, Marine Architecture, ii. 406.

[61] Observations on the Navy and Sea Service (Works, viii. 336).

[62] Dictionary of National Biography, ii. 2-3.

[63] 'So home again, and in the evening news was brought that Sir R. Slingsby, our Comptroller, (who hath this day been sick a week) is dead; which put me into so great trouble of mind that all the night I could not sleep, he being a man that loved me, and had many qualities that made me love him above all the Officers and Commissioners in the Navy' (Diary, 26 October, 1661).

[64] Dictionary of National Biography, xxxvii. 253-4.

[65] Diary, 2 January, 1666.

[66] Ib. 20 August, 1666.

[67] Ib. 7 April, 1663; 5 October, 1663; 6 October, 1666; 4 January, 1669.

[68] Ib. 2 April, 1664.

[69] Dictionary of National Biography, i. 332.

[70] Pepys joined with Penn in recommending him as 'a most honest and understanding man, and fit for that place' (Diary, 5 October, 1667).

[71] Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1672, p. 551.

[72] Dictionary of National Biography, xii. 363.

[73] E.g. 14 September, 1662 ('found him to admiration good and industrious, and I think my most true friend in all things that are fair'); 18 November, 1662 ('I am still in love more and more with him for his real worth'); and elsewhere.

[74] Dictionary of National Biography, vi. 470.

[75] Diary, 29 January, 1667.

[76] Ib. 25 August, 1668.

[77] Naval Tracts, iii. 398.

[78] Pepysian MSS. No. 2611, Sir William Penn's Collections, p. 4.

[79] These were founded upon earlier instructions issued in 1640 by the Earl of Northumberland when Lord High Admiral. They were printed in 1717 from an imperfect copy under the title The Œconomy of H.M.'s Navy Office, but there are two complete copies in the Pepysian Library, one among Naval Precedents (No. 2867, pp. 356-98) and the other in Sir William Penn's Collections (No. 2611, pp. 127-90).

[80] H. B. Wheatley, Samuel Pepys and the World he lived in, p. 138.

[81] Diary, 31 October, 1665.

[82] Ib. 31 May, 1667.

[83] Ib. 6 February, 1665.

[84] Diary, 16 September, 1664.

[85] Ib. 3 April, 1663.

[86] Ib. 21 July, 1664; 4 February, 1667; 2 August, 1667.

[87] Ib. 16 July, 1664; 10 September, 1664; 16 March, 1665; 31 October, 1667; 27 December, 1667.

[88] Ib. 25 May, 27 June, 14 August, and 10 November, 1666.

[89] Ib. 27 November, 1664; 28 January, 1665; 28 May, 1669.

[90] Ib. 17 July, 1667; 14 August, 1667; 3 February, 1668.

[91] Ib. 28 November, 1664; 9 December, 1664; 29 March, 1665.

[92] E.g. Ib. 5 January, 2 May, 27 May, 3 June, 10 June, 22 June, 18 July, 21 July, 1664; 21 March, 1665; 21 February, 1668; 24 February, 1668.

[93] Ib. 1 January, 1669.

[94] Ib. 10 December, 1663. Cf. 5 January, 10 September, 24 September, and 12 October, 1664, where the same mental attitude is indicated.

[95] Pepysian MSS., Miscellanies, xi. 221, and Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1673, p. 415.

[96] The Duke's presence 'behind the throne' is confirmed by a number of references in the Admiralty Letters (e.g. ii. 60, 90; iii. 231, 234, 235, 301, 319, 329, 331).

[97] Cobbett, Parliamentary History, iv. 587.

[98] The substance of this speech is reported in Grey's Debates (iv. 115), but there is in the Pepysian Miscellanies (ii. 453) a copy of notes for this or some other speech, entitled 'Heads for a Discourse in Parliament upon the business of the Navy, Anno 1676,' which, though it differs from the report, does not do so more widely than what an orator actually says often differs from what he intended to say. An abstract is given in Catalogue of Pepysian MSS., i. 48.

[99] Pepysian MSS., Admiralty Letters, v. 345.

[100] 29 Car. II, c. 1.

[101] Dictionary of National Biography, xliv. 363.

[102] Pepysian MSS., Admiralty Letters, ix. 282.

[103] Pepysian MSS., Miscellanies, ii. 411. There are two copies of their commission in the Pepysian Library (Naval Precedents, p. 236, and Miscellanies, ii. 413).

[104] Dictionary of National Biography, ix. 17.

[105] Dictionary of National Biography, xix. 1.

[106] Ib. xxxii. 383.

[107] Pepysian MSS., No. 2866, Naval Minutes, p. 76.

[108] Pepys, Memoires of the Royal Navy, 1679-88 (Oxford reprint), p. 6.

[109] Ib. p. 18.

[110] Pepys, Memoires of the Royal Navy, 1679-88 (Oxford reprint), p. 9.

[111] History of England (Longmans, 2 vols., 1880), i. 146.

[112] It is often said that the office of Lord High Admiral was restored to the Duke; but this is clearly not the view of Pepys (Pepysian MSS., Miscellanies, xi. 225).

[113] Materials for the history of this experiment are to be found in a manuscript volume in the Pepysian Library entitled, My Diary relating to the Commission constituted by King James II, Anno 1686, for the Recovery of the Navy, with a Collection of the Principal Papers incident to and conclusive of the same (Pepysian MSS., No. 1490).

[114] Pepys's 'Proposition' is printed in his Memoires (pp. 18-23); and further details of the exact distribution of the £400,000 a year are given in a paper entitled 'Measures supporting my Proposition' (Pepysian MSS., No. 1490, p. 123). See also the writer's Introduction to the Oxford reprint of the Memoires.

[115] Pepysian MSS., No. 1490, p. 131.

[116] Ib. p. 145.

[117] Pepysian MSS., No. 1490, p. 16.

[118] The precise nature of these does not transpire, but Deane had stated that, in justice to his family, he could not value his whole time at less than £1000 a year (Ib. p. 139). The King's first offer was £500.

[119] Ib. p. 17.

[120] Pepysian MSS., Admiralty Letters, xv. 470.

[121] Ib. xv. 472.

[122] Dictionary of National Biography, xliv. 364.

[123] A. W. Tedder, The Navy of the Restoration, p. 41.

[124] Ib. p. 41 n.

[125] State Papers, Domestic, Charles II, cii. 123.

[126] Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1665-6, p. 189. See also ib. 1666-7, p. 233, and Diary, 20 June, 1667.

[127] Ib. 1665-6, p. xxxix.

[128] Ib. 1666-7, p. 228, and 1665-6, p. 189.

[129] Even in 1658 the Navy Commissioners had been obliged to buy at from 30 to 50 per cent. above the market price (M. Oppenheim, The Administration of the Royal Navy, 1509-1660, p. 351).

[130] Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1664-5, p. 353.

[131] State Papers, Domestic, Charles II, ccxlii. 56; Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1667-8, p. 563.

[132] Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1667, p. 454.

[133] Cf. ib. 1667-8, p. 455 and 1666-7, p. 233.

[134] Diary.

[135] Pepysian MSS., No. 2589, pp. 1-3.

[136] Another statement of the expenditure of the navy during the Second Dutch War is to be found in a letter from the Navy Board to the Lord Treasurer, dated 24 September, 1666, which gives for the information of Parliament, just then about to meet, an estimate for the period 1 September, 1664, to 29 September, 1666. This calculation is given in the writer's Catalogue of Pepysian MSS., i. 102.

[137] Pepysian MSS., No. 2589, p. 118.

[138] Ranke, History of England, iii. 449-50; see also the Diary.

[139] State Papers, Domestic, Charles II, ccxiii. 65.

[140] Penn, Memorials of Sir William Penn, ii. 528; Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1667, p. 420. On Coventry's connexion with the scheme see Diary, 19 August, 1667. Particulars of it are given in Catalogue of Pepysian MSS., i. 104. With this calculation should be compared a detailed estimate of the annual charge of 'his Majesty's navy in harbour' for the year 1684 (Pepysian MSS., No. 2867, Naval Precedents, p. 402), the substance of which is given in Catalogue of Pepysian MSS., i. 111. The total is £135,084. 6s. 11d., but this is exclusive of ships at sea.

[141] Estimated at the end of the war as £1,100,000 (Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1667, p. 471).

[142] Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1673, pp. x, 218, 333, 341, 510.

[143] Pepysian MSS., Admiralty Letters, iii. 130.

[144] Ib. iii. 182.

[145] Pepysian MSS., Admiralty Letters, iii. 186.

[146] Ib. iii. 49, 51, 52.

[147] Ib. vi. 277. Other instances are given in Catalogue of Pepysian MSS., i. 108.

[148] Ib. viii. 403.

[149] A State of the Debt contracted in the Navy between 1 January, 1671[-2] ... and 25 March, 1686, and which remains at this day unpaid according to the books in this Office ... (Pepysian MSS., Miscellanies, xi. 18). This paper is printed in Catalogue of Pepysian MSS., i. 110.

[150] Pepysian MSS., Miscellanies, xi. 20.

[151] Cf. Diary, 6 July, 1665, 30 September, 1665, 31 October, 1665, and 12 March, 1667.

[152] Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1664-5, p. 304.

[153] Ib. 1667, p. 46.

[154] Ib. 1667, p. 75.

[155] Ib. 1667, p. lx note. See also p. 514.

[156] Ib. 1665-6, p. 385.

[157] Ib. 1667, p. lx note, and p. 514.

[158] Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1664-5, p. 522.

[159] Ib. 1667, p. 75.

[160] Ib. 1667-8, p. xiv.

[161] Ib. 1667-8, p. 443.

[162] Ib. 1664-5, p. 475.

[163] Ib. 1665-6, p. 32.

[164] Ib. 1665-6, p. 53.

[165] Historical MSS. Commission, Fifteenth Report, Appendix, pt. ii., p. 167.

[166] State Papers, Domestic, Charles II, ccxcvii. 19. Other instances are given in Catalogue of Pepysian MSS., i. 120.

[167] Diary, 1 and 2 July, 1666.

[168] Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1665-6, p. 323.

[169] Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1667-8, p. xv. As late as 1742 Captain John Hamilton reports the pressing of a lime-burner who was nearly blind, and 'a little old cobbler of 56, taken out of his stall rather it should seem for a pastime than service'; and letters of 1747 shew that the pressing of mere lads, or of persons not able-bodied, was a subject of 'general and constant complaint' (Public Record Office, Captains' Letters, H 12; Secretary's Letters, 3). In 1864 or 1865 a 'man' who weighed 70 lbs. was sent on board the Prince Consort at Spithead.

[170] 13 April, 1673: State Papers, Domestic, Charles II, cccxliii. 141. See also Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1673, p. 228.

[171] Pepysian MSS., No. 2866, Naval Minutes, p. 24.

[172] Ib. p. 39.

[173] Ib. p. 71.

[174] Pepysian MSS., No. 2866, Naval Minutes, p. 287.

[175] Memoires of the Royal Navy (Oxford reprint), p. 80.

[176] C. H. Firth, Cromwell's Army, ch. ix.

[177] Evelyn's Diary (ed. Austin Dobson), ii. 218.

[178] Pepysian MSS., No. 2867, pp. 537-53.

[179] State Papers, Domestic, Charles II, cxxxiii. 63; see also Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1666-7, p. 398.

[180] Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1672, p. 157.

[181] State Papers, Domestic, Charles II, cccxxviii. 114.

[182] Pepysian MSS., Miscellanies, xi. 106.

[183] Ib. xi. pp. 103-110, where Pearse's report of September, 1687, giving an account of the reforms effected by him during his long tenure of office, is pasted into the volume. The substance of this is printed in Catalogue of Pepysian MSS., i. 137.

[184] Catalogue of Pepysian MSS., i. 205.

[185] Pepysian MSS., Miscellanies, vi. 71.

[186] State Papers, Domestic, Interr. xxxii. 39.

[187] Pepysian MSS., No. 2867, Naval Precedents, p. 217.

[188] A table of these rates is given in Oppenheim, p. 360.

[189] See Pepysian MSS., No. 488, King James II's Pocket Book of Rates and Memorandums. Tables of harbour and rigging wages taken from this source are printed in Catalogue of Pepysian MSS., i. 141.

[190] Pepysian MSS., No. 2867, Naval Precedents, pp. 195-6. This new table of wages is printed in Catalogue of Pepysian MSS., i. 150.

[191] Catalogue of State Papers, Domestic, 1666-7, p. 426; see also ib. 1665-6, p. 75.

[192] Diary, 13 November, 1667.

[193] Pepysian MSS., Miscellanies, vi. 465-80.

[194] Penn, Memorials of Sir William Penn, ii. 509.

[195] Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1654, p. 548.

[196] Pepysian MSS., No. 2554.

[197] Discourses., p. 129 and nn.

[198] Ib. p. 140.

[199] Dictionary of National Biography, xiv. 257.

[200] Pepysian MSS., No. 2867, Naval Precedents, p. 477. There is a reference to this in the Diary, 6 July, 1668. Sir William Coventry was against it, and Pepys agreed with him.

[201] The scale is given in Catalogue of Pepysian MSS., i. 145.

[202] Naval Precedents, p. 222.

[203] Order in Council of 6 May, 1674 (Naval Precedents, p. 164; see also p. 259). The substance of the Order is given in Catalogue of Pepysian MSS., i. 146.

[204] Order in Council, 19 May, 1675 (Naval Precedents, p. 165). The substance of the Order is given in Catalogue of Pepysian MSS., i. 147.

[205] Order in Council, 6 December, 1672 (Naval Precedents, p. 198).

[206] Order in Council, 6 June, 1673 (Naval Precedents, p. 218). There is another copy in Miscellanies, vi. 67. For subsequent extensions of the Order, in 1673 and 1674, see Catalogue of Pepysian MSS., i. 148-9.

[207] State Papers, Domestic, Charles II, ccxcix. 121.

[208] P. 254.

[209] Hollond, Discourses, pp. 124, 154.

[210] Oppenheim, p. 326.

[211] Oppenheim, p. 327.

[212] State Papers, Domestic, Charles II, Docquet Book, p. 46.

[213] Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1665-6, p. xxxix. See also pp. 23, 27, 55, 203.

[214] Ib. 1664-5, pp. 306, 311, 317, 321, 382.

[215] Diary, 18 September, 1665.

[216] State Papers, Domestic, Charles II, cxxviii. 85; see also Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1664-5, p. 480.

[217] Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1667-8, p. xviii.

[218] Ib. 1665-6, p. 7; see also p. 11, and Diary, 14 October, 1665.

[219] Diary, 19 October, 1665.

[220] Ib. 27 October, 1665.

[221] Ib. 31 October, 1665.

[222] Ib. 26 July, 1666.

[223] Ib. 4 June, 1667.

[224] See Catalogue of Pepysian MSS., i. 155.

[225] See ib. i. 156-7.

[226] Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1671-2, pp. 66, 498.

[227] Ib. 1672, p. 484. For other references see pp. 31, 98, 106, 124, 453; and ib. 1673, p. 72.

[228] Ib. 1673, p. xi.

[229] Ib. 1673, p. 384.

[230] State Papers, Domestic, Charles II, ccxcvii. 36. See also Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1671, p. 135.

[231] State Papers, Domestic, Charles II, cccxxix. 11.

[232] Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1672, p. 668.

[233] Ib. 1672, p. 675. An interesting discussion of victualling abuses is contained in a paper of 1673 or 1674, entitled The Expense and Charge of his Majesty's Naval Victuals considered and regulated, by Captain Stephen Pyend or Pine, who had been himself formerly a purser (Pepysian MSS., Miscellanies, iii. 723). The substance of it is printed in Catalogue of Pepysian MSS., i. 160-4.

[234] Pepysian MSS., No. 2867, Naval Precedents, p. 416. The contract is fully discussed in Catalogue of Pepysian MSS., i. 165-177.

[235] Pepysian MSS., No. 2866, Naval Minutes, p. 146.

[236] Discourses, p. 177.

[237] Described in Catalogue of Pepysian MSS., i. 177.

[238] 'Calentures,' or burning fevers, were supposed to be bred by calms. Sir Walter Ralegh refers to his own sufferings from them (Remains, London, 1664, p. 223).

'Scarbot' is probably from 'scharbock,' the Danish name for one form of scurvy (John Quincey, Lexicon Physico-medicum, London, 1787); the modern Danish term for scurvy is 'skabet.'

[239] See Admiralty Letters, vi. 228.

[240] Instances are given in Catalogue of Pepysian MSS., i. 179-80.

[241] A discussion of the relative merits of the two systems occurs in Hollond, Discourses, p. 154. The substance of the patent of 10 December, 1683 (Naval Precedents, p. 48), which established the new department, is given in Catalogue of Pepysian MSS., pp. 180-2.

[242] Pepysian MSS., Admiralty Letters, xv. 250 (26 Oct). See also pp. 219-20, 256-7, 284.

[243] Pepysian MSS., Admiralty Letters, xv. 241.

[244] See Pepysian MSS., No. 2611, Penn's Collections, p. 95: 'Instructions for the Admiralty, 1647.' These customs were not abrogated, either by the ordinances of the Interregnum or by the statutes of the Restoration.

[245] Oppenheim, p. 311.

[246] 13 Car. II. c. 9. A summary of the provisions of the Act is given in Catalogue of Pepysian MSS., i. 184.

[247] 16 Car. II. c. 5; renewed by 18 & 19 Car. II. c. 12.

[248] Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1661-2, p. 152.

[249] Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1663-4, p. 249.

[250] Ib. 1666-7, p. 148.

[251] State Papers, Domestic, Charles II, ccxvii. 138.

[252] Ib. ccxxxv. 135. See also Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1668-9, pp. 171, 303; ib. 1671, pp. 523, 524.

[253] Diary. See also the entries for 19 October, 1666, and 25 June, 1667; and p. 45, supra.

[254] Pepysian MSS., No. 2867, Naval Precedents, pp. 525-8. The establishment is printed in Catalogue of Pepysian MSS., i. 189-92.

[255] Hollond, Discourses, p. 353. Macaulay describes the abuse, but is silent concerning the attempts to remedy it (History of England, i. 148).

[256] Pepysian MSS., Admiralty Letters, iii. 367.

[257] Pepysian MSS., Admiralty Letters, iv. 233, 243, 246.

[258] Ib. ii. 182.

[259] Ib. iv. 110.

[260] Ib. iv. 178.

[261] Ib. vi. 480.

[262] Pepysian MSS., Admiralty Letters, vii. 296.

[263] Pepys, in a letter of 3 February, 1674, addressed to Captain Rooth, refers to 'the universal loss of discipline amongst the seamen of England,' 'a vice which I pray God grant I may see rectified before it prove too fatal, not only to his Majesty's service, but to the whole navigation of the country.' (Admiralty Letters, iii. 78).

[264] History of England, i. 147-9.

[265] Diary, 27 July, 1666.

[266] Diary, 2 June, 1663. Cf. also 10 January, 20 October, 1666; 29 June, 1667.

[267] Vol. i. pp. lxxiv-xcv.

[268] Cf. Diary, 28 October, 1666.

[269] Letter to Sir John Holmes, 15 April, 1679 (Pepysian MSS., Admiralty Letters, ix. 206).

[270] Letter to the same, 18 April, 1679 (ib. ix. 214)

[271] Ib. ix. 242-3.

[272] Ib. vi. 231.

[273] Letter to Sir John Kempthorne, 1 December, 1677 (ib. vi. 264).

[274] Pepysian MSS., No. 2867, Naval Precedents, p. 241.

[275] Admiralty Letters, vi. 256.

[276] Ib. vii. 4.

[277] In a letter of 29 March, 1678 (ib. vii. 17).

[278] Ib. vi. 3.

[279] Admiralty Letters, vi. 18, 45. See also vi. 19 and Naval Minutes, p. 81.

[280] Pepysian MSS., No. 2867, Naval Precedents, p. 161. The substance of these resolutions is given in Catalogue of Pepysian MSS., i. 206. See also there the new instructions of 20 October, 1685, for the guard-boats in Chatham and Portsmouth harbours (i. 208).

[281] Pepysian MSS., No. 2867, Naval Precedents, p. 245. Printed in Pepys's Memoires (Oxford reprint), pp. 55-68.

[282] Pepysian MSS., No. 2867, Naval Precedents, p. 156.

[283] Ib. p. 639. Both these establishments are more fully described in Catalogue of Pepysian MSS., pp. 213-16.

[284] Admiralty Letters, xi. 372.

[285] Ib. x. 89.

[286] Admiralty Letters, x. 310.

[287] Ib. x. 331.

[288] State Papers, Domestic, Charles II, lxix. 43.

[289] Ib. lxxviii. 105. See also Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1663-4, pp. 244 and 276.

[290] State Papers, Domestic, Charles II, xcv. 147.

[291] Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1671, p. 44.

[292] p. 31, supra. A list of these ships is printed in Catalogue of Pepysian MSS., i. 223.

[293] Ib. i. 304. The whole of Pepys's Register, with a number of illustrative tables, is printed there on pp. 253-306; as also his Register of Sea-Commission Officers on pp. 307-435.

[294] Another novelty of the period is the revival of the galley in the English navy. This is fully discussed in ib. i. 227-8.

[295] Ib. i. 306.

[296] Pepysian MSS., No. 2866, Naval Minutes, p. 61.

[297] Pepysian MSS., Admiralty Letters, vi. 201-2. This establishment is given in Pepysian MSS., No. 2867, Naval Precedents, p. 202, and the tables there given are printed and fully discussed in Catalogue of Pepysian MSS., i. 234-42. See also pp. 242-4 for the reorganisation of the Office of the Ordnance in 1683.

[298] Memoires (Oxford reprint), p. 130.

[299] Pepysian MSS., No. 2866, Naval Minutes, p. 76.

[300] Derrick, Memoirs of the Royal Navy, p. 84.

[301] For instances of this see Catalogue of Pepysian MSS., i. 246 nn.

[302] Pepysian MSS., Admiralty Letters, xi. 200; xii. 71, 91, 200; xiii. 23.

[303] Catalogue of Pepysian MSS., i. 247 n.

[304] Both these portraits are at Magdalene College, the former in the Hall and the latter in the Library.

[305] Oxford reprint, p. 130.

[306] The Portugal History, or a Relation of the Troubles that happened in the Court of Portugal in the years 1667 and 1668 ... by S. P. esq. (1677) has also been attributed to him.

[307] Letter to the Earl of Marlborough, by T. H., possibly Thomas Hayter, Pepys's clerk, who succeeded him in 1673 as Clerk of the Acts.

[308] Diary, 15 May, 1663.


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