Aconite, 122 Aconitia, 122 Action of poisons, 16 Adder, the common, 139 Æthusa cynapium, 132 Agaricus Alcohol, 108 Alkalies, poisoning by the, 52 Almonds, bitter, 124 Aloes, 57 Amanita, muscaria, 111 Ammonia, 48 Ammonio-chloride of mercury, 85 Amylene, 107 AnÆsthetics, 102 Aniline, 109 Animal irritants, 58 Antidotes, 26 Antimonial compounds, 78 Aqua Argol, 53 Arrow-poison, 116 Arseniate of Arsenic, 66 Arsenic eating, 67 Arsenious acid, 69 Arsenite of Arum maculatum, 57 AsagrÆa officinalis, 134 Asp, bite of the, 140 Atropa belladonna, 113 Atropia, 113 Bacon, rancid, 58 Baryta and its salts, 53 Bees, stings of, 143 Belladonna, 113 Bichloride of mercury, 81 Bichromate of potash, 56 Binoxalate of potash, 43 Bismuth, 56 Bisulphide of arsenic, 67 Bisulphuret of mercury, 85 Bitartrate of potash, 53 Bites of Bitter almonds, 124 Bitter-sweet, 115 Black hellebore, 92 Blistering flies, 92 Blue vitrol, 90 Brick-kilns, vapor from, 135 Brucia, 117 Bryony, 57 Burnett’s solution, 55 Butter of antimony, 80 Calomel, 85 Camphor, 110 Cantharides, 92 Carbonate of Carburetted hydrogen, 136 Castor oil seeds, 57 Caustic soda, 48 Ceruse, 87 Cevadilla seeds, 134 Champignons, 111 Charcoal vapor, 135 Cheese, decayed, 58 Chloride of Chlorides of tin, 56 Chlorine, 59 Chloroform, 102 Chrome, 56 Chronic antimonial poisoning, 79 Cicuta virosa, 132 Cinnabar, 85 Classification of poisons, 32 Coal gas, 136 Cocculus Indicus, 110 Cockles, 58 Colchicia, 133 Colchicum, 133 Colic, 88 Colocynth, 57 Common Confectionery, poisonous, 67 Conia, 133 Conium, 132 Copper, Copperas, 56 Corrosive sublimate, 81 Crabs, 58 Cream of tartar, 53 Croton oil seeds, 57 Curare, 116 Cyanide of Cytisus laburnum, 92 Darnel seeds, 110 Daturia, 115 Datura stramonium, 115 Deadly nightshade, 113 Definition of a poison, 13 Diagnosis of poisoning, 19 Digitalin, 129 Digitalis purpurea, 129 Duties of the medical practitioner, 19 Eating of Effects of poisons, 15 Elaterium, 57 Emetics, 25 Ergot of rye, 137 Essence of Essential salt of lemons, 43 Ether, 106 Euphorbium, 57 Fish, poisonous, 58 Fool’s parsley, 132 Foxglove, 129 Fungi, 111 Gamboge, 57 Garden-nightshade, 115 Gaseous test for arsenic, 74 Gases, irritant, 59 Goulard’s extract, 87 Green vitrol, 56 Hartshorn, 49 Hellebore, black, 92 Hemlock, 132 Hemlock, water-dropwort, 132 Henbane, 112 Hierapicra, 51 Hocussing, 115 Holloway’s pills, 57 Hydrochlorate of morphia, 97 Hydrochloric acid, 39 Hydrocyanic acid, 123 Hydrophobia, 142 Hyoscyamus niger, 112 Indian tobacco, 133 Indigo, sulphate of, 40 Investigation of cases, 19 Iodide of potassium, 63 Iodine, 61 Iodism, 62 Iron, sulphate of, 56 Irritant Jalap, 57 Ketchup, 111 Laburnum, 92 Laudanum, 95 Laurel water, 124 Lead Lemons, essential salt of, 43 Levant nut, 110 Lime, 53 Liquid Liquor Lobelia inflata, 133 Local action of poisons, 15 Lolium temulentum, 110 Lunar caustic, 56 Magistery of bismuth, 56 Marsh’s test for arsenic, 75 Meadow saffron, 133 Meats, poisonous, 58 Meconic acid, 101 Medical witness, the duty of, 19 Medico-legal reports, 21 Menispermum cocculus, 110 Mercurial paralysis, 83 Mercury and its compounds, 81 Mesereon, 57 Metallic Metals, compounds of the, 66 Mineral Mirbane, essence of, 109 Mixed acids, 41 Monkshood, 122 Morphia, 97 Morrison’s pills, 57 Muriatic acid, 39 Mushrooms, 111 Mussels, 58 Narcotic poisons, 95 Nicotiana tabacum, 131 Nicotin, 131 Nightshade, 115 Nitrate of Nitre, 52 Nitric acid, 38 Nitro-benzole, 109 Nitro-muriatic acid, 40 Nitro-sulphuric acid, 40 Nitrous-oxide gas, 107 Nux-vomica, 117 Œnanthe crocata, 132 Œsophagus, stricture of the, 41 Oil of Opium, 95 Opium-eating, 96 Orpiment, 67 Oxalate of lime, 43 Oxalic acid, 43 Oxalis acetosella, 43 Oxides of lead, 87 Painter’s colic, 87 Paralysis from Pearlash, 48 Phellandrinum aquaticum, 132 Picrotoxine, 110 Poison, definition of a, 13 Poisoning, Poison of vipers, 140 Poisonous Poisons, Potash, 48 Potassa fusa, 48 Potassio-tartrate of antimony, 78 Potassium, iodide of, 63 Prussic acid, 123 Ptyalism, 83 Purple foxglove, 129 Rabid animals, bites of, 142 Realgar, 67 Red Reduction test for arsenic, 73 Reinsch’s test for arsenic, 76 Remote effects of poisons, 15 Reptiles, bites of, 140 Rhubarb, 43 St. Ignatius’ bean, 116 Sal de duobus, 52 Salivation, 83 Sal polychrest, 52 Salprunelle, 52 Salt of sorrel, 43 Saltpetre, 52 Salts of copper, 89 Sausages, 58 Savin, 137 Scammony, 57 Scheele’s Secale cornatum, 137 Serpents, poisonous, 140 Sesquicarbonate of ammonia, 49 Shell-fish, 58 Silver, nitrate of, 56 Smelling-salts, 49 Soap-lees, 48 Soda, carbonate of, 48 Solania, 115 Solanum Soothing syrups, 95 Sorrel, Spanish flies, 92 Spirit of salt, 39 Spiritous liquors, 108 Spotted hemlock, 132 Spurred rye, 137 Stings of bees, 143 Stomach-pump, 24 Stramonium, 115 Strychnia, 117 Subacetate of Subchloride of mercury, 85 Sugar, Sulphate of Sulphides of arsenic, 67 Sulphuretted hydrogen, 136 Sulphuric acid, 36 Sulphuric ether, 106 Sulphurous-acid gas, 59 Sympathetic action of poisons, 17 Symptoms of poisoning, 20 Tartar emetic, 78 Tartarized antimony, 78 Taxus baccata, 137 Tersulphide of arsenic, 67 Thorn-apple, 115 Ticunas, 116 Tin, 56 Toadstools, 111 Tobacco, 131 Treatment of poisoning, 24 Vapor of ammonia, 49 Vegetable Venomous reptiles, 140 Veratria, 133 Verdigris, 90 Vermilion, 85 Viper, the common, 139 Wasps, stings of, 143 Water-hemlock, 132 Water, impregnated with lead, 88 Water-parsnip, 132 White Wine containing lead, 88 Wolfsbane, 122 Wood sorrel, 43 Woody nightshade, 115 Woorara, 116 Yellow arsenic, 66 Yew, 137 Zinc, THE END. |