
[A] In the year 1839, a young lady residing in the north of England took about half a pound of salt to rid herself of worms. Very soon afterwards she began to suffer from all the effects of an irritant poison, with general paralysis; and in spite of the use of the stomach pump and of antidotes, she died in a few hours. Dr. Christison has recorded two somewhat similar cases.

[B] If not kept prepared, the remedy may be speedily got ready in any chemist’s shop in the following way: Mix together the contents of the bottles containing tincture of the muriate of iron (the liquor ferri perchloridi does as well) and liquor ammoniÆ fortior. Run the mixture through a loose filter, saving the precipitate; turn filtering paper or tow, if that has been used, and all into a vessel containing water, agitate well, and use the precipitate by spoonfuls as it falls to the bottom.

[C] Considering the reprehensible way in which pseudo-medical advice is given in some newspapers and cheap periodicals, it is only surprising that more cases of poisoning do not occur. Take the following example (Sunday Times, 3d October, 1847), of a cure for dysentery: “Half a noggin of logwood, well boiled and strained, half a glass of port wine, and twenty drops of laudanum, have proved successful in checking dysentry in adults. For children only fifteen drops of laudanum should be used.”

Transcriber’s notes:

The following is a list of changes made to the original. The first line is the original line, the second the corrected one.

penal servitude for a term not exceding ten years.
penal servitude for a term not exceeding ten years.

wound in the foot, the symptons of poisoning
wound in the foot, the symptoms of poisoning

the symptons of poisoning do not occur.
the symptoms of poisoning do not occur.

must not be forgetten that sometimes a poisonous
must not be forgotten that sometimes a poisonous

of the nervous sysem; and in a third, a combination
of the nervous system; and in a third, a combination

acid is given off, after which sulphretted
acid is given off, after which sulphuretted

indentity; arsenic and antimony may thus be readily
identity; arsenic and antimony may thus be readily

some on certain nerves only, or on the basomotor
some on certain nerves only, or on the vasomotor

acid is given off, after which sulphretted
acid is given off, after which sulphuretted

rhubarb (Rheum Rhaponticum.) It can hardly be
rhubarb (Rheum Rhaponticum). It can hardly be

with oxalic acid (oxalate of copper,) which is
with oxalic acid (oxalate of copper), which is

intestines were found much inflammed.
intestines were found much inflamed.

found in commerce, is int he form of grey-colored
found in commerce, is in the form of grey-colored

pain in the stomach, with vomiting, &c., the symtoms
pain in the stomach, with vomiting, &c., the symptoms

perchloride of mecury; and
perchloride of mercury; and

Arsenic is not a poison that accmulates in the
Arsenic is not a poison that accumulates in the

become oxydized, and octahedral crystals
become oxidized, and octahedral crystals

mucous membrance of the stomach; but oil or
mucous membrane of the stomach; but oil or

which require to be noticed, mamely, Marsh’s process,
which require to be noticed, namely, Marsh’s process,

is almost, or even quite, suppresed. After a time
is almost, or even quite, suppressed. After a time

that thirty pounds of this substance were accidently
that thirty pounds of this substance were accidentally

often terminates in “lead palsy.” In these instaces
often terminates in “lead palsy.” In these instances


“sucking the monkey,” as practiced in the docks
“sucking the monkey,” as practised in the docks

very insoluble in water, soluable in alcohol or
very insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol or

and though digitaline was not separated
and though digitalin was not separated

digitaline. The woman’s symptoms, which were
digitalin. The woman’s symptoms, which were

Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)—All parts of this
Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum).—All parts of this

of the pupils surpervened, and death occurred
of the pupils supervened, and death occurred

themselvers “medical botanists” (more appropriately
themselves “medical botanists” (more appropriately

causes are noticed in the same journal, as well as
cases are noticed in the same journal, as well as

1 gr. of alcholic extract of Indian hemp is contained
1 gr. of alcoholic extract of Indian hemp is contained

1 gr. of died corm of colchicum is contained in
1 gr. of dried corm of colchicum is contained in

cretÆ aro maticus cum opio.
cretÆ aromaticus cum opio.

In Index:







Secale cornutum
Secale cornatum


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