Transcriber’s notes: The following is a list of changes made to the original. The first line is the original line, the second the corrected one. penal servitude for a term not exceding ten years. wound in the foot, the symptons of poisoning the symptons of poisoning do not occur. must not be forgetten that sometimes a poisonous of the nervous sysem; and in a third, a combination acid is given off, after which sulphretted indentity; arsenic and antimony may thus be readily some on certain nerves only, or on the basomotor acid is given off, after which sulphretted rhubarb (Rheum Rhaponticum.) It can hardly be with oxalic acid (oxalate of copper,) which is intestines were found much inflammed. found in commerce, is int he form of grey-colored pain in the stomach, with vomiting, &c., the symtoms perchloride of mecury; and Arsenic is not a poison that accmulates in the become oxydized, and octahedral crystals mucous membrance of the stomach; but oil or which require to be noticed, mamely, Marsh’s process, is almost, or even quite, suppresed. After a time that thirty pounds of this substance were accidently often terminates in “lead palsy.” In these instaces CHLOROFORM—CHLORAL—BICHLORIDE OF METHLYENE—ETHER—AMYLENE—NITROUS “sucking the monkey,” as practiced in the docks very insoluble in water, soluable in alcohol or and though digitaline was not separated digitaline. The woman’s symptoms, which were Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)—All parts of this of the pupils surpervened, and death occurred themselvers “medical botanists” (more appropriately causes are noticed in the same journal, as well as 1 gr. of alcholic extract of Indian hemp is contained 1 gr. of died corm of colchicum is contained in cretÆ aro maticus cum opio. In Index: Detura Deturia Nicotina Nitro-benzol Phellandrium Picrotoxin Secale cornutum |