TANNER'S NARRATIVE. CHAPTER I. Title: A Narrative of the Captivity and Adventures of John Tanner (U.S. Interpreter at the Saut de Ste. Marie) During Thirty Years Residence among the Indians in the Interior of North America Author: John Tanner Editor: Edwin James Language: English Character set encoding: UTF-8 E-text prepared by JOHN TANNER SHAW-SHAW-WA BE-NA-SE—The Falcon New York, Published by G. & C. H. Carvill 1830 CAPTIVITY OF JOHN TANNERThis book is set in ten point Times Roman type, and printed in an edition of two thousand copies. This is copy Nº 1308 A NARRATIVE OF DURING PREPARED FOR THE PRESS BY EDWIN JAMES, M.D. Ross & Haines, Inc. |