1. Monsters of the World of Storms 1
2. The Saddler’s Apprentice 19
3. At the Bottom of the Sea 32
4. Storm Warnings 45
5. Radio Helps—Then Hinders 59
6. The Eye of the Hurricane 75
7. First Flight into the Vortex! 90
8. The Hammer and the Highway 103
9. Wings against the Whirling Blasts 117
10. Kappler’s Hurricane 132
11. Tricks of the Trade 150
12. Trailing the Terrible Typhoon 167
13. Guest on a Hairy Hop 185
14. The Unexpected 202
15. Fighting Hail and Hurricanes 224
16. Carol, Edna, Hazel or Saxby! 237
17. The Gears and Guts of the Giant 250

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