The main criticism of “Love” by the reviewers of the first edition was directed against the frequency of Latin words and phrases used in veiling some of the more unpleasant aspects of the normal and especially the pathological sex-activities. Still it was not prudery which dictated this course. The ancient language was used as a protection against the criticism of those who would take umbrage to plain sex expressions. There is quite a number of people who are not only possessed of the Oedipus complex or the Electra complex, but who are also obsessed of the obscenity complex. For the impure everything is impure. Fortunately such people’s knowledge of Latin is, as a rule, very slight, and for them this treatise will remain a sealed book. Physicians and lawyers for whom this book was written know enough Latin grammar, enabling them to apprehend the meaning of all those phrases necessary for the understanding of the main points of the treatise. To facilitate the reader’s task the following vocabulary of the Latin words often used has been appended. ab initio | from the outset | adduco uxi | to induce | agitare | to excite | aliquamdiu | a little while | amatus | lover | amicus | friend | anser | goose | ante | before | aperio | to open | apertus | open | assiduus | constant | aut | or | auxilium | help | aversa Venus | by rectum | bis | twice | braca | trousers | caedo | to ravish | canis | dog | cito | quick | coepio | to begin | coire | to cohabit | coitus | cohabitation | collum | neck | commaritus | fellow-husband | commingo | to urinate | commisco | to copulate | commiscor | to cohabitate | commixtio | copulation | complexus venereus | sexual intercourse | comprehendo | get pregnant | compressio | copulation | comprimo | copulate | concarnatio | coition | conceptare | to get pregnant | conceptus | conception | concubitalis | copulative | concubitus | cohabitation | concumbo | cohabitate | congressio | copulation | congressus | coition | conjuga | wife | conjugatio | copulation | conjuges | married couple | conjugium | cohabitation | conjungo, xi | to copulate | conjux | husband | constuprare | to abuse sexually | continuus | continuous | contra | against | corpus | body | crinis | hair | cubiculum | bed-room | cubile | nuptial bed | cum | with | cunnilingus | tongue-vagina | cupido | desire | cupio | to desire | delectatio | deliciousness | delicia | pleasures | dum | while | ea | she | ecclesia | church | ejaculare | to eject | ejectio | discharge | eodemque tempore | at the same time | exerceo | to exercise | extraho | to withdraw | facio, eci | to make | fascinum | penis, male organ | fellatio | sucking (obscene) | fellatricia | sucking (obscene) | femina | woman | feminare | to prostitute oneself | feminare se | to masturbate | fornicatrix | whore | fornix | brothel | fricare | to rub | gallina | hen | genu | knee | grabatus | lounge | habeo | to have | hora | hour | hortus | garden | humesco | to become wet | humor | moisture | illicio | to excite | imitari | to imitate | impedire | to prevent | impeditare | to prevent | impeditio | prevention | inire | to enter | initium | outset | initus | coition | injungo, se | to cohabitate | insero | to insert | insertio | insertion | instar | like | inter | during | interula | shirt | intromitto | to introduce | jugiter | continually | labium | lip | lacesso | to excite | lambo | to lick | lentus | slow | libido | material pleasure | lingua | tongue | ludo, usi | to play | lumbus | genitals | mamilla | nipple | mamma | breast | manus | hand | marisca | wart | marita | wife | maritus | husband | mater | mother | membrum | member | mentula | male sex-organ | mentulatus | erected | more | after the fashion | meretricium, facere | to be a prostitute | meretrix | prostitute | muliebria | female genitals | muliebris | female | mulier | woman | natis | buttock | nono quoque die | every nine days | nudatio | denudation, baring | nudus | naked | omnis | every | ordo rei | course of act | ovis | sheep | paedicatio | pederasty | paene | almost | parvus | small | perago | to finish | pergo | to continue | permulcio | to touch | permulsio | caress | pernoctare | spend the night | pes, edis | foot | pono, sui, itum | to place | porca | sow | porta | door | posco, poposci | to demand | positura | position | post | after | praebo mammas | to suckle | praedium | farm | praemo, essi | to press | prostibulum | brothel | pudibilia | genitals | puella | girl | puer | boy | pulvilum | pillow, small | pulvinus | pillow | quot noctibus | every night | resolvo | to unbutton | scamnum | bench | sella | chair | sitis | thirst | solvo | to loose | spatium, temporis | duration | statim | at once | stupro manu | to masturbate by hand | stupre | in a lewd way | stuprum | lewdness, prostitution, coition | stuprum facio | to masturbate | stuprum manu | self-abuse | stuprum mutuum | mutual self-abuse | sugo | to suck | suscipio | to receive | suus, a um | his, hers | tempus, poris | time | tento | to try | tergum | back | tracto | to touch | tractus | the touch | traho | to pull | unus | one | ut | as, that | verbero | to whip, lash | vir | the man | virilia | male sex-organs | vita sexualis | sex-life | vitium | vice | volvula | small vulva | With this small vocabulary on hand, the author hopes every college-bred man will be able to read this treatise without difficulty. The Author. New York, October, 1916.