Two farmers are grumbling about the weather. The scene is Ohio, the time July, and the prevalent crop corn (i. e., maize). Farmers have grumbled about the weather from time immemorial. The point of interest in this particular case is that the two grumblers do not agree about what is wrong. Farmer A thinks the corn needs rain. Farmer B declares that at this stage rain would do more harm than good. Plenty of warm sunshine is, he thinks, the right prescription to insure a “bumper” crop. Of course Providence will do as it pleases, and whatever weather comes, since it cannot be cured, must be endured; but it is a matter of practical as well as academic interest to get some inkling betimes as to how your crop is going to turn out, and the weather is likely to be the decisive factor. Moreover, it is a very significant fact that our two farmers are not of the same mind about which atmospheric blessing is in default. It is painful to reflect that an enormous amount of grumbling about the weather on the part of the rustic community must, at one time or another, have been misapplied. It is a plausible assumption that farmers have sometimes worried themselves to death over meteorological events that were either harmless or actually beneficial to their crops. How can we arrive at the facts? Admitting, as everybody does, that the weather has a preeminent There is a new branch of applied science that teaches farmers how to grumble right about the weather. It is called Agricultural Meteorology. As a coherent branch of knowledge, this subject is so new that the first formal textbook about it in the English language was published in the year 1920. It happens that the author of this book, Professor J. Warren Smith, of the United States Weather Bureau, began his investigations in the new field by making a careful study of the relation of weather to the yield of corn in Ohio. Let us see what light his studies shed upon the question at issue between our friends A and B. Day after day, and year after year, the principal atmospheric conditions are observed and measured at a great number of points scattered over the State of Ohio, as they are elsewhere throughout the Union, and the records thus obtained are carefully compiled, summed up, averaged and otherwise discussed by officials of the Weather Bureau. Thus a great fund of detailed statistical information about the weather is available for comparison with the statistics gathered by other agencies concerning the yield of crops and their condition at different stages of growth. Professor Smith’s analysis of the Ohio records revealed a fact of so much practical importance that this discovery alone suffices to place agricultural Variations of the temperature in July, in Ohio, have been compared with variations in the yield of corn, with the result that the temperature of the month appears to have little effect upon the crop. Thus we find Farmer A to have been right and Farmer B wrong; but both were merely expressing personal opinions based upon an insignificant sum-total of experience. Science rests upon a surer foundation. Although the case of the Ohio corn crop is probably simpler than most of those that agricultural With respect to the American “corn belt” in general, it is not certain how far the rules deduced for Ohio are applicable. Professor Smith has been inclined to look upon July rainfall as the dominating factor for the whole of that region; so that, for example, a difference of 1 inch in the rainfall (viz., a total for July of 4.4 inches or more, as compared with 3.4 inches or less) has been held responsible for an increase of 500,000,000 bushels of corn in the eight principal corn-growing States. It has also been stated that in the four States of Indiana, Illinois, Iowa and Missouri an increase of half an inch of rain in July meant an increase of $150,000,000 in the value of the crop. These figures have, however, been challenged, and the subject is still under discussion. The study of the critical periods of different crops, and the determination of the amounts of heat and moisture most favorable to the success of the crop at such periods, may be regarded as the leading task of the agricultural meteorologist. The most elaborate researches of this character have It will perhaps not be immediately apparent to the reader just how such information can be utilized. Its practical applications vary, in fact, according to circumstances. First of all, a knowledge of critical periods and of the weather requirements of crops at these periods enables the farmer to select his crops and time his farming operations on the basis of climatic statistics. Brounov published a series of charts showing the probability of dry weather, as deduced from many years of observations, for each ten-day period throughout the agricultural year for every part of European In regions where irrigation is practiced it is obviously advantageous to the farmer to know at what stage of its growth a crop becomes sensitive to the amount of moisture received. During the greater part of its life the plant may be quite indifferent to moisture, and at such times irrigation would be wasteful. The farmer needs to know not only when the critical period has arrived, but also what the water requirements are at that period. Too much water may be as bad as too little. Even when agricultural practice ignores the rules laid down by the agricultural meteorologist, a knowledge of these rules may be applied with great advantage to the prediction of crop yields. It is “The commodity markets are in a state of nervous expectancy as the time approaches for the official forecasts, because great values are at stake. It has been estimated that in the case of the cotton crop alone an error in the forecasts which should lead to a depression of one cent a pound in the price of cotton-lint would—assuming a crop equal to that of 1914—entail a loss of eighty million dollars to the farmers. The vast values at stake and the dangers when no official estimate is available of the manipulation of the markets in the interest of speculators are held to justify the large recurrent annual cost of the employment of the numerous correspondents, clerks, and experts.” Professor Moore is one of those who have pointed out that the forecasts based upon the actual condition of the growing crops can be vastly improved by a mathematical analysis of the weather reports from the various regions in which the crops are grown. In fact, he goes so far as to assert that much better forecasts can be made from the weather reports alone than from reports on the condition of the crops. Whether or not this view is unduly optimistic, it goes without saying that Of course, the weather has always been watched with keen interest by everybody concerned with the purchase or sale of agricultural products and has been one of the chief factors determining the rise and fall of prices. At produce exchanges throughout the United States daily weather bulletins are received from the agricultural districts, and at many of them a large weather map is drawn every morning by an employee of the Weather Bureau detailed for this purpose. The Bureau has made various other arrangements for supplying the information that is so eagerly desired concerning the weather as it affects crops, as well as the animal industries. During the “growing season” in the cotton, corn, wheat, sugar, rice, broom-corn and cattle-producing areas, designated centers receive telegraphic reports of rainfall and the daily extremes of temperature from substations in the regions concerned, and these are distributed in bulletin form. Each local center, besides publishing detailed reports from its own area, issues condensed reports from all the others. The Bureau also issues every week during the agricultural season a “National Weather and Crop Bulletin,” with text and charts setting forth the current conditions of moisture, temperature, etc., and the state of the crops in all parts of the country. The use which dealers and farmers make of these weather reports is, however, very far from having been reduced to science. Some of these persons, it is true, are frequently able, by a purely instinctive process of deduction, to make successful forecasts Sometimes, when the farmers do not disagree on the subject of favorable and unfavorable weather for the crops, they hold opinions in common that agricultural meteorology is unable to substantiate. An illustration is found in the idea that a good covering of snow during the winter is favorable to the yield of winter wheat. Apparently this is one of the host of popular ideas that are based merely on the delusive foundation of “everybody says so.” Smith has investigated the statistics of wheat for Ohio and C.J. Root those for Illinois. In both cases their results negative the prevailing opinion. Professor Smith finds “some evidence to indicate that wheat has a better prospect if it is not covered by snow during the month of January,” while Mr. Root states that, in general, “the winters of light snowfall are followed by good wheat yields and the winters of heavy snowfall by light yields.” The study of the relations between weather and crops is really a branch of a science of broader There are many practical applications of phenology to agriculture, and there would be more if phenological observations had been made more extensively throughout the world. Good phenological charts of different regions would, for example, greatly facilitate the work of foreign plant introduction carried on by the United States Bureau of Plant Industry. In the United States phenological observations were made systematically between 1850 and 1863, but only desultory work has been done in this line subsequently. The most comprehensive The old rule of American farmers, inherited from the Indians, that the time to plant corn is when the leaf of the white oak is “the size of a mouse’s ear,” illustrates the use that can be made of so-called “index plants” of the native flora as guides for farming operations. Professor A.D. Hopkins writes on this subject: “If such guide plants do not occur on the farm, they can be found among the ornamental trees and shrubs and hardy flowering plants of other localities or countries and transplanted. The periodical event of the falling of the flower catkins of the Carolina poplar has been found to be one of the best guides to the general early or late character of one season as compared with the average, while the opening of the leaf buds and unfolding of the leaves serve as reliable guides to the progress of spring. The various magnolias in their succession of flowering events serve as excellent guides to the rate of progress of spring and the time to do various kinds of work. The ornamental SpirÆas, Deutzias, Diervillas, climbing roses, and Clematis among the ornamentals, and the dogwood, service tree, redbud, and oaks among the native trees of the middle and eastern regions of the United States are more or less constant in their response to prevailing local influences which are indicative of the time to plant certain field and garden crops. The opening of the leaf and flower buds and the flowering of the common fruit trees and shrubs of almost every farm serve as more or less reliable guides to Dr. Hopkins has worked out an interesting rule known as the “bioclimatic law,” according to which the periodical events of plant and animal life advance over the United States at the rate of 1 degree of latitude, 5 degrees of longitude, and 400 feet of altitude every four days—northward, eastward, and upward in spring, and southward, westward, and downward in autumn. Thus, when the date of any phenological occurrence is known for one locality, it may be approximately determined for any other. This law has enabled the Department of Agriculture to publish rules of general application concerning the best time to plant winter wheat in order to escape the ravages of the Hessian fly, thus saving many millions of dollars to American farmers. The same law is susceptible of various other profitable uses. Orchard Heaters in Operation. The economical use of this method of frost protection depends upon accurate forecasts of the right time to “fire” the orchard. (Courtesy of Hamilton Orchard Heater Co.) The United States Weather Bureau has been a branch of the Department of Agriculture since 1890, and a very large share of its routine work is devoted to the agricultural interests of the country. The climatological statistics that it has assembled are indispensable in many departments of agricultural research, besides furnishing varied information of practical value to farmers. The Bureau has developed a number of special types of forecasts for the rural industries; such as predictions, three or four days in advance, of favorable weather for cutting alfalfa; forecasts of weather unfavorable for sheep-shearing; notices to fruit growers of dry-weather periods in which fruit trees should be sprayed; and warnings of the occasional summer showers that would do so much damage to the great A Snow Surveyor at Work. Note the cylindrical snow sampler, with its serrated cutting edge, and spring balance for weighing the sample of snow (Photographed by J.C. Aller.) Snow Rollers, or Wind-Blown Snowballs on a Lawn at Potsdam, N.Y. (Photographed by T.J. Moon.) There remain to be mentioned the various steps the Weather Bureau has taken to protect the rural industries from the night frosts of spring and autumn, in the shape of special forecasting arrangements, the publication of frost charts, and a wide range of scientific investigations. The Bureau’s undertakings in this line are merely a part, though a leading one, of a great campaign of frost protection that is being carried on by scientific and official agencies in this country on a larger scale than anywhere else in the world. Frosts, classified according to their severity as “light,” “heavy,” and “killing,” are most likely to occur in spring and autumn, when an extensive area of high barometric pressure brings its usual In agricultural usage the term “frost” is applied to the occurrence of a temperature low enough to kill or injure tender vegetation, such as growing vegetables or the buds, blossoms, and fruit of fruit trees. The occurrence of a frost, in this sense, is not necessarily identical with the deposit of ice crystals known as “hoarfrost.” Different species and varieties of plants are, of course, susceptible in very different degrees to the effects of low temperature; i. e., they differ greatly in “hardiness.” In the case of fruits and vegetables the danger point generally lies a little below the freezing point of water (32 degrees F.). The occurrence of frost is favored by the rapid cooling, by radiation, of the earth and its plant covering, which goes on at night under a clear sky and in still air. Under these conditions a layer of stagnant, cold air forms close to the ground, with warmer air lying above it. The difference in temperature at different levels is often so pronounced that fruit on the lower branches of a tree is killed while that growing on the higher branches remains uninjured. Similarly, frost will occur in the bottom of an inclosed valley but not on the surrounding slopes. In the case of a valley the layer of cold air that forms at the bottom is commonly deepened by additional cold air draining down from the hills. Many large orchards have their “warm spots” and their “cold islands” or “north poles,” well Clouds, by checking radiation from the earth, and wind, by mixing the colder and warmer layers of air together, both prevent frosts that would otherwise occur. Artificial methods of protection include covering plants with screens of wood, paper, or cloth, building smudge fires to provide a blanket of smoke (a method of doubtful value), and, above all, heating by means of wood fires or various types of “orchard heater,” burning either oil or coal. An elaborate technique of orchard heating has been developed, having in view especially the most economical use of fuel and labor consistent with the object to be attained. In many cases orchards are provided with alarm thermometers, which ring a bell when the temperature approaches the danger point in the orchard. |