Aaronic Priesthood, restored by John the Baptist, 768;
its powers, 768.
Ablutions, ceremonial, 366.
Abraham, Children of, 409.
Abraham, Christ's seniority over, 410, 411.
Aceldama, the field of blood, 643.
Adam, the first man, 18;
his transgression, 19;
revelation to, 44.
Adulteress brought to Christ, 405.
Adulterous generation of sign-seekers, 270, 279, 359.
Agency, free, of unembodied spirits, 8, 17;
of man, 17, 29.
American Indians, progenitors of, 49, 56, 742, 757.
Ananias, ministers to Saul, 714.
Andrew, follows Christ, 140;
one of the Twelve, 221.
Annas, high priest, 621, 643.
Announcement of Christ by the Father, 39, 126, 371, 725, 761;
of Christ's birth to shepherds, 93.
See Annunciation.
Annunciation by Gabriel, to Zacharias, 76;
to Mary the Virgin, 79;
by angel to shepherds, 93.
Antemortal Godship of Jesus Christ, 32.
Antemortal state, graded intelligences in, 14.
Antipas, Herod, 110, 118, 446, 635.
Antonia, tower or fortress of, 441.
Apostasy, the great, 745;
among Nephites, 741.
Apostles, the Twelve, chosen and ordained, 217;
individually considered, 218;
general characteristics of, 226;
compared with disciples, 227;
charged and sent forth, 327, 328;
their return, 331;
futile attempt of to heal, 379;
as stewards, 441, 576;
Christ's final commission to, 695, 696;
imprisoned, 707;
delivered by an angel, 707;
scourged for their testimony, 709.
Apostleship, 227, 228;
restored in present dispensation, 769.
Apostolic ministry, the, 700;
close of, 716.
Appearances of the risen Lord to mortals before the ascension, 699.
Archelaus, 110, 118.
Arrest of Jesus, attempted but unaccomplished, 403;
effected through betrayal, 614.
Ascension, Christ's, 697.
Ass, Christ rides upon, 514;
as predicted, 517.
Athanasius, creed of, 756.
Atonement, the, a vicarious sacrifice, 21.
Authority, in Holy Priesthood, 362;
of Elias and Elijah, 375;
of Twelve, attested, 392;
of Christ, challenged, 530;
Christ as one having, 249;
Christ's ascribed to Beelzebub, 265.
Baptism, by John the Baptist, 122, 163, 531;
of Christ by John, 125;
enjoined upon Nephites by Christ, 725;
mode of, 726;
of Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery, 768;
as required in the Church today, 769.
Baptist, see John the Baptist.
Barabbas, 637.
Barnabas, sponsor for Saul or Paul, 714.
Bartholomew, see Nathanael.
Bartimeus, healed of blindness, 505.
Beatitudes, the, 230.
Beelzebub, Christ's authority ascribed to, 265.
Benedictus, the, 78.
Bethany, Jesus at, 432, 448;
the family home at, 522.
Bethesda, Pool of, 206.
Bethlehem, birthplace of Christ, 92;
slaughter of children in, 100.
Bethphage, 512, 526.
Bethsaida, 258, 332, 346;
Julias, 360.
Betrayal of Christ; foretold, 594;
effected by Judas Iscariot, 614.
Betrothal, Jewish, 88.
Blasphemy, 201;
Christ charged with, 193, 489;
Christ falsely convicted of, 629.
Blessing of children, 485;
among Nephites, 730.
Blindness, bodily and spiritual, 412, 416.
Bloody sweat, Christ's, 612;
reality of affirmed, 613, 620.
Book of Mormon, original of, 742, 767.
Bountiful, Land of, 724.
Bread of Life, Jesus Christ the, 340.
Bridegroom, friend of the, 171.
Brother of Jared, 12.
Burial of Jesus, 664.
CÆsar, paying tribute to, 545;
Jews would have no king but, 641, 648.
CÆsarea Philippi, coasts of, 368;
Palestina, 631.
Caiaphas, high priest;
his inspired utterance, 498;
his tenure of office, 501;
Christ before, 621;
the apostles before, 706.
Called and chosen, 540.
Calvary, 654, 667.
Camel and needle's eye, 478, 485.
Capernaum, 181, 186;
our Lord's last sermon in synagog at, 339.
Capitation tax, 383.
Celestial marriage, 564.
Cephas, see Peter.
Ceremonial ablutions, 366.
Child, as a little, 386;
humility illustrated by a, 387.
Childlike and childish, distinction between, 387.
Children, precious in sight of God, 387;
blessed by Christ, 475, 485;
of Nephites blessed by risen Lord, 729.
Chorazin, woe decreed to, 258.
Chosen or only called, 540.
Christ, see Jesus Christ.
Christ and Messiah, significance of the titles, 36.
Christians, early persecutions of, 746.
Church discipline of individuals, 391.
Church of England, origin of, 751;
affirms great apostasy, 753.
Church of Jesus Christ;
foundation of, 361;
rapid growth of Primitive, 705, 707, 712;
name of, 736;
among Nephites, 737;
of Latter-day Saints, establishment of, 769.
Churches of man's making, 752.
Circumcision, 88.
Clay, applied to blind man's eyes, 413.
Clearing of the temple, the first, 153;
the second, 527.
Cleopas, 685.
Coasts, as descriptive term, 368.
Coin, image and superscription on, 546, 563;
in mouth of a fish, 385.
Columbus, Christopher, his mission, 754, 757.
Comforter promised, 603, 606;
given, 702.
Commandment, the great, 549.
Common ownership, 705, 718.
Common people, attentive to hear Christ, 529.
Confession, the great, 361.
Congenital blindness healed, 413.
Consent, common, observed in Primitive Church, 702, 718;
in the Church today, 778.
Consistency of Church's claims, 779.
Conspiracy of Pharisees and Herodians, 544.
Constantine the Great, gives state recognition to Christianity, 746.
Constitution of the United States, a necessary preliminary to the restoration of the gospel, 755.
Consummation, the celestial, 792.
Contention forbidden, 726.
Corban, 352, 366.
Corner stone, Jesus the chief, 535, 706.
Cost, counting the, 452.
Council, the Jewish, see Sanhedrin.
Council in Heaven, primeval, 9, 15.
Court of the Women, in temple, 407, 422.
Cowdery, Oliver, ordained with Joseph Smith, 767;
witness of heavenly manifestations, 774.
Creator, Jesus Christ the, 33.
Creed of Athanasius, 756.
Cross, figurative, 365;
of Christ, borne by Simon, 653.
Crucifixion, 655, 667;
of Jesus Christ, 654;
hour of, 668.
Cumorah, scene of last Nephite battle, 742;
Book of Mormon plates taken from, 767.
Cups and platters, ceremonial cleansing of, 437.
Dark ages, the, 749.
Daughters of Jerusalem, Christ's lamentation over, 653, 666.
David, Son of, see Son of David.
Dead, gospel preached to, 24;
ministered unto by Jesus Christ, 672, 673;
missionary labor amongst, 674;
vicarious labor for in Church today, 777.
Death, inaugurated by Satan, 20;
overcome by the atonement of Christ, 20;
and resurrection of Christ predicted, 381, 382,
accomplished, 662, 678.
Decapolis, 367;
Jesus in coasts of, 356.
Dedication, feast of, 487, 499;
Jesus at, 487.
Defilement, things that cause, 352.
Degeneracy, bodily, incident to the fall of man, 19, 29.
Demoniacal possession, 183.
Demons, acclaim the Christ, 181, 310, 312.
Devil, Jesus charged as possessed of a, 401, 411.
Didrachm, 383.
Disciples and apostles, 227.
Disciples, instructed, 438, 461;
requirements of, 452.
Discipline of individuals in Church, 391.
Disembodied spirits, Christ among, 670.
Dispensation of fulness of times, 777;
ushered in, 763.
Dives and Lazarus, 483.
Divorce and marriage, 473;
views concerning, 484.
Doctrine, test of the Lord's, 400, 421;
Christ's, as declared to Nephites, 726.
Dogs that eat of the crumbs, 367.
Door to the sheepfold, Christ the, 417.
Dove, sign of, 126, 150.
Dust, shaking from feet as a testimony, 345.
Earth, regeneration of, 322, 793.
Eating, spiritual symbolism of, 343, 347;
with unwashen hands, 351.
Ecce Homo, 639.
Egypt, flight into, 100;
return from, 110.
Elders and high priests, 644.
Elias, J16.
Jehovah, significance of the name, 36, 41, 411.
Jeremiah, Messianic prophecies by, 47.
Jericho, 521.
Jerusalem, Christ's triumphal entry into, 513;
destruction of, predicted, 569,
accomplished, 586;
the Lord's lamentation over, 560;
daughters of, Christ's lamentation over, 653, 666.
Jesus the Christ, as Man and Christ, 1.
Jesus Christ, preexistence and foreordination of, 6;
the Only Begotten of the Father in the flesh, 8, 13, 81;
the Word, 10;
Word of God's power, 10;
His supremacy over Abraham, 11, 410, 411;
His power over death, 22, 23, 418;
antemortal Godship of, 32;
the Creator, 33;
names and titles of, 35;
predicted, 42;
annunciation of, 79;
the Babe of Bethlehem, 91;
birth of, 91;
birth announced to shepherds, 93;
circumcision and naming of, 95;
presentation in temple, 95;
testimony of Simeon and Anna regarding, 97;
birth made known to Nephites, 100;
time of birth of, 102, 109;
boy-hood of, 111;
in attendance at Passover when twelve years old, 113;
with the doctors in the temple, 114;
of Nazareth, 117;
baptism of, 125;
descent of Holy Ghost, upon, 126;
temptations of, 127;
first clearing of temple by, 154;
an offender to many, 254, 274;
unique status of, 384;
His brethren, interview with, 398;
at the feast of Tabernacles, 399;
rejected in Samaria, 423;
at the home in Bethany, 448;
blesses little children, 475;
the ennobler of woman, 484;
at feast of Dedication, 487;
accused of blasphemy, 489;
in retirement at Ephraim, 498;
predicts His death and resurrection, 363, 372, 381, 502, 518, 586;
called Son of David, 80, 86, 320, 354, 505, 515, 529;
triumphal entry into Jerusalem, 513;
Prince of Peace, 517;
visited by certain Greeks, 518;
His second clearing of temple, 527;
His authority challenged, 530;
close of His public ministry, 544;
His lamentation over Jerusalem, 560;
His final withdrawal from temple, 562;
specific prediction of His death, 586;
foretells His betrayal, 594;
His agony in Gethsemane, 610;
His betrayal and arrest, 614;
Jewish trial of, 621;
falsely convicted of blasphemy, 629;
appearance before Pilate, first, 631,
second, 636;
before Herod Antipas, 635;
delivered up to be crucified, 639;
His crucifixion, 654;
His burial, 664;
physical cause of death of, 668;
after resurrection appears to Mary Magdalene and other women, 681;
to two disciples on road to Emmaus, 685;
to ten apostles and others, in whose presence He eats, 687;
to Peter, 687;
to the Eleven, 689;
His ascension from Olivet, 697;
His death signalized on American continent, 721;
giver of the law to Moses, 728;
visitations to Nephites, 724, 731, 736;
ministers to Joseph Smith, 761, 774;
revelations from in current dispensation, 770;
second advent of, 780.
Jesus of Nazareth the King of the Jews, 87, 90, 657.
Jewish exclusiveness, 61.
Jews, Christ the King of, 657.
John the Baptist, birth announced, 76;
circumcision and naming of, 78;
the forerunner, 75, 122;
regarded as a Nazarite, 87;
in the wilderness, 121;
baptizes Jesus Christ, 125;
his testimony of Jesus, 138, 150, 164;
his message to Jesus, 252;
Christ's testimony concerning, 256;
imprisonment of, 252;
death of, 259;
greatness of his mission, 275;
the Elias that was to come, 257, 276;
restores Aaronic Priesthood in modern time, 768.
John, son of Zebedee, follows Christ, 140;
called, 198;
one of the Twelve, 220;
his testimony regarding the graded development of Jesus, 119;
with Peter at sepulchre of Jesus, 679;
to tarry in the flesh until Christ's second coming, 694;
the Revelator, 716.
John and James, see James and John.
Joseph of Arimathea, assists in burial of Christ's body, 664.
Joseph and Mary the Virgin, espoused, 84;
married, 85;
genealogies of, 85, 89.
Joseph Smith, 758;
his perplexity over sectarian strife, 759;
his prayer for light, 760;
visited by the Father and the Son, 761;
persecution of, 762;
visited by Moroni, 765;
receives Aaronic Priesthood, 768;
receives Melchizedek Priesthood, 768;
again visited by the Lord Jesus Christ, 774;
visited by Moses, Elias and Elijah, 775;
martyred, 776.
Judah and Israel, kingdoms of, 59.
Judas Iscariot, one of the Twelve, 225;
his complaint against waste of ointment, 512;
in conspiracy with Jewish rulers, 592;
goes out to betray Christ, 598;
his betrayal of Christ, 614;
his maddening remorse and suicide, 642;
views concerning his character, 649.
Judas Thaddeus, or Lebbeus, one of the Twelve, 224, 228;
his inquiry, 603.
Judean and Perean ministry, 423, 449.
Judgment, the inevitable, 584.
Keys, of kingdom of heaven, 361;
symbolical of power in Jewish literature, 362.
King of the Jews, Christ the, 87, 90, 657.
Kingdom of God and kingdom of heaven, 788.
Kirtland Temple, scene of heavenly manifestations, 773.
Lamanites and Nephites, 49, 55.
Lamanites, progenitors of American Indians, 49, 56, 742, 757;
promise concerning, 786.
Lamentation over Jerusalem, 560.
Last may be first, 478.
Last Supper, the, 592.
Latter-day Saints, Church of Jesus Christ of, 769.
Law, the, and the gospel, 234.
Law of Moses, rabbinical divisions of, 564;
Christ the giver of, 728;
fulfilled, as Christ declared to Nephites, 723, 728.
Lawyer questions Christ, 429.
Lawyers and Pharisees, Christ's criticism on, 436.
Lazarus and Dives, 483.
Lazarus restored to life, 490.
Leaven, of evil, 359;
of Pharisees and Sadducees, 359.
Leper, Simon the, 511.
Lepers, ten healed, 470.
Leprosy, 189, 199.
Levi Matthew, see Matthew.
Levirate marriages, 548.
Light of the World, Jesus the, 407.
Living water, figurative, 403.
Lord's Day, the, 690.
Lord's doctrine, test of, 421.
Lord's High Priestly prayer, the, 609.
Lord's Prayer, the, 238.
Lord's Supper, Sacrament of the, 596.
Love, mutual, enjoined on apostles, 599.
Lucifer, see Satan.
Luther, Martin, 750.
Maccabean revolt, 60.
Magnificat, the, 83.
Magi, see Wise men.
Malachi, his predictions misunderstood, 149;
fulfilled, 775.
Malchus, wounded by Peter, healed by Jesus, 616.
Malefactor, the penitent, 659, 671.
Mammon of unrighteousness, 463, 483.
Man, preexistence of, 6, 17;
an embodied spirit, 18;
fall of, 19, 29;
free agency of, 18, 29.
Man of Holiness, and Man of Counsel, names of the Eternal Father, 143.
Man, The Son of, 142.
Manna, traditions concerning, 347.
Mansions, many in the Father's house, 601.
Many or few to be saved, 445.
Marriage and divorce, 473.
Marriage for eternity, 564.
Marriages, levirate, 548.
Martha and Mary, 432;
at house of Simon the leper, 511.
Mary and Joseph, see Joseph and Mary.
Mary anoints Jesus with spikenard, 512.
Mary Magdalene, defended against traditional aspersions, 264;
at sepulchre, 679;
first to behold the risen Lord, 681.
Matthew, or Levi, called, 193;
gives a feast, 194;
one of the Twelve, 222.
Matthias ordained to apostleship, 700.
Melchizedek Priesthood, Jesus Christ holds the, 552;
restored by Peter, James and John, 768.
Meridian of Time, 57.
Messiah, see Jesus Christ.
Messiah and Christ, significance of names, 36.
Messianic Psalms, 46.
Michael in conflict with Satan, 6.
Millennium, the, 790;
predictions of, ancient, 790,
modern, 791.
Ministers and servants, 542.
Miracles, in general, 147;
attitude of science toward, 151.
Miracles of Christ: Water transmuted into wine, 144;
healing of nobleman's son, 178;
Peter's mother-in-law healed, 183;
demoniac healed in synagog at Capernaum, 181;
leper healed, 188;
palsied man healed and forgiven, 190;
draught of fishes, 198;
cripple healed at Bethesda pool, 206;
healing of man with withered hand, 214;
healing of centurion's servant, 249;
young man of Nain raised from, the dead, 251;
healing of a blind and dumb demoniac, 267;
stilling the tempest, 307;
demons rebuked in land of Gadarenes, 310;
raising of daughter of Jairus, 313;
healing of a woman in the throng, 317;
blind and dumb healed, 319;
feeding of the five thousand, 333;
walking on the water, 679;
questioned by the risen Lord, 692;
manner of his death foreshadowed, 693;
his Pentecostal address, 703;
heals lame man,
testifies to people and rulers in temple, 706, 708;
with James and John officiates in modern times, 219, 768.
Pharisees, and Sadducees, 65, 72;
leaven of the, 359;
humiliated by an unlearned indigent, 415;
with lawyers criticized by Christ, 436;
Jesus in house of one of chief, 449;
proud of false humility, 465;
with scribes, denounced, 552.
Philip, called by Jesus, 140;
one of the Twelve, 221;
asks to behold the Father, 602.
Phylacteries, and borders, 565.
Physical cause of the Lord's death, 668.
Pilate, see Pontius Pilate
Pilgrim Fathers, their mission predicted, 754, 757.
Pleasure and happiness, 231, 247.
Pontius Pilate, procurator, 631;
hears charges against Christ, 631, 636;
questions Jesus, 634, 640;
sends Christ to Herod, 635;
tries to save Jesus from death, 640;
gives sentence of crucifixion, 639;
cause of his surrender to Jewish clamor, 641, 648;
writes inscription for the cross, 656;
gives body of Jesus for burial, 664;
allows guarding of sepulchre, 665.
Pool, of Bethesda, 206;
a cripple healed at, 207;
of Siloam, 403, 421;
blind man sent to wash in, 413.
Pope, the, 747.
Prayer, the Lord's, 238;
the Lord's High Priestly, 609;
and fasting, power developed by, 395;
request of disciples concerning, 434.
Precedence and humility, 503.
Predictions of Christ's birth, life and death, 42;
by Adam, 44;
by Jacob, 44;
by Moses, 45;
by Job, 46;
by Isaiah, 46;
by Jeremiah, 47;
by other Hebrew prophets, 48;
by John the Baptist, 48;
by Nephite prophets, 49, 722;
of the Lord's death by Himself, 363, 372, 381, 518, 586.
Preexistence of spirits, 6, 17;
involved in disciples' question, 412;
of Jesus Christ, 6.
Presidency, Peter's among apostles, 362.
Priesthood, Aaronic, see Aaronic Priesthood;
Melchizedek, see Melchizedek Priesthood;
the Holy, now operative on earth, 777; and office therein, 778.
Primitive Church, the, 705, 707, 712, 719.
Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ the, 517.
Prophet, predicted by Moses—Jesus Christ 45, 138, 710, 733, 766.
Protestants, origin of, 750.
Psalms, Messianic, 46.
Publicans, 193, 201;
and sinners, 193;
salvation for, 454;
Zaccheus a chief among, 506.
Rabbis, and scribes, 63, 71, 554.
Redeemer, need of by essential qualifications of, 21.
Redemption wrought by Jesus Christ, 20, 31.
Reformation, the, 750.
Regeneration of the earth, 322, 793.
Repentant woman forgiven, 263.
Restoration, to mortal life contrasted with resurrection, 316, 496;
of the Priesthood in modern times, 768.
Resurrection, universal, 24;
distinct from restoration to mortal life, 316, 496;
Sadducean denial of, 72;
Sadducees question Jesus concerning, 547;
of Jesus Christ, 678;
false stories and untenable theories concerning Christ's, 683, 698;
heathen in the first, 793.
Revelation, foundation of Church of Christ, 361, 775;
modern, belief in, 776.
Reward, for merit, assured, 479.
Rich men, and their stewards, 483;
difficulty of entering kingdom, 478.
Rigdon, Sidney, associated with Joseph Smith, 771.
Rock of revelation, 361.
Ruler, the rich young, 477.
Sabbath, distinctively sacred to Israel, 203;
Jesus Christ the Lord of the, 203;
rabbinical requirements concerning, 205, 215;
desecration of imputed to Jesus, 208, 214, 401, 413, 443;
disciples charged with desecration of, 212;
change of day from Saturday to Sunday, 690.
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, instituted among Jews, 596;
on western continent, 730, 733, 735.
Sacrifice, animal, antiquity of, 53;
prototype of Christ's atoning death, 45, 53.
Sadducees, and Pharisees, 65, 72;
deny resurrection, 72;
question Christ concerning resurrection, 547.
Saliva, applied to eyes of blind man, 360, 413.
Salome, daughter of Herodias, 259;
mother of James and John, 521.
Salt of the earth, figurative, 232, 248, 743.
Salvation, conditions of, 26.
Samaritan, woman talks with Jesus, 172;
Christ called a, 411
Samaritans, origin of, 62;
and Jews, animosity between, 183;
Jesus received gladly by, 176;
afterward rejected by, 423.
Sanhedrin, the, 61, 69;
Nicodemus a member of, speaks in behalf of Jesus, 404;
unlawful trial of Jesus before, 621;
the apostles before, 706;
Gamaliel's advice to, 709;
Stephen condemned by, 711.
Satan, Lucifer, a son of the morning, 7;
in conflict with Michael, 6;
cast out from heaven, 8;
commanded by Moses, 7;
would destroy man's agency, 8;
beguiles Eve, 19;
introduces sin and death, 20;
tempts Jesus Christ, 127;
to be bound during Millennium, 791;
final vanquishment of, 792.
Saul of Tarsus, his persecution of the Saints, 712;
his conversion, 713, 719;
his baptism, 714;
beginning of his ministry, 714;
name changed to Paul, 714.
Savior and Redeemer, necessary qualifications of, 21.
Scourging, 638;
of Jesus, 639.
Scribes and Pharisees, 552;
and rabbis, 63;
see further, Pharisees.
Scriptures, lost, 117, 119.
Sea of Galilee, storms on, 321.
Second advent of Christ, 780;
predicted anciently, 569, 781,
in modern times, 783;
signs of, 573, 786;
time of unknown, 575, 589, 785;
near at hand, 787;
accompaniments of, 787.
Secular authority, submission to, 564.
Seed and crop, 519.
Sermon on the Mount, 230;
repeated in effect to the Nephites, 727.
Servants and ministers, 542.
Seventy, the, sent, 425;
return of, 427.
Sheep and goats, figurative, 584.
Sheep, other than of Jewish fold, 419;
Nephite fold, 728;
Lost Tribes another fold, 729.
Shepherd, Christ the Good, 417.
Shepherds, angelic annunciation to, 93;
contrasted with sheepherders, 416.
Shewbread, 213, 216.
Shiloh, Jacob's prophecy concerning, 44, 54.
Signs, miracles as, 147, 696;
seekers of, 270, 279, 358;
of Christ's birth and death shown on American continent, 100, 721.
Silence, Christ's, when before Herod, 636.
Siloam, Pool of, 403, 421;
fall of tower at, 442.
Simon, Peter, see Peter;
the leper, 510;
the Pharisee, 261;
of Cyrene, 653, 666;
Zelotes, one of the Twelve, 225.
Sin, brings death into the world, 20;
the unpardonable, 269, 278;
servitude of, 409;
and bodily affliction, 413.
Sinners, joy in heaven over repentant, 455.
Smith, Hyrum, see Hyrum Smith;
Joseph, see Joseph Smith.
Solomon's Porch, 487, 500, 705.
Son of David, title, applied to Joseph of Nazareth, 84;
to Jesus Christ, 80, 86, 354, 505, 515, 529;
Christ's question concerning, 552.
Son of God, The, proclaimed by the Father, 126, 371, 725, 761.
Son of Man, The, 142.
Son of the morning, see Satan.
Spikenard, 523;
Mary anoints Jesus with, 512.
Spirit and power of Elias, 376.
Spirit of Truth, the Holy Ghost, 603.
Spirits, unembodied, 6, 8, 17;
state of between death and resurrection, 671;
disembodied, Christ's mission among, 670, 672, 677;
world of, missionary labor in, 675.
Spiritual development, the one thing needful, 433, 434.
Stater, 384.
Stephen, his zeal, 709;
his address to the council, 710;
his martyrdom, 711.
Stewards, apostles likened unto, 441, 576.
Stone, head of the corner—Jesus Christ—535, 706.
Supererogation, false doctrine of, 590.
Supper, at house of Simon the leper, 510;
The Last, 592.
Sychar, 173, 186.
Synoptic Gospels, 166.
Tabernacles, feast of, 419;
Jesus at the, 399.
Talents and pence,