5.htm.html#Page_18" class="pginternal">18, 174 Cook’s Strait, 233, 234, 237 Cordouan, rocks of, 4 Cordouan, Tour de, 4–5, 30 Cornish plunderers of the Wolf Rock, 88 Corunna lighthouse, 3 Couedie, Cap de, lighthouse, 55 Courtenay, whistling device, 290 Creach, electric light at, 156 Daboll, C.L., invention of the trumpet fog-signal, 59, 60 DalÉn, Gustaf: the sun-valve, 49; system of lighting, 274, 275, 291; unattended lights, 269; honour for, 291 note; experiments, 292–93 Danger Point, 230 Darling, Grace, 95, 314 Daudet, Alphonse, “Phares de Sanguinaires,” 93 Delaware Bay, 143, 199, 200 Denmark, coastline, lighting, 48 Detroit River, Lower, 208 “Deviline” toy whistle, 61 Dewey, Admiral, 310 Dhu-Heartach lighthouse, 9, 107, 113–20, 311 Diamond Shoal, dangers of, 205–6; the lightship, 251–53 “Diaphone,” the, 67, 68, 165 Dieppe, 303–304 Differential arc, use of, 227–28 Dioptric system of lighting, 37, 220 Disappointment Cape lighthouse, 186 Distances, table of, 52 “Divergence,” 39 Dog Island lighthouse, 237 Doty burner, the, 238 “Double-shell” principle of construction, 200 Douglass, Sir James: design for the new Eddystone, 78–80; preservation of the Bishop Rock, 86–87; system of lighting, 223 Douglass, William, and the Fastnet, 123 Dover Harbour lightship, 245 Dover, the pharos at, 3 Doyle Fort, 271–74 Drummond Castle<
i class="indx">Hennebique system, 260 Henry, Cape, lighthouse, 20, 199–200 HÉve, Cape, lighthouse, 218, 219 Hinemoa, New Zealand Government steamer, 235, 236, 238 Hoheweg lighthouse, 138 Hole-in-the-Wall, Vancouver, 174 Holland coastline, 48 Holmes, Professor, fog-horns, 60–62, 64, 66, 218 Holophotal revolving apparatus, 33 Hong-Kong, 264 “Hoo-doo,” 91 Horaine, plateau of, 153–56 Horn, Cape, 268 Hornum light, the electric installation, 226–28 Howe, Cape, 230, 232 Huddart Parker, liner, wreck, 236 Hudson Bay coastline, 268 Hugo, Victor, “The Toilers of the Sea,” 269 Hunting Island tower, South Carolina, 19–20 Huron, Lake, 211 Hynish harbour, 107 “Hyperradiant,” the, 37, 41; the quicksilver trough, 42–43 “Ice-breakers,” 201 “Ice-stoves,” 200–201, 210 Inchcape. See Bell Rock Ingrey, Charles, scheme for Ailsa Crag, 64, 66 Invercargill, 237 Iona, 100 Ireland, Congested Districts Board beacons, 282–83 Irish lights, Commissioners of, 7; the Fastnet, 123, 127 Iron, use in construction, 19–20 Islay, 298 Jamaica coastline, lighting, 283 Japan, coastline, lighthouses, 9–10, 257–58 Java, 257 Jersey coastline, 243 Jument of Ushant, 156, 160 Karachi, unattended light, 281 Kavanagh, James, the Fastnet, 125, 128 “Kingdom of Heaven,” 92 Labrador coastline, 169,
h@52817-h-13.htm.html#Page_124" class="pginternal">124 Rock of Ages lighthouse, 210, 214–15, 216 Rockall, the, 299–300 Rockets, use of, 58–59 Rose of Mull, the, 113 Rothersand lighthouse, 11, 218; the first attempt, 132–36; work of the Society Harkort, 136–43 Round Island lighthouse, 39 Royale, Isle, 214 Rudyerd, John, the Eddystone lighthouse, 74, 75, 92–93 Russell Channel, the, 269–70 Russian lighthouse authorities, 18 Rutingen lightship, 242, 249 Sable Island, 162; description, 165–66; lighthouses and chief station, 166–67; the west end light, 167–68; the east end light, 168 St. Agnes light, 81 St. Catherine’s Downs, 223 St. Catherine’s lighthouse, 55, 94, 218; the electric installation, 223–24 St. Clair, Lake, 208 St. David’s Head, 92 St. John’s, Newfoundland, 164 St. Kilda, 300 St. Lawrence, Gulf of, 163; dangers, 171 St. Lawrence River: fog-signalling apparatus, 66–68; entrance, 162; the ice, 172; lighting of the, 172–73 St. Malo Harbour, 243 St. Mary’s, 85 St. Peter Port lighthouse, 269–70 Sambro Island lighthouse, 162 Samoan Islands, American, controlled by the Lighthouse Board, 206 San Francisco: bay, 63; coastline, 205 Sand, lighthouses built on, 132–47 Sandbanks, signposts of the, 240–56 Sandy Hook lighthouse, 199, 295 Sarnia, 216 Salara, the, wreck, 232–33 Sault Ste. Marie, 216 Scammon’s Harbour, 212 Schiller, German packet, wreck of, 86 Schukert, 236 Tyndall, Professor, 59 Tyree, island of, 100, 102, 105, 107 United States Corps of Engineers, 63, 198 United States Lighthouse Board, 13 36, 195; coastline lighting, 20, 196–207; methods of lighting, 46–47; inauguration, 198; extent of control 206–7; lighting of the Great Lakes, 208–17; lightship service, 255; adoption of the Aga light, 294–95 United States Typographical Engineers, 176 Unst, island of, 112 Ushant, 148, 156, 157 Ushant Island, 158 Vancouver, 173; coastline, 284 Vancouver Island, 174 Victoria, 173 Victoria, steamer, wreck, 303–4 Waipapapa Point lighthouse, 236, 237 Walker, James, 8; Bishop Rock light, 84–5 Wanganui, N.Z., 233 Water-gas, 48 Wellington, N.Z., 233–4 Weser River estuary, 132 West Indies lighthouses, 309 White ant, ravages of the, 264–66 White Shoal lighthouse, 215, 216 Whiteside light, 92, 93 Whistles on lighthouses, 58 Wigham light, 279–280, 282, 296–97 Willson, Mr. Thomas: the acetylene automatic light, 285–89, 291, 294 Winchelsea, wreck of the, 72, 74 Windward Point, Cuba, 308 Winstanley, Henry: the Eddystone lighthouse, 73 Wireless installation: on the Fastnet, 131; station, Sable Island, 167; Belle Ile, Southern Point, 170; the Eider lightship, 249 Wirral, 16, BILLING AND SONS, LTD., PRINTERS, GUILDFORD