THE moonlight had tangled the trees Under our feet as we walked in the night, And the shadows beneath us were stirred by the breeze In the magical light; And the moon was a silver fire, And the stars were flickers of flame, Golden and violet and red; And the night-wind sighed my desire, And the wind in the tree-tops whispered and said In her ear her adorable name. But her heart would not hear what I heard, The pulse of the night as it beat, Love, Love, Love, the unspeakable word, In its murmurous repeat; She heard not the night-wind’s sigh, Nor her own name breathed in her ear, Nor the cry of my heart to her heart, A speechless, a clamorous cry: “Love! Love! will she hear? will she hear?” O heart, she will hear, by and by, When we part, when for ever we part.