Note.—The pronunciation of difficult words is indicated by respelling them phonetically. N is used to indicate the French nasal sound; K sound of ch in German; Ü the sound of the German Ü and French u; Ö the sound of Ö in foreign languages. - Aboukir, ah boo keer´
- Achilles, a kil´ leez
- Acis, ay´ sis
- Aix, ayx
- Ajax Telamon, ay´ jacks tel´ a mon
- Alamo, al´ a mo
- Alameda, ah la may´ dah
- Alava, ah´ la vah
- Algiers, al jeerz´
- Algonquin, al gon´ kwin
- Allouez, al loo ay´
- Alonso, a lon´ zo
- Alpuxarras, ahl´´ poo hahr´ ras
- Alvarado, ahl vah rah´ do
- Antigua, an tee´ gwa
- Aphrodite, af ro di´ tee
- Ardennes, ahr den´
- Argonauta, ahr go naw´ tah
- Ariel, ay´ ry el
- Ayacanora, i a kahn o´ rah
- Boabdil, bo ahb deel´
- Cadiz, kay´ diz
- Canova, kah no´ vah
- Casabianca, kas´´ a bee an´ kah
- Charlevoix, shahr´´ lev wah´
- Charybdis, ka rib´ dis
- Coligni, ko´´ leen´´ yee´, or ko leen´ yee
- Communipaw, kom mun´ y paw
- Coriolanus, kor y o lay´ nus
- Coromantees, ko ro mahn´ teez
- Cundinamarca, koon´´ dee nam ahr´ kah
- Damfreville, doN freh veel´
- D’Aumale, do mahl´
- Demaratus, de mar´ a tus
- Dent Blanche, doN bloN´ sh
- Diaz, dee´ ahs, or dee´ ath
- Diogenes, di oj´ ee neez
- Discobolus, dis kob´ o lus
- Elia, ee´ ly a
- Ephialtes, ef y al´ teez
- Euryalus, u ri´ a lus
- Ferrol, fer role´
- Finisterre, fin´´ is tayr´
- Fliedner, fleet´ ner
- Frontenac, fron´ te nak
- Galatea, gal a tee´ a
- Ghent, gent
- Gonzales, gon zah´ leez
- Gonzalo, gon zah´ lo
- Granada, gran ah´ dah
- GrÈve, grayv´
- Hernando Cortes, her nahn´ do kor tays´
- HervÉ Riel, her vay´´ ree el´
- Ivry, eev ree´
- Joliet, zho lee yay´
- Kikabeaux, kee ka bo´
- Koran, ko´ ran, or ko rahn´
- La Chine, lah sheen´
- Leigh, Amyas, lee, a mi´ as
- Leonidas, lee on´ y das
- Lethe, lee´ thee
- Lochiel, lo keel´
- Louvre, loo´ vr´
- Maelstrom, mayl´ strum
- Malouins, mah loo aN´
- Marco Bozzaris, mahr´ ko bo tsa´ rees, popularly bo zar´ is
- Mayenne, mi en´
- Megistias, me gis´ ty as
- Miamis, mi ah´ miz
- Michillimackinac, mee´´ shil y mack´ in ak
- Miguel, mee gayl´
- Milan, mil´ an, or mil an´
- Mycenae, mi see´ nee
- Nacogdoches, nak o do´ chez
- Navarre, nah vahr´
- Nombre de Dios, nom´ bray day de os´
- Nyack, ni´ ak
- Œta, ee´ ta
- Olmedo, ol may´ do
- Orchomenus, or kom´ ee nus
- Ordaz, or dath´
- Pedrillo, pay dreel´ yo
- Peloponnesus, pel´´ o pon nee´ sus
- Pere Marquette, payr mar ket´
- Phoenicians, fee nish´ anz
- Picardy, pik´ ar dy
- Pizarro, pee zahr´ ro
- PlatÆa, pla tee´ a
- Plutarch, plu´ tark
- Prospero, pros´ pe ro
- Pueblo Nueva, pweb´ lah nuay´ va
- Rochefort, rosh for´
- St. GÉnÉviÈve, saN zhen´´ vy ayv´
- Salto de Alvarado, sahl´´ to day ahl vah rah´ do
- San Antonio de Bexar, day bay hahr´
- Sandoval, sahn do vahl´
- San Jacinto, san ja sin´ to
- Santa FÉ, san´´ ta fay´
- Sault Sainte Marie, soo saint may´ ry
- Scylla, sil´ la
- Seguin, se geen´
- Stuyvesant, sti´ ves sant
- Taladega, tah lah day´ ga
- Tegea, tee´ gee a
- Temeraire, tem e rayr´
- Thermopylae, thur mop´ y lee
- Tlascalans, tlahs kah´ lahns
- Tourville, toor veel´
- Trafalgar, traf al gahr´ or tra fal´ gar
- Tyrolese, tir ol ees´
- Vigo, vee´ go
- Villeneuve, veel neuv´
- Wilhelmus Kieft, vil hel´ mus keeft´
- Xenil, hay´ neel
- Xerxes, zurks´ eez
Transcriber’sNote The following typographical errors have been corrected. Page | Error | 36 | bring them to me? changed to bring them to me?’ | 310 | dreadful ery changed to dreadful cry | 336 | Footnote 6 was skipped in numbering the footnotes in this section. | 379 | his fortune changed to his fortunes | 391 | The marker for footnote 391-115 was missing in the original book. It was inserted based on context. | 430 | Aside to changed to Aside to | 430 | Sebas. [Aside changed to Sebas. [Aside | 431 | The phoenix was changed to The phoenix was | 478 | cherubim changed to cherubim | 490 | Demartus changed to Demaratus | 491 | Plataea was changed to PlatÆa | Other notes 180 | Footnote for 180-3 was printed on 181 | 340 | Footnotes 340-14 and 340-15 were printed on 341 | 413 | Footnote 413-18 was originally printed on 414 | 440 | Footnote 440-28 was originally printed on 441 | Inconsistent spelling and hyphenation: bowsprit / bow-sprit CÆsars / Caesars CortÉs / Cortes Fe / FÉ Hardkoppig / Hard-Koppig hillside / hill-side lifelong / life-long misshapen / mis-shapen Moskoestrom / Moskoe-strom negroes / Negroes PÈre / Pere Schermerhorns / Schermerhornes southwest / south-west spiÉrs / spiers ThermopylÆ / Thermopylae thunderbolt / thunder-bolt thunderbolts / thunderbolts topmast / top-mast upstaring / up-staring waterside / water-side |