A - Abou Ben Adhem: IX, 11.
- Abraham Lincoln: IX, 324.
- Addison, Joseph.
- Selections: The Vision of Mirza: IX, 285.
- Sir Roger de Coverley: IX, 371.
- Adventure.
- Robinson Crusoe: III, 45.
- The Swiss Family Robinson: III, 99.
- The Escape from Prison: IV, 130.
- The Sunken Treasure: IV, 199.
- The Arickara Indians: IV, 472.
- Gulliver’s Travels: V, 6.
- Reminiscences of a Pioneer: V, 340.
- The Buccaneers: V, 359.
- Captain Morgan at Maracaibo: V, 365.
- The Lion and the Missionary: VI, 93.
- The Shipwreck: VI, 371.
- Elephant Hunting: VI, 385.
- An Exciting Canoe Race: VII, 79.
- The Buffalo: VII, 96.
- A Gorilla Hunt: VII, 247.
- The Recovery of the Hispaniola: VII, 352.
- Ringrose and His Buccaneers: VIII, 1.
- David Crockett in the Creek War: VIII, 37.
- A Descent into the Maelstrom: VIII, 95.
- How They Took the Gold-Train: VIII, 180.
- Ascent of the Jungfrau: IX, 1.
- The Gold-Bug: IX, 232.
- Modestine: IX, 403.
- Æsop.
- Biography: II, 1.
- Afterwhile: II, 123.
- Aladdin, The Story of. See Story of Aladdin.
- Alexander, Cecil Frances.
- Selection: The Burial of Moses: IV, 266.
- Alfred the Great: IV, 260.
- Alhambra, The: VIII, 153.
- Allen, Grant.
- Selection: A Bed of Nettles: VIII, 209.
- Allingham, William.
- Selections: Fairies, The: I, 405.
- Four Ducks on a Pond: VI, 98.
- Leprecaun, The: III, 33.
- Allston, Washington.
- Selection: Boyhood: VI, 122.
- America: VIII, 60.
- American Flag, The: V, 396.
- American Writers, Handy Table of: X, 473.
- Ancient Mariner, The Rime of the. See Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The.
- Andersen, Hans Christian.
- Biography: II, 81.
- Selections: Darning-Needle, The: II, 463.
- Fir Tree, The: II, 68.
- Flax, The: I, 378.
- Hardy Tin Soldier, The: I, 148.
- Holger Danske: II, 377.
- Pea Blossom, The: I, 205.
- Snow Queen, The: II, 124.
- “Something:” I, 395.
- Ugly Duckling, The: I, 414.
- What the Old Man Does Is Always Right: II, 387.
- Annabel Lee: VII, 341.
- Annie Laurie: VI, 119.
- Apostrophe: X, 266.
- Arabian Nights.
- Selections: Falcon and the Partridge, The: II, 6.
- Second Voyage of Sinbad the Sailor, The: III, 340.
- Sparrow and the Eagle, The: II, 8.
- Story of Aladdin, The: III, 288.
- Archibald, Mrs.
- Selection: John’s Pumpkin: III, 1.
- Arickara Indians, The: IV, 472.
- Arnold, Matthew.
- Selections: Forsaken Merman, The: VII, 180.
- Sohrab and Rustum: VI, 173.
- Arthur, King: V, 113.
- Arton, Bernard.
- Selection: Bruce and the Spider: V, 314.
- Ascent of the Jungfrau: IX, 1.
- Ass in the Lion’s Skin, The: I, 65.
- Atalanta’s Race: I, 386.
- Attack on the Castle, The: IV, 322.
- At the Seaside: I, 129.
- Auld Lang Syne: VI, 228.
- Autumn Fires: I, 394.
- Away: IV, 460.
- Aytoun, William E.
- Selection: The Heart of Bruce: V, 316.
B - Baby, The: II, 11.
- Bacon, Sir Francis.
- Biography: IX, 395.
- Selections: Of Expence: IX, 397.
- Of Studies: IX, 400.
- Baker, Sir Samuel W.
- Selection: The Escape from Prison: IV, 130.
- Bald Knight, The: I, 385.
- Balin and Balan: V, 130.
- Ballad of Agincourt, The: V. 95.
- Ballads.
- Lochinvar: III, 432.
- Robin Hood: III, 436.
- Robin Hood and Little John: III, 437.
- Robin Hood and the Stranger: III, 444.
- Robin Hood and the Widow’s Three Sons: III, 449.
- Robin Hood and Allin a Dale: III, 454.
- The Wreck of the Hesperus: IV, 89.
- Chevy-Chase: IV, 312.
- The Ballad of Agincourt: V, 95.
- The Heart of Bruce: V, 316.
- The Inchcape Rock: V, 465.
- Lord Ullin’s Daughter: VI, 23.
- HervÉ Riel: VIII, 168.
- Bannockburn: VII, 15.
- Barbara Frietchie: III, 347.
- Barefoot Boy, The: IV, 3.
- Baron Munchausen. See Munchausen, Baron.
- Bat and the Two Weasels, The: I, 154.
- Battle Hymn of the Republic: V, 399.
- Battle of Cressy, The: IX, 161.
- Battle of Hastings, The: IX, 330.
- Battle of Ivry: VIII, 76.
- Battle of Saratoga, The: IX, 176.
- Battle of ThermopylÆ, The: VIII, 81.
- Battle of Trafalgar, The: VIII, 284.
- Battle of Waterloo, The: VIII, 176.
- Baucis and Philemon: I, 431.
- Beauty and the Beast: I, 318.
- Bed in Summer: I, 173.
- Bed of Nettles, A: VIII, 209.
- Beers, Mrs. Ethel Lynn.
- Selection: The Picket Guard: VII, 177.
- Belt, Thomas.
- Selections: Some Clever Monkeys: VI, 402.
- Trees and Ants That Help Each Other: VII, 306.
- Beowulf and Grendel: III, 350.
- Bernardo del Carpio: IV, 270.
- Beth Gelert: III, 42.
- Better Than Gold: IV, 1.
- Biography.
- Robert Louis Stevenson: I, 128.
- Eugene Field: I, 242.
- Æsop: II, 1.
- Hans Christian Andersen: II, 81.
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: IV, 62.
- Alice Cary: IV, 116.
- Phoebe Cary: IV, 116.
- Nathaniel Hawthorne: IV, 180.
- Alfred the Great: IV, 260.
- John Bunyan: IV, 417.
- Jonathan Swift: V, 1.
- Sir Walter Scott: VI, 26.
- Matthew Arnold: VI, 204.
- John Howard Payne: VI, 221.
- Charles Dickens: VI, 232.
- Thomas Gray: VI, 369.
- George Rogers Clark: VI, 422.
- Queen Victoria: VII, 152.
- William Cowper: VII, 331.
- John Greenleaf Whittier: VII, 381.
- William Cullen Bryant: VII, 391.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes: VII, 398.
- James Russell Lowell: VII, 411.
- Elizabeth Barrett Browning: VII, 419.
- David Crockett: VIII, 29.
- PÈre Marquette: VIII, 121.
- Washington Irving: VIII, 216.
- Charles Lamb: VIII, 328.
- Mary Lamb: VIII, 328.
- William Shakespeare: VIII, 468.
- Florence Nightingale: IX, 13.
- Julius Caesar: IX, 155.
- Geoffrey Chaucer: IX, 201.
- Samuel Johnson: IX, 216.
- Sir Francis Bacon: IX, 395.
- John Keats: IX, 457.
- See Legendary Heroes; History.
- BjÖrnson, BjÖrnstjerne.
- Selection: The Tree: I, 301.
- Black Hawk Tragedy, The: VII, 58.
- Blake, William.
- Selection: Infant Joy: II, 10.
- Blind Lassie, The: VI, 120.
- Block City: I, 196.
- Bluebeard: II, 22.
- Boat Song: VII, 17.
- Book Lists, Supplementary: X, 451.
- Boston Massacre, The: IV, 217.
- Boswell, James.
- Selection: From The Life of Johnson: IX, 216.
- Boy and the Nettle, The: I, 65.
- Boyhood: VI, 122.
- Boys and the Frogs, The: I, 63.
- Braddock’s Defeat: V, 379.
- Branch, Mary Bolles.
- Selection: The Petrified Fern, VII, 77.
- Breathes There the Man: VII, 151.
- Brook, The. See Song of the Brook.
- Brother and Sister, The: I, 410.
- Brown, John, M. D.
- Selection: Rab and His Friends: VI, 99.
- Browning, Elizabeth Barrett.
- Biography: VII, 419.
- Selections: Child’s Thought of God, A: VII, 418.
- Romance of the Swan’s Nest, The: VIII, 315.
- Browning, Robert.
- Selections: HervÉ Riel: VIII, 168.
- How They Brought the Good News from Ghent to Aix: V, 335.
- Incident of the French Camp: IV, 174.
- Pied Piper of Hamelin, The: III, 384.
- Pippa Passes: IX, 293.
- Brown Thrush, The: I, 147.
- Bruce, Robert, The Rise of. See Rise of Robert Bruce, The.
- Bruce and the Spider: V, 314.
- Brute Neighbors: VII, 260.
- Bryant, William Cullen.
- Biography: VII, 391.
- Selections: Robert of Lincoln: IX, 444.
- To a Waterfowl: VII, 395.
- To the Fringed Gentian: VII, 4.
- Buccaneers, The: V, 359.
- Buffalo, The: VII, 96.
- Bugle Song, The: VI, 133.
- Bunyan, John.
- Biography: IV, 417.
- Selection: The Pilgrim’s Progress: IV, 423.
- Burial of Moses: IV, 266.
- Burns, Robert.
- Selections: Auld Lang Syne: VI, 228.
- Bannockburn: VII, 15.
- Cotter’s Saturday Night, The: VIII, 319.
- For A’ That and A’ That: VII, 149.
- To a Mountain Daisy: VII, 8.
- To a Mouse: VII, 5.
- Byron, George Gordon, Lord.
- Selections: Battle of Waterloo, The: VIII, 176.
- Destruction of Sennacherib, The: VI, 141.
- Vision of Belshazzar, The: VI, 153.
- Call to Arms, A: IX, 475.
C - Campbell, Thomas.
- Selections: Lord Ullin’s Daughter: VI, 23.
- Rainbow, The: VI, 91.
- Soldier’s Dream, The: VII, 170.
- Captain Morgan at Maracaibo: V, 365.
- Capture of Vincennes, The: VI, 428.
- Carroll, Lewis.
- Selections: Mock Turtle’s Story, The: III, 3.
- Queen Alice: III, 23.
- Walrus and the Carpenter, The: III, 36.
- Cary, Alice.
- Biography: IV, 116.
- Selection: Pictures of Memory: IV, 127.
- Cary, Phoebe.
- Biography: IV, 116.
- Selection: Nearer Home: IV, 126.
- Casabianca: VIII, 313.
- Cat and the Chestnuts, The: I, 142.
- Cervantes. (Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.)
- Selection: Don Quixote: VII, 431.
- Charge of the Light Brigade, The: VII, 147.
- Chambered Nautilus, The: IX, 454.
- Character, Influence of Reading in Formation of: X, 88.
- Character, Selections in Journeys Teaching Valuable Lessons in (see also Chapter V, page 85, Volume X):
- Wisdom, Ignorance:—
- The Ass in the Lion’s Skin: I, 65.
- The Fox and the Stork: I, 73.
- The Fox and the Grapes: I, 135.
- The Bat and the Two Weasels: I, 154.
- The Horse and the Stag: I, 388.
- The Fox, the Wolf and the Horse: I, 377.
- The Bold Knight: I, 385.
- The Wolf and the Lamb: I, 455.
- Minerva and the Owl: II, 7.
- The Country Squire: VI, 474.
- Attention to Little Things:—
- The Lion and the Mouse: I, 75.
- The Reaper and the Flowers: I, 410.
- The Daffodils: VII, 1.
- The Petrified Fern: VII, 77.
- Promptness, Industry, Perseverance:—
- Time to Rise: I, 340.
- The Hare and the Tortoise: I, 71.
- The Lark and Her Young Ones: I, 131.
- Industry and Sloth: I, 300.
- Whittington and His Cat: I, 442.
- Tom, the Water Baby: II, 215.
- The Village Blacksmith: IV, 86.
- Bruce and the Spider: V, 314.
- Independence, Equality of Man:—
- The Village Blacksmith: IV, 86.
- For A’ That and A’ That: VII, 149.
- Courage and Bravery:—
- The Boy and the Nettle: I, 65.
- The Mice and the Cat: I, 197.
- Roland at Roncesvalles: III, 460.
- Cid Campeador: IV, 9.
- Ulysses: IV, 398.
- Horatius: VI, 1.
- Evil of Conceit:—
- The Gnat and the Bull: I, 70.
- The Cock and the Horses: I, 146.
- The Pea Blossom: I, 205.
- The Sparrow and the Eagle: II, 8.
- The Milkmaid: II, 374.
- Flattery as a Vice:—
- The Fox and the Crow: I, 64.
- The Spider and the Fly: III, 19.
- Love of Home and Family:—
- The Rock-a-By Lady: I, 94.
- Little Birdie: I, 142.
- Sleep, Baby, Sleep: I, 204.
- Old Gaelic Lullaby: I, 203.
- Lady Button-Eyes: I, 366.
- The First Snowfall: II, 403.
- Rain on the Roof: IV, 7.
- Pictures of Memory: IV, 127.
- Bernardo del Carpio: IV, 270.
- Rab and His Friends: VI, 99.
- Childhood: VI, 124.
- Home, Sweet Home: VI, 221.
- Home They Brought Her Warrior Dead: VI, 231.
- A Christmas Carol: VI, 244.
- To My Infant Son: VI, 478.
- The Old Oaken Bucket: VII, 11.
- My Old Kentucky Home: VII, 179.
- The Forsaken Merman: VII, 180.
- Tom and Maggie Tulliver: VII, 186.
- The Family of Michael Arout: VII, 314.
- My Mother’s Picture: VII, 335.
- Snowbound (Extract from): VII, 388.
- The Cotter’s Saturday Night: VIII, 319.
- Dream Children: VIII, 335.
- Honesty and Truthfulness:—
- The Shepherd Boy and the Wolves: I, 92.
- The Falcon and the Partridge: II, 6.
- The Pied Piper of Hamelin: III, 384.
- The Cubes of Truth: VII, 406.
- Friendliness, Kindness, Consideration of Others:—
- The Two Travelers: I, 109.
- Cinderella: I, 224.
- Baucis and Philemon: I, 431.
- The Snow Queen: II, 124.
- The King of the Golden River: II, 405.
- Auld Lang Syne: VI, 228.
- A Christmas Carol: VI, 244.
- Florence Nightingale: IX, 13.
- Generosity:—
- The Two Travelers: I, 109.
- The Two Travelers and the Oyster: I, 111.
- The Cat and the Chestnuts: I, 142.
- Baucis and Philemon: I, 431.
- Kindness to Animals:—
- The Boys and the Frogs: I, 63.
- The Brown Thrush: I, 147.
- Mercy to Animals: I, 413.
- The Ugly Duckling: I, 414.
- Tom, the Water Baby: II, 215.
- Who Stole the Bird’s Nest?: II, 399.
- A Dog of Flanders: IV, 93.
- Rab and His Friends: VI, 99.
- The Rime of the Ancient Mariner: VII, 29.
- Patience and Gentleness:—
- The Wind and the Sun: I, 95.
- Cinderella: I, 224.
- Rab and His Friends: VI, 99.
- Faithfulness:—
- “Something”: I, 395.
- Whittington and His Cat: I, 442.
- The Mirror of Matsuyana: II, 36.
- The Snow Queen: II, 124.
- Casabianca: VIII, 313.
- Envy and Covetousness as Evils:—
- The Dog and His Shadow: I, 63.
- The Frog Who Wished to Be as Big as an Ox: I, 66.
- The Golden Touch: II, 43.
- Contentment, Hopefulness:—
- The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse: I, 199.
- The Pea Blossom: I, 205.
- The Flax: I, 378.
- The Discontented Stonecutter: II, 12.
- The Fir Tree: II, 68.
- The Blind Lassie: VI, 120.
- Pippa Passes: IX, 293.
- Patriotism—Love of Country:—
- Holger Danske: II, 377.
- Incident of the French Camp: IV, 174.
- The American Flag: V, 396.
- Battle Hymn of the Republic: V, 399.
- Stonewall Jackson’s Way: V, 400.
- Horatius: VI, 1.
- Bannockburn: VII, 15.
- Breathes There the Man: VII, 151.
- How Sleep the Brave: VII, 151.
- Make Way for Liberty: VII, 172.
- The Old Continentals: VII, 175.
- America: VIII, 60.
- The Battle of Thermopylae: VIII, 81.
- The Fall of the Alamo: VIII, 141.
- HervÉ Riel: VIII, 168.
- The Battle of Trafalgar: VIII, 284.
- The Gettysburg Address: IX, 321.
- Religious Feeling—Devotion to God:—
- A Thought: I, 66.
- The First Snowfall: II, 403.
- Nearer Home: IV, 126.
- Stonewall Jackson’s Way: V, 400.
- The Rainbow: VI, 91.
- A Child’s Thought of God: VII, 418.
- Character, The Building of: X, 85.
- Chaucer, Geoffrey: IX, 201.
- Chevy-Chase: IV, 312.
- Child, L. Maria.
- Selection: Who Stole the Bird’s Nest?: II, 399.
- Childhood: VI, 124.
- Children’s Books of the Past, Some. See Some Children’s Books of the Past.
- Child’s Thought of God, A: VII, 418.
- Child’s World, The: II, 66.
- Chimera, The: II, 173.
- Christmas Carol, A: VI, 244.
- Christmas in Old Time: VI, 356.
- Cid Campeador: IV, 9.
- Cinderella: I, 224.
- Clark, George Rogers.
- Biography: VI, 422.
- Selection: The Capture of Vincennes: VI, 428.
- Classification of Masterpieces, Graphic: X, 12.
- Cleveland, Henry R.
- Selection: Henry Hudson’s Fourth Voyage: V, 254.
- Close Reading or Study: X, 224.
- Cloud, The: VII, 257.
- Cock and the Horses, The: I, 146.
- Coe, Edwin D.
- Selections: Black Hawk Tragedy, The: VII, 58.
- Reminiscences of a Pioneer: V, 340.
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor.
- Selection: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner: VII, 29.
- Collins, William.
- Selection: How Sleep the Brave: VII, 151.
- Comic Songs, On. See On Comic Songs.
- Contrast, A: II, 42.
- Cooper, James Fenimore.
- Selection: An Exciting Canoe Race: VII, 79.
- Correlation of Journeys with the School: X, 345.
- Reading: X, 315, 348.
- Language: X, 345, 349.
- Nature Study: X, 380.
- Geography and History: X, 400.
- High School: X, 425.
- CortÉs, The Retreat of. See Retreat of CortÉs, The.
- Cotters Saturday Night, The: VIII, 319.
- Country Squire, The: VI, 474.
- Cow, The: I, 106.
- Cowper, William.
- Biography: VII, 331.
- Selections: Mercy to Animals: I, 413.
- My Mother’s Picture: VII, 335.
- Creasy, E. S.
- Selections: Battle of Hastings, The: IX, 330.
- Battle of Saratoga, The: IX, 176.
- Creation, Stories of the. See Stories of the Creation.
- Crockett, David.
- Biography: VIII, 29.
- Selections: David Crockett in the Creek War: VIII, 37.
- Fiddling Parson, The: V, 440.
- Knock-Out, The: VI, 471.
- Cubes of Truth, The: VII, 406.
- Cumming, Roualeyn Gordon.
- Selection: Elephant Hunting: VI, 385.
- Cupid and Psyche: III, 365.
D - Daffodils, The: VII, 1.
- Darning-Needle, The: II, 463.
- David: IV, 274.
- David Crockett in the Creek War: VIII, 37.
- Death of Balder, The: II, 99.
- Death of CÆsar, The: IX, 126.
- Death of CÆsar, The: IX, 143.
- Death of Hector, The: IV, 364.
- Definition of a Gentleman: IV, 170.
- Defoe, Daniel.
- Selection: Robinson Crusoe: III, 45.
- Dekker, Thomas.
- Selection: Lullaby: I, 96.
- De Quincey, Thomas.
- Selection: Joan of Arc: IV, 225.
- Descent into the Maelstrom, A: VIII, 95.
- Destruction of Sennacherib, The: VI, 141.
- Dickens, Charles.
- Biography: VI, 232.
- Selections: Alfred the Great: IV, 260.
- Christmas Carol, A: VI, 244.
- Pickwick and Sam Weller: IX, 76.
- Dimond, William.
- Selection: The Mariner’s Dream: III, 95.
- Discontented Stonecutter, The: II, 12.
- Discreet Hans: II, 15.
- Dissensions at King Arthur’s Court: V, 232.
- Dissertation upon Roast Pig, A: IX, 56.
- Dobell, Sydney.
- Selection: How’s My Boy?: VII, 169.
- Dog and his Shadow, The: I, 63.
- Dog in the Manger, The: I, 134.
- Dog of Flanders, A: IV, 93.
- Don Quixote: VII, 431.
- Douglas, William.
- Selection: Annie Laurie: VI, 119.
- Drake, Joseph Rodman.
- Selection: The American Flag: V, 396.
- Drama.
- The Tempest: VIII, 364.
- The Death of CÆsar: IX, 143.
- Drama, Definition and Study of: X, 325.
- Dramatic Poetry, Definition of: X, 339.
- Drayton, Michael.
- Selection: The Ballad of Agincourt: V, 95.
- Dream Children: A Revery: VIII, 335.
- Drummer, The: I, 303.
- Du Chaillu, Paul.
- Selection: A Gorilla Hunt: VII, 247.
- Duel, The: I, 384.
- Dufferin, Lady.
- Selection: Katey’s Letter: IV, 470.
E - Echo: III, 286.
- Education, Forces in: X, 3.
- Elegy on the Death of a Mad Dog: IV, 57.
- Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard: VI, 360.
- Elephant Hunting: VI, 385.
- Eliot, George.
- Selection: Tom and Maggie Tulliver: VII, 186.
- Emotional Power in Fiction: X, 176.
- Enchanted Stag, The: I, 341.
- English Robin, The: II, 214.
- English Writers, Handy Table of: X, 469.
- Epic Poetry, Definition of: X, 331.
- Escape from Prison, The: IV, 130.
- Essay, Definition and Study of the: X, 322, 431.
- Essays.
- Some Children’s Books of the Past: V, 101.
- Childhood: VI, 124.
- Poor Richard’s Almanac: VI, 407.
- Cubes of Truth: VII, 406.
- The Alhambra: VIII, 153.
- Dream Children: VIII, 335.
- The Impeachment of Warren Hastings: IX, 32.
- A Dissertation upon Roast Pig: IX, 56.
- The Praise of Chimney Sweepers: IX, 66.
- The Vision of Mirza: IX, 285.
- Sir Roger de Coverley: IX, 371.
- Of Expense: IX, 397.
- Of Studies: IX, 400.
- Modestine: IX, 403.
- Esther, The Story of: II, 448.
- Exciting Canoe Race, An: VII, 79.
- Expense, Of: IX, 397.
F - Fables.
- The Boys and the Frogs: I, 63.
- The Dog and His Shadow: I, 63.
- The Fox and the Crow: I, 64.
- The Ass in the Lion’s Skin: I, 65.
- The Boy and the Nettle: I, 65.
- The Frog Who Wished to Be as Big as an Ox: I, 66.
- The Gnat and the Bull: I, 70.
- The Hare and the Tortoise: I, 71.
- The Fox and the Stork: I, 73.
- The Lion and the Mouse: I, 75.
- The Old Man and His Sons: I, 78.
- The Shepherd Boy and the Wolves: I, 92.
- The Wind and the Sun: I, 95.
- The Wolf and the Crane: I, 96.
- The Two Travelers: I, 109.
- The Two Travelers and the Oyster: I, 111.
- The Lark and Her Young Ones: I, 131.
- The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs: I, 173.
- The Dog in the Manger: I, 134.
- The Fox and the Grapes: I, 135.
- The Cat and the Chestnuts: I, 142.
- The Cock and the Horses: I, 146.
- The Bat and the Two Weasels: I, 154.
- The Mice and the Cat: I, 197.
- The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse: I, 199.
- The Lion, the Fox and the Ass: I, 223.
- Industry and Sloth: I, 300.
- The Horse and the Stag: I, 338.
- The Fox, the Wolf and the Horse: I, 377.
- The Bald Knight: I, 385.
- The Brother and Sister: I, 410.
- The Wolf and the Lamb: I, 455.
- Æsop: II, 1.
- Minerva and the Owl: II, 7.
- The Falcon and the Partridge: II, 6.
- The Sparrow and the Eagle: II, 8.
- The Old Man and Death: II, 9.
- Fairies, The: I, 405.
- Fairies of the Caldon-Low, The: II, 395.
- Fairy Bread: I, 198.
- Fairy Lore and Folk Lore.
- Little Red Riding Hood: I, 79.
- Tom Thumb: I, 84.
- The Little Old Woman and Her Pig: I, 97.
- Silver-Locks and the Three Bears: I, 101.
- The Ladybird and the Fly: I, 107.
- Hop-O’-My-Thumb: I, 112.
- The Three Little Pigs: I, 136.
- The Hardy Tin Soldier: I, 148.
- Jack and the Beanstalk: I, 156.
- Jack the Giant-Killer: I, 174.
- The Pea Blossom: I, 205.
- Hansel and Grethel: I, 210.
- Cinderella: I, 224.
- The Three Tasks: I, 247.
- The Snow Maiden: I, 257.
- The Twin Brothers: I, 264.
- The Drummer: I, 303.
- Beauty and the Beast: I, 318.
- The Enchanted Stag: I, 341.
- The Golden Bird: I, 352.
- The Flax: I, 378.
- “Something”: I, 395.
- The Fairies: I, 405.
- The Ugly Duckling: I, 414.
- Whittington and His Cat: I, 442.
- The Discontented Stonecutter: II, 12.
- Discreet Hans: II, 15.
- Bluebeard: II, 22.
- Rumpelstiltzkin: II, 33.
- Mirror of Matsuyana, II, 36.
- The Fir Tree: II, 68.
- The Snow Queen: II, 124.
- Tom, The Water Baby: II, 215.
- The Fairies of the Caldon-Low: II, 395.
- The Darning-Needle: II, 463.
- Why the Sea Is Salt: II, 484.
- Origin of the Opal: II, 480.
- What the Old Man Does Is Always Right: II, 387.
- Holger Danske: II, 377.
- The King and the Golden River: II, 405.
- The Mock Turtle’s Story: III, 3.
- Queen Alice: III, 23.
- The Leprecaun: III, 33.
- The Walrus and the Carpenter: III, 36.
- The Pied Piper of Hamelin: III, 384.
- The Forsaken Merman: VII, 180.
- See Myths and Legendary Heroes.
- Faithless Sally Brown: III, 92.
- Falcon and the Partridge, The: II, 6.
- Fall of the Alamo, The: VIII, 141.
- Family of Michael Arout, The: VII, 314.
- Farewell, A: III, 22.
- Fate of the Indians, The: IX, 466.
- Father and Son: X, 107.
- Fiction. See Adventure; Fables; Fairy Lore and Folk Lore; Narrative Poems; Novels; Stories.
- Fiction, How to Read: X, 143.
- Fiddling Parson, The: V, 440.
- Field, Eugene.
- Biography: I, 242.
- Selections: Duel, The: I, 384.
- Lady Button-Eyes: I, 366.
- Little Blue Pigeon: I, 133.
- Norse Lullaby: I, 246.
- Rock-a-By-Lady, The: I, 94.
- Seein’ Things: I, 240.
- Shuffle-Shoon and Amber-Locks: II, 121.
- Wynken, Blynken, and Nod: I, 262.
- Figures of Speech: X, 256.
- First Snowfall, The: II, 403.
- Fir Tree, The: II, 68.
- Flax, The: I, 378.
- Florence Nightingale: IX, 13.
- Folk Lore. See Fairy Lore and Folk Lore.
- Follen, Mrs. Eliza Lee.
- Selection: Stop, Stop, Pretty Water: I, 317.
- Footsteps of Angels: IV, 82.
- For A’ That and A’ That: VII, 149.
- Forces in Education: X, 3.
- Foreign Children: I, 351.
- Foreign Lands: I, 130.
- Forsaken Merman, The: VII, 180.
- Foster, Stephen Collins.
- Selection: My Old Kentucky Home: VII, 179.
- Four Ducks on a Pond: VI, 98.
- Fox and the Crow, The: I, 64.
- Fox and the Grapes, The: I, 135.
- Fox and the Stork, The: I, 73.
- Fox, the Wolf, and the Horse, The: I, 377.
- Franklin, Benjamin.
- Selections: Braddock’s Defeat: V, 379.
- Poor Richard’s Almanac: VI, 407.
- Frithiof the Bold: III, 394.
- Frog Who Wished to be as Big as an Ox, The: I, 66.
- Froissart, Jean.
- Selection: The Battle of Cressy: IX, 161.
- From a Railway Carriage: I, 198.
- Froude, James Anthony.
- Selection: Julius CÆsar: IX, 155.
G - Geography, Analysis and Classification of Selections Correlated with: X, 402.
- Geography, The Teaching of: X, 400.
- Geraint and Enid: V, 148.
- Gettysburg Address, The: IX, 321.
- Gilbert, W. S.
- Selection: The Yarn of the “Nancy Bell”: IV, 466.
- Gnat and the Bull, The: I, 70.
- Gold-Bug, The: IX, 232.
- Golden Bird, The: I, 352.
- Golden Touch, The: II, 43.
- Goldsmith, Oliver.
- Selection: Elegy on the Death of a Mad Dog: IV, 57.
- Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs, The: I, 173.
- Gorilla Hunt, A: VII, 247.
- Governor and the Notary, The: VII, 20.
- Graphic Classification of Masterpieces: X, 12.
- Gray, Thomas.
- Selection: Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard: VI, 360.
- Griffin, Gerald.
- Selection: Limestone Broth: VI, 467.
- Grimm, Jakob and Wilhelm.
- Selections: Discreet Hans: II, 15.
- Drummer, The: I, 303.
- Enchanted Stag, The: I, 341.
- Golden Bird, The: I, 352.
- Hansel and Grethel: I, 210
- Ladybird and the Fly, The: I, 107.
- Three Tasks, The: I, 247.
- Twin Brothers, The: I, 264.
- Rumpelstiltzken: II, 33.
- Gulliver’s Travels: V, 6.
H - Halleck, Fitz-Greene.
- Selection: Marco Bozzaris: VIII, 90.
- Handy Tables of American Writers: X, 473.
- Handy Tables of English Writers: X, 469.
- Hansel and Grethel: I, 210.
- Hardy Tin Soldier, The: I, 148.
- Hare and the Tortoise, The: I, 71.
- Hawthorne, Nathaniel.
- Biography: IV, 180.
- Selections: Boston Massacre, The: IV, 217.
- Chimera, The: II, 173.
- Golden Touch, The: II, 43.
- Hutchinson Mob, The: IV, 208.
- Pine-Tree Shillings, The: IV, 192.
- Sunken Treasure, The: IV, 199.
- Hay, John.
- Selection: Little Breeches: IV, 462.
- Heart of Bruce, The: V, 316.
- Hemans, Felicia Browne.
- Selections: Bernardo del Carpio: IV, 270.
- Casabianca: VIII, 313.
- Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers in New England: IV, 197.
- Henry, Patrick.
- Selection: A Call to Arms: IX, 475.
- Heroes. See Legendary Heroes.
- HervÉ Riel: VIII, 168.
- High School, Correlation of Journeys with: X, 425.
- History.
- The Story of Joseph: I, 456.
- The Hutchinson Mob: IV, 208.
- The Boston Massacre: IV, 217.
- Joan of Arc: IV, 226.
- Alfred the Great: IV, 260.
- Henry Hudson’s Fourth Voyage: V, 254.
- The Arickara Indians: IV, 472.
- The Rise of Robert Bruce: V, 278.
- The Buccaneers: V, 359.
- Captain Morgan at Maracaibo: V, 365.
- Braddock’s Defeat: V, 379.
- The Capture of Vincennes: VI, 428.
- The Black Hawk Tragedy: VII, 58.
- Ringrose and His Buccaneers: VIII, 1.
- David Crockett in the Creek War: VIII, 37.
- The Retreat of CortÉs: VIII, 63.
- The Battle of ThermopylÆ: VIII, 81.
- PÈre Marquette: VIII, 121.
- The Fall of the Alamo: VIII, 141.
- The Battle of Trafalgar: VIII, 284.
- The Impeachment of Warren Hastings: IX, 32.
- The Death of CÆsar: IX, 126.
- The Death of CÆsar: IX, 143.
- The Battle of Cressy: IX, 161.
- The Battle of Saratoga: IX, 176.
- The Battle of Hastings: IX, 330.
- History, Analysis and Classification of Selections Correlated with: X, 403-410.
- History, The Teaching of: X, 400.
- Holger Danske: II, 377.
- Holmes, Oliver Wendell.
- Biography: VII, 398.
- Selections: The Cubes of Truth: VII, 406.
- The Chambered Nautilus: IX, 454.
- Holy Grail, The: V, 207.
- Home, Sweet Home: VI, 221.
- Home They Brought Her Warrior Dead: VI, 231.
- Homer.
- Selection: The Death of Hector: IV, 364.
- Hood, Thomas.
- Selections: Faithless Sally Brown: III, 92.
- To My Infant Son: VI, 478.
- Hop-O’-My-Thumb: I, 112.
- Horatius: VI, 1.
- Horse and the Stag, The: I, 338.
- Howe, Julia Ward.
- Selection: Battle Hymn of the Republic: V, 399.
- Howitt, Mary.
- Selections: Fairies of the Caldon-Low, The: II, 395.
- Spider and the Fly, The: III, 19.
- Why the Sea Is Salt: II, 484.
- How Sleep the Brave: VII, 151.
- How’s My Boy?: VII, 169.
- How the Wolf Was Bound: II, 91.
- How They Brought the Good News from Ghent to Aix: V, 335.
- How They Took the Gold-Train: VIII, 180.
- How to Read Aloud: X, 311.
- How to Read Fiction: X, 143.
- How to Read Poetry: X, 272.
- How to Read Stories: X, 145.
- Hudson’s Fourth Voyage: V, 254.
- Hughes, Thomas.
- Selection: Tom Brown at Rugby: V, 469.
- Humor. See Wit and Humor.
- Hunt, Leigh.
- Selection: Abou Ben Adhem: IX, 11.
- Hutchinson Mob, The: IV, 208.
I - Imitation of Christ: VI, 134.
- Impeachment of Warren Hastings, The: IX, 32.
- Inchcape Rock, The: V, 465.
- Incident of the French Camp: IV, 174.
- Industry and Sloth: I, 300.
- Infant Joy: II, 10.
- Ingelow, Jean.
- Selection: Seven Times One: II, 119.
- Interpretations. See Studies.
- In Time’s Swing: II, 481.
- Irving, Washington.
- Biography: VIII, 216.
- Selections: Alhambra, The: VIII, 153.
- Arickara Indians, The: IV, 472.
- Governor and the Notary, The: VII, 20.
- Knickerbocker History of New York, The: VIII, 224.
J - Jack and the Beanstalk: I, 156.
- Jack the Giant-Killer: I, 174.
- Jerome, Jerome K.
- Selections: On Comic Songs: V, 455.
- We Plan a River Trip: V, 443.
- Joan of Arc: IV, 226.
- Johnson, Samuel, The Life of: IX, 216.
- John’s Pumpkin: III, 1.
- Joseph, The Story of: I, 456.
- Julius CÆsar: IX, 155.
K - Katey’s Letter: IV, 470.
- Keats, John.
- Biography: IX, 457.
- Selection: Ode on a Grecian Urn: IX, 462.
- Keepsake Mill: I, 349.
- Kempis, Thomas À.
- Selection: From Imitation of Christ: VI, 134.
- Key, Francis Scott.
- Selection: Star-Spangled Banner, The: VII, 167.
- King Arthur. See Arthur, King.
- King of the Golden River, The: II, 405.
- Kingsley, Charles.
- Selections: A Farewell: III, 22.
- How They Took the Gold-Train: VIII, 180.
- Sands of Dee, The: I, 412.
- Three Fishers, The: VII, 343.
- Tom, the Water Baby: II, 215.
- Kinney, Coates.
- Selection: Rain on the Roof: IV, 7.
- Kipling, Rudyard.
- Selections: Recessional, The: VII, 164.
- Salmon Fishing: VII, 285.
- Knickerbocker History of New York, The: VIII, 224.
- Knock-Out, The: VI, 471.
- Kraut, Mary Hannah.
- Selection: Little Brown Hands: I, 441.
- Krummacher.
- Selection: The Moss Rose: VI, 98.
L - Ladybird and the Fly, The: I, 107.
- Lady Button-Eyes: I, 366.
- Lamb, Charles.
- Biography: VIII, 328.
- Selections: Dissertation upon Roast Pig, A: IX, 56.
- Dream Children: A Revery: VIII, 335.
- Praise of Chimney Sweepers, The: IX, 66.
- Tempest, The: VIII, 348.
- Lamb, Mary.
- Biography: VIII, 328.
- Selection: The Tempest: VIII, 348.
- Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers in New England: IV, 197.
- Land of Counterpane, The: I, 144.
- Language, Analysis and Classification of Selections for the Study of: X, 354, 378.
- Language, Correlation of Journeys with Study of: X, 345, 349.
- Language, The Teaching of: X, 349.
- Larcom, Lucy.
- Selections: Brown Thrush, The: I, 147.
- In Time’s Swing: II, 481.
- Lark and Her Young Ones, The: I, 131.
- Latto, T. C.
- Selection: The Blind Lassie: VI, 120.
- Lead, Kindly Light: V, 110.
- Lear, Edward.
- Selection: The Owl and the Pussy-Cat: I, 339.
- Legendary Heroes.
- Beowulf and Grendel: III, 350.
- Frithiof the Bold: III, 394.
- The Story of Siegfried: III, 410.
- Roland at Roncesvalles: III, 460.
- Cid Campeador: IV, 9.
- The Death of Hector: IV, 364.
- The Wooden Horse: IV, 383.
- Ulysses: IV, 398.
- King Arthur: V, 113.
- Balin and Balan: V, 130.
- Geraint and Enid: V, 148.
- The Holy Grail: V, 207.
- Dissensions at King Arthur’s Court: V, 232.
- The Passing of Arthur: V, 237.
- Horatius: VI, 1.
- Sohrab and Rustem: VI, 157.
- Sohrab and Rustum: VI, 173.
- Leprecaun, The: III. 33.
- Lesson and the Author’s Purpose, in Fiction, The: X, 170.
- Let Something Good Be Said: V, 111.
- Life of Samuel Johnson, The: IX, 216.
- Limestone Broth: VI, 467.
- Lincoln, Abraham.
- Selection: The Gettysburg Address: IX, 321.
- Lincoln, Abraham. See Abraham Lincoln.
- Lion and The Missionary, The: VI, 93.
- Lion and the Mouse, The: I, 75.
- Lion, the Fox and the Ass, The: I, 223.
- Literature and Its Forms: X, 317.
- Literature, Different Kinds of: X, 143.
- Little Birdie: I, 142.
- Little Blue Pigeon: I, 133.
- Little Breeches: IV, 462.
- Little Brown Hands: I, 441.
- Little Giffin of Tennessee: IV, 461.
- Little Old Woman and Her Pig, The: I, 97.
- Little Red Riding-Hood: I, 79.
- Livingstone, David.
- Selection: The Lion and the Missionary: VI, 93.
- Lochinvar: III, 432.
- Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth.
- Biography: IV, 62.
- Selections: Footsteps of Angels: IV, 82.
- Reaper and the Flowers, The: I, 410.
- Skeleton in Armor, The: V, 327.
- Village Blacksmith, The: IV, 86.
- Wreck of the Hesperus, The: IV, 89.
- Looking Forward: I, 106.
- Lord Ullin’s Daughter: VI, 23.
- Lost Child, The: VII, 409.
- Lover, Samuel.
- Selection: Widow Machree: VI, 464.
- Lowell, James Russell.
- Biography: VII, 411.
- Selections: First Snowfall, The: II, 403.
- Lost Child, The: VII, 409.
- To H. W. L.: IV, 84.
- Lullabies.
- The Rock-a-By Lady: I, 94.
- Little Blue Pigeon: I, 133.
- Sleep, Baby, Sleep: I, 204.
- Old Gaelic Lullaby: I, 203.
- Norse Lullaby: I, 246.
- Wynken, Blynken, and Nod: I, 262.
- Lady Button-Eyes: I, 366.
- Lullaby: I, 96, II, 32.
- Lyric Poetry, Definition of: X, 333.
- Lyrics.
- A Thought: I, 66.
- The Swing: I, 67.
- The Sun’s Travels: I, 68.
- Singing: I, 88.
- Looking Forward: I, 106.
- The Cow: I, 106.
- Rain: I, 110.
- System: I, 111.
- My Bed Is a Boat: I, 126.
- Foreign Lands: I, 130.
- At the Seaside: I, 129.
- The Land of Counterpane: I, 144.
- Bed in Summer: I, 173.
- Block City: I, 196.
- From a Railway Carriage: I, 198
- Fairy Bread: I, 198.
- Seein’ Things: I, 240.
- Whole Duty of Children: I, 301.
- The Tree: I, 301.
- Young Night Thought: I, 302.
- Where Go the Boats?: I, 256.
- Stop, Stop, Pretty Water: I, 317.
- Time to Rise: I, 340.
- Keepsake Mill: I, 349.
- Foreign Children: I, 351.
- The Duel: I, 384.
- Autumn Fires: I, 394.
- The Reaper and the Flowers: I, 410.
- The Wind: I, 440.
- Little Brown Hands: I, 441.
- Infant Joy: II, 10.
- The Baby: II, 11.
- Poppyland Express: II, 21.
- A Contrast: II, 42.
- The Child’s World: II, 66.
- Afterwhile: II, 123.
- Windy Nights: II, 123.
- Shuffle-Shoon and Amber-Locks: II, 121.
- Picture-Books in Winter: II, 87.
- Seven Times One: II, 119.
- The First Snowfall: II, 403.
- In Time’s Swing: II, 481.
- A Farewell: III, 22.
- Night: III, 431.
- Better Than Gold: IV, 1.
- The Barefoot Boy: IV, 3.
- Rain on the Roof: IV, 7.
- Mother’s Way: IV, 58.
- Footsteps of Angels: IV, 82.
- The Village Blacksmith: IV, 86.
- Pictures of Memory: IV, 127.
- Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers in New England: IV, 197.
- Away: IV, 460.
- Lead, Kindly Light: V, 110.
- Let Something Good be Said: V, 111.
- Boyhood: VI, 122.
- The Rainbow: VI, 91.
- Four Ducks on a Pond: VI, 98.
- The Blind Lassie: VI, 120.
- Home They Brought Her Warrior Dead: VI, 231.
- Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard: VI, 360.
- The Daffodils: VII, 1.
- The Recessional: VII, 164.
- The Cloud: VII, 257.
- My Mother’s Picture: VII, 335.
- Annabel Lee: VII, 341.
- The Lost Child: VII, 409.
- A Child’s Thought of God: VII, 418.
- Robert of Lincoln: IX, 444.
- The Chambered Nautilus: IX, 454.
M - Macaulay, Thomas Babington.
- Selections: Battle of Ivry: VIII, 76.
- Horatius: VI, 1.
- Impeachment of Warren Hastings, The: IX, 32.
- McCaleb, Anna.
- Adaptations: Atalanta’s Race: I, 386.
- Baucis and Philemon: I, 431.
- Cupid and Psyche: III, 365.
- Death of Balder, The: II, 99.
- How the Wolf Was Bound: II, 91.
- Punishment of Loki, The: II, 111.
- Queen of the Underworld, The: II, 468.
- Story of Phaethon, The: II, 245.
- Wonderful Gifts, The: I, 368.
- Selections: Battle of ThermopylÆ, The: VIII, 81.
- Browning, Elizabeth Barrett: VII, 419.
- Cary, Alice and Phoebe: IV, 116.
- Dickens, Charles: VI, 232.
- Nightingale, Florence: IX, 13.
- Queen Victoria: VII, 152.
- MacDonald, George.
- Selection: The Baby: II, 11.
- McMaster, Guy Humphrey.
- Selection: The Old Continentals: VII, 175.
- Make Way for Liberty: VII, 172.
- Malory, Sir Thomas.
- Selection: (Abridgment of) The Holy Grail: V, 207.
- Mandeville, The Travels of Sir John: IX, 207.
- Marching Song: I, 155.
- Marco Bozzaris: VIII, 90.
- Mariner’s Dream, The: III, 95.
- Marquette, PÈre. See PÈre Marquette.
- Marvel, Ik. See Mitchell, Donald G.
- Masterpieces, Graphic Classification of: X, 12.
- Memorizing: X, 128.
- Mercy to Animals: I, 413.
- Metaphor, The: X, 264.
- Method and Style of the Authors, in Fiction: X, 174.
- Metonymy: X, 265.
- Mice and the Cat, The: I, 197.
- Milkmaid, The: II, 374.
- Minerva and the Owl: II, 7.
- Mirror of Matsuyana, The: II, 36.
- Mitchell, Donald G.
- Selection: Childhood: VI, 124.
- Mock Turtle’s Story, The: III, 3.
- Modern Belle, The: VI, 463.
- Modestine: IX, 403.
- Montgomery, James.
- Selection: Make Way for Liberty: VII, 172.
- Moore, Clement C.
- Selection: A Visit from Saint Nicholas: II, 202.
- Moore, Thomas.
- Selections: Potato, The: II, 467.
- Those Evening Bells: VII, 340.
- Moral Instruction: X, 126.
- Moss Rose, The: VI, 98.
- Mother’s Way: IV, 58.
- Munchausen, Baron: V, 403.
- My Bed Is a Boat: I, 126.
- My Heart Leaps Up: IV, 2.
- My Mother’s Picture: VII, 335.
- My Old Kentucky Home: VII, 179.
- Myths.
- The Wonderful Gifts: I, 368.
- Atalanta’s Race: I, 386.
- Baucis and Philemon: I, 431.
- The Golden Touch: II, 43.
- How the Wolf Was Bound: II, 91.
- The Death of Balder: II, 99.
- The Punishment of Loki: II, 111.
- The Chimera: II, 173.
- The Story of Phaethon: II, 206.
- The Queen of the Underworld: II, 468.
- Cupid and Psyche: III, 365.
- Stories of the Creation: IV, 159.
N - Narrative Poems.
- The Sands of Dee: I, 412.
- A Visit from Saint Nicholas: II, 202.
- The Spider and the Fly: III, 19.
- Beth Gelert: III, 42.
- The Mariner’s Dream: III, 95.
- The Pied Piper of Hamelin: III, 384.
- Incident of the French Camp: IV, 174.
- Sheridan’s Ride: IV, 223.
- Burial of Moses: IV, 266.
- Bernardo del Carpio: IV, 270.
- The Death of Hector: IV, 364.
- The Wooden Horse: IV, 383.
- Little Giffin of Tennessee: IV, 461.
- Little Breeches: IV, 462.
- Geraint and Enid: V, 148.
- The Passing of Arthur: V, 237.
- Bruce and the Spider: V, 314.
- The Skeleton in Armor: V, 327.
- How They Brought the Good News from Ghent to Aix: V, 335.
- Horatius: VI, 1.
- The Destruction of Sennacherib: VI, 141.
- The Vision of Belshazzar: VI, 153.
- Sohrab and Rustum: VI, 173.
- The Rime of the Ancient Mariner: VII, 29.
- How’s My Boy?: VII, 169.
- The Soldier’s Dream: VII, 170.
- The Forsaken Merman: VII, 180.
- The Reaper’s Dream: VII, 345.
- Battle of Ivry: VIII, 76.
- The Battle of Waterloo: VIII, 176.
- Casabianca: VIII, 313.
- The Romance of the Swan’s Nest: VIII, 315.
- The Cotter’s Saturday Night: VIII, 319.
- Abou Ben Adhem: IX, 11.
- Pippa Passes: IX, 293.
- See Ballads.
- Nature.
- The Brown Thrush: I, 147.
- Mercy to Animals: I, 413.
- The English Robin: II, 214.
- Who Stole the Bird’s Nest?: II, 399.
- The Lion and the Missionary: VI, 93.
- The Moss Rose: VI, 98.
- Elephant Hunting: VI, 385.
- Some Clever Monkeys: VI, 402.
- The Petrified Fern: VII, 77.
- The Buffalo: VII, 96.
- A Gorilla Hunt: VII, 247.
- Brute Neighbors: VII, 260.
- The Pond in Winter: VII, 280.
- Salmon Fishing: VII, 285.
- Winter Animals: VII, 293.
- Trees and Ants That Help Each Other: VII, 306.
- A Bed of Nettles: VIII, 209.
- Owls: IX, 229.
- Robert of Lincoln: IX, 444.
- Nature Study: X, 380.
- Nature Study, Analysis and Classification of Selections related to: X, 381-393.
- Nearer Home: IV, 126.
- Newman, John Henry (Cardinal).
- Selections: Definition of a Gentleman: IV, 170.
- Lead, Kindly Light: V, 110.
- Night: III, 431.
- Nightingale, Florence.
- Biography: IX, 13.
- Norse Lullaby: I, 246.
- Novels (Selections from).
- Robinson Crusoe: III, 45.
- The Swiss Family Robinson: III, 99.
- Cast Up by the Sea:—
- The Escape from Prison: IV, 130.
- Fabiola:—
- Pancratius: IV, 245.
- Ivanhoe:—
- The Attack on the Castle: IV, 322.
- The Tournament: VI, 38.
- Tom Brown’s School Days:—
- Tom Brown at Rugby: V, 469.
- An Attic Philosopher in Paris:—
- The Poet and the Peasant: VI, 206.
- The Family of Michael Arout: VII, 314.
- Kidnapped:—
- The Shipwreck: VI, 371.
- The Last of the Mohicans:—
- An Exciting Canoe Race: VII, 79.
- The Mill on the Floss:—
- Tom and Maggie Tulliver: VII, 186.
- Treasure Island:—
- The Recovery of the Hispaniola: VII, 352.
- Don Quixote:—
- Don Quixote Prepares to Set Out on His Adventures: VII, 433.
- The Adventure of the Windmills: VII, 438.
- Mambrino’s Helmet: VII, 441.
- Don Quixote’s Encounter with the Lions: VII, 448.
- The Adventure of the Enchanted Bark: VII, 459.
- The Adventure of the Wooden Horse: VII, 467.
- The Story of the Lashes: VII, 480.
- Westward Ho!:—
- How They Took the Gold-Train: VIII, 180.
- Pickwick Papers:—
- Mr. Pickwick and Sam Weller: IX, 76.
- Nursery Rhymes: I, 3.
- Nursery Rhymes, Analysis of: X, 18.
O - Odes.
- To H. W. L.: IV, 84.
- To the Fringed Gentian: VII, 4.
- To a Mouse: VII, 5.
- To a Mountain Daisy: VII, 8.
- Ode to a Skylark: VII, 275.
- To a Waterfowl: VII, 395.
- Ode on a Grecian Urn: IX, 462.
- Ode on a Grecian Urn: IX, 462.
- Ode to a Skylark: VII, 275.
- Old Continentals, The: VII, 175.
- Old Gaelic Lullaby: I, 203.
- Old Man and Death, The: II, 9.
- Old Man and His Sons, The: I, 78.
- Old Oaken Bucket, The: VII, 11.
- On Comic Songs: V, 455.
- On the Receipt of My Mother’s Picture: VII, 331.
- Oration, Definition and Study of: X, 324.
- Oration, Illustrative Study of “A Call to Arms,” as a type of: IX, 481.
- Orations.
- The Gettysburg Address: IX, 321.
- Abraham Lincoln: IX, 324.
- The Fate of the Indians: IX, 466.
- A Call to Arms: IX, 475.
- Origin of the Opal: II, 480.
- Owl and the Pussy-Cat, The: I, 339.
- Owls: IX, 229.
P - Palmer, J. W.
- Selection: “Stonewall” Jackson’s Way: V, 400.
- Pancratius: IV, 245.
- Parkman, Francis.
- Selection: The Buffalo: VII, 96.
- Passing of Arthur, The: V, 237.
- Patriotic Poems.
- The American Flag: V, 396.
- “Stonewall” Jackson’s Way: V, 400.
- Bannockburn: VII, 15.
- The Charge of the Light Brigade: VII, 147.
- Breathes There the Man: VII, 151.
- For A’ That and A’ That: VII, 149.
- Make Way for Liberty: VII, 172.
- The Old Continentals: VII, 175.
- The Picket Guard: VII, 177.
- Marco Bozzaris: VIII, 90.
- Payne, John Howard.
- Biography: VI, 221.
- Selection: Home, Sweet Home: VI, 224.
- Pea Blossom, The: I, 205.
- PÈre Marquette: VIII, 121.
- Perrault, Charles.
- Adaptations from Cinderella: I, 224.
- Hop-O’-My-Thumb: I, 112.
- Little Red Riding-Hood: I, 79.
- Personification: X, 266.
- Persons, in Fiction, Study of: X, 156.
- Petrified Fern, The: VII, 77.
- Phaethon, The Story of: II, 206.
- Picket-Guard, The: VII, 177.
- Pickwick and Sam Weller: IX, 76.
- Picture Books in Winter: II, 87.
- Pictures and Their Use: X, 36.
- Pictures and Their Value in Literature: X, 44.
- Pictures in Journeys, On the Use of: X, 48.
- Pictures of Memory: IV, 127.
- Pied Piper of Hamelin, The: III, 384.
- Pilgrim’s Progress, The: IV, 423.
- Pine-Tree Shillings, The: IV, 192.
- Pippa Passes: IX, 293.
- Plan and Contents of Journeys: X, 7.
- Plan and Contents of Each Volume: X, 24.
- Plot, in Fiction, Study of: X, 149.
- Plutarch.
- Selection: The Death of CÆsar: IX, 126.
- Poe, Edgar Allan.
- Selections: Annabel Lee: VII, 341.
- Descent into the Maelstrom, A: VIII, 95.
- Gold-Bug, The: IX, 232.
- Three Sundays in a Week: VI, 453.
- Poet and the Peasant, The: VI, 206.
- Poetry. See Ballads; Drama; Lullabies; Lyrics; Narrative Poems; Odes; Patriotic Poems; Songs; Wit and Humor.
- Poetry, Kinds of: X, 331.
- Poetry, Reading: X, 272.
- Polonius’ Advice: V, 112.
- Pond in Winter, The: VII, 280.
- Poor Richard’s Almanac: VI, 407.
- Pope, Alexander.
- Selection: The Universal Prayer: IV, 172.
- Poppyland Express, The: II, 21.
- Potato, The: II, 467.
- Praise of Chimney Sweepers, The: IX, 66.
- Prescott, William Hickling.
- Selection: The Retreat of CortÉs: VIII, 63.
- Pronunciation of Proper Names:
- Volume I, 487.
- Volume II, 491.
- Volume III, 487.
- Volume IV, 491.
- Volume V, 497.
- Volume VI, 481.
- Volume VII, 485.
- Volume VIII, 489.
- Volume IX, 489.
- Prose, Kinds of: X, 318.
- Punishment of Loki, The: II, 111.
Q - Queen Alice: III, 23.
- Queen of the Underworld, The: II, 468.
- Queen Victoria. See Victoria, Queen.
- Quotations, One Hundred Choice: X, 131.
R - Ramee, Louise de la.
- Selection: A Dog of Flanders: IV, 93.
- Rab and His Friends: VI, 99.
- Rain: I, 110.
- Rainbow, The: VI, 91.
- Rain on the Roof: IV, 7.
- Rands, W. B.
- Selection: The Child’s World: II, 66.
- Read, Thomas Buchanan.
- Selections: Reaper’s Dream, The: VII, 345.
- Sheridan’s Ride: IV, 223.
- Reading, Correlation of Journeys with Study of: X, 345.
- Reading Aloud: X, 123, 311.
- Reading and the Building of Character: X, 85.
- Reading History: V, 394.
- Reading Poetry: X, 272.
- Reading Shakespeare: VIII, 346.
- Reading Stories: X, 145.
- Reaper and the Flowers, The: I, 410.
- Reaper’s Dream, The: VII, 345.
- Recessional, The: VII, 164.
- Recitations and Special Days in School: X, 436.
- Recovery of the Hispaniola, The: VII, 352.
- Reminiscences of a Pioneer: V, 340.
- Retreat of CortÉs, The: VIII, 63.
- Riddles: I, 72, 202, 245.
- Riley, James Whitcomb.
- Selections: Afterwhile: II, 123.
- Away: IV, 460.
- Let Something Good be Said: V, 111.
- Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The: VII, 29.
- Ringrose and His Buccaneers: VIII, 1.
- Ringrose, Basil.
- Selection: Ringrose and His Buccaneers: VIII, 1.
- Rise of Robert Bruce, The: V, 278.
- Robert of Lincoln: IX, 444.
- Robin Hood: III, 436.
- Robin Hood and Little John: III, 437.
- Robin Hood and the Stranger: III, 444.
- Robin Hood and the Widow’s Three Sons: III, 449.
- Robin Hood and Allin a Dale: III, 454.
- Robinson Crusoe: III, 45.
- Rock-a-by Lady, The: I, 94.
- Roland at Roncesvalles: III, 460.
- Romance of the Swan’s Nest, The: VIII, 315.
- Roosevelt, Theodore.
- Selection: Abraham Lincoln: IX, 324.
- Rumpelstiltzkin: II, 33.
- Ruskin, John.
- Selection: The King of the Golden River: II, 405.
- Ruth: VI, 143.
- Ryan, Father.
- Selections: Better Than Gold: IV, 1.
- Mother’s Way: IV, 58.
S - Salmon Fishing: VII, 285.
- Sands of Dee, The: I, 412.
- Saxe, John Godfrey.
- Selection: Echo: III, 286.
- Scenes, in Fiction, Study of: X, 162.
- Scott, Sir Walter.
- Biography: VI, 26.
- Selections: Attack on the Castle, The: IV, 322.
- Boat Song: VII, 17.
- Breathes There the Man: VII, 151.
- Christmas in Old Time: VI, 356.
- Lochinvar: III, 432.
- Rise of Robert Bruce, The: V, 278.
- Tournament, The: VI, 38.
- Second Voyage of Sinbad the Sailor, The: III, 340.
- Seein’ Things: I, 240.
- Sellon, Grace E.
- Adaptations: Frithiof the Bold: III, 394.
- Pippa Passes: IX, 293.
- Snow Maiden, The: I, 257.
- Story of Siegfried, The: III, 410.
- Selections: Bryant, William Cullen: VII, 391.
- Hawthorne, Nathaniel: IV, 180.
- Holmes, Oliver Wendell: VII, 398.
- Irving, Washington: VIII, 216.
- Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth: IV, 62.
- Lowell, James Russell: VII, 411.
- Scott, Sir Walter: VI, 26.
- Some Children’s Books of the Past: V, 101.
- Whittier, John Greenleaf: VII, 381.
- Seven Times One: II, 119.
- Shakespeare, William.
- Biography: VIII, 468.
- Selections: Death of CÆsar, The: IX, 143.
- Polonius’ Advice: V, 112.
- Tempest, The: VIII, 364.
- Sheale, Richard.
- Selection: Chevy-Chase: IV, 312.
- Shelley, Percy Bysshe.
- Selections: Cloud, The: VII, 257.
- Ode to a Skylark: VII, 275.
- Shepherd Boy and the Wolves, The: I, 92.
- Sheridan’s Ride: IV, 223.
- Shipwreck, The: VI, 371.
- Shuffle-Shoon and Amber-Locks: II, 121.
- Siegfried, The Story of: III, 410.
- Silver-Locks and the Three Bears: I, 101.
- Simile, The: X, 263.
- Sinbad the Sailor, The Second Voyage of. See Second Voyage of Sinbad the Sailor, The.
- Singing: I, 83.
- Sir Roger de Coverley: IX, 371.
- Skeleton in Armor, The: V, 327.
- Sleep, Baby, Sleep: I, 204.
- Smith, Samuel Francis.
- Selection: America: VIII, 60.
- Snow Maiden, The: I, 257.
- Snow Queen, The: II, 124.
- Sohrab and Rustem: VI, 157.
- Sohrab and Rustum: VI, 173.
- Soldier’s Dream, The: VII, 170.
- Some Children’s Books of the Past: V, 101.
- Some Clever Monkeys: VI, 402.
- “Something”: I, 395.
- Song of the Brook: IV, 60.
- Sonnet, Definition of: X, 337.
- Songs.
- Singing: I, 83.
- Little Birdie: I, 142.
- Marching Song: I, 155.
- The Owl and The Pussy Cat: I, 339.
- Song of the Brook: IV, 60.
- Nearer Home: IV, 126.
- Lead, Kindly Light: V, 110.
- Battle Hymn of the Republic: V, 399.
- Annie Laurie: VI, 119.
- Sweet and Low: VI, 122.
- The Bugle Song: VI, 133.
- Home, Sweet Home: VI, 221.
- Auld Lang Syne: VI, 228.
- The Old Oaken Bucket: VII, 11.
- Boat Song: VII, 17.
- The Star-Spangled Banner: VII, 167.
- How Sleep the Brave: VII, 151.
- My Old Kentucky Home: VII, 179.
- Those Evening Bells: VII, 340.
- The Three Fishers: VII, 343.
- America: VIII, 60.
- Southey, Robert.
- Selections: Battle of Trafalgar, The: VIII, 284.
- Inchcape Rock, The: V, 465.
- Night: III, 431.
- Souvestre, Emile.
- Selections: Family of Michael Arout, The: VII, 314.
- Poet and the Peasant, The: VI, 206.
- Sparks, Jared.
- Selection: PÈre Marquette: VIII, 121.
- Sparrow and the Eagle, The: II, 8.
- Spencer, William R.
- Selection: Beth Gelert: III, 42.
- Spider and the Fly, The: III, 19.
- Sprague, Charles.
- Selection: The Fate of the Indians: IX, 466.
- Star-Spangled Banner, The: VII, 167.
- Stark.
- Selection: The Modern Belle: VI, 463.
- Stevenson, Robert Louis.
- Biography: I, 128.
- Selections: At the Seaside: I, 129.
- Autumn Fires: I, 394.
- Bed in Summer: I, 173.
- Block City: I, 196.
- Cow, The: I, 106.
- Fairy Bread: I, 198.
- Foreign Children: I, 351.
- Foreign Lands: I, 130.
- From a Railway Carriage: I, 198.
- Keepsake Mill: I, 349.
- Land of Counterpane, The: I, 144.
- Looking Forward: I, 106.
- Marching Song: I, 155.
- Modestine: IX, 403.
- My Bed Is a Boat: I, 126.
- Picture-Books in Winter: II, 87.
- Rain: I, 110.
- Recovery of the Hispaniola, The: VII, 352.
- Shipwreck, The: VI, 371.
- Singing: I, 83.
- Sun’s Travels, The: I, 68.
- Swing, The: I, 67.
- System: I, 111.
- Thought, A: I, 66.
- Time to Rise: I, 340.
- Where Go the Boats?: I, 256.
- Whole Duty of Children: I, 301.
- Wind, The: I, 440.
- Windy Nights: II, 123.
- Young Night Thought: I, 302.
- “Stonewall” Jackson’s Way: V, 400.
- Stop, Stop, Pretty Water: I, 317.
- Stories.
- A Dog of Flanders: IV, 93.
- The Pine-Tree Shillings: IV, 192.
- Gulliver’s Travels: V, 6.
- Rab and His Friends: VI, 99.
- A Christmas Carol: VI, 244.
- Three Sundays in a Week: VI, 453.
- The Governor and the Notary: VII, 20.
- A Descent into the Maelstrom: VIII, 95.
- The Tempest: VIII, 364.
- The Gold-Bug: IX, 232.
- See Adventure; Fairy Lore and Folk Lore; Novels.
- Stories of Adventure. See Adventure.
- Stories, Reading: X, 145.
- Stories, Telling: X, 63.
- Stories of the Creation: IV, 159.
- Story of Aladdin, or the Wonderful Lamp, The: III, 288.
- Story of Esther, The. See Esther, The Story of.
- Story of Joseph, The. See Joseph, The Story of.
- Story of Phaethon, The. See Phaethon, The Story of.
- Story of Ruth, The. See Ruth, The Story of.
- Story of Siegfried, The. See Siegfried, The Story of.
- Studies, Of: IX, 400.
- Studies. (The following are selections upon which the studies are based. In chapter XIX of Volume X the more important studies are arranged in the order in which the selections appear in the several volumes.)
- Alfred the Great: IV, 260.
- (Study in History—X, 414.)
- America: VIII, 60.
- American Flag, The: V, 396.
- Annie Laurie: VI, 119.
- (Study in Close Reading—X, 243.)
- Ballad of Agincourt: V, 95.
- (Story Told—X, 74.)
- Bannockburn: VII, 15.
- Barefoot Boy, The: IV, 3.
- (Study—X, 286.)
- Battle of Saratoga: IX, 176.
- (Study in History—X, 419.)
- Boat Song: VII, 17.
- Boston Massacre, The: IV, 217.
- (Study in Argument—X, 370.)
- Braddock’s Defeat: V, 379.
- (Study in Close Reading—X, 227.)
- Brown Thrush, The: I, 147.
- (Study—X, 276.)
- Brute Neighbors: VII, 260.
- (Nature Study—X, 383.)
- Bugle Song, The: VI, 133.
- (Study—X, 287.)
- Call to Arms, A: IX, 475.
- Chambered Nautilus, The: IX, 454.
- Child’s World, The: II, 66.
- (Study—X, 277.)
- Christmas Carol, A: VI, 244.
- (Study in Scene—X, 168.)
- (Study of Picture, Bob and Tiny Tim—X, 41.)
- Christmas in Old Time: VI, 356.
- Cid Campeador: IV, 9.
- (Study in Exposition—X, 368.)
- Cinderella: I, 224.
- (Character Study—I, 238.)
- (Complete Study—X, 150.)
- Cloud, The: VII, 257.
- (Study—X, 301.)
- Country Squire, The: VI, 474.
- Cubes of Truth, The: VII, 406.
- Cupid and Psyche: III, 365.
- Daffodils, The: VII, 1.
- David Crockett in the Creek War: VIII, 37.
- (Study—X, 244.)
- Death of CÆsar, The: IX, 143.
- (Study—X, 253.)
- Definition of a Gentleman: IV, 170.
- (Study in Close Reading—X, 234)
- Descent into the Maelstrom, A: VIII, 95.
- Dog and His Shadow, The: I, 63.
- (Study on Scene—X, 164.)
- Down Tumbled Wheelbarrow: I, 46.
- (Study of Picture—X, 58.)
- Dream Children: A Revery: VIII, 335.
- Drummer, The: I, 303.
- (Complete Study—X, 193.)
- Exciting Canoe Race, An: VII, 79.
- (Study in Forms of Expression—X, 376.)
- Expense, Of: IX, 397.
- Fairies, The: I, 405.
- Fairies of Caldon-Low, The: II, 395.
- (Story Told—X, 68.)
- Faithless Sally Brown: III, 92.
- (Study in Close Reading—X, 232.)
- Fate of the Indians, The: IX, 466.
- Fir Tree, The: II, 68.
- (Study of Picture, The Swallow and the Stork Came—X, 55.)
- (Study in The Lesson and the Author’s Purpose—X, 173.)
- First Snowfall, The: II, 403.
- (Study in Figures—X, 270.)
- (Complete Study—X, 281.)
- Forsaken Merman, The: VII, 180.
- (Study—X, 295.)
- Fox and the Crow, The: I, 64.
- (Complete Study—X, 187.)
- Fox and the Stork, The: I, 73.
- (Study on Scene—X, 166.)
- Frithiof the Bold: III, 394.
- Geraint and Enid: V, 148.
- (Study of Picture, Geraint Hears Enid Singing—X, 60.)
- Gettysburg Address, The: IX, 321.
- Gold-Bug, The: IX, 232.
- (Study—IX, 283.)
- Golden Touch, The: II, 43.
- Gulliver’s Travels: V, 6.
- (Study in Close Reading on Adventures in Lilliput—X, 235.)
- Hardy Tin Soldier, The: I, 148.
- (Character Study—X, 158.)
- Hare and the Tortoise, The: I, 71.
- (Complete Study—X, 185.)
- Heart of Bruce, The: V, 316.
- (Study in Close Reading—X, 238.)
- HervÉ Riel: VIII, 168.
- (Story Told—X, 78.)
- Holger Danske: II, 377.
- How They Brought the Good News from Ghent to Aix: V, 335.
- Impeachment of Warren Hastings, The: IX, 32.
- (Study—X, 248.)
- In Time’s Swing: II, 481.
- Incident of the French Camp: IV, 174.
- Industry and Sloth: I, 300.
- (Study in Close Reading—X, 229.)
- Jack and The Beanstalk: I, 156.
- (Study of Picture—X, 52.)
- Keepsake Mill: I, 349.
- King of The Golden River, The: II, 405.
- (Study—II, 441.)
- (Study in Description—X, 366.)
- (Complete Study—X, 393.)
- Land of Counterpane: I, 144.
- Lead, Kindly Light: V, 110.
- (Study—X, 98.)
- Little Blue Pigeon: I, 133.
- Little Giffin of Tennessee: IV, 461.
- (Story Told—X, 71.)
- Lochinvar: III, 432.
- Lost Child, The: VII, 409.
- (Study in Close Reading—X, 243.)
- Milkmaid, The: II, 374.
- My Bed is My Boat: I, 126.
- (Study of Picture—X, 52.)
- My Mother’s Picture: VII, 331.
- (Study in Description—X, 367.)
- Ode on a Grecian Urn: IX, 462.
- Ode to a Skylark: VII, 275.
- (Study in Figures—X, 268.)
- (Study in Reading Poetry—X, 306.)
- Old Gaelic Lullaby: I, 203.
- Old Oaken Bucket: VII, 11.
- Origin of the Opal: II, 480.
- (Study—X, 285.)
- Passing of Arthur, The: V, 237.
- (Complete Study—X, 214.)
- Petrified Fern, The: VII, 77.
- (Study—X, 291.)
- Phaethon, the Story of: II, 206.
- Picture Books in Winter: II, 87.
- Pippa Passes: IX, 293.
- (Study—IX, 316.)
- Pond in Winter, The: VII, 280.
- (Nature Study—X, 384.)
- Poor Richard’s Almanac: VI, 407.
- (Study in Character Building—X, 101.)
- Potato, The: II, 467.
- (Study—X, 285.)
- Queen of The Underworld, The: II, 468.
- Rab and His Friends: VI, 99.
- (Study in Emotional Power—X, 177.)
- (Study in Close Reading—X, 225.)
- Reading History: V, 394.
- Reading Shakespeare: VIII, 346.
- Reaper and the Flowers, The: I, 410.
- (Study—X, 272.)
- Reapers Dream, The: VII, 345.
- Recessional, The: VII, 164.
- Recovery of the Hispaniola, The: VII, 352.
- Reminiscences of a Pioneer: V, 340.
- (Study—X, 119.)
- Robert of Lincoln: IX, 444.
- Robin Hood and the Stranger: III, 444.
- (Study in Narration—X, 363.)
- Robinson Crusoe: III, 45.
- (Nature Study—X, 382.)
- Rock-a-By Lady, The: I, 94.
- Seven Times One: II, 119.
- (Study—X, 278.)
- Shuffle-Shoon and Amber-Locks: II, 121.
- (Study of Picture—X, 54.)
- Snow Queen, The: II, 124.
- (Study on Plot—II, 169.)
- Some Children’s Books of the Past: V, 101.
- “Something”: I, 395.
- Sweet and Low: VI, 122.
- Swiss Family Robinson: III, 99.
- (Nature Study—X, 382.)
- Tempest, The: VIII, 364.
- (Studies for The Tempest—VIII, 468.)
- To H. W. L.: IV, 84.
- To My Infant Son: VI, 478.
- Tom, the Water Baby: II, 215.
- (Study of Picture, Tom and the Dragon Fly—X, 55.)
- (Study of Story—X, 198.)
- (Nature Study Lesson—X, 381.)
- Tom and Maggie Tulliver: VII, 186.
- Town Mouse and the Country Mouse, The: I, 199.
- Trees and Ants that Help Each Other: VII, 306.
- (Study—X, 385.)
- Twin Brothers, The: I, 264.
- Ugly Duckling, The: I, 414.
- Village Blacksmith, The: IV, 86.
- Vision of Mirza, The: IX, 285.
- (Study in Notes.)
- Visit from St. Nicholas, A: II, 202.
- (Study in Figures—X, 270.)
- Who Stole the Bird’s Nest?: II, 399.
- (Character Study—X, 95.)
- Why the Sea Is Salt: II, 484.
- (Study in Close Reading—X, 231.)
- Wind and the Sun, The: I, 95.
- (Lesson in Language—X, 357.)
- Winter Animals: VII, 293.
- (Study—X, 384.)
- Wynken, Blynken, and Nod: I, 262.
- (Study of Picture—X, 53.)
- Studies for The Tempest: VIII, 468.
- Study, or Close Reading: X, 224.
- Style and Method of the Author, in Fiction: X, 174.
- Sunken Treasure, The: IV, 199.
- Sun’s Travels, The: I, 68.
- Sweet and Low: VI, 122.
- Swift, Jonathan.
- Biography: V, 1.
- Selection: Gulliver’s Travels: V, 6.
- Swing, The: I, 67.
- Swiss Family Robinson, The: III, 99.
- Synecdoche: X, 265.
- System: I, 111.
T - Taylor, Jeffreys.
- Selection: The Milkmaid: II, 374.
- Telling Stories: X, 63.
- Tempest, The (A Tale from Shakespeare): VIII, 348.
- Tempest, The: VIII, 364.
- Studies for: VIII, 468.
- Tennyson, Alfred.
- Selections: Bugle Song, The: VI, 133.
- Charge of the Light Brigade, The: VII, 147.
- Geraint and Enid: V, 148.
- Home They Brought Her Warrior Dead: VI, 231.
- Little Birdie: I, 142.
- Passing of Arthur, The: V, 237.
- Song of the Brook: IV, 60.
- Sweet and Low: VI, 122.
- Thoreau, Henry David.
- Selections: Brute Neighbors: VII, 260.
- Pond in Winter, The: VII, 280.
- Winter Animals: VII, 293.
- Those Evening Bells: VII, 340.
- Thought, A: I, 66.
- Three Fishers, The: VII, 343.
- Three Little Pigs, The: I, 136.
- Three Sundays in a Week: VI, 453.
- Three Tasks, The: I, 247.
- Time to Rise: I, 340.
- To a Mountain Daisy: VII, 8.
- To a Mouse: VII, 5.
- To a Waterfowl: VII, 395.
- To H. W. L.: IV, 84.
- Tom and Maggie Tulliver: VII, 186.
- Tom Brown at Rugby: V, 469.
- Tom, the Water Baby: II, 215.
- Tom Thumb: I, 84.
- To My Infant Son: VI, 478.
- To The Fringed Gentian: VII, 4.
- Tournament, The: VI, 38.
- Town Mouse and the Country Mouse, The: I, 199.
- Travels of Sir John Mandeville, The: IX, 207.
- Tree, The: I, 301.
- Trees and Ants That Help Each Other: VII, 306.
- Twin Brothers, The: I, 264.
- Two Travelers, The: I, 109.
- Two Travelers and the Oyster, The: I, 111.
- Tyndall, John.
- Selection: Ascent of the Jungfrau: IX, 1.
U - Ugly Duckling, The: I, 414.
- Ulysses: IV, 398.
- Universal Prayer, The: IV, 172.
V - Vergil.
- Selection: The Wooden Horse: IV, 383.
- Victoria, Queen.
- Biography: VII, 152.
- Village Blacksmith, The: IV, 86.
- Villeneuve, Madame.
- Beauty and the Beast (Adapted): I, 318.
- Vision of Belshazzar, The: VI, 153.
- Vision of Mirza, The: IX, 285.
- Visit from Saint Nicholas, A: II, 202.
W - Walrus and the Carpenter, The: III, 36.
- Weir, Harrison.
- Selection: The English Robin: II, 214.
- We Plan a River Trip: V, 443.
- What the Old Man Does Is Always Right: II, 387.
- Where Go the Boats?: I, 256.
- White, Gilbert.
- Selection: Owls: IX, 229.
- Whittier, John Greenleaf.
- Biography: VII, 381.
- Selections: Barbara Frietchie: III, 347.
- Barefoot Boy, The: IV, 3.
- Whittington and His Cat: I, 442.
- Whole Duty of Children: I, 301.
- Who Stole the Bird’s Nest?: II, 399.
- Why the Sea Is Salt: II, 484.
- Widow Machree: VI, 464.
- Wind, The: I, 440.
- Wind and the Sun, The: I, 95.
- Windy Nights: II, 123.
- Winter Animals: VII, 293.
- Wiseman, Cardinal.
- Selection: Pancratius: IV, 245.
- Wit and Humor.
- Time to Rise: I, 340.
- The Cow: I, 106.
- System: I, 111.
- Rain: I, 110.
- Seein’ Things: I, 240.
- Whole Duty of Children: I, 301.
- The Owl and the Pussy-Cat: I, 339.
- The Duel: I, 384.
- The Potato: II, 467.
- The Milkmaid: II, 374.
- John’s Pumpkin: III, 1.
- Faithless Sally Brown: III, 92.
- Echo: III, 286.
- Elegy on the Death of a Mad Dog: IV, 57.
- The Yarn of the “Nancy Bell”: IV, 466.
- Katey’s Letter: IV, 470.
- Baron Munchausen: V, 403.
- The Fiddling Parson: V, 440.
- We Plan a River Trip: V, 443.
- On Comic Songs: V, 455.
- The Modern Belle: VI, 463.
- Widow Machree: VI, 464.
- Limestone Broth: VI, 467.
- The Knock-Out: VI, 471.
- The Country Squire: VI, 474.
- To My Infant Son: VI, 478.
- The Knickerbocker History of New York: VIII, 224.
- Wolf and the Crane, The: I, 96.
- Wolf and the Lamb, The: I, 455.
- Wonderful, Gifts, The: I, 368.
- Wooden Horse, The: IV, 383.
- Woodworth, Samuel.
- Selection: the Old Oaken Bucket: VII, 11.
- Wordsworth, William.
- Selection: My Heart Leaps Up: IV, 2.
- The Daffodils: VII, 1.
- Wreck of the Hesperus, The: IV, 89.
- Wynken, Blynken, and Nod: I, 262.
- Wyss, Johann Rudolph.
- Selection: The Swiss Family Robinson: III, 99.
Y - Yarn of the “Nancy Bell,” The: IV, 466.
- Young Night Thought: I, 302.
- Yriarte, Thomas.
- Selection: The Country Squire: VI, 474.
Transcriber’sNote The following typographical errors have been corrected. Page | Error | 60 | made clear? changed to made clear?) | 61 | After the childen changed to After the children | 75 | long been forgotton changed to long been forgotten | 94 | Something, Volume, I changed to Something, Volume I | 105 | Pride breakfasted changed to “Pride breakfasted | 121 | Pere Marquette changed to PÈre Marquette | 126 | you select changed to you to select | 145 | 2. Reading Stories changed to 2. Reading Stories | 239 | hundred years ago. changed to hundred years ago.) | 239 | What causes it? changed to What causes it?) | 242 | forty-sixth stanza. changed to forty-sixth stanza? | 294 | poet when he changed to poet when she | 303 | are the genii” changed to are the “genii” | 303 | mean: Wherever changed to mean: “Wherever | 313 | person can forciby changed to person can forcibly | 356 | Pere Marquette changed to PÈre Marquette | 363 | are easily modifed changed to are easily modified | 363 | rough and-tumble changed to rough-and-tumble | 386 | a. Nursery rhymes: changed to a. Nursery rhymes: | 390 | Fox, The Wolf changed to Fox, the Wolf | 405 | Pere Marquette changed to PÈre Marquette | 434 | of his death. changed to of his death.) | 452 | to subject-matter, changed to to subject-matter. | 473 | Fennimore changed to Fenimore | 479 | The Forsken changed to The Forsaken | 481 | Psyche. changed to Psyche: | 483 | Myth and Legendary changed to Myth and Legendary | 485 | PÉre Marquette changed to PÈre Marquette | 489 | Selections (under Macaulay) changed to Selections | 491 | a Grecian Urn, changed to a Grecian Urn: (twice) | 491 | Illustrative Study of “A Call to Arms,” as a type of changed to Illustrative Study of “A Call to Arms,” as a type of | 492 | Drama: changed to Drama; | 493 | Queen Victoria. changed to Queen Victoria. | 494 | of the Past. changed to of the Past: | Inconsistent spelling and hyphenation: Æsop / Aesop archway / arch-way CÆsar / Caesar clearcut / clear-cut CortÉs / Cortez De la RamÉe / de la Ramee highborn / high-born lifelike / life-like mediÆval / medieval Nowadays / Now-a-days Phoebe / Phoebe retelling / re-telling rewritten / re-written Rock-a-by Lady / Rock-a-By Lady / Rock-a-By-Lady Rumpelstiltzkin / Rumpelstiltzken subtitles / sub-titles ThermopylÆ / Thermopylae today / to-day ******* This and all associated files of various formats will be found in: /2/4/8/5/24857 Updated editions will replace the previous one--the old editions will be renamed.