My Duty Towards GodPRAYERS.Slow, recollected, persevering. Peaceful, calm, resigned. Simple, humble, trusting. Always reverent, as loving as possible. [pg 166]Charitable. Have I not always opportunity to give? to thank? SUBMISSION.To my lot and to my duty: they come from God, are ordained by God, lead me to God, to neglect them is to estrange myself from Him. To the Guide of my soul: He has received the Holy Spirit in order to show me the way; he has God's Spirit to guide him. To my Parents: they have God's authority. To circumstances: they are arranged and sent by God. LABOR.Begun cheerfully. Continued perseveringly. Interrupted and resumed patiently. Finished perfectly and devoutly. [pg 167]Repose and care for the body, as in God's Sight, under God's protection. Duty Towards My NeighborGOOD EXAMPLE.By modest demeanor and simple dress. By a smiling face and pleasing manner. Always striving to give pleasure. Faithfully fulfilling every duty. GOOD WORDS.Zealous without affectation, encouraging, consoling, peaceful, joyful, loving. These are possible every day. GOOD DEEDS.Service rendered by alms, by industry, by influence. [pg 168]Ills remedied, by excusing, justifying, protecting, defending, concealing faults and mistakes; if possible, by repairing them. Joys provided, for the mind, by a joyous manner; for the heart, by loving thanks; for the soul, by a word of Heaven. My Duty Towards MyselfCOURAGE.In trials and adversity, disturbance, sickness, failure, humiliations. Worries that trouble without reason. Ill temper controlled, in order not to pain others. After failures, to begin again. In temptations, to withstand them. ORDER AND METHOD.In my occupation, each at its appointed hour. In my recreation. In all material things, for my benefit. [pg 169]Shunning scruples and constraint as much as caprice and folly. NOURISHMENT.Pious thoughts, read, meditated upon, and sometimes written. Books that elevate and excite love for all that is good and lovely. Conversations that refresh, rejoice, and cheer; walks that expand the mind, as well as strengthen the body. |