1. PiÁtra Arsa (Roumanian, from GrÆco-Latin: p?t?a ; petra; [Ital. piÉtra] “rock,” “stone”; and arsa [perf. partic. of ardeo, ardere, arsi, arsum, “to burn,” “to be on fire”]). 2. Pau´na (three syllables), Roumanian, a girl’s name. 3. wenn (indefinite—repeated action), when, whenever. 4. Pui de ImparÁt (Roumanian, from Lat.: pullus, [Eng. pullet] “small,” “little,” “young”; and Roumanian ablative = Lat. genit. sing. of imperator, “emperor”). 5. als trÜge . . . (past subjunctive), unreal condition after als (= als ob, als wenn, wie wenn), as if she carried something (“on her head” being understood). 6. die HÓra (Roumanian, pronounce H guttural like ch in Loch or Buch; from GrÆco-Latin: ?????, ???e?a; chorus, chorea), dance, country-waltz. 7. man (indef. pers. pron.) one, they, people; frequently to be translated idiomatically by English passive. 8. ihr (idiomat. dat. of pers. pron.) in die Wangen for possess. pron. in ihre Wangen. 9. man (idiom.), cf. note 7. Page 2.— 1. zur Donau hinab, i.e. from the Carpathian Highlands down to the Roumanian plain, N.of the Lower Danube. 2. vergossen (habe or hÄtte implied), auxiliary omitted, as frequently in “dependent” clauses. 3. so, here: in such a way, as, or so, as... 4. wie, conjunction (colloq.) for als, when. 5. sich, dat. (here reciprocal pronoun = each other, one another). 6. nachts (adverbial genit. of indef. time when) formed in analogy with tags, morgens, abends, though Nacht is feminine. 7. sei (indirect subjunctive)—the “statement,” “thought,” or “belief” of another related, not quoted. 8. es (indef.) klopfte, there was a knocking, or = jemand klopfte, some one was knocking. 9. es war ihr (idiom) = es schien ihr, es kam ihr so vor. 10. sie hÖrte sich rufen, transitive infinitive with pass. sense, lit.: “she heard (some one) call her,” she heard herself called. 11. doch (adverbial idiom) with an imperative adds force to the request = please! won’t you? 12. ich bin es (idiomat. phrase, lit.: “I amit”) = English? 13. sich legen (reflexive form for pass. as often), to be put, to be placed. Page 3.— 1. auch (adverb. idiom), here = indeed, really. 2. seist, subjunctive in a dependent question, when narrated indirectly. 3. o doch! (idiomat. phrase) = o ja; o gewiß, oh yes; sure enough. 4. zum (definite article, idiomat.), as a (asmy), for a (formy). 5. werde (pres. tense) ich, for future werde ich werden, as frequently in German. 6. das (anticipates idiomatically the contents of the following sentence), remains untranslated. 7. das Gesicht, definite article idiomatically for possess. pronoun = ihr Gesicht. Page 4.— 1. verlobt. Idiom? Cf. page 2, note2. 2. der Bucegi or Bucsecs (pronounce Butschedsch´), Mount Butschetje, the highest point of the Carpathian Mountains (orTransylvanian Alps), 9528 feet high. 3. sich, reflexive or reciprocal pronoun? Cf. page 2, note5. 4. ward (old form of the past of werden), less used now than wurde. 5. wie (here = als wie), as if. Page 5.— 1. wollte, here = behauptete, claimed, asserted. 2. der, here = derjenigen, therefore with emphasis. 3. biß auf die Unterlippe, no preposition in English; comp. mit Steinen werfen, to throw stones; mit dem Kopfe schÜtteln, to shake one’s head; mit den ZÄhnen knirschen, to gnash (togrind one’s teeth); auf dem Piano spielen, to play the piano; in die HÄnde klatschen, to clap hands, etc. 4. es (introductory subject, the logical subject „Zeichen“ follows the verb), there... 5. Mamali´ga, a favorite dish of the peoples of Eastern Europe; prepared of corn-flour it answers the Italian “Polenta.” Trans.: corn meal-mush or hominy. 6. wolle (idiomat. omission of the infinitive of a verb of motion after the modal auxiliaries) = gehen wolle.—Why the subjunctive mood? Cf. page 3, note2. 7. komme. Idiom? Cf. page 3, note 5. Page 6.— 1. To express “purpose” = Eng. in order to, the combination um ... zu with the infinitive is used; um beginning the sentence and zu taking its usual place with the infinitive. 2. man, they, refers to the marauders mentioned above. 3. darauf´ remains untranslated. Why? Cf. page 3, note6. 4. verzichtet, idiomat. omission of the auxiliary; in what clauses only? Cf. page 2, note2. Page 7.— 1. zu erkennen war (the auxiliary sein with zu and the infinitive always in passive sense) = erkannt werden konnte. 2. wieder zu sich kommen (idiom), to recover, or to collect one’s self, to become one’s self again. 3. er hÖrte seinen Namen nennen. Explain the idiom! Comp. sie hÖrte sich rufen, page 2, note10. 4. will’s Gott (conditional inversion, wenn omitted) = wenn es Gott (so) will. 5. man. How to be rendered? Cf. page 1, note 7. 6. ein MÄdchen, das, neuter on account of the grammatical gender of MÄdchen. Page 8.— 1. zum Mann. Idiom? Comp. zum Geliebten, page 3, note4. II Die Jipi Page 9.— 1. Die JÍpi (pronounce as in German) from Slavic jipu, “rod,” “stick,” name of two towering peaks in the Carpathian Mountains. 2. der Bucegi, cf. page 4, note 2. 3. sich, reflexive or reciprocal pronoun? Cf. page 2, note5. 4. die UrlatÓare (Roumanian, pronounce oa = o, from Lat.: ululare, “to howl,” “to roar,” literally: “Roaring River”) name of a mountain-stream in the Carpathian Mountains. 5. die PrahÓva (h guttural), one of the numerous rivers which rising on the southern slope of the Carpathian Mountains traverse the Roumanian plain and join the Lower Danube on the left. 6. seien. Account for the mood! Cf. page 2, note7. 7. vor (of time), ago. 8. sich. Explain the form! 9. keiner (none), here = keiner von beiden, neither (ofthem). 10. er ließ sich nicht trÖsten (reflexive with passive sense), could not be... 11. An´drei (three syllabic), MÍrea (pronounce ea = É (French)), proper names = Ger. Andreas and Friedrich (mir, Slav. = Friede, peace), Eng. Andrew and Frederick (Fred[dy]). 12. mÖget (optat. subjunctive) ihr . . . werden, I wish you to become. 13. auf hohem Felsenkegel, in English with indef. article. 14. gehÖrte. Mood? Why? Cf. page 1, note 5. Page 10.— 1. kÖnnten. Account for the subjunctive; cf. page 2, note7. 2. am besten, predicate superlative made up of an dem (contracted am) and the dat. of the superlative, the best. 3. sie hei´rateten (past. subj. for conditional) = wenn sie ... heirateten. 4. wollte, here = wÜnschte. 5. ihrer SÖhne Kinder, for the more common die Kinder ihrer SÖhne. 6. des Abends. Force of the genitive? Cf. nachts, page 2, note6. 7. die alten Lieder, i.e. the old ballads of the country. 8. ihr zu FÜßen. Comp. ihr in die Wangen, page 1, note 8. Explain the idiom! 9. lehnte mit dem Arm, no preposition in English; cf. page 5, note3. 10. der weiße Schleier. A white veil of finest texture interwoven with spun-gold (therefore often called der Goldfaden or pl. die GoldfÄden, “gold threads”), is the most conspicuous ornament on the heads of married women of Eastern Europe. 11. kein graues HÄrchen (idiomat. use of the diminutive), not a bit (the least bit) of (a) gray hair. 12. Deiner (genit. of Du) dependent on adj. wert. 13. die (emphatic.) = diese or dieselbe or sie. Page 11.— 1. es wird mir wohl (impersonal idiom), I am at ease; I feel happy. 2. ihm auf der Spur. Idiom? Comp. ihr in die Wangen, page 1, note 8, and ihr zu FÜßen, page 10, note8. 3. wollte, here = im Begriff war, was (about) to. 4. dem Tiere (idiom. dat.) in die Weiche, for in die Weiche des Tieres (genit.). 5. glockenhelles GelÄchter, in Engl. with indef. article. 6. dem GehÖlze zu. The preposition zu in the sense of to, towards, in the direction of, follows its case; but zu may also be taken as prefix of separable compound verb zu´schreiten. 7. dem BÄren in den Weg = ? Cf. dem Tiere in die Weiche, note 4, above. Page 12.— 1. mit goldenem Kern. Idiom? Comp. auf hohem Felsenkegel (page 9, note13) and glockenhelles GelÄchter (page 11, note5). 2. festen Fußes (phrase formed with adverb. genit. of manner) = mit festem Fuße, i.e. standhaft, steadfast(ly), firm(ly). 3. er hÄtte gern (phrase), he would have liked. 4. The preposition ohne with zu and the infinitive corresponds to English without with the verb-noun in -ing. About ohne daß (for ohne ...zu), see page 45, note3. 5. ward = ? Cf. page 4, note 4. 6. mit einem (dat. neut.), the words „UnverstÄndiges Kind!“ being the noun; transl. with the remark: 7. (gestellt, pass.) von, by. 8. ja (adverb. idiom) = why! you know (expletive). Page 13.— 1. ich bin (idiomat.) bei ihm. The German present tense expresses what has been and still is, analog. to English perfect tense. Transl.: I have been with him. 2. mÖchten (might), should like. 3. gleich (colloq.), for sogleich, at once, immediately. 4. als schlimme Hexe. Idiom? Comp. mit goldenem Kern; auf hohem Felsenkegel. 5. an (on), to; for, at; near, near by, by. Great care must always be taken in rendering the preposition an, as there are only a few cases where it answers to the English“on.” 6. der Burg zu. Cf. page 11, note 6. 7. RoxÁna, Roxane, woman’s name, common in the East.—Famous for her beauty was Princess Roxana of Bactria, who in the year 327 B.C. was married to Alexander the Great of Macedony. 8. mitbrÄchten (past subj.). Account for the mood! Cf. page 3, note 2. State the question direct! 9. „mein Gott!“ must not be translated literally, since it means nothing more than “good Heavens!” or “good gracious!” 10. ja. Cf. page 12, note 8. 11. das (emphat.) = dieses or dasselbe. Account for the neuter; cf. page 7, note6. Page 14.— 1. sie hÄtte am liebsten (superlat. of gern), she would have liked best. Comp. er hÄtte gern (page 12, note3). 2. wird (wohl) sein, idiomat. use of the fut. tense instead of the present, to express supposition or possibility, with the adverbs wohl or doch added, to bring out the sense more clearly; transl. is, (as) I suppose. 3. UrlÁnda, of the same origin and meaning as UrlatoÁre (see page 9, note4). 4. RolÁnda, girl’s name, fem. of Rolandus (“Hruodlandus”), the most famous of the 12 paladins who lived in the palace of Charlemagne.—Regarding the transposition of the consonant r in changing Ro(landa) to Ur(landa), comp. the following German-English cognates: third — dritte; fright —Furcht; through — durch, and the dialect. form Brimingham for Birmingham. Page 15.— 1. auf der andern Seite der Berge, i.e. on the northern slope of the Carpathian Mountains = in Transylvania („SiebenbÜrgen“), now a crown-land of Austria-Hungary. 2. unsrer or unserer (genit. of wir), dependent on warten, archaic. and poetic. construction for the modern warten auf... 3. BÄrenabenteuer (bear-adventures), = bear-stories, “fish-stories”; incredible hunting adventures. Comp. the phrase: jemandem einen BÄren (= eine BÄrengeschichte) aufbinden, to play a hoax on some one. 4. wollte (idiomat.), here = was (willingor) ready to. Comp. sie wollte (wanted, wished) ihrer SÖhne Kinder auf ihren Knieen wiegen (page 10, note4), and als er den Wurfspieß schleudern wollte (was to, was aboutto), page 11, note3. 5. er habe. Mood? Why? Direct quotation? 6. kÖnnte (conditional subjunctive), for conditional wÜrde ... kÖnnen. 7. dem, with emphasis. Why? Cf. page 5, note 2. Page 16.— 1. die (with emphasis) = diese, or sie. How known that it is not relative? 2. fort, the infinitive of a verb of motion, as gehen, being implied. 3. drum (colloq. for darum´), about (it) them; drum herum´, round about (them). 4. hinaus´, the perf. partic. of a verb of motion, as gegangen, gesprungen, geeilt, etc., being implied. 5. es lag ihr die Sorge auf dem Herzen, „es“ being the introductory and grammatical subject, while the logical subject („die Sorge“) follows after the verb = die Sorge lag ihr auf dem Herzen. 6. daran´—refers back to the preceding—from doingso. Page 17.— 1. da (conjunction), temporal (as,when) or causative (as,since)? 2. am Ofen (cf. page 13, note 5) = ? 3. wie (conjunction), colloq. for? Cf. page 2, note4. 4. wohin´ (elliptic.) „sie gehen sollte“ being understood. Page 18.— 1. zur (Idiom?) Frau. Comp. zum Geliebten (page 3, note4) and zum Mann (page 8, note1). Page 19.— 1. Frau (here = married woman, somebody’s wife), in English with indef. article. 2. hatten heransausen sehen. Note the abnormal position of the verb in the relative clause, a construction more frequently met with now than formerly. 3. es (introductory), there . . . Page 20.— 1. LÉspes, village and holy shrine in the valley of the Prahova (river) in the Carpathian Mountains. Remember that the great bulk of the Christian population of Roumania (= Moldavia and Wallachia) belong to the Greek or Eastern Catholic Church. 2. hereinbreche (pres. subj.). The conjunction daß (= auf daß, damit), expressing “purpose” is followed by the subjunctive. 3. sie (object), them. 4. sich (reciproc. pronoun) = ? 5. mÖgen (colloquially used as absolute verb), to like; to stand; to bear. Page 21.— 1. Eurer Herzen schweren Kampf. Comp. ihrer SÖhne Kinder (page 10, note5). 2. werde (pres. subj.). Account for the mood; cf. page 20, note2. 3. muß. Idiom? Cf. page 5, note 6. 4. doch nicht (elliptic.) = ihr wollt doch nicht, or ich hoffe (ich denke) ihr wollt nicht... 5. wÄre (conditional subj.) for conditional wÜrde ... sein. 6. sich. Account for the form of the pronoun! 7. habe (pres. subj.). Cf. page 2, note 7. Page 22.— 1. gingen (past subj.). Account for the mood; cf. page 1, note5. 2. freudestrahlenden Antlitzes (phrase formed with adverbial genitive of manner) =? Comp. festen Fußes (page 12, note2). 3. mit heller Stimme. Idiom? Comp. auf hohem Felsenkegel (page 9, note13) and mit goldenem Kern (page 12, note1). 4. wer mich . . . holt, des Weib will ich sein = ich will das Weib des (obsol. = dessen or desjenigen, of him) sein, der (who) mich ... holt. The nominative of the correlative pronoun is der, wer or derjenige, welcher (he), who. 5. im StÜrzen (verb-noun corresponding to the English form in -ing), in or while falling... Page 23.— 1. wurden (past of absolute verb „werden“), here = were changed or turned to... III Die Hexenburg Page 24.— 1. das PrahÓvathal, valley of the Prahova (river), cf. page 9, note5. 2. Cetatea (pronounce tschetatÉ, Roumanian, from Latin: civitas, French: citÉ; Ital.: cittadella), “borough,” “citadel.” BÁbei (three syllabic, Roumanian, genit. sing. of Slavic baba) “old woman,” “witch.” 3. der Bucegi, cf. page 4, note 2. 4. als spitzer Kegel. Idiom? Comp. auf hohem Felsenkegel, mit goldenem Kern, mit heller Stimme. 5. scheint (seems, appears), looks as if. 6. die Jipi, cf. page 9, note 1. 7. vor (of time) = ? 8. als die WÖlfe die Herden hÜteten und Adler und Tauben bei einander nisteten, i.e. in the golden age when everything was as in Paradise. 9. es (indef.), things, affairs, life. 10. die (emphat.) = die, welche (correlat. pron.), she (the one), who... 11. der Goldfaden (gold thread) or pl. GoldfÄden, i.e. the Roumanian bridal veil interwoven with spun-gold; cf. page 10, note10. 12. spÄnne (past subj.). Why? Cf. page 20, note2. 13. bei, by, near, at, at the house of, in, with, among. Here =? 14. welches (neuter), on account of grammatical gender of BergmÄnnlein. Page 25.— 1. das letzte KÖrnchen Goldes (the genit. after a simple noun of measure, is obsolete and poetical), for the more common KÖrnchen Gold. 2. BÁba (cf. page 24, note 2). CÓaja (two syllabic, pronounce oa = o, and j as in German), Roumanian, related to Lat. “cortex” and Eng. “cork.” 3. Alba (from Lat: albus, a, um, “white”). 4. es (introductory and grammatical subject). Logical subject? Cf. page 16, note5. Page 26.— 1. da´mit (emphat.) = hiermit; mit diesen Worten. 2. werde. Why the subjunctive? Cf. page 2, note7. 3. wie sehr (wie sehr . . . auch), no matter how much, however much. 4. Alba, here: dative case. 5. wie gern wÄre sie. Comp. er hÄtte gern (page 12, note3), and sie hÄtte am liebsten (page 14, note1). 6. es wird mir traurig ums Herz (idiomat. impers. phrase), I (beginto) feel gloomy (heavy, depressed, melancholy), I am heavy at heart. Page 27.— 1. darÜ´ber (over it) idiomatic. anticipating the contents of the following sentence, remains untranslated. Comp. darauf (page 6, note3). 2. spinne. Why the subjunctive? Cf. page 3, note 2. Direct question? 3. er hatte gar keinen Bart, he was young and smooth-faced, thus strikingly contrasting to the old gnomes with their long gray beards. 4. der (emphat.) = jener, that man, that fellow. 5. die im Thale (elliptic.), for die Leute, die im Thale wohnen, those in the valley. 6. du thust (pres. tense). Explain the idiom! Cf. page 13, note1. 7. so wie so (colloq. phrase), anyway, at all events. 8. so (= so faul or so mÜßig) dasitzen (colloq. phrase), to idle away one’s time. Page 28.— 1. de´nen (emphat.), for demonstrat. pronoun (diesen, these) or pers. pronoun (ihnen, them). How seen that it is not relative? 2. darÜ´ber, remains untranslated. Why? Cf. page 27, note1. 3. sich sehen lassen (reflexive phrase with passive sense), to be seen. Comp. er ließ sich nicht trÖsten (page 9, note10). 4. wie sehr . . . auch = ? Cf. page 26, note3. 5. Porfi´rie (three syllabic), proper name, from GrÆco-Latin: ???f?????; Porphyrius (= “Purple Bearer”), Porphyry. 6. nicht gewohnt, etwas nicht zu kÖnnen (two negatives with the force of an emphatic affirmation), = gewohnt, alles und jedes zu kÖnnen, wont (bent, accustomed) to carry out all his plans (ordesigns). Page 29.— 1. einem Drachen (privative sense of the dative, mostly after verbs compound with the prefix ent-) entreißen, to snatch from a dragon. 2. damit´ (therewith, with it) remains untranslated. Why? Comp. darÜ´ber (page 27, note1). 3. den ganzen Morgen, accusative expressing duration of time: how long? 4. die Alpenrose (also called Almenrausch or Alpenfeuer), “RHODODENDRON HIRSUTUM” of the botanists, one of the prettiest and most highly priced alpine flowers, related to our Purple Azalea or Pinxter-Flower. 5. kam (came). Note the rhetorical figure of “personification,” which consists in representing inanimate objects as if endowed with life and action, an idiom occasionally employed as a substitute for the passive voice which is less used in German than in English; trans. was put or placed. 6. schlecht sehen, here: to have weak eyes, to be short (ornear-) sighted. 7. dem, with emphasis. Why? 8. sollte (should), was to; was (saidor) threatened to... Page 30.— 1. die Haare (idiomat. pl.), hair; comp. die LÜfte, air. 2. sich fangen (reflexive for passive, as often), to be caught. 3. als, here = als wenn; cf. page 1, note5. 4. Einen mit großen Augen anschauen, a phrase expressing surprise and astonishment. 5. unter = under (place); among (number?) = Here =? 6. ja (adverbial idiom) = ? Cf. page 12, note 8. See also page 31, line 1 (ofthe text) and state which of the two words ja found there, is affirmative particle (= yes) and which adverbial idiom (= why! or you know). Page 31.— 1. gern (positive), “gladly,” “willingly”; lieber (comparative), “rather,” “better”; am liebsten (superlative), “best of all”; ich mÖchte lieber, I should (rather wish) prefer. 2. streicheln sogar (elliptic. „darfst du es“ being implied). 3. heißen = 1) to call or to name; 2) to be called or named;3) to bid, to order. Here =? 4. es (idiomat.) wird mir bange (impersonal phrase), I become alarmed, I begin to feel uneasy. 5. das alles (neut. sing., idiomatically relating to persons of different gender) for masc. and fem. pl. alle diese (Leute), all these. Page 32.— 1. das bin ich, refers back to the preceding. The English this (that), these (those), when immediately preceded or followed by the verb “to be” are rendered in German by the neuter pronoun dieses (usually shortened to dies or das), without any regard to the number or gender of the noun referredto. 2. zu was? here = fÜr was? zu welchem Zwecke? for what purpose? 3. es geht (impers. phrase), it can be done, it will do; es wird nicht anders gehen (about the idiomat. use of the future, cf. page 14, note2), that cannot be done otherwise (orwithoutit), I suppose. Page 33.— 1. (umgeben, pass.) von = ? 2. staunender Freude, genitive, dependent on adj. voll, full of... 3. Euer, Eu(e)re, Euer possessive form of pers. pronoun Ihr, which in earlier language was used in polite address (= modern Sie), your. 4. noch gar nicht (adverb. idiom), not yet, by any means. 5. es (neuter) referring to das Ehegemahl, obsol. (= 1. husband; 2. wife), trans. she. 6. uns. Case? Dependent on? How to render? Cf. page 29, note1. Page 34.— 1. beim Spinnen, comp. im StÜrzen, page 22, note5. 2. (gesponnen, pass.) von = ? 3. sie hÄtte . . . gemacht (past subj. for conditional) = sie wÜrde gemacht haben. Page 35.— 1. wÄre sie (condit. inversion, wenn omitted) = wenn sie wÄre; comp. will’s Gott (page 7, note4). 2. mÖge verschonen, solle legen (indirect subj.). Direct: „Verschont mich!“ „Lege mir auf die Haare!“ Page 36.— 1. die, with emphasis. Why? 2. wÜrde. Mood? Why? Cf. page 20, note 2. 3. dazu´. Idiom? Cf. page 27, note 1. 4. Distinguish am Hofe (at court) and auf dem Hofe (inthe yard). 5. es ist mir um etwas zu thun (impers. phrase), I care for something. 6. daran´ (on [of] it). Idiom? 7. er ließ sich nicht bereden (reflexive for passive) = ? Comp. er ließ sich nicht trÖsten (page 9, note10). 8. je mehr . . . um so mehr (for the more common desto mehr), correlat., the more ... the more... Page 37.— 1. was? (colloq.) for warum? why? 2. der´gestalt (der [emphat.] Gestalt, von der Gestalt), phrase formed with adverbial genit. of manner, in such a manner, to such an extent or degree; syn. dermaßen (= von or in dem Maße), 5 lines below. 3. ich habe (idiomat., present tense for future) = ? 4. mir . . . entlaufen. Force of the dative? Cf. page 29, note1. Page 38.— 1. doch, doch! (adverb. idiom), cf. page 3, note3. 2. auch (idiomat.) omit in English! 3. Alba Regi´na (Roumanian, pronounce re-dschi´na; the same form as in Latin: alba “white,” and regina “queen,” “queenlike, queenly”). Queen Alba or Queenly (= Noble) White = Edelweiß. 4. das E´delweiß, “LEONTOPODIUM ALPINUM” of the botanists, English “Lion’s foot” or “Padelion” (from French Pas-de-lion), a woolly alpine plant, whose large, downy, and star-like white flowers are highly priced by the tourists. In translating retain the German name of the plant. 5. die GoldfÄden, cf. page 10, note 10, and also page 24, note11. IV Der Tschachlau Page 39.— 1. die Moldau, (the principalityof) Moldavia, the north-eastern part of the kingdom of Roumania. 2. der Bucegi, cf. page 4, note 2. 3. Mosch (Roumanian) = der Alte. 4. er ging (repeated action), he would go. 5. nur (adverbial idiomat.), ever or possibly. Page 40.— 1. um ein Muttergottesbild versammelt. Comp. page 20, note1. 2. scholl es (indefinite), i.e. voices were heard. 3. was (colloq.), for etwas. 4. der liebe Gott (a most popular phrase), the good Lord or our good father in Heaven. 5. fehlgeschossen! (or fehlgetroffen!) perf. partic., lit.: “missed the mark,” used elliptically in exclamations; transl.: entirely mistaken! or quite out! 6. (den Tschachlau,) den (with emphasis), colloq. repetition of the object; omit in English! Page 41.— 1. es weiß kein Mensch, (es introductory or grammatical subject, the logical subject kein Mensch following after the verb) = kein Mensch weiß. 2. der DniÉstr (Russian, pronounce “DnyÉstr”), a large river of south-western Russia, emptying into the Black Sea near Odessa. 3. klein und krumm, flache Gesichter, gelb wie Citronen, kleine Augen, unmistakable characteristics of the Huns, a savage race from Asia, who about the year 370 A.D. for the first time burst into Europe. 4. sie waren mit ihren Pferden zusammengewachsen, so it was fabled, because they lived and were always seen on horseback. Comp. the ancient Greek myth of the fabulous race of the Centaurs. 5. wo sie hinkamen (separated) for the more common wohin sie kamen. 6. ein Volk von heller Haut, blauÄugig, hoch gewachsen, mit langem, gelbem Haar, refers to the Getae (“Goths”), a Teutonic tribe which, in the second century after Christ, had left the shores of the Baltic, their original home, and had taken possession of the land about the Black Sea, thus becoming the Eastern neighbors of the ancient Roumanians. 7. einige konnten mit dem Messer in HolzstÄbe schreiben, some of whom knew the art of cutting (orscratching) letters in (willow-)sticks, with reference to the runic characters, which by the priests of the ancient Teutonic tribes, for the purpose of sorcery, were cut in pieces of smoothed wood, generally willow, and which were called “rÛn-stafas.” 8. wie viele auch (idiomat.), no matter how many. 9. den Tod, no article in English. 10. einen, refers to Pfeil. Page 42.— 1. der Pruth (pronounce as in German), the boundary-river between Russia and Roumania. 2. der FÜrst der gelbhaarigen Leute, i.e. Hermanarich, the king of the Ostrogoths (Eastern Goths), who in the year 375 A.D. succumbed to the Huns. 3. The noun der Mann has a double plural: die MÄnner, men, and die Mannen, vassals, warriors. 4. jeder nehme! (subj. for missing 3rd pers. sing. of the imperative), let every one take! 5. sie (with emphasis), they themselves (i.e. the Roumanians). 6. herunter konnte. Idiom? Cf. page 5, note 6. Page 43.— 1. es (indef.) konnte keine ... geben, there could be no... 2. den (with emphasis) = diesen, den letztern, this, the latter. 3. wenn . . . auch, even if, no matter whether. 4. der BÚcium (Roumanian, pronounce BÚtschum, from GrÆco-Latin: ???; bos). Comp. Latin: “bucina” or “buccina”, the name of the instrument by which in the military camps of the ancient Romans the signals were sounded. Transl. herdman’s horn. Page 44.— 1. ihrer (partitive genitive), of them, dependent on genug. 2. so viele Steine, als sie nur (adverb. idiom), cf. page 39, note5. 3. machte das Zeichen des Kreuzes, as Catholics do in devotion. 4. was . . . nur, whatever, however much. Page 45.— 1. gegen (against), here: in comparison with, compared with. 2. gesche´he (optative subj., expressing “concession”), may happen; may be done. 3. ohne daß . . . merkten. The preposition ohne cannot govern the infinitive mit zu (see page 12, note4), when there is a change of subject, but must then be followed by a clause beginning with daß. Page 46.— 1. sich (dat. pl. of reflex. pronoun), for possess. pronoun ihren Weg, cf. page 1, note8. 2. sie, refers to LÄnder. 3. As with the preposition ohne (cf. page 12, note 4), the infinitive with zu is used with the preposition anstatt (orstatt) when the subject of the infinitive is the same as that of the leading verb. It corresponds to English instead of with the verb-noun in -ing. 4. wieder zu sich kommen (phrase), cf. page 7, note2. Page 47.— 1. was (= das, was, correlative), indef. neuter sing. for masc. and fem. pl. die, welche. 2. es (neuter). Note agreement with grammatical gender of Menschenkind. 3. Hungers sterben (idiomat. phrase formed with adverb. genit. of manner), to die of hunger, to starve to death. 4. er ließ sich sehen. How to be rendered? Comp. er ließ sich nicht trÖsten (page 9, note10) and wenn er sich wieder sehen ließe (page 28, note3). 5. auf (time, prospectively), for. 6. The English phrases, there is, there are, are expressed by the impersonal es with sein or with geben. With sein the verb agrees with the following predicate noun (e.g. es waren keine Menschen dort), but with geben the verb remains always singular (e.g. es gab keinen Menschen dort, and es gab [there were...] keine Menschen dort). 7. was (= das was or alles was). Idiom? Cf. note 1, above. Page 48.— 1. wie (= als wie, asif), seemed. 2. das Suchen, accus., while des Suchens (genit. after mÜde, tired of something), would be more in accordance with modern usage. 3. es (idiomat.), refers back to the preceding and remains untranslated. 4. abends, force of the genitive? Cf. nachts, page 2, note6. 5. machte (colloq.), for that. 6. eine Hora, comp. page 1, note 6. V RÎul Doamnei Page 49.— 1. Rδul (Roumanian, Ri = Lat.: rivus; Eng.: river; Span., Portug., rio; and ul, definite article in Roumanian suffixed to the noun), “the brook”; DÓamnei (Roumanian, pronounce “domnei,” gen. sing. of “doamna” = Lat. domina) “of the princess,” the Queen’s. RÎul Doamnei, name of a mountain-stream emptying into the Argesch, one of the tributaries of the Lower Danube. 2. unweit dem (dat.), rather uncommon for unweit des (gen.) 3. Campa Lungo (Roumanian, from Latin: Campus Longus, “Longfield”; “Longmeadow”), a mountain-town and summer-resort on the southern slope of the Carpathians, about 100 miles north of Bucharest, the capital of Roumania. 4. immer grÖßer = grÖßer und grÖßer. Page 50.— 1. es (indefinite), either referring to Heuschrecken or to be taken generally = things or affairs. 2. auch noch nicht, not yet . . . either or neither ... then. 3. am KÖrper (sing.; collectively), for pl. an ihren KÖrpern. 4. man. How to be rendered idiomatically? Cf. page 1, note7. 5. es (introductory) = ? Cf. page 41, note 1. 6. Sonn- noch Feiertag (Sonn- belongs also to tag) =Sonntag noch Feiertag. 7. Leute fanden sich. Idiom? Cf. page 2, note 13. 8. Iri´na (pronounce as in German), Roumanian, woman’s name, from Greek: ?????? (= “Peace”), Irene. Page 51.— 1. „Lieber Gott!“ a popular address of the Deity; cf. page 40, note4. 2. solche or (with the indef. article) eine solche... or solch eine... 3. suche nur (adverb. idiom), with an imperative persuasively, just go in quest (orin search ofit)! do search forit! 4. that (did), here: acted or appeared or proceeded. 5. ihnen (privative dative). How to render? Cf. page 29, note1. 6. nicht einma´l (indef.), not even. 7. den FlÜssen nach, in the sense of “in the direction of” the preposition nach follows its case, here: up the rivers. 8. Olto, Gin, Buzlu, Sereth, and Argesch (eight lines below), the names of a few of the numerous rivers which, rising on the southern slope of the Carpathian Mountains, traverse the Roumanian plain and join the Lower Danube on the left. Page 52.— 1. doch (adverb. idiom), with an imperative adds force to the request; please! won’t you? 2. den Argesch, comp. page 49, note 1, and page 51, note8. 3. wollte = 1. wanted, wished; 2. was about, was at the point; 3. claimed, pretended. Here =? 4. immer schwererem (cf. page 49, note 4), here = um so schwererem or desto schwererem Herzen, with her heart the heavier (orthe more dejected), je kleiner, the smaller... 5. von den Steinen, auf denen sie ging, ermattet, for von dem Gehen (orWandern) auf den Steinen ermattet. 6. wie (conjunction), colloquially for? Cf. page 2, note4. 7. es war ihr (phrase) = ? Cf. page 2, note 9. Page 53.— 1. konnte. Idiom? Cf. page 5, note6. 2. sie sog sie, the second sie might well have been avoided by substituting the demonstrat. pron. dieselben. 3. es (indef.) rauschte und rieselte, there was a rustling and drizzling. 4. angerauscht. Note the idiomatic use of the perf. partic. of a verb of motion after kommen, to express the manner of coming. Transl. roaring. 5. den ganzen Tag. Force of the accusative? Cf. page 29, note3. 6. es (indef.), for das Wasser. 7. sie wand sie aus; cf. note 2, above. 8. als wollte, as if it was to . . . Why the past subjunctive? Cf. page 1, note5. 9. es (indef.), something. 10. was, what (it was that). Page 54.— 1. wenn auch (= obgleich, obschon, wiewohl), although. 2. wohl (adverb. idiom), probably; no doubt; I suppose. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z A´bend, m. (pl. -e), evening; abends, in the evening, at night. A´benddÄmmerung, f., evening-twilight, dusk (ofthe evening). A´bendmahlzeit, f. (pl. -en), supper, tea. a´ber, but, however; aber doch, for all that, nevertheless. ab´fressen (fraß, gefressen), to eat up, to graze. ab´geschnitten, see abschneiden. ab´geschossen, see abschießen. Ab´grund, m. (pl. -e), precipice, abyss. ab´holen, to call or to come for, to meet. ab´kommen (kam, gekommen), to diverge; to wander (from, von). ab´magern, to emaciate, to lose flesh. ab´nehmen (nahm, genommen), to take off. abscheu´lich, horrid, wicked, detestable. Ab´schied, m., leave, departure; farewell; von Einem Abschied nehmen, to bid some one farewell. ab´schießen (schoß, geschossen), to shoot; to let fly. ab´schlagen (schlug, geschlagen), to repel (an attack). ab´schneiden (schnitt, geschnitten), to cut off; to separate. ab´setzen, to stop, to make a break. Ab´sturz, m. (pl. -e), precipice. ab´wehren, to ward off. ab´zuholen, see abholen. ach! (interj.), ah! oh! ach ja, oh yes (indeed); ach und wehe schreien, to sigh and cry, to groan and moan. acht, eight; acht Tage, a week. ach´ten, to pay attention (to, auf). Ack´er, m. (pl. -), field. A´der, f. (pl. -n), vein. Ad´ler, m. (pl. -), eagle. Ad´lernase, f. (pl. -n), aquiline (or hooked) nose. Ähn´lich, resembling, (a)like, similar; zum Verwechseln Ähnlich, so much alike that the one might be easily taken for the other, or that one cannot tell the one from the other. Äh´renfeld, n. (pl. -er), corn-field (inear). al´le, all. allein´, alone, solitary, by one’s self (himself, etc.); forsaken. al´lemal, always, at all times, once for all. al´lerhand, all kinds (or sorts) of. al´lerlei, all sorts (or kinds) of. al´les, (all and) everything. allgemein´, common, general, universal. all´zulange, far too long, altogether too long. Al´penrose, f. (pl. -n), alpine rose, “rhododendron.” als, as, like; than; (conj.) when (= sobald als) as soon as; (= alsob) as if; als bis, than until, than that; nicht eher als, not before. al´so, then, therefore. alt, old, ancient; der Alte, old man; die Alte, old woman; die Alten, old folks. Al´ter, n., (old) age. am = an dem. an (dat. accus.), at, near, by; to, against;on. An´blick, m., look, sight. an´dere (der), other; keine andere, no one else. an´ders (adv.), otherwise. An´drei (Roumanian), Andrew. An´fang, m. (pl. -e), beginning, opening. an´fangen (fing, gefangen), to begin. an´gehen (ging, gegangen), to concern, to regard. an´gekleidet, see ankleiden. an´gesehen, see ansehen. an´gezogen, see anziehen. An´griff, m. (pl. -e), attack. Angst, f. (pl. -e), anxiety, apprehension (for, um). Angst´geheul, n. (collect.), cry (or scream) of distress, cries or screams of distress. Ängst´lich, anxious(ly), frightened, in a fright. an´halten (hielt, gehalten), to rein in, to pull up (ahorse). an´heben (hob [hub], gehoben), to begin (to speak), to enter upon one’s discourse. an´hÖren, to listen to, to give an ear (to some one, accus.). an´kleiden, to dress, to clothe. an´mutig, pleasant(ly), pleasing(ly). an´nehmen (nahm, genommen), to take, to accept. An´prall, m., shock, onset. an´rauschen, to rush on. an´richten, to prepare; to cause, to make, to do; Unheil anrichten, to cause (todo) mischief. an´rÜhren, to touch. ans = an das. an´schauen, to look at (some one, accus.). an´schielen, to squint or to leer at, to look asquint upon. an´sehen (sah, gesehen), to look (at or upon some one, accus.); mit ansehen, to witness; to let pass. an´starren, to stare (at some one, accus.). anstatt´ (genit.), instead of; anstatt zu, with inf., instead of ...-ing. An´strengung, f. (pl. -en), exertion, effort. Ant´litz, n. (pl. -e), face. Ant´wort, f. (pl. -en), answer, reply, retort; Antwort geben, to answer, to reply. ant´worten, to answer (some one, dat.), to reply. an´wenden, to employ, to use. an´ziehen (zog, gezogen), to attract; to dress; anziehend, attractive. an´zuhÖren, see anhÖren. Ar´beit, f. (pl. -en), work, employment. ar´beiten, to work, to make. arg, severe (punishment). Ärg´ste (der), see arg. Arm, m. (pl. -e), arm. arm, poor, miserable; der Arme, poor man, poor fellow; die Armen, the poor, poor people. Ast, m. (pl. -e), branch (ofa tree), twig. a´temlos, breathless, out of breath. A´temzug, m. (pl. -e), (draughtof) breath, respiration. at´men, to breathe. auch, also, too, likewise; auch nicht, neither. auf (dat. accus.), on, upon; for (time). auf´geben (gab, gegeben), to give up. auf´gehen (ging, gegangen), to open (intrans.), to be opened; to rise (sun). auf´gehoben, see aufheben. auf´geregt, see aufregen. auf´heben (hob, gehoben), to raise, to lift (up); to keep, to preserve; to exhibit. auf´hÖren, to stop, to cease. auf´keimen, to shoot up, to germinate. auf´lachen, to burst out laughing. auf´nehmen (nahm, genommen), to receive, to welcome. auf´regen, to excite. Auf´regung, f. (pl. -en), emotion, agitation. auf´richten, sich, to raise one’s self; to get up. auf´saugen (sog, gesogen), to suck up, to imbibe, to catch (rainwater). auf´schlagen (schlug, geschlagen), to open (the eyes). Auf´schrei, m. (pl. -e), shriek, scream. auf´sehen (sah, gesehen), to look up. auf´springen (sprang, gesprungen), to jump (or to start)up. auf´stehen (stand, gestanden), to rise, to get up. auf´thÄte (past subj.), see aufthun. auf´thun (that, gethan), to open (trans.); sich aufthun, to open, (intrans.) to be opened. Auf´trag, m. (pl. -e), order, direction. auf´wachen, to awake. auf´winden (wand, gewunden), to wind up, to reelup. Au´ge, n. (pl. -n), eye. Au´genblick, m. (pl. -e), twinkle of the eye; moment. Au´genbraue, f. (pl. -n), eye-brow. Au´genschlitz, m. (pl. -e) = Schlitzauge, n., eye-slit; slit-eye; Mongolian eye. aus (dat.), out of, from, of. aus´brechen (brach, gebrochen), to burst out; to go off. aus´breiten, to spread. Aus´bruch, m. (pl. -e), outbreak, outburst. auseinan´dersprengen, to separate by an explosion, to disperse, to scatter. Aus´fall, m. (pl. -e), sally, “sortie.” aus´gegossen, see ausgießen. aus´gehÄngt, see aushÄngen. aus´gießen (goß, gegossen), to shed, to spread. aus´halten (hielt, gehalten), to hold out; to stand, to endure. aus´hÄngen, to cover, to line. aus´hauchen, to breathe out; das Leben aushauchen, to breathe one’s last, to expire. aus´hungern, to starve into surrender. Aus´ruf, m. (pl. -e), outcry, shout. aus´schÜtten, to empty, to lay down, to deposit. aus´sehen (sah, gesehen), to look, to appear. aus´stoßen (stieß, gestoßen), to utter, to ejaculate (acry). aus´strecken, to stretch out. aus´winden (wand, gewunden), to wring out. au´ßer (dat.), beside, save. außeror´dentlich, extraordinary (-ily), unusual(ly), uncommon(ly). Äu´ßerste (der), utmost, extreme; bis aufs Äußerste, to the last. aus´ziehen (zog, gezogen), to draw or to take out, to extract. Ba´ba (Slavic), mother, old woman. Bach, m. (pl. -e), brook, creek. Bad, n. (pl. -er), bath. ba´den, to bathe, to wash. bahn´brechen (brach, gebrochen), to force one’s way. bah´nen, to clear (the way). bald, soon, before long; bald . . . bald, soon ... soon, now ... then, by turns, alternately. ban´g(e), uneasy, anxious; es wird mir bange, I become afraid or apprehensive. Ban´gigkeit, f., anxiety, uneasiness, dismay. BÄr, m. (pl. -en), bear. BÄ´renabenteuer, n. (pl. -), hunting-story. BÄ´renjÄger, m. (pl. -), bear-hunter. Bart, m. (pl. -e), beard. bat, ba´ten, see bitten. bau´en, to build, to heap, to form. Bau´er, m. (pl. -n), peasant, farmer, countryman. Baum, m. (pl. -e), tree. Baum´ast, m. (pl. -e), branch (ofa tree). baum´los, treeless, waste, barren. Baum´stamm, m. (pl. -e), tree-trunk. beab´sichtigen, to intend. bedau´ern, to pity, to feel for. bede´cken, to cover or to strew with. Bedenk´zeit, f., time for considering or reflection, breathing-time, consideration. been´digen, to finish, to settle. been´gen, to narrow, to confine, to limit. befahl´, see befehlen. befan´gen (perf. partic.), disconcerted, confused, embarrassed. Befan´genheit, f., confusion, embarrassment. befeh´len (befahl, befohlen), to order, to give directions, to charge. befe´stigen, to fasten. befin´den (befand, befunden), sich, to find one’s self, to be, to exist. befle´cken, to stain, to tarnish; vom Staube befleckt, covered with dust. befra´gen, to question, to interrogate. befrie´digen, to satisfy. begann´, see beginnen. begeh´en (beging, begangen), to commit, to do. begeh´ren, to desire, to wish eagerly, to want (for, zu). begie´ßen (begoß, begossen), to sprinkle. begin´nen (begann, begonnen), to begin, to set about. beglei´ten, to accompany, to escort. Beglei´ter, m. (pl. -), companion. begra´ben (begrub, begraben), to bury. begrÜ´ßen, to greet, to welcome. behag´lich, comfortable (-bly), cheerful(ly), contented(ly), undisturbed. behal´ten (behielt, behalten), to keep. behan´deln, to treat. beherzt´, courageous(ly), stout-hearted(ly). behut´sam, cautious(ly), heedful(ly). bei (dat.), at, by, near, with, at the house of; on the occasion; bei Dir, in your house; bei meinem Großvater, at my grandfather’s. beich´ten, to confess. bei´de, both; either (of them). beim = bei dem. Bein, n. (pl. -e), leg, foot. beisam´men, (close) together. bei´ßen (biß, gebissen), to bite, to gnaw. bekannt´, known (for, wegen). bekom´men (bekam, bekommen), to get, to receive. Belei´digung, f. (pl. -en), insult. beloh´nen, to reward. bemÜ´hen, sich, to endeavor, to try. Beneh´men, n., conduct, manners. benei´den, to envy. bene´tzen, to wet, to moisten. bere´den, to persuade; sich bereden lassen, to be persuaded. berei´ten, to prepare, to make ready, to fit up, to furnish; Einem den Untergang bereiten, to work some one’s ruin. Berg, m. (pl. -e), mountain. bergab´, down-hill. bergab´fliegen (flog, geflogen), to fly or to rush down-hill. bergauf´, up-hill. ber´gen (barg, geborgen), to save, to shelter; geborgen, in safety. Berg´fee, f. (pl. -en), mountain-fairy. Berg´kirchlein, n. (pl. -), mountain-chapel. Berg´mÄnnlein, n. (pl. -), mountain-sprite, gnome. Berg´spitze, f. (pl. -n), mountain-top. beruh´igen, to appease. berÜhmt´, famous, noted, celebrated. berÜh´ren, to touch. BerÜhr´ung, f. (pl. -en), touch, contact. beschÄf´tigen, to keep busy; sich beschÄftigen, to busy one’s self. beschÄ´men, to make some one ashamed of himself; beschÄmt, ashamed. beschei´nen (beschien, beschienen), to shine upon, to lightup. besche´ren, to give, to bestow, to present; to destine (toor for, dat.). beschwÖ´ren (beschwor, beschworen), to conjure; to implore. beses´sen (besaß, besessen), to possess, to own. Besitz´tum, n. (pl. -er), property, estate. beson´ders, especially, particularly. bes´ser, see gut. bestan´den, see bestehen. bestÄn´dig, continual(ly), permanent(ly). be´ste (der), best; zum besten halten, to make game or funof. beste´hen (bestand, bestanden), to go or to pass through, to encounter; to consist (of,aus). bestel´len, to order. bestim´men, to fix, to decide, to determine. Besuch´, m. (pl. -e), visit, call. beta´sten, to feel (with the fingers), to touch. be´ten, to say a prayer, to pray (to God). betrach´ten, to view, to look upon (on, at, accus.); sich betrachten, to look upon (on,at), to examine; in der NÄhe betrachten, to examine closely. betref´fen (betraf, betroffen), to regard, to concern. betre´ten (betrat, betreten), to tread or to step upon, to set foot upon. BetrÜb´nis, f., sadness, grief, distress. BetrÜ´ger, m. (pl. -), cheat, imposter. Bett, n. (pl. -en), bed, channel (ofa river). Bett´rand, m. (pl. -er), bedframe, bedstead. bevor´, before, ere; bevor noch, even before. bewah´ren, to save or to protect (from, vor). 1. bewe´gen, to move; sich bewegen, to move (intrans.) 2. bewe´gen (bewog, bewogen), to induce. bewoh´nen, to occupy (a room). Bewun´derung, f., admiration. Bewußt´sein, n., consciousness. bezau´bern, to charm, to bewitch. bezeich´nen, to mark. Bild, n. (pl. -er), picture; living picture, “tableau,” scene. bil´den, to form. bin, ich, (pres. indic. of auxil. v. sein), am,I. bin´den (band, gebunden), to bind, to tie, to fasten. bis (bis an [accus.]; bis nach, bis zu [dat.]), till, to, up to; (conj.) until. Bis´sen, m. (pl. -), bit, morsel. bist, du, (pres. indic. of auxil. v. sein), art (thou), are (you). biß, see beißen. bit´ten (bat, gebeten), to beg, to beseech, to implore; bitten um, to ask for; bitte! please! pray! Bit´ternis, f., bitterness. bla´sen (blies, geblasen), to blow. blÄst . . . um, see umblasen. Blatt, n. (pl. -er), leaf. blau, blue. blau´Äugig, blue-eyed. blei´ben (blieb, geblieben), to stay, to remain; to get along; liegen bleiben, to remain lying; stehen bleiben, to remain standing; to stop, to stand still. bleich, pale. blen´den, to blind, to dazzle. Blick, m. (pl. -e), glance; eye. bli´cken, to look (at, auf); in die HÖhe blicken, to lookup. blick´te (blickten) . . . hinauf´, see hinaufblicken. blick´te . . . hinÜ´ber, see hinÜberblicken. blieb . . . zurÜck´, see zurÜckbleiben. blies, see blasen. blind, blind; der Blinde, blind man. blin´ken, to gleam. Blitz, m. (pl. -e), lightning. blÜh´en, to bloom. Blu´me, f. (pl. -n), flower. Blu´menblatt, n. (pl. -er), flower-leaf, petal. Blu´mengarten, m. (pl. -), flower-garden. blu´mig, flowery. Blut, n., blood. blu´tig, bloody. blut´rot, blood-red. Bo´den, m., ground, lands; soil; floor (ofa room); auf dem Boden, on the floor; unser Grund und Boden, our estate (or territory); premises. boh´ren, to bore, to thrust. Boll´werk, n. (pl. -e), bulwark; protection. bÖ´se (der), base, wicked, hard, bad, ominous. Bos´heit, f., malice, malignity. Bo´te, m. (pl. -n), messenger, deputy, emissary. brach . . . herein´, see hereinbrechen. brach . . . los, see losbrechen. brach´te; brach´ten, see bringen. brach´ten . . . zu, see zubringen. Brand, m. (pl. -e), combustion, fire; in Brand stecken, to set on fire. brann´te, see brennen. Brau´e, f. (pl. -n), (eye-)brow. braun, brown, auburn; dark; muddy. brau´sen, to roar, to thunder. Braut, f. (pl. -e), bride. BrÄu´tigam, m. (pl. -e), (bride-groom), the one intended. brÄut´lich, bridal. Braut´schleier, m. (pl. -), bridal veil. bre´chen (brach, gebrochen), to break. breit, broad; broad-bladed; wide; far; weit und breit, near and far. brei´ten, to spread, to extend. brei´tete . . . aus, see ausbreiten. bren´nen (brannte, gebrannt), to burn, to be lighted. brin´gen (brachte, gebracht), to bring, to bring about, to contrive, to cause; ein Opfer bringen, to make a sacrifice; zum Schweigen bringen, to silence. brin´gen . . . herauf´, see heraufbringen. Brot, n. (pl. -e), (loaf of) bread. Brot´kruste, f. (pl. -n), crust of bread. BrÜ´cke, f. (pl. -n), bridge. Bru´der, m. (pl. -), brother. brum´men, to growl; das Brummen, growling. Brun´nen, m. (pl. -), well, spring, fountain. Brun´nenrand, m. (pl. -er), curb or lining of a well. Brust, f. (pl. -e), breast, chest; heart. BÜch´senlauf, m. (pl. -e), rifle-barrel. Bu´cium, m. (Roumanian), cow’s horn, cowherd’s horn. BÜn´del, n. (pl. -), parcel, packet; bag and baggage. Burg, f. (pl. -en), castle. Bur´sch(e), m. (pl. Burschen), young fellow. bu´schig, bushy; shaggy, tufty. CÂm´pa (Roumanian), field. Cetate´a (Roumanian), citadel, castle, borough. Citro´ne, f. (pl. -n), lemon, lemon-peel. Coa´ja (Slavic), bark, crust. da (adv.), there, then; (conj.) as, since, whereas; da unten, down there, down below; es war nichts mehr da, als..., nothing was left but... dabei´ (emphat. da´bei), thereby, hereby; at (by) it; in this (undertaking), in the attempt. Dach, n. (pl. -er), roof. dach´te, see denken. dach´te . . . nach, see nachdenken. daher´fliegen (flog, geflogen), to fly or to rush along. dahin´ (emphat. da´hin), there, thither. dahin´fließen (floß, geflossen), to glide along, to goon. dahin´flÜstern, to whisper along, to flow on as in a whisper; to purl (toguggle or to murmur) along. dahin´gehen (ging, gegangen), to pass along. dahin´jagen, to rush or to dash along. dahin´lenken, to direct there. dahin´winden (wand, gewunden), sich, to wind along; to meander on or along. da´liegen (lag, gelegen), to lie there. da´mals, at that time, in those days. damit´ (emphat. da´mit), therewith, with it (with this); with them; with these words; (conj.) that, in order that. DÄm´merstunde, f. (pl. -n), hour of twilight; dusk. dank´bar, grateful. dan´ken, to thank. dann, then, thereupon. dan´nen (adv.), there; von dannen, thence, away. daran´ (emphat. da´ran), on (upon) it, from it, of it, aboutit. darauf´ (emphat. da´rauf), thereon, on it; on this; thereupon, later. daraus´ (emphat. da´raus), of it (of this). darf, see dÜrfen. darin´ (emphat. da´rin), therein; in it (inthis), in there, in the same. darÜ´ber (emphat. da´rÜber), over it; over this or that; about this matter. darum´ (emphat. da´rum), round or about it (or them); about this (or these); for this reason, therefore. darun´ter, under (beneath) it; among (amidst of) them, between them. das (demonst. pron.), that, this. da´sitzen (saß, gesessen), to sit there. daß, that; so that; in order that. dau´ern, to last; es dauerte nicht lange, it was not long (before...). davon´ (emphat. da´von), of it, of this. davon´jagen, to hurry or to dash away. davon´schleichen (schlich, geschlichen), to steal away. dazu´ (emphat. da´zu), thereto, to it. De´cke, f. (pl. -n), cover, covering. de´cken, to cover. Dein, Dei´ne, Dein (possess. pron.), thy, your. de´nen (relat.) = welchen, which; whom, (demonst.) = diesen, ihnen, these, them. den´ken (dachte, gedacht), to think (of, an), to suppose, to imagine; sich denken, to fancy. denn (explet.), say! then; (conj.) for, since. der, die, das (article), the; (relat.) who, which. de´ren (genit. of relat. pron.), whose, of which (ofwhom). der´gestalt, of such a nature; in such a manner; to such an extent. der´jenige, die´jenige, das´jenige, that. der´maßen = dergestalt. dersel´be, diesel´be, dassel´be, the same; he (she,it). des´sen (genit. of demonst. pron.), of it; (relat.) whose, of which. deutsch, German; zu deutsch (= auf deutsch), in German. Dich (pers. pron.), thee, you. dicht, thick, tight, dense; (adv.) close (byor near,on). dick, thick, heavy. Di´cke, f., thickness, width. Die´ner, m. (pl. -), servant. die´ser, die´se, die´ses, this (one); that (one); the same; dieser und jener, one and another. dies´mal, this time. Dir (pers. pron.), (to) thee, (to) you. Di´wan, m. (pl. [-e] -s), divan, sopha. Do´amnei (Roumanian), of the princess. doch (adv.), yet, however; (explet.) certainly, after all, you know; (interj.) o yes, yes! aber doch, for all that; du bist doch nicht, I hope you are not. Do´nau, f., Danube (river). Don´ner, m. (pl. -), thunder. dop´pelt, double, in duplicates. Dorf, n. (pl. -er), village. dort, there. dorthin´, thither, there. Dra´che, m. (pl. -n), dragon, monster. Dra´chenfÜrst, m., (pl. -en), prince of the dragons or monsters. drÄn´gen, sich, to throng, to press, to crowd. drau´ßen, outside, without, out of doors, out of the house. dre´hen, to turn; sich drehen, to turn (round). drei, three; die drei, the three, the trio. drin´gen (drang, gedrungen), to press forward, to force one’s way; bis zu Einem dringen, to reach some one. drit´te (der), third. drÖh´nen, to rumble, to boom. drÖhn´te . . . herauf´, see heraufdrÖhnen. drÜ´cken, to press (to, an). drum (colloq.) for darum. Du (pers. pron.), thou, you. Duft, m. (pl. -e), fragrance, perfume, redolence. dumpf, dull, heavy(-ily); gloomy(-ily), with a hollow voice. Dun´kel, n., darkness. dun´kel (attrib. dunkler, dunkle, dunkles), dark, black. durch (accus.), through; by, by means of. durchaus´, absolutely, positively. durchfor´schen, to explore, to search. durchrei´ten (durchritt, durchritten), to ride through, to traverse or to cross (onhorseback). durchs = durch das. durchschnei´den (durchschnitt, durchschnitten), to cut through or across. durchschnit´ten, see durchschneiden. durchschrei´ten (durchschritt, durchschritten), to stride (towalk, to pass) through. durch´sichtig, transparent. durchste´chen (durchstach, durchstochen), to run through (with a sword or a spear), to pierce. dÜr´fen (pres. indic. darf, darfst, darf; dÜrfen, etc.), durfte, gedurft; may, to be allowed, to be at liberty, to have a right; niemand sollte dÜrfen, no one else should have a right to... dÜrf´ten, see dÜrfen. dÜrr, dry, barren. Durst, m., thirst. dÜ´ster, dark, murky; threatening. e´ben (adv.), just; (= soeben), just now, just then; eben dieser, just this, the very. e´benso, just so, just the same. e´bensolcher, -solche, -solches, of the same kind or pattern. echt, genuine, veritable. E´cke, f. (pl. -n), corner, angle. e´del (attrib. edler, edle, edles), noble. E´delstein, m. (pl. -e), precious stone, jewel, gem. E´delweiß, n. (lit. NOBLE-WHITE), lion’s foot, padelion (aplant). e´he, before, than; eher . . . ehe, rather (sooner) ... than, noch ... ehe, (still) before... E´hegemahl, n. (obsol.), consort, wife. e´her, sooner, rather; eher . . . ehe, rather (sooner) ... than. Eh´renzeichen, n. (pl. -), badge of honor, medal for bravery. ehr´erbietig, reverent(ly), respectful(ly). Ei´che, f. (pl. -n), oak. Eid, m. (pl. -e), oath. eif´rig, eager(ly), zealous(ly). ei´gen (attrib. eigner, eigne, eignes), one’s own; in eigner Person, in person. ei´gentlich (adv.), properly speaking; actually, really. Ei´gentum, n., property. ei´len, to hurry, to hasten. ei´lig, hasty (-ily), speedy (-ily). eil´te fort, see forteilen. eil´te . . . herauf´, see heraufeilen. ein, ei´ne, ein, a (an), one; was fÜr ein (eine, ein), what a..., what kind of a... einan´der, each other, one another; durch einander, through each other; mit einander, with each other; neben einander, side by side (ofeach other); von einander, from one another; zu einander, to one another. ei´ner, ei´ne, ei´nes, one (of them), some one; something. ein´fallen (fiel, gefallen), to fall in or down or upon; to invade, to make a descent; (impers.) es fÄllt mir gar nicht ein, I do not dream of that, it does not enter my head. Ein´gang, m. (pl. -e), entrance. ein´gehÜllt, see einhÜllen. ein´geschlossen, see einschließen. ein´hÜllen, to enwrap, to envelop, to cover. ei´nige, some; several, a few. ein´kehren, to stop, to put up. ein´klemmen, to squeeze or to jam in. ein´laden (lud, geladen), to invite. 1. ein´mal (definite), one time, once. 2. einmal´ (indef.), once, once upon a time; noch einmal, once more. ein´nehmen (nahm, genommen), to take. ein´rÄumen, to cede, to yield, to give up (to, dat.). ein´reiten (ritt, geritten), to ride in, to make one’s entry (onhorseback). ein´richten, to arrange. ein´saugen (sog, gesogen), to imbibe; to inhale. ein´schlafen (schlief, geschlafen), to fall asleep. ein´schlagen (schlug, geschlagen), to strike, to beat; to knock out; einen Weg einschlagen, to take (tofollow or to pursue) a road. ein´schließen (schloß, geschlossen), to lock in or up, to confine (toa room). einst´mals, once, one day (in the future). ein´zeln, single(ly), separate(ly), individual(ly). ein´zige (der), single, only (one), exclusive. ein´zukehren, see einkehren. ein´zurÄumen, see einrÄumen. ein´zurichten, see einrichten. Eis, n., ice. e´lend, miserable (-bly), wretched(ly). El´fenbeinkamm, m. (pl. -e), ivory comb. El´tern, pl., parents. empor´, up, upwards. empor´ragen, to project, to stand or to jut out, to towerup. empor´reiten (ritt, geritten), to ride up or upwards. empor´steigen (stieg, gestiegen), to climb up, to ascend, to rise. em´sig, industrious(ly), busy (-ily). En´de, n. (pl. -n), end; am Ende, at the end. en´den, to end, to conclude; nicht enden wollend, endless, never-ending, boundless. end´lich, at last, finally. end´los, endless, boundless, immense. eng, narrow. entde´cken, to discover. entei´len, to escape (from, dat.). entflie´hen (entfloh, entflohen), to flee, to run away, to escape (from some one, dat.). entfÜh´ren, to carry off. entge´genfliegen (flog, geflogen), to fly or to rush towards (some one, dat.). entge´genflÖge, see entgegenfliegen. entge´genrufen (rief, gerufen), to call (to shout) to some one, dat. entklei´den, to undress, to strip. entkom´men (entkam, entkommen), to escape, to get off. entlang´ (accus., postposit.), along. entlang´streifen, to rove (to roam) along. entlau´fen (entlief, entlaufen), to run away (from, dat.). entrei´ßen (entriß, entrissen), to snatch (from, dat.). Entschei´dung, f. (pl. -en), decision, issue; die Entscheidung fÄllt, the affair is settled; a choice is made. entschlie´ßen (entschloß, entschlossen), to resolve, to determine. entsetz´ensstarr, terror-stricken. entsetz´lich, terrible (-bly), horrid(ly), enormous(ly). entsetzt´, terrified, aghast. entstel´len, to disfigure, to maim. er, he (it). Erbar´men, n., pity. Er´be, n., inheritance, heirdom. erblei´chen, to grow or to turn pale. erbli´cken, to see, to perceive. Erd´beben, n. (pl. -), earthquake. Er´de, f., earth; interior or womb of the earth; ground, soil; dirt; floor (ofa room); auf Erden, on earth, under the sun. Er´denschoß, m., interior (or womb) of the earth. erfah´ren (erfuhr, erfahren), to learn, to be informedof. Erfin´dung, f. (pl. -en), invention; fib. erfor´schen, to explore, to examine. Erfri´schung, f. (pl. -en), refreshing, recreation. erfÜl´len, to fill; to strike (with fear). ergÄn´zen, to complete, to supplement. ergrei´fen (ergriff, ergriffen), to seize, to lay holdof. erhal´ten (erhielt, erhalten), to get, to receive. erha´schen, to catch, to seize, to lay hold of. erhe´ben (erhob, erhoben), to raise, to lift up; sich erheben, to raise one’s self; to rise, to startup. erhiel´ten, see erhalten. erhi´tzen, to heat. erkal´ten, to grow cold; erkaltet, dead, of a dead or corpse. erken´nen (erkannte, erkannt), to recognize, to discover. erklÄ´ren, to explain. erklin´gen (erklang, erklungen), to resound, to ring out; to be heard. Erlaub´nis, f., permission, license; ohne Erlaubnis jagen, to poach. 1. erle´gen (infinitive), to kill (game). 2. erle´gen (perf. partic.), see erliegen. erlei´den (erlitt, erlitten), to suffer. erlie´gen (erlag, erlegen), to succumb (to, dat.). erlÖ´sen, to free, to deliver, to rescue. ermat´ten, to grow tired or fatigued. ernst, earnest(ly), grave(ly), stern(ly). ernst´haft, serious(ly). errei´chen, to reach, to get to. erschal´len, to resound, to be heard. erschei´nen (erschien, erschienen), to appear, to make one’s appearance. erschien´, see erscheinen. ErschÖpf´ung, f., exhaustion. erschre´cken (erschrak, erschrocken), to be startled or confounded (ator by, bei). erst (adv.), only, but, not until, not before. er´ste (der), first; earliest. ersti´cken, to suffocate (by or with, an), to choke, to smother. erstÜr´men, to take (by storm or assault). ertra´gen (ertrug, ertragen), to bear, to suffer, to stand. erwach´sen (erwuchs, erwachsen), to grow, to arise, to spring, to proceed. erwar´ten, to await, to wait for, to expect; to face. erwÜr´gen, to strangle, to throttle; to kill, to slay. erzÄh´len, to tell. ErzÄh´ler, m. (pl. -), story-teller. erzieh´en (erzog, erzogen), to bring up, to educate. erzo´gen, see erziehen. es, it, something; there. et´wa, perhaps. et´was, something, somewhat. Euch (dat. and accus. pl. of pers. pron.), (to) you. Eu´er, Eu´(e)re, Eu´er (poss. pron.), your. e´wig, eternal(ly), perpetual(ly). Fa´den, m. (pl. -), thread. Fah´nenflÜchtige(r), m. (pl. FahnenflÜchtige[n]), deserter. fal´len (fiel, gefallen), to fall or to throw one’s self; to fall in battle = to be killed; Einem zu FÜßen fallen, to fall or to throw one’s self at some one’s feet. falsch, false; wrong (way). Fal´te, f. (pl. -n), fold; wrinkle. fal´ten, to fold. fand, see finden. fan´gen (fing, gefangen), to catch, to capture, to take prisoner; gefangen setzen, to imprison, to detain in custody; der (die) Gefangene, prisoner. Far´be, f. (pl. -n), (fresh, high) color; Farbe ... bringen, to bring about (tocause, to produce) color. fas´sen, to seize. fast, almost, nearly; hardly. Fee, f. (pl. -en), fairy. fehl´geschossen, see fehlschießen. fehl´schießen (schoß, geschossen), to miss the mark; fehlgeschossen! entirely mistaken! quite out. Fehl´tritt, m. (pl. -e), false step, slip. Fei´ertag, m. (pl. -e), holiday. Feig´ling, m. (pl. -e), coward. fein, fine, thin, delicate, soft. Feind, m. (pl. -e), enemy, foe. feind´lich, hostile. Feld, n. (pl. -er), field; (= Gefilde, n.), fields, plains. Fels´block, m. (pl. -e), large piece of rock, block. Fel´sen, m. (pl. -), rock, crag. Fel´senkegel, m. (pl. -), (sugar-loaf-mountain), rocky height or cliff. Fel´senkirchlein, n. (pl. -), mountain-chapel. Fel´senrand, m. (pl. -er), edge of a rock. Fel´senspitze, f. (pl. -n), peak, crag. Fels´platte, f. (pl. -n), shelf of rock. Fels´stÜck, n. (pl. -e), piece of rock, boulder. Fen´ster, n. (pl. -), window; am Fenster, by (or near) the window. Fen´sterchen, n. (pl. -), little (small) window. fern, far (away), afar; von fern, from afar, from or at a distance. fer´tig, done; mit etwas fertig sein, to have done or finished something. fest, firm(ly), tight(ly); festen Fußes, without stirring from one’s place. fett, fat, rich. feucht, moist, damp. Feu´er, n. (pl. -), fire. Fie´ber, n. (pl. -), fever. fiel, see fallen. fiel . . . ein, see einfallen. fiel . . . hin, see hinfallen. fie´le (past subj.), see fallen. fin´den (fand, gefunden), to find, to get; sich finden, to be found. fing . . . an, see anfangen. Fin´ger, m. (pl. -), finger. Fin´gernagel, m. (pl. -), finger-nail. fin´ster, dark; gloomy; stern, sinister. flach, flat. Flam´me, f. (pl. -n), flame. flat´tern, to float, to hang loose, to wave. Flech´te, f. (pl. -n), plait or tress (ofhair). fle´hen, to beseech, to entreat, to implore. flie´gen (flog, geflogen), to fly, to sweep, to dash, to pass swiftly. flie´hen (floh, geflohen), to flee, to take to flight. flie´ßen (floß, geflossen), to flow. flog, see fliegen. flog . . . bergab´, see bergabfliegen. flog . . . zu, see zufliegen. floß, see fließen. floß . . . dahin´, see dahinfließen. Fluch, m. (pl. -e), curse; Fluch Über dich! a curse upon you! flÜch´ten, sich, to flee, to take to flight. FlÜ´gel, m. (pl. -), wing. flÜ´stern, to whisper. flÜ´sterten . . . dahin´, see dahinflÜstern. Fluß, m. (pl. -e), river. Fluß´bett, n. (pl. -en), bed of a river. Flut, f. (pl. -en), flood. for´dern, to demand, to ask. fort, away; on, along; er mußte fort, he had to leave; ich bin fort, I have left or gone. fort´eilen, to hasten away. fort´gehen (ging, gegangen), to go on, to continue (walking). fort´geschickt, see fortschicken. fort´schicken, to send away or on furlough; to dismiss. fort´schleifen, to drag (or to draggle) on or along. fort´schwemmen, to wash away, to carry away. fort´wÄhren, to continue (to be), to last. fort´wischen, to wipe off, to dry (tears). Fra´ge, f. (pl. -n), question, inquiry. fra´gen, to ask, to inquire (for, nach); nichts nach Einem fragen, not to care for or about some one. Frau, f. (pl. -en), woman, lady (Lady), Mrs., “Frau,” wife; Frau Roxana, “Frau” Roxane. Frau´engestalt, f. (pl. -en), womanly figure, woman. frei, free; sich frei arbeiten, to free one’s self, to set one’s self free. frei´en, to court (a lady); to marry. Frei´heit, f. (pl. -en), freedom, liberty. frei´lich, of course, indeed. Frei´werber, m. (pl. -), match-maker, deputy-wooer. fremd, strange; foreign; der Fremde (ein Fremder), stranger, visitor, guest; ein fremder Mann, a stranger. Freu´de, f. (pl. -n), joy, pleasure; mit Freuden, gladly, joyfully; Einem eine Freude machen, to give some one joy. freu´destrahlen, to beam with joy. freu´dig, gladsome(ly), cheerful(ly), joyful(ly). freu´en (= erfreuen), to delight, to give pleasure; es freut mich, it gives me joy. Freund, m. (pl. -e), friend. freund´lich, kind(ly), pleasant(ly). frie´ren (fror, gefroren), to be cold; (= gefrieren) to freeze, to congeal. frisch, fresh, cool, lively. froh, happy, joyful, merry. frÖh´lich, glad(ly), cheerful(ly). Frost, m. frost, cold, chill; von Frost geschÜttelt, shivering with cold. frÜ´h(e), early; in young years. frÜ´her, earlier, former; before; formerly, in former times. FrÜh´licht, n. (pl. -er), morning-light. fÜg´te . . . hinzu´, see hinzufÜgen. fÜh´len, to feel. fÜh´ren, to lead, to guide, to direct; to carry; irre fÜhren, to lead astray, to misdirect. fÜl´len, to fill. fun´keln, to sparkle. fun´kensprÜhen, to emit sparks; das FunkensprÜhen, emitting of sparks, scintillation. fÜr (accus.), for, as; to; (adv.) was fÜr ein (eine, ein), what a..., what kind of a... Furcht, f., fright, fear. furcht´bar, horrible (-bly), terrible (-bly). fÜrch´ten, to fear, to dread; der GefÜrchtete, the much dreaded; sich fÜrchten, to be afraid or in fear. FÜrst, m. (pl. -en), (reigning) prince; ruler. FÜr´stin, f. (pl. -nen), (reigning) princess. Fuß, m. (pl. -e), foot; bottom; festen Fußes, without stirring from one’s place; zu FÜßen, at some one’s feet. Fuß´spitze, f. (pl. -n), point of the foot. gab, see geben. gab . . . nach, see nachgeben. ga´ben . . . auf, see aufgeben. galoppie´ren, to gallop. ganz, entire(ly), whole (wholly), ful(ly), absolute(ly), altogether; ganz jung, very young; ganz und gar nicht, not at all, by no means whatever; ein ganz klein wenig, a very little bit. gar, at all; even, still more particularly; gar nicht, not at all; by no means; gar zu alt, altogether too old; gar kein, no ... at all, no ... whatever. Gast, m. (pl. -e), guest. Gast´geber, m. (pl. -), host, entertainer. gebÄ´ren (gebar, geboren), to give birth, to bring forth. ge´ben (gab, gegeben), to give, to bestow (upon, dat.); es giebt, there is (there are); there is (are) found; eine Antwort geben, to answer. gebe´tet, see beten. Gebir´ge, n. (pl. -), mountain-range, (Carpathian) mountains. Gebirgs´stÄdtchen, n. (pl. -), mountain-town. geblen´det, see blenden. gebo´ren, see gebÄren. gebor´gen, see bergen. gebracht´, see bringen. gebrei´tet, see breiten. gebun´den, see binden. GebÜsch´, n. (pl. -e), thicket, underwood. gedach´te; gedach´ten, see gedenken. Gedan´ke(n), m. (pl. Gedanken), thought, idea, notion. geden´ken (gedachte, gedacht), to be mindful (of,genit.); to mind, to have a mind, to contemplate. gedrun´gen, see dringen. Gefahr´, f. (pl. -en), danger. gefÄhr´lich, dangerous. gefal´tet, see falten. Gefan´gene(r), m., f. (pl. Gefangene[n]), prisoner. Gefan´genschaft, f., captivity, imprisonment. Gefil´de, n. (pl. -), fields. gefrie´ren (gefror, gefroren), to freeze, to congeal. gefro´ren, see frieren and gefrieren. GefÜhl´, n. (pl. -e), feeling, consciousness. gefun´den, see finden. ge´gen (accus.), against, from, of; to, towards; compared (incomparison) with. Ge´genbesuch, m. (pl. -e), return-visit, visit in return. gegenÜ´ber (dat., postpositive), opposite, face to face. gegenÜ´berstehen (stand, gestanden), sich, to stand (tobe standing) face to face of each other. gehabt´, see auxil. v. haben. ge´he . . . hinab´, see hinabgehen. ge´hen (ging, gegangen), to go, to come, to leave, to depart; to walk, to move about. ge´hen . . . an, see angehen. GehÖlz´, n. (pl. -e), thicket, copse. gehÖ´ren, to belong (to, dat.). gehÖ´rig, required, appointed, necessary, due. GelÄch´ter, n., laughing, laughter. gelan´gen, to arrive (at, zu), to come or to get (to,zu), to reach. gelb, yellow. gelb´haarig, yellow-haired. Geld, n. (pl. -er), money. gele´gen, see liegen. geliebt´, see lieben. Gelieb´te(r), m. (pl. Geliebte[n]), lover. gelin´gen (gelang, gelungen), to be successful, to succeed; „es“ gelingt mir, I succeed (in,zu). gelit´ten, see leiden. Gemach´, n. (pl. -er), room, apartment. Gemahl´, m. (pl. -e), consort, husband. Gemetz´el, n. (pl. -), slaughter, butchery, carnage. Gem´se, f. (pl. -n), chamois. Gems´jÄger, m. (pl. -), chamois-hunter. gemÜt´lich, easy (-ily), comfortable (-bly). genau´, exact(ly), careful(ly), thorough(ly). genug´, enough, sufficient(ly). genÜ´gen, to suffice; sich genÜgen lassen, to be content or satisfied (with, an). gera´de (adv.), just, directly, exactly, right. gern, with pleasure, gladly, willingly; gern haben, to like, to love; er vertrieb gern die Zeit, he liked to make pass away (beguile) the time. GerÖll´, n. (collect.), boulder-stones, rubble-stones. Geruch´, m. (pl. -e), smell, odor. gesandt´, see senden. Gesang´, m. (pl. -e), singing, song. geschÄh´en (past subj. of geschehen). gescheh´en (geschah, geschehen), to happen, to occur; to be done. Geschenk´, n. (pl. -e), gift, present. Geschich´te, f. (pl. -n), tale, story; history. Geschlecht´, n. (pl. -er), family, house, lineage. geschlun´gen, see schlingen. geschnit´ten, see schneiden. geschwun´gen, see schwingen. Gesell´schaft, f. (pl. -en), company, visitors, guests. Gesicht´, n. (pl. -er), face. geson´nen, see sinnen. Gespenst´, n. (pl. -er), spectre. Gespinst´, n. (pl. -e), spinning, web, textile fabric. GesprÄch´, n. (pl. -e), talk, conversation. Gestalt´, f. (pl. -en), form, figure. gestan´den, see stehen. gesteh´en (gestand, gestanden), to confess, to declare. Gestein´, n. (collect.), rocks. ge´stern, yesterday. gestreng´, strict, rigorous. gestrit´ten, see streiten. GestÜt´, n. (pl. -e), stud, studdery. gethan´, see thun. getrennt´, see trennen. gewah´ren, to become aware of, to catch sight of, to perceive. gewÄh´ren, to allow, to give, to yield. gewal´tig, mighty, stupendous, towering. Gewand´, n. (pl. -er), robe, dress, garment. gewe´sen, see auxil. v. sein. gewin´nen (gewann, gewonnen), to win, to gain, to obtain; lieb gewinnen, to become fond (of,accus.). gewiß´, certain(ly), doubtless(ly); ganz gewiß, most assuredly, beyond doubt. gewÖhn´lich, ordinary (-ily), common(ly), customary (-ily); as a rule. gewohnt´, wont, used, accustomed. gewon´nen, see gewinnen. gezo´gen, see ziehen. ging (gin´gen) . . . auf, see aufgehen. ging . . . fort, see fortgehen. ging . . . heim, see heimgehen. ging . . . hinauf´, see hinaufgehen. ging . . . un´ter, see untergehen. ging . . . voran´, see vorangehen. ging . . . wei´ter, see weitergehen. ging . . . zu, see zugehen. gin´gen . . . hinaus´, see hinausgehen. gin´gen . . . umher´, see umhergehen. Gipf´el, m. (pl. -), top, peak. Glanz, m., radiance, flash, lustre. glÄn´zen, to shine, to glitter. glatt, smooth, slippery. glÄt´ten, to smooth. glau´ben, to believe, to think. gleich (colloq.) = sogleich, directly, forthwith, offhand. glei´chen (glich, geglichen), to equal or to match (something, dat.). gleich´geartet, congenerous, congenial. gleich´mÄßig, uniform, regular. glich, see gleichen. Glied, n. (pl. -er), limb. Glied´maßen, pl., limbs (of the body). glim´men, to glimmer, to gleam. glitz´ern, to glitter, to glisten. Gloan´tza (Roumanian), proper name. Glo´cke, f. (pl. -n), bell. glo´ckenhell, as clear as a bell. Glo´rienschein, m., glory, halo; evening-red. GlÜck, n., good luck. glÜck´lich, fortunate; happy. glÜh´en, to glow. Glut, f. (pl. -en), glow, flame. Gold, n., gold. gol´den, golden, of gold, golden-yellow. Gold´faden, m. (pl. -), gold-thread; (pl.) spun-gold; bridal veil. Gott, m. (pl. -er), God, the Lord; der liebe Gott, the good Lord; our heavenly father; die Mutter Gottes, the mother of our Lord, the Holy Virgin; mein Gott! good gracious! Got´teswillen, m., love of God; um Gotteswillen (or um Gottes willen), for God’s sake, for Heaven’s sake. gottlob´! (interj.) = Gott Lob! thank God! gott´los, godless, impious, wicked. Grab, n. (pl. -er), grave. gra´ben (grub, gegraben), to dig. Gras, n. (pl. -er), grass. grÄß´lich, horrible (-bly), awful(ly). grau, gray. grau´en, to dawn. grau´sam, cruel, atrocious. Grau´samkeit, f. (pl. -en), cruelty, atrocity. grei´fen (griff, gegriffen), to grasp or to catch (at,nach), to raise one’s hand (at,nach), to stretch one’s hand (at,nach). Gren´ze, f. (pl. -n), boundary, border(s), limit. griff, see greifen. grin´sen, to grin. groß, great, big, large; grand. Groß´mutter, f. (pl. -), grandmother. Groß´vater, m. (pl. -), grandfather. grÜn, green, greenish-gray; das GrÜn, verdure; green fields. Grund, m. (pl. -e), ground, property; reason; Grund und Boden, territory, premises, grounds; zu Grunde gehen, to perish; im Grunde, at (on) the bottom. Grup´pe, f. (pl. -n), (mountain) group. grÜ´ßen, to greet. grÜ´ßten . . . hinauf´, see hinaufgrÜßen. gÜn´stig, favorable; propitious. GÜr´tel, m. (pl. -), girdle, belt. gut (comparat. besser; superl. best), good; (adv.) well, fortunate; gutes (Gutes), good things; gutes wÜnschen, to wish some one well. gÜ´tig, kind(ly), gracious(ly). Haar, n. (pl. -e), hair. Haar´strÄhne, f. (pl. -n), lock of hair. ha´be; hast (pres. indic. of auxil. v. haben); have (I); hast (thou), have (you). ha´be! (imperat. of haben). ha´ben (hatte, gehabt), auxil. verb to have; to possess. Hab´gier, f., greediness. Hahn, m. (pl. -e), cock. halb, (one, a) half, partly. HÄlf´te, f. (pl. -n), half, middle; zur HÄlfte, to the middle. Hal´le, f. (pl. -n), vestibule, corridor. Halm, m. (pl. -e), blade (ofgrass). Hals, m. (pl. -e), neck, throat; es kostet ihm den Hals, it costs his life. HÄls´chen, n. (pl. -), (sweet or pretty) little neck. hal´ten (hielt, gehalten), to hold, to keep, to carry, to take for, to consider; fÜr sicher halten, to take for certain; zum besten halten, to make sport or fun of one. Hal´tung, f. (pl. -en), attitude. hÄ´misch, malicious(ly), spiteful(ly). Hand, f. (pl. -e), hand. han´gen (hing, gehangen), to hang, to be suspended. HÄr´chen, n. (pl. -), little hair, single hair. hart, hard, severe, unrelenting; tough. Ha´selnuß, f. (pl. -e), hazel-nut. has´peln, to wind up, to reel. has´sen, to hate. hÄß´lich, ugly, hideous. hat´te; hat´ten, see haben, auxil. v. hÄt´te; hÄt´ten (past subj. of haben). hau´en (hieb, gehauen), to hew; to strike, to cut; der BÄr hieb nach ihr, the bear struck a blow with the paw at her. Hau´fen, m. (pl. -), heap, pile. Haupt, n. (pl. -er), head. Haus, n. (pl. -er), house, home; cottage; nach Hause, home (adv.); von Hause, from home; zu Hause, at home. Haut, f. (pl. -e), skin, complexion. he´ben (hob, gehoben), to raise, to throw up. Heer, n. (pl. -e), army. Heft, n. (pl. -e), haft, handle. hef´tig, intense(ly), immense(ly), keen(ly). Hei´de, f. (pl. -n), heath. Heim, n., home. heim (adv.), home. Hei´mat, f. (pl. -en), home. heim´gehen (ging, gegangen), to go home. heim´kehren, to return home. heim´kommen (kam, gekommen), to come or to return home. heim´lich, secret(ly), private(ly); familiar(ly), intimate(ly); still, quiet. Heim´suchung, f. (pl. -en), visitation; punishment. hei´raten, to marry. heiß, hot, fervid, vehement. hei´ßen (hieß, geheißen), to call, to name; to be called or named; to bid, to request; wie heißt du? what is your name? hei´ter, cheerful(ly), merry (-ily), serene(ly). Hei´terkeit, f., merriment. Held, m. (pl. -en), hero. Hel´denthat, f. (pl. -en), heroic deed. Hel´dentum, n., heroism. hel´fen, (pres. indic. helfe, hilfst, hilft, helfen, etc.), half, geholfen, to help, to bring or to render help. hell, clear, bright, brilliant; silvery; immer heller, more and more brilliant. her, hither, this way, up; hin und her, hither and thither, up and down; um ... her, round about; von ... her, from. herab´, down (upon, auf). herab´rollen, to roll down. herab´rufen (rief, gerufen), to call down (upon some one, auf), to summon. herab´strÖmen, to flow down. heran´kriechen (kroch, gekrochen), to creep or to crawl near. heran´rÜcken, to advance (to, towards, zu). heran´sausen, to gallop up or near. heran´stÜrmen, to advance to the attack. herauf´, up, upwards. herauf´bringen (brachte, gebracht), to bring or to carry up (from, aus). herauf´drÖhnen, to rumble up, to boom up. herauf´eilen, to hurry up(wards). herauf´geleiten, to lead (to accompany or to take)up. herauf´kommen (kam, gekommen), to come up. herauf´steigen (stieg, gestiegen), to step up, to come up (to,zu). heraus´kommen (kam, gekommen), to come out (of the house). heraus´nehmen (nahm, genommen), to take or to draw out. heraus´ziehen (zog, gezogen), to pull (to draw, to get) out. herbei´rufen (rief, gerufen), to call (here or near). herbei´strÖmen, to rush or to flock near. Her´de, f. (pl. -n), herd, flock (ofsheep). herein´ (zu), in, into. herein´brechen (brach, gebrochen), to come on, to set in, to befall or to overtake (some one, Über). herein´kommen (kam, gekommen), to come in, to flow (or to blow) in, to enter. herein´lugen, to look or to peep (into, zu). herein´strÖmen, to stream or to flow in. herein´stÜrzen, to rush in (to, zu). herein´treten (trat, getreten), to walk in, to enter. her´geben (gab, gegeben), to give up, to deliver. Herr, m. (pl. -en), gentleman, Sire. Her´rin, f. (pl. -nen), lady, mistress. herr´lich, magnificent, stately. herÜ´berkommen (kam, gekommen), to come over (tothis side), to cross. herÜ´berlassen (ließ, gelassen), to allow to cross or to come over (tothis side). herum´, round, about; drum herum, all around (them), round about (them). herun´ter, down. herun´terheben (hob, gehoben), to heave or to hand down; to help (some one, dat.) down. herun´terwÄlzen, to roll down. hervor´brachte, see hervorbringen. hervor´bringen (brachte, gebracht), to bring forth; ein Wort hervorbringen, to utter a word. hervor´quellen (quoll, gequollen), to flow forth, to ooze out. hervor´quoll, see hervorquellen. hervor´sprudeln, to be sputtered forth or out; to be rapidly spoken; hervorsprudelnde Worte, deluge or volley of words. hervor´stehlen (stahl, gestohlen), sich, to flow forth, to break forth. hervor´treten (trat, getreten), to step forth, to come forward (from, aus). Herz, n. (pl. -en), heart; ums Herz, at heart. Her´zeleid, n., heart sore, grief, worry. Heu, n., hay. heu´len, to howl, to roar; die Heulende (howler, roarer), roaring torrent. Heu´schrecke, f. (pl. -n), locust; grasshopper. heu´te, to-day. He´xe, f. (pl. -n), hag, witch. He´xenburg, f. (pl. -en), witch’s castle. hieb, see hauen. hielt, see halten. hielt . . . an, see anhalten. hier, here; hier und da, here and there, now and then, occasionally. hierauf´ (emphat. hier´auf), on (upon, to, for) this. Hil´fe, f., help. hilft, see helfen. Him´mel, m. (pl. -), heaven; Heaven; sky. Him´melsbewohner, m. (pl. -), inhabitant or denizen of heaven. hin, thither, one way, that way, down; hin und her, hither and thither, up and down. hinab´, down (to, zu). hinab´gehen (ging, gegangen), to go down. hinab´reichen, to reach down. hinab´rollen, to roll down; das Hinabrollen, rolling down. hinab´sehen (sah, gesehen), to look down. hinab´stÜrzen, to fall (to shoot, to tumble) down. hinab´toben, to storm or to rage down (to,zu). hinab´wÄlzen, to roll down. hinan´sprengen, to gallop up (to, zu). hinauf´, up (to, zu); am . . . hinauf, up ... along the..., den Fluß hinauf, up the river, up stream. hinauf´blicken, to look up (to, zu). hinauf´gehen (ging, gegangen), to go or to walk upwards or up the stream. hinauf´grÜßen, to send a salute up (to, zu), to blow a kiss up (to,zu). hinauf´wandern, to wander up. hinaus´, out (of, zu). hinaus´gehen (ging, gegangen), to go out, to leave one’s home. hinaus´jagen, to turn out, to expel. hinaus´sehen (sah, gesehen), to look out (of, zu). hinaus´treten (trat, getreten), to step (to go or to come) out. hinein´starren, to stare into; to stand out. hinein´waten, to wade in. hin´fallen (fiel, gefallen), to fall down. hing, see hangen. hin´kommen (kam, gekommen), to come or to get to a place (there); wo ist er hingekommen? what has become of him? hink´ten . . . umher´, see umherhinken. hin´sinken (sank, gesunken), to sink down, to fall to the ground. hin´starren, to stare at (or towards). hin´ter (dat. accus.), behind. Hin´terbein, n. (pl. -e), hindleg. hinterher´, behind, following. hin´treten (trat, getreten), to step forth or near, to make one’s appearance. hinÜ´berblicken, to look over (to, zu). hinzu´fÜgen, to add. Hirn´gespinst, n. (pl. -e), fancy, phantom. Hir´t(e), m. (pl. Hirten), herdsman, shepherd. Hi´tze, f., heat. hob, see heben. hob . . . herun´ter, see herunterheben. hoch (attrib. hoher, hohe, hohes), high; tall, stately. hoch´klopfend, loud beating, palpitating. Hoch´zeit, f. (pl. -en), wedding, nuptials. Hoch´zeitstag, m. (pl. -e), wedding-day. Hof, m. (pl. -e), yard, castle-yard; court; im Hofe, in the yard (castle-yard); bei Hofe (amHofe), at court. hof´fen, to hope. Hoff´nung, f. (pl. -en), hope. hÖf´lich, polite(ly), courteous(ly). ho´he, see hoch. HÖ´he, f. (pl. -n), height; in die HÖhe, up; in die HÖhe sehen, to lookup. ho´hem, see hoch. hÖ´her, see hoch. hohl, hollow, sunken (eyes). HÖh´le, f. (pl. -n), cave; den. hold, sweet, charming, graceful. ho´len, to haul; to fetch, to go for, to take (from, aus). Holz´stab, m. (pl. -e), piece of (smoothed) wood, willow-stick. Ho´ra, f. (Roumanian), dance, country-waltz. hÖr´bar, audible (-bly). hor´chen, to hearken, to listen (to, auf). hÖ´ren, to hear, to perceive, to notice; hÖren lassen, to sound, to blow (aninstrument). Horn, n. (pl. -er), horn. hÖrt . . . an, see anhÖren. hu! (interj.) ugh! hub . . . an, see anheben. hÜbsch, pretty. Huf, m. (pl. -e), hoof (ofa horse). Huf´schlag, m. (pl. -e), foot-beat of a horse, clang (or tramp) of a horse’s feet. HÜ´gel, m. (pl. -), hill, elevation. Hund, m. (pl. -e), dog. hun´dert, (one) hundred. Hun´ger, m., hunger. hun´gern, to hunger, to be hungry; die Hungernden, the starving. Hun´gersnot, f. (pl. -e), famine. hÜ´ten, to guard, to tend. ich, I. ihm (pers. pron.), (to) him; (to) it. ihn (pers. pron.), him (it). ih´nen (pers. pron.), (to) them. ihr, ih´re, ihr (possess. pron.), her; their; (pers. pron.) her. Ihr (nominat. pl. of pers. pron.), you. ih´rer (genit. pl. of pers. pron.), of them. im = in dem. im´mer, always, ever, for ever; immer heller, brighter and brighter; immer noch, still; noch immer, still. im´merfort, all the time, constantly, ever and ever. in (dat. accus.), in, into, to. in´brÜnstig, ardent(ly), fervent(ly). indem´ (conj.), while or by pres. partic. inmit´ten, in the midst of, amidst. ins = in das. Iri´na (proper name), Irene. ir´r(e), astray, wrong; irre fÜhren, to lead astray (wrong or out of the way), to mislead. Irr´tum, m. (pl. -er), error, deception, erroneous notion. ja (affirmative particle), yes; (explet. adv.) why! you know. Jagd, f. (pl. -en), hunt, chase; hunting-party; auf der Jagd, hunting. Jagd´frevel, m. poaching. ja´gen, to hunt, to chase; to ride (to drive, to dash, to sweep) along or forth; ohne Erlaubnis jagen, to poach. JÄ´ger, m. (pl. -), hunter, huntsman; (for die JÄgerin) huntress. jag´ten dahin´, see dahinjagen. jag´ten . . . davon´, see davonjagen. Jahr, n. (pl. -e), year. jÄm´merlich, miserable (-bly), deplorable (-bly). jam´mern, to wail, to moan; das Jammern, wailing, moaning. jauch´zen, to shout exultingly, to exult. je, ever; je . . . (desto) um so, the ... the. je´der, je´de, je´des, each (one); every (one); either. je´ner, je´ne, je´nes, that (one); dieser und jener, one and another. jetzt, now; noch jetzt, even now, still. ju´gendlich, youthful, juvenile. jung, young. Jun´ge, n. (pl. -n), young, a young one; chicken (chick). Jung´frau, f. (pl. -en), maiden, virgin. JÜng´ling, m. (pl. -e), youth, lad. jÜngst (adv.), of late, lately, the other day. Juwel´, n. (pl. -en), jewel, gem; (pl.) jewelry. kahl, bald, bare, leafless, smooth. Kai´ser, m. (pl. -), emperor. kam, see kommen. kam . . . ab, see abkommen. kam . . . herauf´, see heraufkommen. kam . . . herein´, see hereinkommen. kam (ka´men) . . . vor, see vorkommen. kam . . . zuvor´, see zuvorkommen. Kamin´, m. (pl. -e), fire-place, fireside, open fire. kÄm´men, to comb. Kam´mer, f. (pl. -n), (side-) chamber, (adjoining) apartment, closet. Kampf, m. (pl. -e), struggle, fight(ing). kÄm´pfen, to fight (for, um). kann, kannst, see kÖnnen. kann´te, see kennen. Kano´ne, f. (pl. -n), cannon. kau´fen, to buy. kaum, hardly, with difficulty. Ke´gel, m. (pl. -), cone. kehr´te . . . zurÜck´, see zurÜckkehren. keim´te . . . auf, see aufkeimen. kein, kei´ne, kein, no; gar keinen Schlaf, no sleep whatever. kei´ner, kei´ne, kei´n(e)s, no one, not any one; nothing, not anything; neither. Kel´ler, m. (pl. -), cellar, cavern. ken´nen (kannte, gekannt), to know. Kerl, m. (pl. -e), fellow (chap), wretch. Kern, m. (pl. -e), kernel, nucleus; pupil (ofthe eye). Ker´ze, f. (pl. -n), candle, votive candle. Kind, n. (pl. -er), child. Kinn, n. (pl. -e), chin. Kir´che, f. (pl. -n), church, chapel. Kis´sen, n. (pl. -), cushion; pillow. Kla´ge, f. (pl. -n), lamentation, complaint. klang, see klingen. klar, clear, bright, transparent. klat´schen, to pop, to clack, to clap; in die HÄnde klatschen, to clap hands. Kleid, n. (pl. -er), dress, garment. klein, small, little. klem´men, to squeeze, to jam. klin´gen (klang, geklungen), to sound; to be heard. klo´pfen, to knock; to beat, to palpitate. klug, wise, prudent, smart. Kna´be, m. (pl. -n), boy. Knie, n. (pl. -e), knee. knie´en, to kneel. knie´te . . . nie´der, see niederknieen. Koh´le, f. (pl. -n), (pieceof) coal. ko´misch, comic, funny, droll. komm . . . herauf´, see heraufkommen. komm . . . heraus´, see herauskommen. kom´me . . . heim, see heimkommen. kom´me . . . wie´der, see wiederkommen. kom´men (kam, gekommen), to come, to arrive, to get to; wieder zu sich kommen, to recover. kommst wie´der, see wiederkommen. KÖ´nig, m. (pl. -e), king. KÖ´nigin, f. (pl. -nen), queen. KÖ´nigreich, n. (pl. -e), kingdom, realm. KÖ´nigskind, n. (pl. -er), child of a king, (prince or) princess. KÖ´nigsschloß, n. (pl. -er), royal castle. KÖ´nigssohn, m. (pl. -e), son of a king. kÖn´nen (pres. indic. kann, kannst, kann; kÖnnen, etc.), konnte, gekonnt, can, to be able; to be allowed; (= mÖgen) may. konn´te, see kÖnnen. Kopf, m. (pl. -e), head. Korn, n. (pl. -er), (seed-) corn, (seed-) grain; rye. KÖrn´chen, n. (pl. -), little grain, granule; little bit. KÖr´per, m. (pl. -), body. ko´sten, to cost; es kostet ihm den Hals, it costs his life. Kraft, f. (pl. -e), strength, power, force; aus aller Kraft, to the best of one’s ability, with might and main. krÄ´hen, to crow. Kranz, m. (pl. -e), wreath, garland. kraus, curly. Kreis, m. (pl. -e), circle; im Kreise, in a circle; rings im Kreise, all around. Kreuz, n. (pl. -e), cross; das Zeichen des Kreuzes machen, to cross (or to bless) one’s self. Krieg, m. (pl. -e), war. Kriegs´lÄrm, m., tumult of war. kroch . . . heran´, see herankriechen. Kro´ne, f. (pl. -n), crown, diadem. Krug, m. (pl. -e), pitcher, jug. krumm, bent, crooked. KrÜp´pel, m. (pl. -), cripple; bis ich ein KrÜppel bin, until I am crippled (or maimed). kÜhl, cool. kÜh´len, to cool, to refresh. kÜhn, bold(ly), daring(ly). Kun´de, f., news, intelligence. Kun´kel, f. (pl. -n), obsol. for der Spinnrocken, the staff to which a bundle of flax is tied; distaff. KÜr´bis, m. (pl. -e), pumpkin. kurz, short(ly), curt(ly), brief(ly), abrupt(ly). kÜs´sen, to kiss. Lab´sal, n. (pl. -e), comfort. lÄ´cheln, to smile; das LÄcheln, smiling, smile. lÄ´chelte . . . zu, see zulÄcheln. la´chen, to laugh (at, Über), to smile. lach´te . . . auf, see auflachen. lag, la´gen, see liegen. lag . . . da, see daliegen. La´ger, n. (pl. -), couch, bed, sick-bed; (mil.) camp, encampment. la´gern, to be encamped. lamm´fromm, as gentle as a lamb, lamb-like; exceedingly tame or mild. Land, n. (pl. -er), land, country. lan´g(e) (adv.), long; through; (for) a long time. lÄn´ger, longer. lang´sam, slow(ly), gradual(ly); by degrees. Lan´ze, f. (pl. -n), lance, spear. LÄrm, m., noise. las´sen (ließ, gelassen), to let, to make, to have, to allow, to cause; to leave; sich wieder sehen lassen (tolet one’s self be seen again, to appear once more), to be seen again; von Einem lassen, to abandon some one. Last, f. (pl. -en), load, burden, charge; zur Last sein, to be burdensome, to be a dead weight (upon some one, dat.). lau´fen (lief, gelaufen), to run, to move, to be in motion; to run at full speed; weit laufen, to make a long way. lau´schen, to listen, to lend an ear. laut, loud, aloud, in a loud voice or tone (ofvoice); noisy; die Hunde wurden laut, the dogs gave tongue. lÄu´ten, to ring, to peal, to toll. lau´ter, pure, clear, (adv.) clearly; (= nichts als) mere, nothing but; vor lauter Denken, out of sheer pondering. Le´ben, n., life; am Leben sein, to be alive. le´ben, to live, to be alive; to reside. leben´dig, alive, living; wieder lebendig machen, to restore to life. le´bensgefÄhrlich, perilous, mortal. Le´bensmittel, pl., victuals, provisions. Le´bensretter, m. (pl. -), life-saver. le´cken, to lick. le´gen, to lay, to put, to place; sich legen, to be put (or placed); to lie, to rest. Lehm, m., loam, clay. leh´nen, to lean (against, an); sich lehnen, to lean. leh´ren, to teach. Lei´che, f. (pl. -n), corpse. leicht, light (of weight); easy (-ily), quick, brisk(ly). Leid, n., woe, affliction. leid (adj., adv.), sorry, grieved, weary, sick; das Leben ist mir leid, I am tired (have become tired) of life. lei´den (litt, gelitten), to suffer; to bear, to abide, to like; wohl gelitten sein, to be in favor (with, von), to be in some one’s good books. lei´se (adv.), lowly, softly, gently; slightly, imperceptibly. lenk´te . . . dahin´, see dahinlenken. letz´te (der), last. leuch´ten, to shine, to beam, to gleam. Leu´te, pl., people; men. Licht, n. (pl. -er), light; lamp. lieb, dear, beloved; lieb haben, (to love), to like. Lie´be, f., love (for, zu); zu liebe or zuliebe (= zu Liebe), for love of; to please (some one, dat.). lie´be (der), dear, beloved. lie´ben, to love; der Liebende, lover; geliebt, beloved, dear; der Geliebte, beloved one, lover. Lie´bende, m., f. (pl. -n), lover. lie´ber (see lieb), rather, sooner, better; er wollte lieber, he preferred. lieb´lich, delightful, charming, pleasing. Lied, n. (pl. -er), song, lay; ballad. lief, see laufen. lie´gen (lag, gelegen), to lie, to rest; to be placed. ließ, see lassen. ließ . . . nach, see nachlassen. Lip´pe, f. (pl. -n), lip. Lo´cke, f. (pl. -n), lock (ofhair), curl. Lo´ckenhaupt, n. (pl. -er), curly head. Lo´ckenkopf, m. (pl. -e), curly head. lo´ckern, to loosen, to make loose. Lohn, m. (pl. -e), reward; zum Lohn, as a reward. los´brechen (brach, gebrochen), to break or to burst forth or out. lÖ´schen, to extinguish. lÖ´sen, to loosen, to untie. los´lÖsen, to loosen, to detach, to separate. los´machen, to loosen, to unfasten. LÖ´wenmÄhne, f. (pl. -n), lion’s mane. lud . . . ein, see einladen. Luft, f. (pl. -e), air. LÜ´ge, f. (pl. -n), lie, invention. Lun´go (Roumanian), long. lu´stig, merry (-ily), cheerful(ly). ma´chen, to make, to render, to create, to shape; to do; to act. mÄch´tig, mighty, large, huge. MÄd´chen, n. (pl. -), girl, maid; maid-servant. MÄgd´lein, n. (pl. -), young girl or lass. ma´ger, meagre; thin, ill-conditioned. Mahl´zeit, f. (pl. -en), meal, repast. Maid, f. (pl. -e), maid, maiden. Mais, m., maize, Indian corn. Mais´korn, n. (pl. -er), seed of a corn-cob. Mal, n. (pl. -e), time; mit einem Mal, all at once, suddenly; zum zweiten Male, for a second time. Mamali´ga, f., cornmeal-mush. man, one, they, people; or by passive. man´cher, man´che, man´ches, many a one, many a thing. manch´mal, sometimes, at times. Mann, m. (pl. -er), man; husband; (pl. Mannen, warriors, vassals). Man´nen, pl., see Mann. Man´tel, m. (pl. -), mantle, cloak. Mas´se, f. (pl. -n), mass, bulk, quantity, multitude; in Massen, in great numbers. Maß, n. (pl. -e), measure, quantity. mÄ´ßig, moderate(ly; in moderation). matt, exhausted, feeble. Mau´er, f. (pl. -n), wall. Maul´wurf, m. (pl. -e), mole. mehr, more, longer. meh´rere, several. mein, mei´ne, mein, my. mei´nen, to mean, to think; to remark. meist, most; die meisten, most, the most part. Mensch, m. (pl. -en), man, person, human being; (pl.) people; alle Menschen, every one. Men´schengedenken, n., memory of man; seit Menschengedenken, since time immemorial, in (within) the memory of man. Men´schenkind, n. (pl. -er), human being. mer´ken, to perceive, to notice, to be aware. merk´wÜrdig, strange, remarkable. Mes´ser, n. (pl. -), knife; hunting-knife or hanger. mich (pers. pron.), me. min´der (= weniger), less. Minu´te, f. (pl. -n), minute. mir (person. pron.), (to, for) me. Mir´ea (Roumanian), proper name. mi´schen, to mix; sich mischen, to mix (intrans.) = to be mixed. Miß´trauen, n., distrust, suspicion. mit (dat.), with. mit´brÄchten, see mitbringen. mit´bringen (brachte, gebracht), to bring along (with one). mit´geben (gab, gegeben), to give as a portion. mit´kommen (kam, gekommen), to come along (with one). Mit´leid, n., compassion (for, fÜr), pity (on,fÜr). mit´nehmen (nahm, genommen), to take along. Mit´tagsmahl, n. (pl. -e), midday-meal, dinner. mÖch´te, mÖch´ten (see mÖgen), might, should like. mÖ´gen (pres. indic. mag, magst, mag; mÖgen, etc.), mochte, gemocht, can, may; sich mÖgen (colloq.), to like one another; mÖge er (mayhe), let him. mÖg´lich, possible; mÖglichst viele, as many as possible. Mol´dau, f. (proper name) Moldavia. Mond, m. (pl. -e), moon. Mond´licht, n., moon-light. Mond´schein, m., moon-light. Moos, n. (pl. -e), moss. mÖr´derisch, murderous, bloody. mor´gen, to-morrow. Mor´gen, m. (pl. -), morning. Mor´genluft, f. (pl. -e), morning-air, morning-breeze. Mosch (Roumanian), old, old man. mÜ´de, tired, fatigued, weary. MÜh´e, f. (pl. -n), trouble; alle MÜhe, a great amount of trouble, considerable pains. mÜh´sam, troublesome, hard. mÜh´selig, laborious, toilsome. Mund, m., mouth; wie aus einem Munde (= einstimmig), with one accord, as one man. mun´den, to be acceptable or palatable; die Mahlzeit mundet mir, I relish the meal. MÜn´dung, f. (pl. -en), mouth (ofa river). MÜn´ze, f. (pl. -n), coin, medal; amulet. mur´meln, to murmur, to whisper. Muse´um, n. (pl. Museen), (national) museum. mÜs´sen (pres. indic. muß, mußt, muß; mÜssen etc.), mußte, gemußt, must, to have to, to be forced or compelledto. muß; muß´te; muß´ten, see mÜssen. Mut, m., courage. Mut´ter, f. (pl. -), mother; die Mutter Gottes, mother of our Lord, Holy Virgin. Muttergot´tesbild, n. (pl. -er), image of the Holy Virgin. MÜ´tze, f. (pl. -n), cap, bonnet. nach (dat.), after; to, towards; accordingto. Nach´barhaus, n. (pl. -er), adjoining (next door) house. nachdem´, (conj.), after. nach´denken (dachte, gedacht), to reflect, to ponder, to muse (onor upon, Über). nach´geben (gab, gegeben), to relax, to slacken. nachher´, after(wards), later. nach´lassen (ließ, gelassen), to slacken, to relax; to yield the hand. Nach´richt, f. (pl. -en), news, intelligence, information. nach´schicken, to send (or to call) after (one, dat.). nach´sehen (sah, gesehen), to look after, to follow with one’s eyes. nÄch´ste (der), next, following; nearest. nach´stÜrzen, to rush after (some one, dat.); to fall or to follow afterwards. Nacht, f. (pl. -e), night; bei Nacht (= nachts), at night, in the night(-time). nackt, naked, bare, leafless. na´geln, to nail (to or on, an), to fasten with nails. na´h(e), close or near (to, bei); next or hard (by,bei); ganz nahe (bei), very near. na´he (der), neighboring, nearby. NÄh´e, f., nearness, presence; neighborhood, vicinity; in der NÄhe betrachten, to look closely at, to examine closely. nÄh´ern, sich, to approach (someone, dat.). nahm, see nehmen. nahm . . . ab, see abnehmen. nahm . . . mit, see mitnehmen. Na´me(n), m. (pl. Namen), name. nÄm´liche, (der), the same, the very. Na´se, f. (pl. -n), nose. naß, wet; so naß, wet through, wring-wet. Natur´, f. (pl. -en), nature, character, disposition. natÜr´lich, naturally, of course. Ne´bel, m. (pl. -), fog, mist. ne´ben (dat.-accus.), by, by the side of, beside, alongside, near; next to, adjoining. ne´cken, to tease (about, mit). Neck´wort, n., (pl. -e), teasing remark, raillery. neh´men (nahm, genommen), to take, to accept; to marry; bei Seite (beiseite) nehmen, to take aside. nei´gen, to bend, to bow. nein, no. nen´nen (nannte, genannt), to name, to call. neu, new; von neuem, anew. Neu´gier, f., curiosity. neu´lich, a short time ago, the other day. nicht, not. nichts, nothing, not anything; nichts als, nothing but. nie, never; noch nie, never before. nie´derknieen, to kneel down. nie´derlassen (ließ, gelassen) sich, to let down; to alight, to settle. nie´derlegen, to lay down. nie´derschÜtten, to pour down. nie´derstrÖmen, to pour down (upon, auf). nie´derwerfen (warf, geworfen), to throw down, to prostrate. nie´derziehen (zog, gezogen), to draw or to pull down. nie´mals, never (and never). nie´mand, no one, nobody, not anybody. ni´sten, to nest, to build a nest. noch, still, yet, as yet; noch nie, never before; immer noch, still; noch immer, still. Nor´den, m., North; von Norden her, from the North. Not, f., (pl. -e), need, distress, calamity. nun, now, henceforth; (explet.) well! why! nur, only, solely, simply; nothing but; just. o! oh! ob, if, whether. o´ben, up, high up, on height; dort oben, up there. Och´se, m. (pl. -n), ox. o´der, or. O´fen, m. (pl. -), stove. of´fen (attrib. offner, offne, offnes), open; mit offnem Munde, open-mouthed. offenbar´ (or of´fenbar), evident(ly), apparent(ly). Öff´nen, to open, to force open. oft, often, frequently. oft´mals, often, frequently. oh´ne, (accus.), without; ohne zu wissen, without knowing. ohn´mÄchtig, fainting, unconscious; ohnmÄchtig werden, to faint. Ohr, n. (pl. -en), ear; taube Ohren machen, to turn a deaf ear. Opf´er, n. (pl. -), offering, sacrifice; ein Opfer bringen, to make a sacrifice. opf´erfreudig, self-sacrificing. orienta´lisch, Oriental. Ost´wind, m. (pl. -e), East-wind. Paar, n. (pl. -e), pair, couple. Pein, f., pain, torment, agony. Pelz´mÜtze, f. (pl. -n), fur-cap, fur-bonnet. per´len, to rise (or to shine) like pearls. Per´lenkette, f. (pl. -n), chain of pearls. Per´lenreihe, f. (pl. -n), set of pearls. Per´lenschnur, f. (pl. -e), string of pearls. Person´, f. (pl. -en), person; in eigner Person, in person. Pest´hauch, m., pestilential miasma. Petro´leum, n., petroleum, mineral oil, naphtha. Pfad, m. (pl. -e), (mountain-) path, trail. Pfei´fe, f. (pl. -n), pipe. Pfeil, m. (pl. -e), arrow. Pferd, n. (pl. -e), horse. Pferd´chen, n. (pl. -), small horse, (poor) little horse, naggy. pfle´gen, to tend, to nurse. pflÜ´cken, to pick. pflÜ´gen, to plough; zum PflÜgen, for ploughing. Pia´tra Ar´sa (Roumanian), “Burnt Rock.” Platz, m. (pl. -e), place; room, space; swing, play. Plauderei´, f. (pl. -en), chat, chattering, gossip, gossipping. plÖtz´lich, suddenly, all at once. plÜn´dern, to plunder, to rob, to strip. Po´le, m. (pl. -n), Pole, Polander, inhabitant of Poland. Porfi´rie (Roumanian), proper name “Porphyrius.” Portal´, n. (pl. -e), portal, entrance. prÄch´tig, costly. pran´gen, to shine, to make a splendid show. Preis, m. (pl. -e), price; um jeden Preis, at any price or rate, at any sacrifice. Praho´va, f. (proper name), a tributary of the Lower Danube. Praho´vathal, n. (pl. -er), valley of the Prahova (river). prophezei´en, to prophesy, to predict, to foretell. Pu´delmÜtze, f. (pl. -n) = PelzmÜtze, fur-cap, fur-bonnet. Pu´i de Imparat´ (Roumanian), “Emperor’s Chick.” Pur´purmantel, m. (pl. -), purple-mantle. Qual, f. (pl. -en), agony, affliction. Quel´le, f. (pl. -n), source, well. Ra´be, m. (pl. -n), raven. Ra´chedurst, m., thirst for (desire of) revenge, revengefulness; vindictiveness. Rad, n. (pl. -er), wheel; spinning-wheel. ra´gen, to rise, to tower (up). ra´gen . . . empor´, see emporragen. ragt (ragten) . . . empor´, see emporragen. rasch, quick(ly), swift(ly), prompt(ly), without delay, off-hand. ra´sen, to rave, to rage; rasend, furious, frantic. Rat, m. (pl. -e), counsel, consultation, deliberation; (mit sich) zu Rate gehen, to consider the advisability. rau´ben, to rob, to take away. rau´chen, to smoke. rau´fen, sich, to fight, to scuffle. rauh, rough(ly), harsh(ly), severe(ly). Raum, m. (pl. -e), room; space, compass. rÄu´men, to remove; aus dem Wege rÄumen, to make away with. rau´schen, to rush. Recht, n. (pl. -e), right, claim. Re´de, f. (pl. -n), speech, talk, words; es ist die Rede von etwas, the topic of the day is (about)...; bei dieser Rede, at these words. re´den, to speak or to talk (to, mit). re´ge, stirred up, lively; rege machen, to awaken, to arouse. Re´gen, m., rain. re´gen, sich, to be or to become stirring or alive, to show one’s self, to appear. reg´nen, to rain. Reh, n. (pl. -e), roe, doe. reich, rich. rei´chen, to reach, to hand, to offer, to present, to give. Rei´he, f. (pl. -n), row, line, series. rein, pure. rei´ßen (riß, gerissen), to tear; in StÜcke reißen, to tear to pieces. rei´ten (ritt, geritten), to ride (to go) on horseback. rei´ten . . . ein, see einreiten. Rei´ter, m. (pl. -), rider, horseman. rei´zen, to stimulate, to incite, to provoke, to charm. ret´ten, to save. rich´ten, to arrange; to serve or to dish up; to make ready. rich´tete . . . auf, see aufrichten. rief, see rufen. rief . . . entge´gen, see entgegenrufen. rief . . . herbei´, see herbeirufen. rie´fen . . . zu, see zurufen. rie´seln, to drizzle. Rie´senzahn, m. (pl. -e), gigantic tooth (dent) or tine or prong. Rin´de, f. (pl. -n), bark. Ring, m. (pl. -e), ring. rin´gen (rang, gerungen), to wring (one’s hands). Ring´lein, n. (pl. -), (plain) little ring, ringlet. rings, around, in a circle; rings im Kreise, all around. ringsum´ (= ringsherum), round about. Rin´ne, f. (pl. -n), channel, furrow. Ritt, m. (pl. -e), ride, riding. ritt; rit´ten, see reiten. ritt . . . empor´, see emporreiten. RÎul (Roumanian), “the” brook. roll´te . . . herab´, see herabrollen. rot, red; das Rot, red color, blush; blood. ru´fen (rief, gerufen), to shout, to cry, to call, to say. rufst . . . herab´, see herabrufen. ru´hen, to rest, to be placed. rÜh´ren, to move; sich rÜhren, to move (freely). Rui´ne, f. (pl. -n), ruin(s). RumÄ´ne, m. (pl. -n), Roumanian, inhabitant of Roumania. RumÄ´nenland, n., land (country) of the Roumanians, Roumania. rumÄ´nisch, Roumanian, of the Roumanians. run´zelig, wrinkled, puckered. run´zeln, to wrinkle, to knit (the brows). Saal, m. (pl. SÄle), hall, drawing-room, saloon. SÄ´belhieb, m. (pl. -e), sword-cut. Sa´che, f. (pl. -n), thing, pretty little thing. SÄ´chelchen, n. (pl. -), little thing; (pl.) gimcracks. Sack, m. (pl. -e), sack; bag. sÄ´en, to sow; zum SÄen, for sowing. sa´gen, to say. sah, see sehen. sah . . . hinaus´, see hinaussehen. sah . . . nach, see nachsehen. sah . . . um, see umsehen. sah . . . zu, see zusehen. sÄ´he (past subj.) of sehen. sa´hen . . . aus, see aussehen. Samen, m., seed (-corn or -grain). sam´meln, to collect, to gather, to pick up; sich sammeln, to assemble, to rally. Samt, m., velvet. samt (dat.), together with. Samt´kleid, n. (pl. -er), velvet-dress. sÄmt´liche, all, each and every (one), in a body. Samt´mantel, m. (pl. -), velvet-cloak. Sanda´le, f. (pl. -n), sandal. sanft, soft; gentle, sweet. Sanft´mut, f., gentleness, meekness. sank . . . hin, see hinsinken. Sarg, m. (pl. -e), coffin. saß, see sitzen. Sat´tel, m. (pl. -), saddle; auf den (dem) Sattel, in the saddle. sÄt´tigen, to satisfy; sich sÄttigen, to satisfy one’s appetite. Scha´de(n), m. (pl. SchÄden), wrong, loss; wie schade! it is a pity! what a pity! SchÄ´del, m. (pl. -), skull. Schaf, n. (pl. -e), sheep. SchÄ´fer, m. (pl. -), shepherd. schaf´fen, to do; (colloq.) to work; etwas mit Einem zu schaffen haben, to have something to do with one, to have dealings with one. Scha´le, f. (pl. -n), shell. schal´len (scholl, geschollen), to sound, to resound; to be heard. Scham, f., shame, disgrace. Schan´de, f., shame, disgrace. Schar, f. (pl. -en), score, crowd; troop, host. scharf, sharp, acute; harsh, cutting, pungent, severe, piquante. Schat´ten, m. (pl. -), shade, shadow; in den Schatten stellen, to place in the shade. Schatz, m. (pl. -e), treasure; love, lover, darling. schÄu´men, to foam; schÄumend, foamy, frothy. schau´mig, foamy, frothy. schau´rig, dreadful, dismal. Schein, m., shine, light, brightness. schei´nen (schien, geschienen), to seem, to appear. Schei´tel, m. (pl. -), top (crown of the) head. schel´ten (schalt, gescholten), to scold, to reproach. schen´ken, to give, to present. scher´zen, to joke; scherzend, joking(ly). scherz´weise, by way of jest, in jest. scheu, shy(ly), timid(ly), faint-hearted(ly). scheu´chen, to scare, to frighten; to dispel, to drive away. schich´ten, to stow, to pile up, to put into rows or layers. schi´cken, to send. schien, see scheinen. schie´ßen (schoß, geschossen), to shoot; to rush, to flush. schil´dern, to picture. schim´mern, to glisten, to glitter, to shine. Schlacht, f. (pl. -en), battle; fighting. Schlacht´feld, n. (pl. -er), battle-field. Schlaf, m., sleep. schla´gen (schlug, geschlagen), to beat, to strike; eine Schlacht schlagen, to fight a battle; das Herz schlug ihm, his heart was throbbing or palpitating. schlang, see schlingen. schlank, slender, slack and slim. schlau, sly, cunning. schlecht, bad(ly), poor(ly), inferior. schlei´chen (schlich, geschlichen), to sneak, to skulk, to prowl, to creep. Schlei´er, m. (pl. -), veil, bridal veil. schlei´fen, to drag along. schleu´dern, to throw, to hurl, to dash. schlich, see schleichen. schlich (schlichen) . . . umher´, see umherschleichen. schlief . . . ein, see einschlafen. schlimm, bad, ill; harmful, pernicious, fatal. Schlin´ge, f. (pl. -n), loop, noose. schlin´gen (schlang, geschlungen), to wind, to twine, to twist; sich schlingen, to be wound or twined or twisted. Schloß, n. (pl. -er), castle. schlug, see schlagen. schlug . . . ein, see einschlagen. schlug . . . zu, see zuschlagen. schlu´gen . . . ab, see abschlagen. Schlum´mer, m., slumber, sleep. Schlum´merlied, n. (pl. -er), lullaby, hushaby. Schmerz, m. (pl. -en), pain, grief. schmÜ´cken, to adorn, to attire, to trim. Schnee, m., snow. Schnee´flÄche, f. (pl. -n), snow-field. Schnee´flocke, f. (pl. -n), flake (ofsnow). schnee´gekrÖnt, snow-capped. schnee´weiß, snow-white. schnei´den (schnitt, geschnitten), to cut, to carve, to chisel. schnell, quick, fast; soon. schnÜ´ren, to pack or to truss up. schnur´ren, to hum, to buzz; das Schnurren, humming, buzzing. schob . . . zurÜck´, see zurÜckschieben. scholl, see schallen. schon, already, instantly; (explet.) without that, in itself. schÖn, beautiful(ly), fair(ly); fine(ly), handsome(ly). scho´nen, to be regardful of, to take care of. schoß, see schießen. schoß . . . tot, see totschießen. Schreck, m. (pl. -en), terror, fright. Schreck´bild, n. (pl. -er), frightful image, terrific vision. Schre´cken, m. (pl. -), horror, terror. schre´cken, to frighten, to terrify. schreck´lich, terrible. Schrei, m. (pl. -e), cry, outcry. schrei´ben (schrieb, geschrieben), to write; to scratch. schrei´en (schrie, geschrieen), to cry. schrie´ben . . . zu, see zuschreiben. Schritt, m. (pl. -e), step, pace, stride, stalk; im Schritt reiten, to pace, to amble. schritt . . . zu, see zuschreiten. schÜch´tern, shy(ly), timid(ly), diffident(ly). schul´dig, guilty; der Schuldige, culprit. Schul´ter, f. (pl. -n), shoulder. schÜr´zen, to tuck (to pin or to truss) up. Schutt, m., dust, dirt, ruins. schÜt´teln, to shake; von Frost geschÜttelt, shivering with cold. schÜt´tete . . . nie´der, see niederschÜtten. schÜ´tzen, to guard (against, vor); to protect. schwach, weak, feeble. SchwÄ´che, f., weakness, fatigue. schwan´ken, to stagger. Schwarm, m. (pl. -e), swarm; host. schwarz, black, dark. schwe´ben, to float (in the air), to hover; to glide along. Schweif, m. (pl. -e), tail. schwei´gen (schwieg, geschwiegen), to be silent; zum Schweigen bringen, to silence. schweig´sam, silent, without a word. Schweiß´tropfen, m. (pl. -), bead of perspiration. schwel´len (schwoll, geschwollen), to swell, to rise. schwen´ken, to wave; das Schwenken, waving. schwer, heavy, onerous; difficult, hard. Schwe´ster, f. (pl. -n), sister. Schwie´rigkeit, f. (pl. -en), difficulty, hardship. schwin´deln, to be (or to feel) dizzy; schwindelnd steil, so steep as to cause giddiness. schwind´lig, dizzy, giddy; making giddy; ein schwindliger Pfad, a path that causes giddiness; es wird mir schwindlig, I feel dizzy. schwin´gen (schwang, geschwungen), to bend, to curve, to inflect, to arch. schwir´ren, to whir, to flit; durch einander schwirren, to cross each other. schwÖ´ren (schwor [schwur], geschworen), to swear, to take an oath, to vow. See, m. (pl. -en), lake. Se´gen, m., blessing. seg´nen, to bless. se´hen (sah, gesehen), to see, to behold; sieh(e)! behold! seh´nen, sich, to long (for, nach). sehr, very, very much, extremely; sehr zur Last, very burdensome, a great burden. sei; seist; sei´en (pres. subj.) of auxil. v. sein. Sei´de, f., silk. Sei´dengespinst, n., silk spun, silk web. sei´dig, silky, as soft as silk. 1. sein, sei´ne, sein (posses. pron.), his (its); die Seinen, his people; his folks. 2. sein, auxil. v. (war, gewesen), tobe. sei´ne, (der) = seinige, his (friend or comrade); die Seinen, his people or folks. sei´nige, (der) = seine, his. seit (dat.), since, within, in. seitdem´ (adv.), since that time, since then, ever since; (conj.) since. Sei´te, f. (pl. -n), side, slope (ofa mountain); direction; an der Seite, by the side. seit´wÄrts, sideways, sidelong, aside. sel´ber = selbst. selbst (my-, your-, him-, her)self; (our-, your-, them)selves. sen´den (sandte, gesandt), to send; to give. sen´ken, to sink, to lower, to hang; sich senken, to let one’s self down, to sink. Ses´sel, m. (pl. -), arm-chair. se´tzen, to put, to place; sich setzen, to seat one’s self, to be seated; gefangen setzen, to imprison, to detain in custody. Seu´che, f. (pl. -n), epidemic disease, epidemy. seuf´zen, to sob, to sigh, to groan; seufzend, with a sigh. sich (reflex. pron.), him-, herself, your-, themselves; (reciproc. pron.) each other, one another. si´cher, certain(ly), sure(ly), positive(ly), confident(ly); safe(ly), secure(ly). sie (person. pron.), she, they; her, them. sie´he! see sehen. Sil´berfaden, m. (pl. -), silver-thread; SilberfÄden im Haar, gray hair. sil´bern, of silver, silver; eine silberne Stimme, silvery voice. Sil´berzeug, n., silver ware, plate. sin´gen (sang, gesungen), to sing, to chant. sin´nen (sann, gesonnen), to reflect, to plot. Sit´te, f. (pl. -n), custom; es ist Sitte, it is the custom. si´tzen (saß, gesessen), to sit, to be seated. si´tzest . . . da, see dasitzen. Smaragd´, m. (pl. -en), emerald. so, so, such; so? is that so? so ein ..., such a... sobald´, as soon as. soe´ben, just now. sog . . . auf, see aufsaugen. sog . . . ein, see einsaugen. sogar´, even (adv.). sogleich´, at once, immediately. Sohn, m. (pl. -e), son, boy. sol´cher, sol´che, sol´ches (ein . . .), such, (solarge) as large as that. Solda´tenmantel, m. (pl. -), soldier’s (military) mantle or cloak. sol´len, shall. Som´mer, m. (pl. -), summer. Som´merglut, f. (pl. -en), glow of summer; heiße Sommerglut, fervid heat of summer. son´dern, but. Son´ne, f., sun. Son´nenschein, m., sun-shine. Son´nenstrahl, m. (pl. -en), sun-beam. Sonn´tag, m. (pl. -e), Sunday. sonn´verbrannt, sun-burnt. sonst, else, otherwise; formerly, at other times. Sor´ge, f. (pl. -n), sorrow, care; apprehension, misgiving. sorg´sam, careful(ly), solicitous(ly). soviel´, so much. sowie´ (manner) as well as; (time) as soonas. spann, see spinnen. spÄr´lich, slender, arid, poorly watered. spar´sam, sparing, economical; sparsamer, less productive. spÄt; spÄ´ter, late; later. Speer, m. (pl. -e), spear. spei´sen, to feed. Spei´sesaal, m. (pl. -sÄle), dining-hall. Spekta´kel, m., noise, hubbub. spen´den, to spend, to give. sper´ren, to shut up or in, to lock up. Spie´gel, m. (pl. -), glass, mirror. Spiel´zeug, n. (collect.), play-things, knickknacks. spie´ßen, to pierce (with a spear). Spin´del, f. (pl. -n), a piece of wood for twisting and winding the fibres drawn from the distaff; spindle. Spin´ne, f. (pl. -n), spider. spin´nen (spann, gesponnen), to spin; das Spinnen, spinning. spitz, pointed. Sporn, m. (pl. Spornen or Sporen), spur; dem Pferde die Sporen geben, to set spurs to one’s horse. spÖt´tisch, scoffing(ly), scornful(ly). sprach, see sprechen. spra´chen . . . zu, see zusprechen. sprang . . . auf, see aufspringen. spre´chen (sprach, gesprochen), to speak, to talk (tosome one, mit,zu). sprin´gen (sprang, gesprungen), to spring, to jump, to leap. Spruch, m. (pl. -e), saying; decree. sprÜ´hen, to emit, to shoot forth. Spur, f. (pl. -en), track, mark, footprints. spÜ´ren, to perceive, to feel. Stadt, f. (pl. -e), city, town. Stamm, m. (pl. -e), trunk. stand, see stehen. stand . . . auf, see aufstehen. stan´den . . . gegenÜ´ber, see gegenÜberstehen. stark, strong, vigorous, robust. star´ren, to stare, to fix one’s eyes. star´ren . . . an, see anstarren. starr´ten . . . hinein´, see hineinstarren. statt (genit.), instead of. StÄt´te, f. (pl. -n), place; scene. statt´lich, stately, splendid, noble. Staub, m., dust. stÄu´ben (or stauben), to fall down in spray. stau´nen, to marvel, to wonder; voll staunender Freude, full of amazement and pleasure; in staunender Bewunderung, full of amazement and admiration. ste´cken, to put, to place, to set; in Brand stecken, to set on fire. ste´hen (stand, gestanden), to stand, to be standing; stehen bleiben, to remain standing; to stand still, to stop. steif, stiff, rigid, benumbed. stei´gen (stieg, gestiegen), to step; zu Thal steigen, to descend. steil, steep, abrupt, precipitous; schwindelnd steil, so steep as to cause giddiness. Stein, m. (pl. -e), stone, rock. stei´nern, of stone, stone. Stein´stufe, f. (pl. -n), stone-step, marble-step. Stel´le, f. (pl. -n), place, spot. stel´len, to put, to place; in den Schatten stellen, to throw into the shade. ster´ben (starb, gestorben), to die (of or from something, vor); der Sterbende, dying man. Stern, m. (pl. -e), star, spark. stern´los, starless, without stars or starlight. sti´cken, to embroider. stieg, see steigen. stieg . . . empor´, see emporsteigen. stieß, see stoßen. stieß . . . aus, see ausstoßen. still, still, quiet(ly); still sein, to pause, to have finished. stil´len, to quench (thirst), to satisfy. Stim´me, f. (pl. -n), voice. stim´men, to move, to dispose; gÜnstig stimmen, to move (todispose) in some one’s favor. Stirn(e), f. (pl. -n), forehead, brow. stÖh´nen, to groan; das StÖhnen, groaning, groans. Stolz, m., pride. stolz, proud, haughty, vain; lofty, magnificent. sto´pfen, to stuff, to fill. sto´ßen (stieß, gestoßen), to push, to hit, to kick, to strike; auf Einen stoßen, to encounter, to come across, to hit upon. Stra´fe, f. (pl. -n), punishment, penalty. stra´fen, to punish, to chastise, to rebuke. strah´len, to radiate, to beam. Stra´ße, f. (pl. -n), street, road; way, path, trail. Stre´cke, f. (pl. -n), (stretch) tract of land; part of the way, distance; eine Strecke weit, (for) some distance. strei´cheln, to stroke; to caress. strei´chen (strich, gestrichen), to stroke, to smooth. streif´ten . . . entlang´, see entlangstreifen. Streit, m. (pl. -e), fray, fight. strei´ten (stritt, gestritten), to contend, to struggle; sich streiten, to quarrel, to wrangle (about, um). strich, see streichen. strÖm´ten . . . herbei´, see herbeistrÖmen. StÜck, n. (pl. -e), piece. Stuhl, m. (pl. -e), chair. Stun´de, f. (pl. -n), hour; meeting. Sturm, m. (pl. -e), storm; hurricane. stÜr´men, to storm, to rush. stÜr´misch, stormy; impetuous, uproarious. stÜr´zen, to rush, to dash; to fall (down), to tumble; im StÜrzen, in (while) falling down. stÜrz´te . . . herein´, see hereinstÜrzen. stÜrz´te . . . zusam´men, see zusammenstÜrzen. stÜ´tzen, to prop, to support. su´chen, to seek, to search. SÜ´den, m., South. SÜn´de, f. (pl. -n), sin, wrong. sÜn´digen, to sin, to commit a sin. sÜß, sweet, lovely. Ta´bak, m., tobacco, tobacco-pouch. Tag, m. (pl. -e), day; gute Tage, good time; eines Tages, one day (adv.), once; von dem Tage an, from that day. Takt, m. (pl. -e), time, measure; Takt halten, to keep time. Tan´nas (Roumanian), man’s name, abbrev. of Athanasius. Tannas´se (endearing form of Tannas, proper name), (my) dear Tannas. tan´zen, to dance, to spin (a waltz); eine Hora tanzen, to have a dance. tap´fer, brave, gallant; der Tapfere, brave man, hero. taub, deaf; taube Ohren machen, to turn a deaf ear. Tau´be, f. (pl. -n), dove, pigeon. Tau´benei, n. (pl. -er), pigeon’s egg. tau´melte . . . zurÜck´, see zurÜcktaumeln. tau´send (pl. -e), (a) thousand. Teil, m. (pl. -e), part, share; zu teil werden, to fall to some one’s lot, to be granted or bestowed. tei´len, to divide, to share. Ten´ne, f. (pl. -n), barn-floor, plaster-floor. Tep´pich, m. (pl. -e), carpet, rug. teu´er, dear, beloved; meine Teuern! my dear friends! Thal, n. (pl. -er), dale, valley; zu Thal, down the mountain. that, see thun. thÖ´richt, foolish, silly. ThrÄ´ne, f. (pl. -n), tear. thro´nen, to be enthroned, to reign. thun (that, gethan), to do, to make, to perform; to act, to behave; es war ihm nicht um ihre SchÄtze zu thun, her treasures it was not what he cared for, her treasures were not involved; sich weh thun, to hurt one’s self. ThÜ´re, f. (pl. -n), door. ThÜr´klinke, f. (pl. -n), door-latch. tief, deep, profound. Tie´fe, f. (pl. -n), deep, pit, abyss. Tier, n. (pl. -e), animal, beast. Tisch, m. (pl. -e), table; nach Tisch, after the meal. to´ben, to rage, to rave. tobt . . . hinab´, see hinabtoben. Toch´ter, f. (pl. -), daughter. Tod, m., death; in den Tod gehen, to die. Ton, m. (pl. -e), tone, note, strain. tot, dead, deceased, late; der Tote, dead person, dead body, corpse. tÖ´ten, to kill, to slay. to´tenblaß, deadly pale, as pale as death. to´tenstill, still as death, silent as the grave. tot´schießen (schoß, geschossen), to shoot (dead), to kill. tra´gen (trug, getragen), to carry, to bear, to wear. trat . . . herein´, see hereintreten. trat . . . hervor´, see hervortreten. trat . . . hin, see hintreten. tra´ten, see treten. trÄu´men, to dream; es hat mir getrÄumt, I have dreamt (or thought) of (daß). trÄu´merisch, dreamy, absent-minded, visionary. trau´rig, dreary(-ily), sad(ly), dejected(ly); melancholy. traut, dear, cosy. treff´lich, excellent, admirable. trei´ben (trieb, getrieben), to drive; to urge, to incite. tren´nen, to separate; sich trennen, to separate (from one another); getrennt, separate. tre´ten (trat, getreten), to step, to come forth; ThrÄnen traten in ihre Augen, tears appeared in her eyes. tre´tet . . . hinaus´, see hinaustreten. treu, true, faithful. trip´peln, to trot (with short steps). Trop´fen, m. (pl. -), (rain-)drop. trÖ´sten, to console, to comfort. tro´tzig, defiant(ly), daring(ly). trÜb, gloomy(-ily), sad(ly); melancholy. trug, see tragen. trÜ´ge, see tragen. tru´gen . . . zusam´men, see zusammentragen. TrÜm´mer, pl., ruins. Trunk, m., drink, draught, potion. trun´ken, intoxicated, elated. Tschach´lau, m. (proper name), a mountain in the Carpathians. Tuch, n. (pl. -er), cloth, kerchief, napkin. TÜr´ke, m. (pl. -n), Turk. Turm, m. (pl. -e), tower. Ü´bel (attrib. Übler, Üble, Übles), ill, bad; Einem Übles (Übles) thun, to do some one ill or wrong, to treat some one badly. Ü´ber (dat.-accus.), over, above; across; beyond; on, about. Überbie´ten (Überbot, Überboten), to outbid, to outdo; sie ließ sich nicht Überbieten, she could not be outdone. Überflie´gen (Überflog, Überflogen), to fly over; to spread. Ü´berirdisch, supernatural(ly), heavenly. Überkom´men (Überkam, Überkommen), to come over; to seize, to attack. Ü´bermÜtig, insolent(ly), wanton(ly); der ÜbermÜtige, insolent person. Überra´gen, to overtop, to overpeer. Überra´schen, to surprise. ÜberschÜt´ten, to heap (to shower) upon. ÜberstrÖ´men, to overflow, to cover. Überzie´hen (Überzog, Überzogen), to cover; mit Krieg Überziehen, to invade, to wage war against (acountry). Überzo´gen, see Überziehen. Ü´brige (der), remaining, rest, other part; (pl.) the others. U´fer, n. (pl. -), bank (of a river). um (accus.), around, about; for the sake of ... (conj.) um ... zu, to, in orderto. Umarm´ung, f. (pl. -en), embrace, hug. um´blasen (blies, geblasen), to blow down. umfas´sen, to clasp round, to embrace. umge´ben (umgab, umgeben), to surround, to stand by the side (of,accus.). umge´hen (umging, umgangen), to go or to walk round (about). umher´gehen (ging, gegangen), to walk about. umher´gestreut, see umherstreuen. umher´hinken, to halt or to limp about. umher´schleichen (schlich, geschlichen), to move or to rove about. umher´streuen, to strew or to scatter about. um´kehren, to return, to turn back. umklam´mern, to clasp (in one’s arms). Um´kreis, m., circle, compass; zehn Meilen im Umkreise, (for) ten miles round. ums = um das. um´sehen (sah, gesehen), sich, to look round or back; im Umsehen, in a twinkling, in a trice. umsonst´, in vain, vainly, to no profit; for nothing. umwi´ckeln, to wrap up, to wind round. umwo´gen, to stream (to flow) round, to float around. umzin´geln, to enclose, to block up, to surround. unaufhalt´sam (= unaufhÖrlich), incessant(ly), continual(ly). un´barmherzig, unmerciful(ly), cruel(ly). un´bedeutend, insignificant. un´bemerkt, unobserved. unbeschreib´lich, indescribable, inexpressible. un´bewacht, unguarded, unprotected. un´bewaldet, without (growth of) trees, bare. unbezwing´bar, insuperable, indomitable. und, and. unend´lich, immense(ly), boundless(ly). unermeß´lich, immeasurable; bottomless, fathomless. unermÜd´lich, indefatigable (-bly). unerreich´bar, inaccessible, out of reach. Un´gar, m. (pl. -n), Hungarian, Hun. Un´gemach, n., adversity, trouble. ungezÄhlt´, uncounted, boundless. unglaub´lich, incredible; noch unglaublicheres, still more incredible stories or things. Un´glÜck, n., misfortune, adversity, calamity; unhappiness. un´glÜcklich, unfortunate, miserable; ill-fated; Du UnglÜcklicher! you wretch! Un´heil, n., mischief, harm; Unheil anrichten, to do (tocause) mischief. un´heimlich, dismal; deterrent. unmÖg´lich, impossible. Un´mut, m., ill-humor; depression of spirits. un´nÜtz, useless, idle, foolish, absurd. uns (to, with, for), us; fÜr uns beide, for both ofus. Un´schuld, f., innocence; innocent girl. un´schuldig, innocent. un´schuldsvoll, innocent, blameless. un´ser, un´sere, un´ser (often unsrer, unsre, unser), our. un´ten, down, beneath; da unten, down there. un´ter (dat.-accus.), (place) under, beneath; (number) among. unterdes´, in the meantime. Un´tergang, m., destruction, ruin; Einem den Untergang bereiten, to work some one’s ruin. un´tergehen (ging, gegangen), to go down, to set. un´terirdisch, underground, subterranean. Un´terlippe, f. (pl. -n), underlip. un´verstÄndig, imprudent, foolish. unverwandt´, immovable (-bly), fixed(ly); Einen unverwandt anschielen, to rivet one’s eyes on some one. un´weit (genit. [dat.]), not far from, near. Üp´pig, luxuriant(ly). ur´alt, very old or ancient. Urlatoa´re, f. (Roumanian), “Roaring River.” Va´ter, m. (pl. -), father. verach´ten, to despise. verÄn´dern, to change. veran´lassen, to cause. verber´gen (verbarg, verborgen), to conceal, to hide; verbirg! hide! verbin´den (verband, verbunden), to bind up, to dress. verbrannt´, see verbrennen. verbrei´ten, sich, to spread (intrans.), to extend. verbren´nen (verbrannte, verbrannt), to burn, to consume by fire. verbÜn´den, sich, to ally one’s self; to enter into a confederacy. verdan´ken, to be indebted (to some one [dat.] for something [accus.]). Verder´ben, n., destruction, ruin. verder´ben (verdarb, verdorben), to ruin, to undo; to spoil. verdun´keln, to darken, to obscure, to cloud. verei´nen, to unite. verfol´gen, to pursue. Verfol´ger, m. (pl. -), pursuer; persecutor. verge´bens, vainly, in vain. verges´sen (vergaß, vergessen), to forget. vergie´ßen (vergoß, vergossen), to spill; to shed (tears). vergif´ten, to poison. vergos´sen, see vergießen. verhal´ten (verhielt, verhalten), to keep back; to suppress. verhee´ren, to devastate; to lay waste. verhin´dern, to hinder, to prevent (from, an). verhÜl´len, to cover, to shroud, to hide. verhun´gern, to die of starvation, to starve to death. verkap´pen, to mask, to disguise. verkau´fen, to sell. VerklÄ´rung, f., glorification. verkoh´len, to burn to coal; to get charred. verkÜn´den (= verkÜndigen), to announce. verkÜr´zen, to cut short or off, to shorten. verlas´sen (verließ, verlassen), to leave; to forsake, to abandon. verlau´fen (verlief, verlaufen), to pass (by). verlie´ren (verlor, verloren), to lose. verlo´ben, sich, to become (to get) engaged (tosome one, dat.). Verlo´bung, f. (pl. -en), engagement (tobe married). verma´chen, to bequeath; to leave something (tosome one, dat.). vermeh´ren, to increase, to enlarge. vernich´ten, to ruin, to destroy. verre´cken, to die (of animals). versam´meln, to assemble. verschar´ren, to hide in the ground, to rake up. verschlu´cken, to swallow, to gulp down; die ThrÄnen verschlucken, to suppress one’s tears. verscho´nen, to spare; to exempt, to excuse. verschwei´gen (verschwieg, verschwiegen), to conceal (from, dat.). verschwin´den (verschwand, verschwunden), to disappear. verse´hen (versah, versehen), sich, to look for something; sich einer Sache versehen, to be aware (ofsomething, genit.). versin´ken (versank, versunken), to be sunk or plunged; in Schlummer versunken, wrapped in slumber. verspre´chen, (versprach, versprochen), to promise. verstand´, see verstehen. verste´cken, to hide, to conceal (from, vor); sich verstecken, to be hidden. verste´hen (verstand, verstanden), to understand, to know. verstei´nern, to petrify. verstrei´chen (verstrich, verstrichen), to pass(by). vertei´digen, to defend. Vertrau´en, n., faith, confidence. vertrei´ben (vertrieb, vertrieben), to make pass away (the time); er vertrieb gern die Zeit, he liked to make pass away (beguile) the time. verwan´deln, sich, to change (= to be changed), to be converted or transformed. verwandt´, related, kin; der Verwandte, relative, kinsman. verwech´seln, to mistake, to confound; zum Verwechseln Ähnlich, so much alike that the one might be easily taken for the other or that one cannot tell the one from the other. verwun´dern, to surprise, to amaze. verzeh´ren to consume; to eat up. verzich´ten, to desist (from, auf). verzie´hen (verzog, verzogen), sich, to be twisted or contracted. verzo´gen, see verziehen. Verzweif´lung, f., despair, desperation. verzweif´lungsvoll, full of despair. Vieh, n., cattle. viel; vie´le, much; many. vielleicht´, perhaps, may be. vier, four. Vo´gel, m. (pl. -), bird. Volk, n. (pl. -er), people; nation; subjects. voll, full (of, von or genit.), replete, crowded. vÖl´lig, complete(ly); vÖllig Nacht, dead night. vom = von dem. von (dat.), of, from; about; by (in passive construction). vor (dat.-accus.), (place) before, in front of; in the presence of; (time) ago; (cause) of, from, with. voran´gehen (ging, gegangen), to go ahead, to take the lead. vor´aus (im), beforehand, in advance. vorbei´gehen (ging, gegangen), to pass by. Vor´berg, m. (pl. -e), foot-hill. vorher´, before, previously, the first time. vor´kommen (kam, gekommen), to seem, to appear, to be considered (byone’s self, dat.). Vor´sicht, f., foresight, caution, precaution. vor´stellen, to introduce, to present; to represent; sich vorstellen, to imagine. vor´stÜrmen, to advance, to push on. vorÜ´bergehen (ging, gegangen), to pass by; der VorÜbergehende, passer-by. Vor´wand, m. (pl. -e), pretext, pretence, subterfuge. Wa´che, f. (pl. -n), sentry, sentinel. wa´chen, to be awake, to sit up. Wachs, n., wax. wach´sen (wuchs, gewaschsen), to grow; hoch gewachsen, tall-grown. Wachs´licht, n. (pl. -er), wax-(candle) taper. wach´te . . . auf, see aufwachen. Wacht´feuer, n. (pl. -), camp-fire, bivouac-fire. wa´gen, to dare, to risk, to venture. wÄh´len, to pick out, to select. wahr, true, genuine, veritable; nicht wahr? is it notso? wÄh´rend (genit.), during; (conj.) while. Wahr´heit, f. (pl. -en), truth. Wahr´zeichen, n. (pl. -), sign, mark, landmark. Wald´brand, m. (pl. -e), fire in the forest. Wal´desschatten, m. (pl. -), shade of the woods. Wald´fee, f. (pl. -en), wood-fairy, wood-nymph. Wald´weg, m. (pl. -e), wood-path. Wall´fahrt, f. (pl. -en), pilgrimage. wÄl´zen, sich, to roll, to welter. wÄlzt . . . herun´ter, see herunterwÄlzen. wand . . . aus, see auswinden. wan´deln, to walk, to take a walk, to wander; to promenade. Wan´derer, m. (pl. -), wanderer, pedestrian, traveller (onfoot). wan´dern, to wander, to travel (on foot). wan´derte . . . hinauf´, see hinaufwandern. Wan´derung, f. (pl. -en), wandering, journey, tour, travel (onfoot). Wand´lung, f. (arch. and poetic. for Verwandlung), (pl. -en), change. wan´dte, see wenden. wan´dte . . . zu, see zuwenden. Wan´ge, f. (pl. -n), cheek. wan´ken, to shake, to rock. war; wa´ren, see auxil. v. sein. ward, see auxil. v. werden. wÄ´re; wÄ´ren; wÄrst (past subj. of sein), was, were; wouldbe. warf, see werfen. warf (warfen) . . . zu, see zuwerfen. war´nen, to warn, to caution. war´ten, to wait (for, auf or genit.). warum´, why. was, (that) what; (colloq.) = etwas, somewhat, something; was? what? was fÜr ein? what a, what kind of a...? wa´schen (wusch, gewaschen), to wash. Was´ser, n. (pl. -), water; (pl. = die GewÄsser, rivers, streams). Was´serfall, m. (pl. -e), waterfall, cascade. wa´tete . . . hinein´, see hineinwaten. wech´seln, to exchange; to apply to each other. Wech´selrede, f. (pl. -n), dialogue; alternate eulogy or encomium. Weg, m. (pl. -e), way, road, direction; sich auf den Weg machen, to set out, to start; sich Einem in den Weg werfen, to throw one’s self upon some one. we´gen (genit.), on account of, for. weg´kratzen, to scratch out or aside, to work off. weg´scharren, to rake away. 1. we´h(e), aching, painful; wehe thun, to cause pain; sich weh thun, to hurt one’s self. 2. we´he! (interj.), woe! alas! woe (to,dat.)! ach und wehe schreien, to sigh and cry, to groan and moan. we´hen, to wave; ein Wehen, breeze. weh´mÜtig, sad(ly), doleful(ly). weh´ren, sich, to defend one’s self; to resist. wehr´te . . . ab, see abwehren. Weib, n. (pl. -er), wife; woman. weich, soft. Wei´che, f. (pl. -n), flank, side; groin. wei´chen (wich, gewichen), to give away, to retreat. Wei´de, f. (pl. -n), pasture. weil, because, since. Wein, m. (pl. -e), wine. wei´nen, to cry, to shed tears, to sob. wei´se (der), wise. 1. weiß (adj.), white, whitewashed; die Weiße, white woman, white lady. 2. weiß (verb), see wissen. weit (adv.), far, distant, a great way; weit laufen, to make a long way; weit und breit, near and far. weitauf´gerissen, see weitaufreißen. weitauf´reißen (riß, gerissen), to open wide. Wei´te, n., distance; von weitem, from afar. wei´te (der), wide, spacious, large. wei´ter (see weit), further, on, along. wei´tergehen (ging, gegangen), to move on, to proceed. welch! what a! wel´cher, wel´che, wel´ches, who, which; welcher! welche! welches! what a...! welcher? welche? welches? which? what? Welt, f. (pl. -en), world; auf der Welt, in this world. wem, (to) whom. wen´den (wandte, gewandt), to turn; sich wenden, to turn. we´nig; we´nige, little; a few. we´niger (see wenig), less. wenn, when, whenever, as, if. wer (= wer, der, correlat.), (he) who; wer? who? wer´den (pres. indic. werde, wirst, wird; werden, etc.), wurde [ward], geworden; to become, to come to be; also auxil. verb, for the formation of the fut. act. (shall, will) and the whole pass.(be). wer´fen (warf, geworfen), to throw; sich Einem in den Weg werfen, to throw one’s self upon some one. wert, worthy, equivalent, tantamount (to, genit.); die Deiner wert ist, who can compete (or compares) with you. We´sen, n. (pl. -), (living) being; creature. weshalb´, (emphat. wes´halb)? why? what for? We´sten, m., West. wi´chen . . . zurÜck´, see zurÜckweichen. wid´men, to devote, to give up (to, dat.). wie (adv.), as, like; (conj.) when; wie? how? wie´der, again, back. wie´derkommen (kam, gekommen), to come back, to return. wie´dersehen (sah, gesehen), to see (to meet) again. 1. wie´gen, to rock. 2. wie´gen (wog, gewogen), to weigh (intrans.), colloq. used for wÄgen (wog, gewogen), to weigh (transit.), to balance, to poise. Wie´se, f. (pl. -n), meadow. wild, wild, impetuous; loose; dishevelled (hair); ferocious. Wild´fang, m. (pl. -e), frolicsome girl, romp. Wild´heit, f., exuberance, friskiness. will; willst, see wollen. will´kommen, welcome, pleasing. Wind, m. (pl. -e), wind, storm. win´det . . . dahin´, see dahinwinden. Wink, m. (pl. -e), wink, beckoning; einen Wink geben, to give a sign, to beckon. win´ken, to beckon. Win´ter, m. (pl. -), winter. wir´beln, to whirl. Wir´belwind, m. (pl. -e), whirlwind; wie ein Wirbelwind, quick as lightning, swift as an arrow. wirk´lich, real(ly), indeed; actual(ly), truly. wirst, see werden. wisch´te . . . fort, see fortwischen. wis´se (pres. subj. of wissen). wis´sen (pres. indic. weiß, weißt, weiß; wissen, etc.), wußte, gewußt, to know; ohne zu wissen, without knowing. wißt, see wissen. wo, where, when. Wo´che, f. (pl. -n), week. wog, see wiegen. wo´gen, to wave, to shift. wohin´, where, whither. wohl, well, kindly, happy; (explet.) perhaps, I think, I guess, probably, likely; es wird mir wohl, I feel at ease. wohl´gefÄllig, pleased; (adv.) with satisfaction. Wohl´klang, m. (pl. -e), harmony, sound (ofwords). woh´nen, to dwell, to live, to reside. Woh´nung, f. (pl. -en), dwelling, house. Wolf, m. (pl. -e), wolf. Wol´ke, f. (pl. -n), cloud. Wol´kenbruch, m. (pl. -e), torrent of rain. wol´len (pres. indic. will, willst, will; wollen, etc.), wollte, gewollt; will, to want, to wish; to claim, to pretend; to be about or at the point; nicht enden wollend, endless, never ending. wonach´ (emphat. wo´nach), whereafter, wherefor; after which, for which. worauf´ (emphat. wo´rauf), whereupon. wor´den (= geworden), see auxil. v. werden. Wort, n. (pl. -e [-er]), word. wovor´ (emphat. wo´vor), whereof, of what. wuchs, see wachsen. Wun´de, f. (pl. -n), wound, sore, boil, tumor. Wun´der, n. (pl. -), wonder, miracle. wun´derbar, wondrous, miraculous. Wun´derblume, f. (pl. -n), enchanted flower; flower from fairy-land. wun´derfein, exceedingly fine. wun´dern, sich, to wonder, to marvel, to be surprised. wun´derschÖn, charming. wun´dervoll, wondrously fair, charming, exquisite. wÜn´schen, to wish; gutes (Gutes) wÜnschen, to wish some one well. wur´de; wur´den, see auxil. v. werden. WÜr´de, f., dignity. wÜr´de; wÜr´den; wÜr´dest (condit. of aux. v. sein), would, could. Wurf´spieß, m. (pl. -e), javelin, dart. wuß´te, see wissen. wÜß´ten, see wissen. wÜ´ten, to rage, to rave; wÜtend, raging(ly), furious(ly), frantic(ally). zÄh´men, to tame, to restrict. Zahn, m. (pl. -e), tooth. Zahn´reihe, f. (pl. -n), row of teeth. zap´peln, to kick and strike about, to fidget about. zart, tender, soft, delicate. zÄrt´lich, tender(ly), fond(ly), loving(ly). Zau´ber, m. (pl. -), charm, spell. Zau´berin, f. (pl. -nen), sorceress, witch. Zei´chen, n. (pl. -), sign, medal, decoration, mark of distinction; wonder, miraculous sign; signal. zei´gen, to show. Zeit, f. (pl. -en), time; vor Zeiten, in former (or olden) times. Zeit´vertreib, m., pastime; zum Zeitvertreib, as a (bywayof) pastime, for amusement. zerbei´ßen (zerbiß, zerbissen), to break with the teeth. zerschmet´tern, to smash, to crush. zerstÄu´ben, to turn into (dust or) spray. zerstreu´en, to scatter; zerstreut, absent-minded, inattentive. Zie´genhaar, n. (pl. -e), goat’s hair. zie´hen (zog, gezogen), trans. to draw, to pull; intrans. to move, to advance. zie´men, to be becoming or fit, to befit. zit´tern, to tremble, to quiver, to waver. zog; zo´gen, see ziehen. zog . . . heraus´, see herausziehen. zog . . . zusam´men, see zusammenziehen. zo´gen . . . nie´der, see niederziehen. zÖ´gern, to hesitate. Zopf, m. (pl. -e), plait of hair. Zorn, m. ire, rage. zu (dat.), to, at; for; (adv.) too; (conj.) to, in order to; um ... zu, to, in orderto. zu´bringen (brachte, gebracht), to spend (time), to pass. zu´cken, to flash (quivering). zu´drÜcken, to close (by pressure); Einem die Augen zudrÜcken, to close some one’s eyes. zuerst´ (adv.), first of all. zu´fliegen (flog, geflogen), to fly (to or towards, auf); to close with a bang, to slam. zu´gedrÜckt, see zudrÜcken. zu´gehen (ging, gegangen), to happen, to come to pass, to be brought about; es geht emsig zu, there is a busy time. ZÜ´gel, m. (pl. -), rein, bridle. zu´lÄcheln, to smile (to or on some one, dat.). zuletzt, last, last of all. zum = zu dem. zu´neigen, sich, to incline (to or towards, dat.). zur = zu der. zurÜck´, back, behind; zurÜck! go back! withdraw! zurÜck´bleiben (blieb, geblieben), to remain behind; to be left over. zurÜck´gerissen, see zurÜckreißen. zurÜck´kehren, to return. zurÜck´lassen (ließ, gelassen), to leave behind. zurÜck´reißen (riß, gerissen), to push (to pull, to tear) back. zurÜck´reiten (ritt, geritten), to ride back (to,nach). zurÜck´rufen (rief, gerufen), to call back (to,zu). zurÜck´schieben (schob, geschoben), to push back. zurÜck´taumeln, to reel back. zurÜck´treiben (trieb, getrieben), to force back; to induce, to return or to come back. zurÜck´weichen (wich, gewichen), to retreat. zurÜck´ziehen, sich, to go back, to retreat. zu´rufen (rief, gerufen), to call (to some one, dat.). zusam´men, together. zusam´menbrechen (brach, gebrochen), to break down, to collapse. zusam´menstÜrzen, to fall or to break down; to be struck all of a heap. zusam´mentragen (trug, getragen), to bring or to carry together; to collect. zusam´menwachsen (wuchs, gewachsen), to grow together. zusam´menziehen (zog, gezogen), sich, to be drawn tighter, to contract, to shrink up; to gather (said of clouds). zu´schlagen (schlug, geschlagen), to bang, to slam (adoor). zu´schreiben (schrieb, geschrieben), to ascribe, to impute. zu´schreiten (schritt, geschritten), to walk (toor towards, dat.). zu´sehen (sah, gesehen), to look at, on or upon, to watch. zu´sprechen (sprach, gesprochen), to do justice, to enjoy (something, dat.). zuvor´kommen (kam, gekommen), to anticipate (some one, dat.). zuwei´len, once in a while, at times. zu´wenden (wandte, gewandt), sich, to turn one’s steps (towards, dat.), to wend one’s way (towards, dat.). zu´werfen (warf, geworfen), to throw or to cast (to,dat.); einen Blick zuwerfen, to cast a glance (at,dat.). zuwi´der (dat.; postpositive), against, contrary; es ist mir zuwider, I have an aversion to it, I dislike or hateit. zwei, two. zwei´te (der), second. Zwil´lingsbruder, m. (pl. -), twin-brother. zwi´schen (dat.-accus.), between, amidst.