@public@vhost@g@html@files@57907@57907-h@57907-h-8.htm.html#Page_224" class="pginternal">224 Caravans, 2, 316; pelzelni, 317 Gebili, pass through, 111 GÉdi or march, 21 GÉli, author’s gunbearer, 132, 156, 189, 243, 283 Geographical names, 373 Gerasmatch, or General of the Left, 178 GerenÚk, see Waller’s Gazelle GÉri tribe, 20, 113, 136 GerÍrÉ GÁllas, 156, 263 Gerlogubi, in distant OgÁdÉn, 78, 138 German mission station, 22; missionaries, 22 Gildessa, 75, 148; exciting time at, 144 Gilimiss, 261 Giraffe, 228, 326 Goats, 36 GÓb trees eighty feet high, 127 Gobau Desta sent to Gildessa to meet author, 152; reads Sir R. Burton’s book to RÁs, 181 Gojar under Gureis Mountain, 168, 170 GolbÁnti on the Tana river, 22 GÓlis Range, 3, 46, 55, 90, 241, 244, 365 Gol Wiyileh, or the “Valley of Rhinoceroses,” 200 Goose shot, 142 Gosaweina, 96 Government explorations, 77 Graphic exhibited to natives, 201 Grasses, 124 Grave of a chief, 126 Graves, 21, 25; description of, 93 Greater koodoo shooting at Mandeira, 242; description of, 302 Grevy’s zebra, 204, 312 Gu (May and June), 36, 230 Guban, 55, 244, 294, 307, 316; or Lowland gazelle, 293; method of hunting oryx, 299 Midjerten tribe, 20 Milmil, 121, 128, 283; caravans, 41 Mirso, 45, 90, 252 “Moga Medir” rock, mentioned by Sir Richard Burton, 102 Monkeys, 263, 273, 328 Monsoon, or Gu, 37, 218 Morrison, D. (the late), 80, 81, 82 Mosquitoes, 204 Mules on the Zeila-Harar road, 34 Mullahs, 4 MÚsa Abokr, 92 Mussulmans, 9, 218, 324; teaching, 16 NÁno, 204, 211 Native councils, 14 Ngai (German mission station), 22 NogÁl country, 94 Nomadic tribes, 2, 39 NÚr Osman, my camelman, 47, 48, 53, 56 NÚr RÓbleh of Karanleh, 260, 264, 265 Obok, 278 OgÁdÉn, 2, 4, 20, 182, 202, 276, 294, 298, 307, 316; graves, 94 Ogo country, 3, 41, 54, 307, 316 Ogo-Gudan, 55 Oreotragus megalotis described, 321; saltator, 317 Oryx hunting on foot, 4, 163; hide shield, 4; shoot two fine bulls and two cows, 56; tracks, 69; herds of, SobÁt, twelve miles from JalÉlo, 59 Soemmering’s gazelle, vast herds of, 102, 122, 133, 142, 157, 164, 172; shoot two right and left, 164; at NÁno, 204; shot with Lee-Metford, 214; description, 315 So Madu, arrival of mail bag, 153 So MidgÁn, 85 SomÁli tribes, 1, 21, 22; the, his character, 7, 17; salutation “Nabad,” 9; religion, costume, weapons, superstitions, and nomenclature, 10; women, wonderful powers of endurance, 12; language, 17; origin, 19; nicknames, 21; seasons, 36; trade, 374 Spears, 10 Spear-throwing, 218 Spiders, 329 Sporting battery, 343 Squirrels, 262, 329 Stace, Lieut.-Col., 376 Storks, 328 Strepsiceros imberbis (lesser koodoo), 243, 303 Subbul hills, 111, 162 SultÁn Deria, 21 Swahili race, 23 Swayne, Captain E. J. E., assists me in the survey, 90 Swayne’s hartebeest first shot, 100; description of, 305 Sword hunters, 116 Syk, in the high Ogo country, 88, 244 Taala GÁlla, or GÁlla cairns, 26, 91 Tana river, 23 Taurin Cahaigne, Monseigneur, of Harar, 24, 181 TawÁwur (nearly seven thousand feet), 97 Temperature, 37, 38, 372; at Sisai, 97 Temple, supposed work of GÁllas, 95 Tents, 341; Cabul, 185, 341THE END Printed by R. & R. Clark, Limited, Edinburgh. Transcriber’s Note: The maps are clickable for larger images, if your device supports that. Map HUNTING MAP OF NORTHERN SOMÁLI LAND. To illustrate Captain H. G. C. Swayne’s Seventeen Trips through SomÁli Land. Published by Rowland Ward & Co., Limited “The Jungle” 166 Piccadilly, London. Map RAPID RECONNAISANCE OF ROUTE OF TWO PRIVATE HUNTING EXPEDITIONS TO THE WEBBE IN 1893. SKETCH OF THE HORN OF AFRICA showing all journeys by the Author & his brother To illustrate Captain H. G. C. Swayne’s Seventeen Trips through SomÁli Land. Published by Rowland Ward & Co., Limited “The Jungle” 166 Piccadilly, London. |