Abdomen, 174, 198, 208
Abstract thought, 72
Accent, 178, 180
Æther, 91
Anapest, 167, 175
Anglo-Saxon race, 136
Animal magnetism, 14
Anode, 106
Antibacchius, 175
Atlas, 127
Autology, 56
Bacchius, 175
Basic Law of Vocal Utterance, 1, 6, 7
Bladder, 46
Blood, 65
Brain, 46
Breathing, 8, 93, 95, 159, 198, 214
Brinkerhoff, Mme. Clara, 6, 195
Bronchi, 8
Caryatides, 104
Cathode, 106
Centrifugal, 124, 130, 152
Centripetal, 124, 130, 152
Charlatanism, 12
Circulation of sound, 109
Climate, 135
Clothing, 78
Colonization, 140
Congenital deaf, 84
Consonants, 89
Dactylus, 164, 175
Dentistry, 132
Diaphragm, 80, 102, 203
Dissecting room, 211
Douglass, Frederick, 137
Drumhead, 74
Duality, 18
Emphasis, 161, 179
English-speaking peoples, 136
Evolution, 18
Expansion, 90
Expiration, 80, 200
Extirpation, 59
Foreigners, 134, 173, 194
FrÆnum linguÆ, 42
Gadski, Johanna, 196
Generation, 107
German writers, 65
Gounod, 195
Gravitation, 107
Heidenhain, Mr., 14
Heine, 164, 204
Hemispheres, 88
Holmes, Dr. O. W., 12, 123
Huxley, 21
Hypnotism, 52
Iambic measure, 167
Idiomatic expression, 110, 113, 123, 143, 148
Idiom of the sea, 144;
of the forest, 146
Immigration, 134
Inspiration, 177, 200
Intonation, 161
Introspection, 4, 56, 68
Kidneys, 46
Laryngoscope, 50
Laryngoscopists, 215
Larynx, 9
Lungs, 46
Lunn, Mr., 167
Matter, 211, 218
Medicine, 220
Metre, 161, 172, 178
Miller, Dr., 212
Mind, 184
Motion, 89, 142, 151
MÜller, Prof. Max, 99
Octave, 93
Œsophagus, 198, 208
Palimpsest, 96
Phonograph, 71, 88, 90
Point of gravitation, 101
Posterior surfaces, 68
"R" sound, 104
Race distinctions, 137
Reinforcement, 47
Religion, 17
Replica, 19, 42, 129
Rhythm, 68, 93, 160, 172, 178
Rigidity, 57, 59, 176, 208
Roentgen, Professor, 105
Rush, Dr., 48
Saxon words, 168
School of singing, 187
Science of the voice, 210
Sight, 183
Simple sounds, 66, 68, 88, 106
Singers, 210
Singing, 57, 158
Soft palate, 129
Soul, 184
Speech and song, 158
Spirit, 54, 211, 220
Spirits, 44
Spiritual cell, 148
Stammering, 97
Stuttering, 97
Surd, 89
Teachers, 13, 218, 219
Teeth, 132
Teutonic race, 206
Thorax, 174, 198, 208
Thought, 192
Timbre, 195
Tongue, 61, 101
Trachea, 198, 208
Trochaic measure, 165
Tuning, 157
Ureters, 47
Ventriloquism, 73
Virchow, Professor, 21
Viscera, 46
Vivisection, 51
Vocal science, 220
Vocal sounds, 67, 89
Voice of the oesophagus, 1;
falling, 175;
rising, 175;
whispering, 191
Von Buelow, 193
Werner's Magazine, 6, 7, 196, 212, 213
Will, 179, 184