APPENDIX VIII. 15 and 16 Vict., cap. 85, sec. 10. |
Churchwardens after order or at any time upon requisition of ten ratepayers to convene Vestry Meeting to determine whether a burial ground shall be provided. Upon the requisition in writing of ten or more ratepayers [80a] of any parish in the metropolis [80b] in which the place or places of burial shall appear to such ratepayers insufficient or dangerous to health (and whether any Order in Council in relation to any burial ground in such parish has or has not been made), the Churchwardens and other persons to whom it belongs to convene meetings of the Vestry of such parish shall convene a meeting of the Vestry for the special purpose of determining whether a burial ground shall be provided under this Act for the parish; and public notice of such Vestry Meeting, and the place and hour of holding the same, and the special purpose thereof, shall be given in the usual manner in which notices of the meetings of the Vestry are given, at least seven days before holding such Vestry Meeting: and if it be resolved by the Vestry that a burial ground shall be provided under this Act for the parish, a copy of such resolution extracted from the minutes of the Vestry, and signed by the Chairman, shall be sent to one of Her Majesty’s principal Secretaries of State.