
I. Introductory, 1
II. The Age of Imagination, 25
Why we call Children Imaginative, 25
Imaginative Transformation of Objects, 28
Imagination and Play, 35
Free Projection of Fancies, 51
Imagination and Storyland, 54
III. The Dawn of Reason, 64
The Process of Thought, 64
The Questioning Age, 75
IV. Products of Child-Thought, 91
The Child’s Thoughts about Nature, 91
Psychological Ideas, 109
Theological Ideas, 120
V. The Little Linguist, 133
Prelinguistic Babblings, 133
Transition to Articulate Speech, 138
Beginnings of Linguistic Imitation, 147
Transformation of our Words, 148
Logical Side of Children’s Language, 160
Sentence-building, 170
Getting at our Meanings, 183
VI. Subject to Fear, 191
Children’s Sensibility, 191
Startling Effect of Sounds, 194
Fear of Visible Things, 198
The Fear of Animals, 207
Fear of the Dark, 211
Fears and their Palliatives, 219
VII. Raw Material of Morality, 228
Primitive Egoism, 228
Germs of Altruism, 242
Children’s Lies, 251
VIII. Under Law, 267
The Struggle with Law,

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