| | | PAGE | I. | Introductory, | 1 | | II. | The Age of Imagination, | 25 | | | Why we call Children Imaginative, | 25 | | | Imaginative Transformation of Objects, | 28 | | | Imagination and Play, | 35 | | | Free Projection of Fancies, | 51 | | | Imagination and Storyland, | 54 | | III. | The Dawn of Reason, | 64 | | | The Process of Thought, | 64 | | | The Questioning Age, | 75 | | IV. | Products of Child-Thought, | 91 | | | The Child’s Thoughts about Nature, | 91 | | | Psychological Ideas, | 109 | | | Theological Ideas, | 120 | | V. | The Little Linguist, | 133 | | | Prelinguistic Babblings, | 133 | | | Transition to Articulate Speech, | 138 | | | Beginnings of Linguistic Imitation, | 147 | | | Transformation of our Words, | 148 | | | Logical Side of Children’s Language, | 160 | | | Sentence-building, | 170 | | | Getting at our Meanings, | 183 | | VI. | Subject to Fear, | 191 | | | Children’s Sensibility, | 191 | | | Startling Effect of Sounds, | 194 | | | Fear of Visible Things, | 198 | | | The Fear of Animals, | 207 | | | Fear of the Dark, | 211 | | | Fears and their Palliatives, | 219 | | VII. | Raw Material of Morality, | 228 | | | Primitive Egoism, | 228 | | | Germs of Altruism, | 242 | | | Children’s Lies, | 251 | | VIII. | Under Law, | 267 | | | The Struggle with Law, | <