

D. Tiedemann, Memoiren (memoirs of a two-year-old son, the biologist F. Tiedemann, b. 1781). English Translation: Record of Infant Life, Syracuse, U.S.A. French Translation by B. Perez: Th. Tiedemann et la science de l’enfant, 1881.

J. E. LÖbisch, Entwicklungsgeschichte der Seele des Kindes, 1851.

B. Sigismund, Kind und Welt, 1856.

C. Darwin, “Biographical Sketch of an Infant,” in Mind, vol. ii., 1877, pp. 285-294.

B. Perez, Les trois premiÈres annÉes de l’enfant, 1878. English Translation by Miss A. M. Christie (Sonnenschein & Co., London).

With this should be read the following by the same author, L’Education dÈs le BerÇeau, 1880; L’Enfant de trois À sept ans, 1886.

W. Preyer, Die Seele des Kindes, 1882; fourth edition, 1895. English Translation, by H. W. Brown, in two parts (published by Appleton & Co., of New York); also selections from the same under the title Die geistige Entwicklung in der ersten Kindheit. English Translation by H. W. Brown (Appleton & Co.).

F. Tracy, The Psychology of Childhood (Boston, U.S., 1893; second edition, 1894).

G. CompayrÉ, L’Evolution intellectuelle et morale de l’Enfant, 1893.

M. W. Shinn, Notes on the Development of a Child (Berkeley, U.S.A., 1893-94).

Paola Lombroso, Saggi di Psicologia del Bambino (Roma, 1894).

J. M. Baldwin, Mental Development in the Child and the Race, 1895.


(1) Imagination and Play.

J. Klaiber, Das MÄrchen und die kindliche Phantasie, 1866.

F. Queyrat, L’imagination et ses variÉtÉs chez l’Enfant, 1893.

Reference may also be made to the works of Perez and CompayrÉ already named, to Madame Necker’s L’Education progressive, to George Sand’s Histoire de ma vie, and to the writings of Froebel and his followers on the nature of Play.

(2) Thoughts and Reasonings.

E. Egger, Observations et reflexions sur le developpement de l’intelligence et du langage chez les enfants, 1881.

Thoughts and Reasonings of Children. Classified by H. W. Brown. Reprinted from the Pedagogical Seminary, vol. ii., No. 3 (Worcester, U.S.A.).

See also the works of Preyer, Perez, and CompayrÉ mentioned above.

Reference may further be made to the inquiries into the contents of children’s minds carried out in Germany and elsewhere: see Bartholmai, “Psychologische Statistik,” in Stoy’s Allgem. Schulzeitung, 1871; Lange, “Der Vorstellungskreis unserer sechsjÄhrigen Kleinen,” in Stoy’s Allgem. Schulzeitung, 1879; Hartmann, Analyse des kindischen Gedankenkreises, 2e auflage, 1890; Dr. Stanley Hall, ‘Contents of Children’s Minds,’ Princeton Review, New Series, vol. II, 1883. p. 249, and Pedagogical Seminary, vol. i., No. 2, and The Contents of Children’s Minds on entering School, 1894.

(3) Language.

A. Keber, Zur Philosophie der Kindersprache, 1868; 2e Aufgabe, 1890.

H. Taine, “On the Acquisition of Language by Children,” Mind, ii., 1877, pp. 252-259.

Sir F. Pollock, “An Infant’s Progress in Language,” Mind, iii., 1878, pp. 392-401.

F. Schultze, Die Sprache des Kindes, 1880.

E. Egger, Observations et reflexions sur le developpement de l’intelligence et du langage chez les enfants, 1881.

L. Treitel, Ueber SprachstÖrung und Sprachentwicklung, Berlin, 1892.

H. Gutzmann, Des Kindes Sprache und Sprachfehler, 1894.

J. Dewey, “The Psychology of Infant Language,” Psychological Review, 1894.

Other authorities on children’s language are quoted by Preyer in connexion with his own full account of the subject, Die Seele des Kindes, 4e Auflage, Dritter Theil, vi.

(4) Fear.

Reference can be made here to Locke’s Thoughts on Education, Rousseau’s Emile, and to the works of Madame Necker, George Sand, Preyer, Perez, and CompayrÉ, already named.

(5) Moral Characteristics.

These are dealt with by Locke, Rousseau, Madame Necker, by Perez and CompayrÉ in the works already named, also by Perez in his volume Le CaractÈre de l’enfant À l’homme, and by most writers on Education. The subject of Children’s Lies is more fully dealt with by G. Stanley Hall, in The American Journal of Psychology, vol. iii., 1, and The Pedagogical Seminary, vol. i., 2, and by G. CompayrÉ, L’Evolution intell. et morale de l’enfant, chap. xiv.

(6) Art.

B. Perez, L’art et la poÉsie chez l’enfant, 1888.

(7) Drawing.

Corrado Ricci, L’arte dei Bambini (Bologna, 1887).

J. Passy, “Note sur les dessins d’enfants,” Revue Philosophique, 1891.

Earl Barnes, “A Study of Children’s Drawings,” Pedagogical Seminary, vol. ii., No. 3, p. 455 ff.

The names of other books on child-psychology may be found in Tracy’s volume, The Psychology of Childhood, p. 162 ff.; in the Handbook of the Illinois Society for Child Study, 1895; in B. Hartmann’s article, “Alterstypen,” in Rein’s Encyclop. Handbuch der PÄdagogik, Band i., p. 49; and in C. Shubert’s Essay, “Elternfragen,” in Rein’s Aus dem pÄdagog. UniversitÄtsseminar zu Jena, 1894.


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