Herewith is given a diagram presenting the net cost of the work of the brigade in Canada. The disbursements indicated include the total of all sums paid out both by the Corps and the Aviation Department of the I.M.B. This cost, being $9,835 per pilot trained, will, it is estimated, be reduced to $9,660 when the various assets of the brigade have been liquidated. It will be seen that no amount has been apportioned against the complete training of 137 observers, and the partial training of 3,500 cadets who were on the strength and in various stages of ground tuition in November, 1918. From December, 1917 to April, 1918, both brigade and Imperial Munitions Board expenditures show a decrease. This is due to the fact that for these months the cost of aeroplanes, engines, spares, etc., were met by the U.S. Signal. Service, for whom the Corps trained a large number of pilots. The amount thus saved by the Corps may be considered as approximately equal to that spent on the partial training of 3,500 cadets and included in the gross sum mentioned. The increase in outlay by the Imperial Munitions Board in the autumn of 1918 was occasioned by a large building programme, designed to accommodate the entire brigade in winter quarters, no further move to Texas being contemplated. When hostilities ceased this accommodation was practically finished. It will be noted that the winter of 1918 found the brigade with its capital expenditure complete, and subject only to such maintenance charges as rations, pay, repairs, etc. Had training, therefore, been continued, it is without doubt that pilots would have been turned out at a cost very much less than that above indicated. R.A.F. Can.—Monthly Disbursements and Training Costs OFFICERS, 81ST SQUADRON, CAMP RATHBUN. HEADQUARTERS OFFICERS AND STAFF. |