
The following list indicates the Squadrons and Groups of which it has been possible to reproduce photographs. Every effort was made to secure a complete record, but this has not been entirely achieved.

Sir Joseph Flavelle, Chairman Imperial Munitions Board 24
G. A. Morrow, Esq., O.B.E., Director of Aviation 24
Sir Frank Baillie, K.B.E, President Canadian Aeroplanes Limited 24
Officers, Aviation Department, Imperial Munitions Board 27
Officials and Executive Staff, Canadian Aeroplanes Limited 45
Officers, 81st Squadron, Camp Rathbun 59
Headquarters, Officers and Staff 60
Headquarters Staff 63
80th Squadron, Camp Borden Officers and Mechanics 64
87th Squadron, Camp Borden 73
Officers and Strength, School of Aerial Fighting, Beamsville 91
Ground Instructional Section, Camp Mohawk 92
92nd Squadron, Camp Borden, Officers and Mechanics 96
85th Squadron, Camp Mohawk 101
Medical Officer and Staff, Deseronto 109
Records and Recruiting Officers and Staff 133
Recruits Depot, Jesse Ketchum Barracks, Toronto 134
89th Squadron, Camp Mohawk 153
Officers and Strength, 43rd Wing, Leaside 157
Staff of School of Aeronautics 163
Officers and Staff, Armament School, Hamilton 171
82nd Squadron 196
88th Squadron, Camp Borden 214
Officers and Staff, School of Special Flying 221
Officers and Staff, Engine Repair Park 250
Officers and Staff, Aeroplane Repair Park 259
Officers and Staff, Stores Depot 260
Pay Office Staff 267
90th Squadron, Camp Rathbun 268
Mechanical Transport Section 274
Assistant Provost Marshal, Officers and Staff 278
Officers and Staff, Royal Engineers’ Section 281
Officers and Strength, 44th Wing, Camp Borden 285
Officers, 44th Wing, Camp Borden 286
Repair Section, Camp Mohawk 292
Camp Borden Representative Team 296
R.A.F. Representative Soccer Team, 1916 299
85th Squadron, Camp Mohawk 305
84th Squadron, Camp Mohawk 309
Instructional Staff, X Squadron, Long Branch 310
First Batch of Cadets, X Squadron, Long Branch 310
79th Squadron, Camp Rathbun 316
Officers and Nurses, School of Aerial Fighting, Beamsville 317


Obvious typographical errors and punctuation errors have been corrected after careful comparison with other occurrences within the text and consultation of external sources.

Except for those changes noted below, all misspellings in the text, and inconsistent or archaic usage, have been retained: for example, re-issue, reissue; every-day, everyday; employes; unfused; enfiling.

Pg 27: ‘A. N. MULCAHEY’ replaced by ‘A. H. MULCAHEY’.
Pg 35: Added heading ‘(Procedure of Purchase)’.
Pg 35: Added heading ‘(History of Invoices)’.
Pg 35: five occurrences of ‘FYLE’ in the diagrams replaced by ‘FILE’.
Pg 183: ‘enojyed excellent’ replaced by ‘enjoyed excellent’.
Pg 224: ‘proceedure in the’ replaced by ‘procedure in the’.
Pg 230: ‘make workmenlike’ replaced by ‘make workmanlike’.
Pg 237: ‘though one hestitates’ replaced by ‘though one hesitates’.
Pg 318: Index page number ‘292’ replaced by ‘299’.


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