Chapter | Page | I | Under Way | 9 | II | Midnight on a Yukon Steamer | 19 | III | Dawson | 28 | IV | The Rush | 36 | V | At The Arctic Circle | 48 | VI | Companions | 58 | VII | Going to Nome | 78 | VIII | Fresh Danger | 81 | IX | Nome | 94 | X | The Four Sisters | 109 | XI | Life in a Mining Camp | 131 | XII | Bar-Room Disturbances | 149 | XIII | Off For Golovin Bay | 162 | XIV | Life at Golovin | 184 | XV | Winter in the Mission | 199 | XVI | The Retired Sea Captain | 215 | XVII | How the Long Days Passed | 231 | XVIII | Swarming | 247 | XIX | New Quarters | 261 | XX | Christmas in Alaska | 275 | XXI | My First Gold Claims | 292 | XXII | The Little Sick Child | 311 | XXIII | Lights and Shadows of the Mining Camp | 325 | XXIV | An Unpleasant Adventure | 340 | XXV | Stones and Dynamite | 354 | XXVI | Good-bye to Golovin Bay | 374 | XXVII | Going Outside | 379 | Transcriber's Note Obvious printer errors have been corrected. All other inconsistencies remain as printed. A list of illustrations, though not present in the original, has been provided below: