rnal">249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 382
-h-2.htm.html#Page_68" class="pginternal">68Farthing, Miss, 244, 246, 247, 248 Fish Creek, 297 Forts: Alaskan, 342 Fortymilers, 280 Fortymile River, 281, 282 Gambling, 279 Game, 257, 277, 325, 368, 369, 406 Gold train, 5 Grenfell, Dr., 402 Grimm, Charles, 56 Half-breeds, 315, 316, 318, 319 Hamlin, Fort, 342 Hammond River, 47 Hans, 102, 103, 105 Hobo, the frozen, 134, 135 Hogatzitna, 76 Horses, 409, 410, 411 Hospitality, cf. Esquimaux and Indians, 49 Hot Springs, 227, 228 Hotham Inlet, 96 Hudson Bay Company, 21, 22 Husky, 392 Ice: glare, 9 rubber, 9, 179, 180 blow-holes, 13 bluffs, 79 mining, 126, 160, 161 jam, 167 breaking, 170 way to determine holding capacity, 179 Iditarod City, 294, 295, 296, 297, 327 Igloo, 330 missionaries, 331 agriculture, 366 Mirage, 90 Mission stations: schools, 355, 358 clothing, 363, 369 isolated, 369 Missionary: nurse, 33 methods, 69, 81, 84, 194, 195, 307 Moccasins, 7 Money, 64 Moses' Village, 65, 180 Mountain: sunshine, 61 temperature, 61 Mukluk, 7, 19, 86 Mush, 200, 214 cleanliness, 86 altitude, effect of Map of the Interior of Alaska, Showing Journeys Described in this Book Map of the Interior of Alaska, Showing Journeys Described in this Book FOOTNOTES:Transcriber's Notes:Obvious punctuation errors repaired. To aid the reader in finding the illustrations and not interrupt the flow of the text, the List of Illustrations links to the illustration itself instead of the page listed. The remaining corrections made are indicated by dotted lines under the corrections. Scroll the mouse over the word and the original text will appear. |