.html#Page_66" class="pginternal">66. Beef-steak, dressing of, 236. Beelzebub, 153, 201. Bell, Adam, 65, 185. Bell Savage, shows at the, 356. Bells for ringing, hawk-bells, prize-bells, &c., 291, 32, 39, 42, 46, 223, 255. —— (Dumb), 77. Benjamin Street, 298. Benjamites, slingers, 71. Beoric, king's falconer, 27. Berdic, king's joculator, 195, 205. Bermondsey, Southwark, 35, 377. Berners, Juliana, 17. —— , Lord, 17. Bessy (the), 348. Beverley, 189, 195, 346. Bevis of Southampton, 185. Bewits, or hawk's bells, 32. Bible-plays. See Plays. Billiards, 270, 299. Binding Tuesday, 350. Birds, tutoring, catching, imitating, &c., 28, 38, 39, 248, 255, 390. See Hawking, Partridge, &c. Bishop of Fools, 345. —— (Boy), 346. Bishops, 8, 9, 11. See Clergy. Bitterns, 37. Blackfriars bridge, 90. Bladder (blown), foot-ball, 101. Blessing of Bells, 292. Blie, 133. Blind-man's-buff, 392, 393. Blois, Charles, Earl of, 52. Blondel, a minstrel, 179. Blow Point, 403. Boar-hunting, fighting, &c., 5, 17, 23, 252, 256. Boats, 88, 146. Bob-cherry, 391. Bodmin, xxxvii. Bone Ace, 88, 95, 101, 184, 277. Cheveretter, Janino de, 194, 203. Childermas, 346, 347. Childrens' plays, 379 to 400. Chiltre (The), 15. Chimney-sweepers, 358. China, 281, 390. Chivalry, xxvii. Christmas, 118, 156, 222, 251, 252, 285, 327, 339 to 349, 370. Chuck-farthing, 386. Churches—plays, abuses, festivals, ales, in, 25, 150, 157, 345, 346, 348, 365, 367. Churn, or corn, supper, 364. Circus in St. George's-fields, 230, 245, 246. Clarencieux, king at arms, 135. Cleavers (marrow-bones and), 294. Clench of Barnet, li, 255. Cleremont, Earl of, 129. Clergy, xxi, liv, lx, 8, 9, 11, 21, 24, 31, 37, 150, 152, 155, 156, 157, 183, 190, 192, 241, 256, 306, 344. Clerkenwell, 81, 263, 289, 298. —— , Marqu
t@g@html@files@48983@48983-h@48983-h-20.htm.html#Page_194" class="pginternal">194. Elk, 18. Eltham, Hants, 375. Elverton, Derb., 367. Elvetham, Hants, 95. Elysian Fields, 377. Emanuel Comminus, 131. Emperors, appropriate hawks of, 37 meanness of one, 192. Enchanters, 199, 200. Enclosures, 20, 21, 50, 56. Eneas, 126. Engravings in the work, notice of, lxvi. Entertainments, royal and noble, xxxviii, xliv. E. O. tables, 307. Epiphany, 344. Ervalton of Spain, 265. Esau, 50. Esquires and Esquireship, xxv, 37, 115, 135, 137. Essex, 19, 79, 108, 349. Ethelbald, King of Mercia, 362. Ethelbert, King of Kent, 25. Ethelred the unready, 350. Eton Montem, 347. Eu, Count d', 93. Euboea, 305, 308. Even or Odd, 386. Evil Merodac, 308. Eurydice, 377. Exorcism of bells, 292. Fabulators, 180. See Joculators. Fair sex, 143. See Ladies. Fairs, 366, 369. Falcon, 37. See Hawking. Falconer, 24, 28. Fantoccini, 167. Feathers, 59, 60, 234. Fenchurch-street, 353. Ferrers, George, 340. Ferrets, 22. Festival of Fools, 344, 345. Fiddle without strings, music with, 255. Fiddlers, 186. See Minstrels. Figgum, 23. Gray, George, fencer, 263. Great Chan, performance by, 199. Greeks, 74, 84, 87, 89, 281, 303, 305, 308, 313, 314, 325, 338, 380, 383, 385, 386, 387, 390, 392, 393, 398, 400, 403. Green, Jack in the, 358. —— man, 294, 375, 377, 378. —— Park, 376. Greens (Bowling), lxiii, 268. Greenwich, xxix, 156, 161, 162, 257, 355, 374. Gregory, Pope, 365. Groat (Shove), 301. Gresco, 333. Grey, or Badger, 18, 280. —— waters of, 15 —— (Henry de), of Codnor, 16. —— hounds, 7, 14, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 280. Gridiron music, 294. Grief, how counteracted, lii. Gringonneur, Jacquemin, 323. Grinning-match, 371. Grooms of tutored greyhounds, 21. Guards, officers of, 356. Guarine, Fulco, 309. Guary miracle (the), 158. Guilford, 159. Gums, 31, 379. Gyfford, John, 17205 disrepute of modern jugglers, 205 dancing, tumbling, and balancing by joculators, 205, 208 Herodias tumbling, 208, 209 various modes of dancing and tumbling, 211 representations of tumbling, 211, 212 gleemens' dances, 213 sword-dancing, rope-dancing, 214 to 221 Morris-dance, 223 the posture-master, 235 mountebanks, 236 balancing, 231 the tinker, 237 animals trained for baiting, &c. by joculators, 239 to 259 sword-play, 259, 293. See Minstrels. John Bull, game called, 275. —— (King), 264, 278, 309. —— I. of Castile, 324. —— of Gaunt, 141, 279. —— de Holland, 141. —— (St.), 12, 16, 34, 43, 209. Judges looking big as lions, xli. Jugglers, 181, 182, 185, 193, 199. See Minstrels, Joculators. Justice Jervis, 301. Justinian, 116. Justs, xxi, xxvii, xxviii challenges to, &c. 111, 148, 263 difference from tournaments, 125 law for, 133 justs represented, 142 peculiarly in honour of the ladies the lance of the ladies, 143 great splendour of justs, &c., 143, 146, 355. Kayles, 270. Kenilworth, xlii, xlvi, 19, 20, 117, 140, 1
. —— Mayor, xxxvi, xxxix, xli, 81, 89, 340, 361, 374. —— of Misrule, 339, 340, 341. Lorem, Johan de Mees de, 189. Lothbroc, story about, 26. Lotteries, childrens', 398. Lovain, 247. Love-feasts, 364. Love perfecting Valor, 143. Louis XIII., 245. Louis, Emperor, 132. Lowbelling, 38. Luce, a beast called, xliii, xlv. Lydians, 91, 304. Lyon, William de, 93. Lytell John, 354. Maces, 129. Mad-bull, bequest about, 278. Madely Manor, 298. Madrid, 280. Magic-lanthorn, 198, 201. Mahometan paradise, 288. Maid Marian, 353, 354. Main (Welch), 282. Making and Marring, 403. Mall in St. James's Park, 103. Mallards, 37. Mandeville, Sir J., 199, 201. Marbles, 384. Margaret, daughter of Henry VII., 327. Margot, a French lady, 94. Marian (Maid), 353, 354. Marks for shooting at, 62, 65. Marriages, game of quintain at, 119. Marrow-bones and Cleavers, 294. Martins, 17, 18, 22. Mary, xli, 58, 210, 219, 257, 347, 362, 372. Marybone Gardens, 290, 376. Masquerades, 157 Cornish miracle-plays, 158 court plays, 159 character of old itinerant players, 159, 181 representations of mummers, 160 play in honour of Princess Mary, 161 of Hock Tuesday, 162 decline of secular plays, 163 origin of puppet-plays, 164, 165 pantomimes and puppet characters, 167 moving pictures, 168. See also Minstrels. Plovers, 37. Plough Fool and Plough Monday, 348. Plummet, casting the, 75. Plumpton, Sir Rob., 19. Pluvinel, M., riding-master, 245. Poesy, effects of, 170. Poets, 179. See Minstrels. Points, ribbons, 327. Pole, Cardinal, 210. Poles, May-poles, balancing-poles, &c., 123, 205, 351, 352. Polish Draughts, 316. Pope, the, 242. —— of Fools, 345. Popinjay (Parrot), 54, 57, 62. Porters, 22. Post-quintain, 113. Posture-master, 234, 235. Pot-guns, or Pop-guns, 380. Powel, a puppet-showman, l, 165. Powel, a famous fire-eater, 237. Prayers books, how illuminated, 102, 123, 209, 232, 240, 267, 395. Preville, Geoffry, Lord of, 132. Price, predecessor of Astley, 246. —— a burlesque musician, 294. Prices ordained for bows, 58. Priests. See Clergy. Prime and Primero, 328, 333. Princes, education of, xxxi, 22. Printing traced to cards, 326. Prisoners'-bars, 78, 381. Prizes for archery, wrestling, rowing, at tournaments, &c. 69, 82, 255. Ruff, game of, 335. Ruffian Hall, Smithfield called, 261. Running. See Horse-racing, Foot-racing, &c. —— (Bull), 277. Rustics, curious imitation by one, 256. Rutlandshire, 19. Rykell, John, the tregetour, 202. Sack running, 371. Sadler, Mr. 290. —— 's Wells, 221, 210, 226, 234, 247, 289. Saddlers, 42. Sailing, 90. Salmon, Mrs. 51. Saint Albans, 17, 150, 255. —— Austin, 156. —— Bartholomew, Fair, Hospital, &c., 81, 195, 216, 230. —— Brice's Day, 350. —— Catharine, 151, 362. —— Clement, 347. —— Cuthbert, 92. —— George, 57. —— James, 80. —— John, xliv, 209, 346, 367, 373. —— Louis, 129, 204. —— Matilda's Hospital, 81. —— Nicholas, 346. —— Paul's church, dean, &c., 36, 152, 155, 218, 219, 373. —— Peter, 361, 373. —— Stephen, 346. —— Saviour's, 356. Saintre, Jean de, 324. Saints' days, hospitality on, 373. Salt-box and rolling-pin music, 294. Sampson, predecessor of Astley, 246. Sandwich, 147. Saracens, 115, 252, 388. Sarum, 133. Saturnalia, 250, 349. Tyers, Jonathan, 288. Tykehill, 133. Tyrrheno, a Greek, 308. Ule games, xxxiv. See Christmas. Ulster, Earl of, Courcy, 264. Ulysses, 308, 311. Umfraville, Robert de, 19. Unearthing a fox, 5. Unicorn, 252. Universities, 343 London in 1615, called the third university, 261. Uter Pendragon, 140. Valentia, 280. Valor perfected by Love, 143. Vaulting, 207, 229. Vauxhall Gardens, 90, 280, 377. Venter Point, 403. Vermin, xxiv. Vice, a dramatic character, 153. Vielle, 178. Violante, Signora, 220. Vizors, 251, 252. Voices of animals and men, imitations of, 255. Vortigern, 363. Vulcan's Forge, 376. Vulture, 37. Waits, xli, 361, 363. Wakes, 364. Wales, Constantine, King of, 3. Wallingford, 133. Walloons, 147. Walsham (North), 284. Walsingham, Thomas of, 130. Walter, Bishop of Rochester, 11. Wardrobe, old theatrical, 159. Warren, Earl of, 278. Warwick, 133. —— Earl of, 52. Wassails, 363. Wasters and Bucklers, 35. Wat Wimbas, 287. Watch, setting the, xxxix, 361. Water-fowl, 28. —— tilting, 88, 120. —— fireworks on, 374. —— See Rowing, Sailing, Swimming, Thames, &c. Watteville, M. Robert, 337. Wedgenoke Park, 6. Welch, 320 Welch-main, 282. Wells, William, bearTHE END. J. Haddon, Printer, Castle Street, Finsbury, London.