| PAGE | A.—Catalogue of dated examples of Spanish Buildings, from the tenth to the sixteenth century inclusive | 467 | B.—Catalogue of Architects, Sculptors, and Builders of the Churches, &c., mentioned in this volume | 471 | C.—Documents relating to the construction of the new Cathedral at Salamanca | 482 | D.—Royal Warrant for the payment of the Master of the Works at Santiago | 489 | E.—Memoir of the construction of the Cathedral at Segovia, by the Canon Juan Rodriguez | 490 | F.—Catalogue of the subjects carved on the screens round the Coro of Toledo Cathedral | 495 | G.—Agreement between Jayme Fabre and the Sub-prior and Brethren of the Convent of San Domingo at Palma in Mallorca | 500 | H.—The Reports of the Junta of Architects assembled at Gerona to decide on the mode of building the nave of the Cathedral | 501 | I.—Contract between Guillermo Sagrera and the Council of the Fabric, for the erection of the Exchange at Palma in Mallorca | 514 | INDEX: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Z | 517 |