ans, 224. Bishop of Beauvais, 161. Bishop of Gibraltar, 96. Bishop of Oxford, 7, 23. Boletin de la Sociedad Castellana de Excursiones, 47. Bologna, 86; S. Petronio, 86 sq., 230; S. Francesco, 87. Bonn, 320, 323. Bonport, 138. Boppart, 323. Botticelli, 29. Bourges, cathedral, 137, 163, 176, 201, 212, 244; S. Pierre, 244. Bourgtheroulde, 118. Boyce, George, 57. Branche, Dominique, cited, 205, 232. Brandenburg, 285, 328. brasses, 6, 38, 274. Brenner, 51. Bretteville l’Orgueilleuse, 120. Breuzeville, 131. brick building, 30, 37, 38, 46, 72, 86, 270, 284, 285, 286, 328. Brick and Marble in the Middle Ages, 21, 27, 32, 34, 36, 46, 49 sq., 88. Brioude, 39, 201, 212, 215, 231, 234, 235, 237, 238, 240, 247. Bristol cathedral, 27, 30. Brown, Madox, 57. Browning, Robert, 322. Como, lake of, 36. CompiÈgne, 159; S. Antoine, 160; cloister, 159; HÔtel-Dieu, 161; HÔtel de Ville, 161. Compostela, Santiago de, 43, 44, 45. Compton, near Guildford, 278. Conques, 231, 242, 245; Abbot Odalric, 242. Constance, 33, 294, 326; lake of, 36. Constantinople, 30; Crimean Memorial, 22; S. Sophia, 243, 245; SS. Sergius and Bacchus, 247. Corneto, 94. Cornwall, 6, 79, 128, 268. Cortona, 75. CoruÑa, La, 44. Coucy-le-ChÂteau, 162, 171. de Coucy, Robert, 58, 184, 188. Coudray, 158. Courtrai, 303, 305 sqq. Coutances, 124, 163. Cram, R.A., cited, 28. Cremona, 38, 272, 284. CrÉpy, 107. Crimean Memorial, 22, 30. Cuddesden, 7, 21, 22. Cuenca, 42. Culoz, 62, 89. Dalmatia, 32. Dance of Death, 277. Dante, 3, 83. Devonshire, 128. Dictionnaire de l’Architecture, 174, 212, 231. Didron, cited, 229, 233. Dijon, 34, 130, 222. ground-plans, 130, 136, 195, 205, 207, 229, 230, 244, 309, 317, 319, 327. Guadalajara, 44. Guardian, The, 129. Guercino, 52. Guido da Como, 84. Halberstadt, 278, 288, 301, 328. Hamburg, 33. Hambye, 124. Hanover, 48. Havre, 16. Heidelberg, 33. height an element of Gothic, 18, 142, 150, 197. Heir of Redclyffe, The, 13. Henry the Lion, 272. Herford, 328. Hesse, Synsingus, 283. Hewlett, Maurice, 45, 83. Higham Ferrers, 281. Hildesheim, 274, 278, 321, 328. Histoire de l’Église AngÉlique de Notre Dame du Puy, 228. Historia de la Arquitectura EspaÑola Cristiana, 41. Holland, Jessie, (Mrs. G.E. Street), 10, 53, 57, 88. Holmbury S. Mary, 28, 30, 55. Homer, 3. Howells, William Dean, 49. Hucher, M., cited, 220. Hueffer, Ford Madox, 57. Huelgas, Las, 45, 118. Huesca, 44. Hunt, Holman, 46, 57. Hutton, Edward, 45, 49. Huxley, Thomas, 23. Huy, 307. Iffley, 32. Île-de-France, 71; S. Maria della Rosa, 71; S. Michele, 69. Lucera, 50. Lucerne, lake of, 36. Lugo, 44. LÜneburg, S. John, 276, 314, 324, 328. Luther, 275. Lynn, 274. Lyon, 201, 212; S. Martin d’Ainay, 207, 228, 247; ManÉcanterie, 228. MÂcon, 62, 88. Madrid, 43. Magdeburg, 318, 319, 321, 324, 328. Maggiore, lake, 36. Magione, 76. Mallay, M., cited, 218, 228, 239–41. Mancha, La, 42. Manresa, 44. Mans, Le, 220. Mantes, 131, 134, 137, 139 sqq., 147, 149. Mantua, 284. Marburg, S. Elizabeth, 38, 169, 296, 319, 320, 328; castle, 302, 327. masons, mediaeval, 32, 240. Mayence, 33, 321, 322. Meaux, 115, 131, 162, 163, 165. mediaeval architects, 32, 131, 136, 151, 293, 296, 297. mediaeval workmen, 58, 216; Bishop Evodius, 203; Bishop Guy, 228; Bishop Jean de Bourbon, 214–16; Bishop Peter, 220; Bishop Stephen, 220; FranÇois Gimbert, 225. Quakers, 11. Raphael, 28, 277. Ratisbon, 33, 320, 326, 328. Ratzebourg, 328. Ravello, 51. Ravenna, 220, 243. Rayham abbey, 125. Recanati, 51. religious feeling, 11, 12, 19, 20, 21, 24, 49, 54, 114. Renaissance, 42, 49, 52, 68, 71, 73, 76, 95, 187, 216, 307. Reni, Guido, 52. restoration, 21, 30, 51, 54, 66, 121, 129, 140, 191, 208, 255, 265, 298; his own, 30 sq., 54. Rheims, 58, 108, 113, 129, 131, 162, 163, 184; cathedral, 113, 184; S. Jacques, 186, 189; S. Maurice, 189; S. Remi, 134, 275, 311, 313, 314, 323, 327; cathedral, 314; S. Paul’s, 315; S. Peter’s, 312, 315; Wiesen-Kirche, 312, 315 sqq., 320, 322. Soissonnais, 38, 162, 169. Soissons, 131, 162, 163 sqq., 188; cathedral, 164; S. Jean des Vignes, 163, 166; S. LÉger, 168; S. Pierre, 169. Some Account of Gothic Architecture in Spain, 27, 32, 37, 39, 40, 41 sqq., 46, 51, 320. Some Account of the Church of S. Mary, Stone, near Dartford, 255. Some Churches in Kent, Surrey, and Sussex, 268. Some Churches of Le Puy en Velay, and Auvergne, 201. du Sommerard, cited, 173, 179. Soria, 42. Southampton, 160. Southwell, 54. Spain, 41, 42, 43, 47, 48, 118, 206, 229. Spain’s debt to G.E.S., 45; to France, 47. Spanish towns, 42, 44; travel, 45. SplÜgen, 36. Spoleto, 51. square east ends, 137, 173, 176, 265, 320. Stephen, Leslie, 49; Sir James Fitz-James, 49. Stevenson, 39. Stone Church, |