8.htm.html#Page_245" class="pginternal">245, 266 cabriolet, 139, 170, 198, 199, 221, 234, 244 et seq., 266, 276; CÆsar, Julius, 29, 36 CÆsarius, 29 Calais, 172 calash (calesh, calÈche), 109, 140 et seq., 154, 155, 206, 221 calesse (calesso), 35, 140 caned whiskey, 214 Canterbury, 110 Cape cart, 278 Capua, 28 Caricature History of the Georges, 198 n. Carinthia, 121 Carlyle, Thomas, 207, 209 carpentum, 31, 33, 34 carretta, 50 carriage, early use of the word, 45; - early English carriage described, 47;
- Chinese, 38, 107;
- Dacian, 37
Carriage Builder’s and Harness Maker’s Art Journal, 72, 158 carriage-match, 188 carriole, 35, 69, 140, 224 carroccio, 50 n. carroch (caroch, carroach, carroche), 64, 80, 83 carrosse, 69; - carosse À cinq sous, 136 et seq.
carruca, 32, 34; - carruca argentata, 35;
- carruca domestoria, 35
carrus, 32 n.; - carrus stabularius, 32 n.
cart, 24, 81, 82, 247; - early English cart described, 45
Castlemaine, Earl of, 123, 124; 152; Russian, 153, 154; Venetian, 159; patent coaches, 166, 217, 218; Spanish, 170; “frictionless” coach, 190; Baskerville’s, 191; Lord Chancellor’s Irish coach, 206, 207, 258; reasons for overcrowding, 215; nineteenth-century coach, 229; Victorian, 261 Coach and Coach Harness Makers’ Company, 143 Coach and Sedan pleasantly disputing, 63, 92 et seq. coachee, 222 Coaches, The History of, 24 n. coal-carriage, 192 Coates, “Romeo,” 213 Coburg, 67, 68 Cockburn, Lord, 106 cochio, 50 n. Colley, 199 Colman, J., 198 Commander, Mr., 127 Conference between ... chariot ... and ... chair, A, 97 Congreve, William, 201 Connecticut, 221 Consort, Prince, 272 Constantine, 32 n. Constantinople, 29 Conveyancing, 248 Cooper, Fenimore, 105 Cooper, J. C., coach-designer, 266 corbillard, 111 correo real, 170 cottri, 63 Cotzi. See Kotzee couch. See coach coucou, 169 coupÉ, 155, 230, 270 Courtney, C. B., 277 Covent Garden, 104 Coventry, Sir William, 132 covinus, 30 Cow Lane, 129 crane-neck perches, 119 Craven, 57 Creed, Mrs., 130 Crenan, Marquis de, 136 Croal, Thomas, 84, 101, 118 n., 143, 236, 240 Cromwell, Oliver, 112-114 Crooch, John, 92 Croune, Dr., 117 Croydon,
ss="pginternal">61 n. History of Inventions, 65 History of Locomotion, 62 Hobson, Samuel, 232 Hoby, Sir Thomas, 76 Hodges, coachmaster, 157, 158 Hoefnagle, 72 Hogarth, 64 Holborn, 132, 197, 264 Holcroft, Thomas, 226 Holinshed, 54 Holland, 68, 71, 156, 226 Holland & Holland, 261 Holloway, 247 Hood, Thomas, 248, 256 Hook, Theodore, 235 Hooke, Dr. Robert, 116, 117 Hooper, G. N., 276 Hopkinson, Luke, 264, 265 Hopkynson, Edward, 71 Horse and Carriage Oracle, The, 231 Hungary, 37, 51, 63-66, 68 Hunt, Leigh, 162, 206, 210, 214, 219, 242 Hutton, Catherine, 192 Hutton, William, 191 Hyde Park, 112, 115, 122, 155, 156 hwakeaou, 108 idol-car, Persian, 39 Indian carriages, early, 40 Ingleby, Colonel, 112 Ipswich, 73 Ireland, 143, 206, 214, 220, 238, 239, 281 Irish car, 281 Isabella of Spain, 170 isinglass, or talc, used for windows, 92 Islington, 92 Italy, 31, 32, 33 n., 35, 62, 110, 71, 89 Manton, 216, 267 Southampton, Countess of, 76 South Kensington, 140, 206, 207, 225 Spain, 62, 69, 86, 88, 121, 125, 151, 165, 169, 170; Speaker, Mr., 113; - his coach and privileges, 113, 114
Spectator, The, 151 Spenser, Edmund, 62 n. springs, steel, first applied to brouette, 100; Squyr of Low Degree, The, 52 Stafford, Lord, 88, 91 stage-coach, 89, 123, 135, 136, 144, 167, 182, 183, 205, 214-218, 222, 227 n. Stage-Coach and Mail in Days of Yore, 135 n., 215 n. Stage-Coaches, The Dangers of Travelling in, 217 n. stage-waggon, 89, 222 Stanhope, Hon. Philip, 235 stanhope, 235, 275; Staple of News, 79 state coach, 123-125, 159, 186, 188, 257; - of Great Britain, 185 et seq.;
- Lord Mayor’s, 188
station wagon, 275 steam-carriage, 255 Steele, Sir Richard, 103, 160 Sterne, Lawrence, 171, 172 Stopford, Mrs. Diana, 97 Stowe, John, 186, 198 Walsingham House, 77 Ward, Ned, 154, 163-165 Warren, Sir William, 130 Warton, Thomas, 193 Warwick, 72 Waude, coachbuilder, 261 Weld, Isaac, 222 Westminster, 43, 55 n., 90; Westmorland, 57, 272 wheel, primitive, 17, 19; - how made, 20;
- Egyptian, 24;
- war of the wheels, 176 et seq.
whirlicote, 48, 49, 62, 63 whiskey, 213, 214 White, H. A., 22, 24 Whitechapel cart, 235, 278 Whitehall, 84, 129, 133 Wicliffe, 49 Wilkes, John, 104, 171 Wilkins, Dean, 117 William Rufus, 53 William IV, 261 William of Malmesbury, 53 Williams, Oakley, 113 Williams, Sir Roger, 59 Willoughby, Lord Grey and, 59 Wilson, Arthur, 61 n., 86, 87 Windsor, 149 windsor chair, 200 Wolverhampton, 279 World on Wheels, The, 18 n., 39 n., 257 World runnes on Wheels; or Oddes Betwixt Carts and Coaches, The, 81 Wright, Edward, 33 n., 225 Wright, John, 189 Wright, William, 76 Xerxes, 26 Yarmouth cart, 35 York, Duke of, 120, 132 Yorkshire, 144 PRINTED BY WILLIAM BRENDON AND SON, LTD. PLYMOUTH GRAHAMEOF CLAVERHOUSE | VISCOUNT DUNDEE | By Michael BarringtonSSS | With many Portraits reproduced in Photogravure, Military Maps of the Campaigns, a Pedigree, Facsimile Letter, and copious Bibliography. | In one volume, Imperial Octavo (11 in. × 7-1/2 in.) 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