Author Of A Girl Of The Limberlost, Freckles, Etc. THIS PORTION OF THE LIFE OF A MAN OF TO-DAY IS OFFERED IN THE HOPE THAT IN CLEANLINESS, POETIC TEMPERMENT, AND MENTAL FORCE, A LIKENESS WILL BE SEEN TO HENRY DAVID THOREAU CHARACTERS DAVID LANGSTON, A Harvester of the Woods. RUTH JAMESON, A Girl of the City. GRANNY MORELAND, An Interested Neighbour. DR. CAREY, Chief Surgeon of the Onabasha Hospital. MRS. CAREY, Wife of the Doctor. DR. HARMON, Who Concludes to Leave the City. MOLLY BARNET, A Hospital Nurse with a Heart. HENRY JAMESON, A Trader Without a Heart. ALEXANDER HERRON, Who Made a Concession. MRS. HERRON, A Gentle Woman. THE KENNEDYS, Philadelphia Lawyers. THE HARVESTER