| PAGE | Portrait of Mrs. Stowe. From a crayon by Richmond, made in England in 1853 | Frontispiece | Silver Inkstand presented to Mrs. Stowe by her English Admirers in 1853 | xi | Portrait of Mrs. Stowe's Grandmother, Roxanna Foote. From a miniature painted on ivory by her daughter, Mrs. Lyman Beecher | 6 | Birthplace at Litchfield, Conn.[A] | 10 | Portrait of Catherine E. Beecher. From a photograph taken in 1875 | 30 | The Home at Walnut Hills, Cincinnati[A] | 56 | Portrait of Henry Ward Beecher. From a photograph by Rockwood, in 1884 | 130 | Manuscript Page of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" (fac-simile) | 160 | The Andover Home. From a painting by F. Rondel, in 1860, owned by Mrs. H. F. Allen | 186 | Portrait of Lyman Beecher, at the Age of Eighty-Seven. From a painting owned by the Boston Congregational Club | 264 | Portrait of the Duchess of Sutherland. From an engraving presented to Mrs. Stowe | 318 | The Old Home at Hartford | 374 | The Home at Mandarin, Florida | 402 | Portrait of Calvin Ellis Stowe. From a photograph taken in 1882 | 422 | Portrait of Mrs. Stowe. From a photograph by Ritz and Hastings, in 1884 | 470 | The Later Hartford Home | 508 |