Faulkener’s “History and Antiquities of Kensington,” p. 317. 1893. “Christian Workers of the Nineteenth Century,” S.P.C.K., p. 216. “Life of E. B. Pusey,” i. 336. Ibid., ii. 33. “Life of Pusey,” ii. 8. Early Independent Churches had been particular in their relations to one another; and they would not recognise new communities without satisfactory evidence of character, principles, and conduct. They became more isolated afterwards. Now Archbishop of York. A very good account of this under the title of “Lectures on Bible Revision,” has been published by my excellent friend and late colleague at New College, Principal Newth, D.D. “Memorials of a Quiet Life,” i. 237. Dr. Raleigh, Sir Charles Reed, and others, were examined. That was whilst I was in full work at Kensington, and not very long after our new chapel was built, while a debt of £1000 rested on it. I said I could not leave my charge whilst that debt remained. As soon as I had declined the New College principalship, my congregation swept off the debt as expressive of gratitude for my remaining amongst them. “Ecce Homo,” chap. iv. Written about 1883. I am glad that at Kensington, a liturgical element has been introduced, such as I should have approved, but could not accomplish, because I knew it would then be disapproved by many. With a short Memoir by Robert Hall. In what I have ventured to say about pulpit preparation I have hoped to help my younger ministerial brethren. “Homes and Haunts of Martin Luther,” p. 4. Since my visit to Ban de la Roche I discovered that, in a part of the country not far off, an Irish missionary, Columbanus, in the sixth century laboured for the temporal, as well as the spiritual, welfare of the people. See Wolf’s “Country of the Vosges,” p. 214. Eusebius, “Eccl. Hist.,” V. i, 2. Pastor and Madame Rodriguez. De Aniccio, “L’Espagne traduit de Italien.” “Life of Wilkie,” p. 472. I have gone into this story in my “Spanish Reformers,” p. 185. “Memoirs of Stephen Grellet,” vol. ii., 130. See page 2.