PAGE PORTRAIT OF WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Frontispiece SHAKESPEARE'S ARMS 17 OLD HOUSE AT WILMECOTE, BY SOME SUPPOSED TO BE ROBERT ARDEN'S To face 35 PRESENT VIEW OF SHAKESPEARE'S BIRTHPLACE " 55 THE GUILD CHAPEL, FROM THE SITE OF NEW PLACE " 67 THE CHANCEL, TRINITY CHURCH " 83 SHAKESPEARE'S EPITAPH 84 ANNE HATHAWAY'S COTTAGE To face 88 ANNE SHAKESPEARE'S EPITAPH 90 SNITTERFIELD CHURCH To face 113 NORDEN'S MAP OF LONDON, 1593 " 142 WARWICK CASTLE " 162 SWAN THEATRE (BY DR. GAIDERTY) " 214 THE BEAR GARDEN AND HOPE THEATRE " 216 SWAN THEATRE " 216 When, from the midst of a people, there riseth a man Who voices the life of its life, the dreams of its soul, The Nation's Ideal takes shape, on Nature's old plan, Expressing, informing, impelling, the fashioning force of the whole. The Spirit of England, thus Shakespeare our Poet arose; For England made Shakespeare, as Shakespeare makes England anew. His people's ideals should clearly their kinship disclose, To England, themselves, the more true, in that they to their Shakespeare are true.