| PAGE | Adam's Funny Bone | 238 | After the Fourth Was Over | 57 | All Dentists Go to Heaven | 47 | All the World Cries | 93 | Answers, Not Questions, Cause Trouble | 22 | Appeal to the Fairies, An | 187 | Are All Angels Blonds? | 304 | Armadillo, The | 199 | At Easter | 242 | Autos Change Good Luck | 85 | Autumn, Queen of Year | 88 | Baa! Baa! Black Sheep | 206 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | 269 | Bachelor's Opinion of a Baby, A | 156 | Barber, Barber, Shave a Pig | 226 | Beethoven, Ludwig von | 265 | Berlioz, Louis Hector | 293 | Best Month of All, The | 194 | Beware of Stings | 181 | Beware of the Wet | 144 | Birthday Wish, A | 205 | B. O. K. Fairy, The | 185 | Bony Song, A | 17 | Book Mark, A | 200 | Bo-Peep | 209 | Boy Who Was Hero and Villain, A | 84 | Boy's Complaint, A | 31 | Boy's Description of a Goat, A | 87 | Brahms, Johannes | 267 | Brick Versus Watch | 148 | Bridget Makes Split Pea Soup | 2 | Brunettes All the Rage | 121 | Butcher, Baker, Candle-Stick Maker | 221 | Careful Mother, The | 3 | Cat Extincted the Canary, The | 16 | Cats a Kissin' (Catechism) | 122 | Children's Prayer, The | 255 | Chopin, FrÉdÉric FranÇois | 261 | Christmas Wish for All My Friends, | 40 | Could Only Ask Questions | 126 | Cultus Mitlite | 127 | Curly Locks | 230 | Czerny, Karl | 303 | Dans Ma Cuisine | 166 | Dans Ma Maison | 163 | Dans Mon Joli Jardin | Old Mother Goose | 227 | Old-Time and a Modern Song, An | 139 | Old Woman in a Shoe, The | 222 | Old Woman, Mother Goose, The | 207 | On Midsummer Night | 143 | On Thanksgiving | 51 | One, Two, Three, Four, Five | 236 | Only Naughty Children See Spooks on Hallowe'en | 53 | Oriental Metaphor | 159 | Our Presidents | 124 | Papa's Sainted Leg | 186 | Past and Present Eve, The | 149 | Patti Cake | 224 | Patti Lou at the Zoo | 11 | Peace Forerunner—"Love Mankind" | 257 | Pearl of Lakes, The | 9 | Peas Pudding Hot | 219 | Peter Pumpkin Eater | 216 | Peter Visits an Episcopal Church | 152 | Pets' Christmas Carol, The | 52 | Pickerino—The Cook's Fate, A | 106 | Plea to Editors, A | 196 | Plea to Knights and Ladies Fair, A | 194 | Please, Grandpa, Croak | 108 | Pretty Little Maid with Pretty Little Bonnet | 235 | Pretty Maid, Where Are You Going? | 210 | Pride | 79 | Pure-Blooded Pup, The | 69 | Pussy in the Well | 218 | Queen of Flowerhood | 239 | Rain, Rain, Go Away | 221 | Revenge on an Aching Tooth | 137 | Riddle, A | 96 | Rock-a-Bye, Baby | 213 | Roosevelt Compliments Mama Lion | 23 | Rubinstein, Anton | 289 | Santa's Reindeer in the Sky | 41 | Saying His Speech | 195 | Scarlatti, Alessandro | 302 | Schubert, Franz Peter | 277 | Schumann, Robert | 279 | Seeking Bargains | 126 | Simple Simon | 214 | Sing a Song of Sixpence | 222 | Sing Joyfully on Your Way | 218 | Six in the Cemetery | FACTS IN JINGLES |   |