I heard my mother, just to-day, asking dear old dad To buy her a nice chafing dish, and make her very glad; Though he declared its cooking was a waste of alcohol. Causing indigestion and perhaps a doctor's call. I never saw a chafing dish and so I longed to know How it looked and what 'twas for, and so and so and so; But Mother would not answer and Daddy went away. So I sought the kitchen, where Bridget holds her sway, And asked her if she ever saw, since she began to cook, A chafing dish on pantry shelf or pictured in a book? Then Bridget turned her pug nose up with a "contemshus" air, And gave a twist to her small knot of brick-dust colored hair, And said, "A chafing dish, my dear, so says Miss B. Moriety, Is but a common skillet pan that's got in High Society." |