- Ahasuerus, 111–114.
- AlcaÇer-el-Kebir, battle of, 20–22, 25.
- Alvares, Matheus, 23.
- Althotas, 82.
- Ascham, Roger, letters of concerning Elizabeth, 316–318.
- Ashley, Mrs. Catherine, 284, 285, 298, 315, 321, 323, 324.
- Austin, “Beau,” murder of by John Law, 124, 134.
- Balsamo, Joseph, early life of, 80–82.
- Bank of England, early history of, 140–142.
- Banque GÉnÉrale, founding of by John Law, 126.
- Banque Royale, control of by John Law, 127, 130.
- Berners Street Hoax, 252–254.
- Beugnot, Comte de, description of Cagliostro by, 86, 87.
- Bingham, Jinny, Mother Red-Cap, 186–189.
- Bisley, 286–291, 294.
- Bisley Boy, The, 283–345.
- Bisley Tradition, The, 291–294, 339–340.
- Bogus Sausages, 260–262.
- Brinvilliers, Marquise de, 169–172.
- Brunneau, Mathurin, 40–41.
- Buried Treasure Hoax, The, 258–259.
- Cagliostro, career of, 80–94.
- Castro, Don John de, prophecy of concerning Sebastian, 24,
- visit of to impostor, 26–27.
- Cat Hoax, The, 255.
- Catizzone, Marco Tullio, 27, 28, 29.
- Catherine, Empress, 34.
- Caule, Rev. John, denunciation of Matthew Hopkins by, 197–198.
- Chevalier d’Eon, career of, 269–280.
- Compagnie des Indes, controlled by John Law, 127, 130.
- Cork, Simnel and Warbeck favored by, 8–9.
- Cumberland, Duke of, 55, 56, 57, 58.
- Croly, Rev. George, author of “Salathiel,” 114–115.
- Czar, The False, 31–35.
- Dauphins, The False, 36–48.
- Darien Company, The, 142–143.
- Dean Swift’s Hoax, 259–260.
- Dee, Dr. John, career of, 155–163.
- East India Company, history of useful to John Law, 138–140.
- East, Mary