| PAGE | The Squirrel Inn | FRONTISPIECE | On Deck | 11 | A Wagon-load of Nurse-maids | 28 | Stephen Petter | 33 | The Sign | 38 | A Greek in an Outhouse | 42 | Mr. Tippengray | 44 | "I Suppose this is Mrs. Cristie" | 49 | Lodloe is Introduced to Stephen Petter | 53 | "Passing Nearer, Mr. Tippengray Stopped" | 65 | "Teach the Old Hens Good Manners" | 76 | "Don't Get Excited" | 80 | "Have you Happened to Hear anybody Speak of Me?" | 83 | "I am Here for a Purpose" | 92 | Ida Makes Herself Comfortable | 102 | "Back!" | 108 | "He Began Slowly to Push it towards the Squirrel Inn" | 112 | "I will Wheel it Down to my Summer-house where it is Cool and Shady" | 113 | "He Leaned over the Other Side of the Carriage" | 118 | "Calthy, this is Truly Like Old Times" | 129 | "Will you not Take These Instead?" | 143 | "I Have Dissected One" | 147 | Mrs. Cristie Considers | 153 | A Matrimonial Conversation | 160 | Calthea Holds him with her Listening Ear | 165 | The Baby and the Sweet-pea Blossom | 179 | Miss Calthea Steps Out | 187 | "What Skeered Him?" | 191 | Mr. Tippengray Stopped and Listened | 192 | The Translation | 198 | The Proposal | 206 | Mr. Petter Takes off his Hat | 209 | Lanigan Beam Wants his Ladder | 210 | THE SQUIRREL INN