Page | | 142 | Inquiry into the Interior Construction of the Earth. | | ??What is really known of the exterior or surface | 143 | What is known of the interior | 144 | Little to be learned from Geology, which reaches very few miles down | 145 | Various notions of the interior | 146 | What is learnt from earthquake and volcanoes. Igno-aqueous fusion, liquid magma. | 147 | Generally believed that the earth consists of solid matter to the centre. | | ??Mean density. Surface density | 148 | More detailed estimate of densities near the surface | 148 | Causes of increased surface density after the crust was formed | 150 | Calculations of densities for 9 miles deep, and from there to the centre forming Table IV. | 151 | Reflections on the results of the calculations | 151 | Notion that the centre is composed of the heaviest metals. | | ??"Sorting-out" theory absurd | 152 | Considerations as to how solid matter got to the centre | 153 | Gravitation might carry it there, but attraction could not | 154 | How the earth could be made out of cosmic matter, meteorites or meteors |
The Interior of the Earth and its Density. Before attempting to inquire into the nature and structure of the interior of the earth, it will be convenient to specify the bases on which the inquiry is to be made, in other words, the data we have to proceed with; which data should be denuded of everything whatever having the semblance of a hypothesis or theory, and should consist of simple facts. Anything founded upon theory must come to an end should the theory be afterwards found to be erroneous, and all the labour would be lost. What we really know of the earth in this way may be stated as follows:— Of the exterior or surface we know that it is of a spherical form, surrounded by an atmosphere of probably 200 miles or even more, in height, consisting of common air mixed with vapour of water in more or less degree; that, of its surface, nearly three-fourths are covered by water, and the remaining fourth consists of dry land, intersected in all directions by rivers; that on the dry land there are elevated tablelands and ranges of mountains from two to three miles high, with occasional ridges and peaks rising up to altitudes of from five to near six miles, and that in the part covered by water or sea, there are depressions or furrows with depths in them probably exceeding the heights of the highest mountains; that the sea does not remain constantly at the same level but rises and falls twice in every twenty-four hours, or thereby, in obedience to the attraction of the moon and sun, forming what are called tides; and that its polar regions are enveloped in dense masses of snow and ice, which the persevering energy of man has not been able to penetrate in centuries of continued and determined effort. What we know of the interior of the earth is found in great measure from the exterior, that is, from the construction of the rocks as seen in deep ravines, in precipices, and on the sides of hills or mountains; and also from what we have been able to learn from the exploration of mines and from deep wells, the deepest of which have penetrated it very little beyond one mile in depth; all of which knowledge may be summarised as follows: That the substances which compose the earth are manifold and of manifold nature—or, more appropriately speaking, simply the elements of chemistry—varying in density, or specific gravity, from the same as that of water, or in some cases much less, to three or four times as much in some kinds of rock and earths (disintegrated rock), to more than twenty times in the heaviest metals; that from a depth great enough not to be affected by the changes of seasons, the heat of the earth increases in descending towards the centre, by one degree of Fahrenheit's thermometer for every fifty to sixty feet in depth—that is about thirty metres for each degree of the Centigrade scale—as far down as we have been able to penetrate; that at the greatest of these depths abundant supplies of water are found, which shows that it must exist at much greater depths than any that have yet been reached; and that at unknown depths, as shown by the eruptions of volcanoes, there are masses of matter in a molten liquid state, or that, owing to their great heat, can be suddenly liquefied by diminution of pressure. Over and above what has been stated, little can be learnt from geology, because the earth must have been formed and fashioned almost to its present condition before geology could begin to exist, and all its teachings are confined to a very few miles from its surface. Its first lesson could only begin when the earth was so far cooled down that a crust could be formed on its surface, and that crust could be deluged by copious falls of rain on it. Some help or guidance may be obtained however, from the ideas which astronomers and physicists have formed on its interior, and it may be useful to have the principal of these ideas specified, as they may help to strengthen arguments that may be advanced, or conclusions that may be drawn. When it was discovered that the temperature of the earth increases, as we go downwards, at what may be considered a rapid rate, it was calculated that at a depth of from twenty-five to thirty miles, the heat would be great enough to melt any substances that have been found near the surface; and it was immediately concluded that from that depth to the centre the whole of the interior was a molten liquid mass, whose temperature far exceeded any heat that could be produced upon the surface. Even up to the present day, the belief in a liquid interior has not disappeared. Many years afterwards, the supposed liquid state of the interior of the earth was taken advantage of, to frame a theory that earthquakes and eruptions of volcanoes are caused by the attraction of the moon on the liquid interior producing tides, in the same manner as it produces tides in the sea, which in their turn act upon the crust, cracking and rending it to produce the one, and forcing the liquid matter out through the rents, or up through the vents of volcanoes to produce the other, in some way that it is more easy to imagine than to explain mechanically. Also when the effect of the attraction of the moon on the liquid internal matter came to be duly considered, it was concluded that the crust, with only 25 to 30 miles in thickness, could not be rigid enough to resist the pressure brought upon it by the movements of the interior tides; and it began to be thought that, owing to the pressure of the superincumbent strata, the density of the matter at that depth might be so great that it would become solid at a much higher temperature than it does at the surface; and some physicists went the length of supposing that the earth has a solid crust and solid nucleus with liquid matter between them. On the other hand Sir William Thomson, Lord Kelvin, looking more as it would appear to the effects of the moon's attraction on the crust than on the liquid interior, concluded that the earth must be a solid globe, contracting through gravitation in the interior, and cooling at the surface, because a crust so thin as 25 to 30 miles, or even 100 miles, would be continually rent and broken up by the tidal action of the moon; but Professor Clerk Maxwell and others have thought that the elasticity of the crust would be great enough to admit of its accommodating itself to all the changes of form that would be caused by the action of those tides. Notwithstanding that they agree with Lord Kelvin in the main, in his objections to the existence of a liquid interior, many scientific men suppose that, through the effects of pressure, the liquid interior of the earth may have been changed into a viscous state, as it went on contracting through gravitation, which would, according to the degree of viscosity, either annul, or almost annul, the tidal action on it of the moon. To which it may be added that that action would not raise such high waves in even perfectly liquid molten matter as it would upon water; because it would be easier for the moon to lift a cubic mile of water three or four feet high, than to lift a cubic mile of melted rock or metal to the same height. Other parties look upon the earth as mainly solid to the centre, but with large reservoirs of liquid matter in various parts of it near the surface, which furnish all the material for volcanic eruptions and are the causes of earthquakes. There are others also who, believing the earth to be altogether solid, consider that when any part of the intensely heated and dense interior is relieved suddenly from pressure, as, for example, by the convulsive action of an earthquake, it will immediately assume the liquid state and become material for volcanic eruptions; a theory which they consider to be substantiated by the fact of these two phenomena generally accompanying each other. And Mr. Mallet seems to have demonstrated that earthquake-shocks proceed from centres not far from the surface, which would seem to point out that if a liquid interior did exist at 25 to 30 miles from the surface, it could have no part in causing earthquakes. There are others still who consider earthquakes and volcanic eruptions to be caused by water penetrating deeply into the interior, but it is difficult to understand how water could penetrate into the interior to a greater depth than where it would be converted into steam, that is to a greater depth than from three to four miles. Many other notions about the interior state and conditions of the earth have been formed, more or less entertainable, more or less fanciful, to provide liquid matter for volcanic eruptions. One of these, referred to in "Nature" of December 12, 1889, takes for granted "that granite has consolidated from a state of igneo-aqueous fusion, and that the liquid magma from which all granitic intrusions have proceeded contains water-substance," and proceeds, "It is, therefore, only a further step to assume that this water-substance is an essential constituent of the liquid substratum (assumed by the author), and to suppose that it has been there since the consolidation of the earth." This mixture of water, fire, and molten granite is one that does not agree with what we have been taught of the nature of any of the three components, and we cannot accept it. Why we refer to it more particularly than to the other ideas we have cited, is because it so far comprehends some of them, and that we shall have to return to it hereafter, when we think it will be seen that it has not been properly thought out. Bearing in mind all these ideas we have cited, and working with the data we have considered as actual facts, we may now proceed with our inquiry. The belief that the earth is a mass of matter increasing, whether liquid or solid, or part of both, in density from the surface to the centre is so general that we shall look at it in that light first, and endeavour to find out what must be its density at any place between its surface and its centre. Astronomers and geologists concur in telling us that the mean density of the earth is very near to 5·66 times that of water: knowledge that has been acquired by measuring the attraction of high and precipitous mountains for plummets; by the attraction of masses of metals for each other, measured by the torsion balance; and by the acceleration or retardation of the vibrations of pendulums, as observed in the depths of mines and on the tops of mountains, compared with each other. They also tell us that the average density of the matter and rocks of which the crust is composed is about 2½ times that of water; and then, in a general way, that the average density of the crust, taking into consideration that so much of its surface is covered by the sea, is not much more than 1½ times that of water. This estimate is manifestly incorrect, for it implies that the whole of the crust of twenty-five to thirty miles is affected by the presence of water, when we know that the depth of the sea at any place does not exceed one-fourth of that thickness. Therefore, we shall endeavour to obtain some more accurate computation, as it is the only datum we have to go upon, and has a greater effect upon the result, and upon all things relating to the interior, than might at first sight be supposed. We find in "Nature," of January 19, 1888, that Mr. John Murray has calculated that if the whole solid land of the earth were reduced to one level under the sea, its surface would be covered by an ocean with a uniform depth of about 2 miles. Here we have a very good beginning for our calculations. Without taking into consideration the increase of density in water at 2 miles deep, at that depth we may suppose we have come to solid matter, the specific gravity of which could not be less than twice that of water, on account of the pressure of that depth of water upon it. If we now go down 2½ miles further we shall have the solid matter subjected to a pressure proportioned to that depth; and if we take its weight per cubic foot at an average between granite (at 163 lb.) and earth (at 77 lb.), or 120 lb., the pressure at 2½ miles deep of solid matter alone will be about 700 tons per square foot, or just about the crushing strain of our strongest granites, and therefore, the density of the matter under it must be equal to that of granite, or 2·5 times that of water. We do not add the pressure of the water, at present, because that may be looked upon by some people as of the same nature as of the atmosphere upon a human body, which neither increases the pressure upon it nor adds to its weight; but we see that at that depth the solid matter must have a density equal to the average between water on its surface and 2·5—that of granite; and if we choose to take the average between 2 miles of water and 2½ miles of solid matter, we shall have 1·82 as the average density of the outer 4½ miles in thickness of the crust of the earth. For our purposes, however, and for obvious reasons, we shall consider the average density of the 2½ miles alone of solid matter to be 2·25 times that of water. We shall now go down to 9 miles deep, because the diameter of 7918 miles we have adopted for the earth will there be reduced to 7900 miles, which will be convenient for our further operations. At that depth we shall have a superincumbent pressure at the very least as follows:— | | Tons. | At 2 miles deep, | 2 miles of sea at 150 tons per mile | 300 | 2½ " | 2½solid matter at spec. grav. 2·25 | | | equal to 331·25 tons per mile | 828 | 9 " | 4½"of rock at 163 lb. per cubic foot | 1730 | Total pressure | per square foot | 2858 | or just about 4 times the crushing strain of our best granites. Then, as when crushing takes place compression begins, it will, we believe, be far below the mark to estimate the general specific gravity of the earth at 9 miles deep to be 3 times that of water. We have now added the pressure of the 2 miles of water, because there could be no water at the depth of 9 miles; for the critical temperature of water is known to be 412°, beyond which temperature water cannot be maintained in its liquid state by any amount of pressure, however great; and 9 miles would give 483° temperature at 1° for each 30 metres. At that depth there might be steam, although it is difficult to see how it could penetrate so far, because the only force to help it to penetrate would be gravitation, and that would have to act against the increasing repulsion of heat. There is another circumstance to be considered which would tend to increase the density of the outer portion of the crust, if there be a crust, and if not, of the outer portion of the earth itself. When the earth was in the molten liquid state, it is generally supposed to have been surrounded by vapours of a great proportion of the metals and of some of the metalloids, in addition to the vapour of water, air, and other gases, which floated above them higher up in the atmosphere. In that case when the crust began to be formed through cooling, these vapours would be precipitated on the surface and mixed with the half-liquid half-solid matter there, but the proportion of condensed vapours would be very small compared with what they fell upon, and the specific gravity of the mixture would not be great enough to cause it to sink much below the surface, because it would soon meet with matter as dense as itself; consequently we must consider that all these metals would remain near the surface—most likely much nearer to it than the 9 miles which we have as yet descended to—and whatever may have been the proportion of their density it ought to be added to the weights and pressures that have been taken into account above. We believe that it will be shown later on that this estimate of a density of three times that of water at 9 miles deep in the earth is very much lower than it should be; because, when the pressure upon the matter there came to be greater than its crushing strain, compression would go on more rapidly than shortly afterwards, and it might so be that with a strain of very much less than four times that of crushing, compression would be reduced to its utmost limit. But more of this hereafter.
Having determined densities for the matter composing the earth at 2, 4½, and 9 miles below the surface, that is, to where the mean diameter comes to be 7900 miles, if we divide that diameter into layers of 25 miles each in thickness, compute the volume of each layer or shell, increase the density of each layer as we descend in direct proportion from 3—the density we have fixed for 9 miles deep—to 13·734 times the density of water, at the centre, and multiply the volume of each layer from the surface downwards by its respective average density, we shall find a mass nearly equal to the mass of the earth at the density of water—always taking its mean diameter at 7918 miles, and mean density at 5·66 times that of water, as already premised. These calculations have been carefully carried out, and are represented in detail in Table IV. for future reference. They terminate in a deficiency of over 70,000,000 of cubic miles, a deficiency which would be more than made up by making the central density 13·736 instead of 13·734. Thus we see that if the density of the earth increases regularly from the surface to the centre, and if the densities we have given to the layers between the surface and 9 miles in depth are not greater than those adopted, the central density must be exceedingly near 13¾ times that of water. Of course, if the three surface densities are in reality less than those we have adopted, the central density must be greater than 13¾ times that of water. The whole being a result to our calculations which leads us to speculate on what kind of matter there is at the centre of the earth. We are acquainted with various kinds of rocks, stones and other solid matter that have densities (specific gravities) of 2½ to 3 times that of water, and we have to conceive that a cubic foot of one of these would have to be compressed into a height of 2¾ or 2¼ inches in order to have the density of 13¾ required at the centre, a result which presents us with a substance which it is difficult to imagine or to believe to exist. It may be that the centre of the earth is occupied by the heaviest metals we know, arranged in layers proportioned in thickness to the masses required of them, and that they are laid one over the other according to their densities, or mixed together until a distance from the centre is attained, at which ordinary rocks compressed as highly as their nature would admit of, may exist; but we do not derive much knowledge or satisfaction from such a supposition. An examination of our table of calculations will show that 500 miles in diameter of the central part might be filled up with platinum, the few other rarer and heavier metals, and gold amalgamated with mercury in due proportions. Then there might be a mixture of mercury and lead to 1800 miles in diameter, followed by a mixture of lead and silver to 2400 miles. After that might come a compound of silver, copper, tin, and zinc to 4900 miles, and some compounds of iron might finish the filling process up to 6000 miles in diameter, or thereby; where the known rocks, compressed to half their volume at first, but gradually allowed to expand, might complete the whole mass of the earth. It will be seen, also, that by the time compressed rocks could be used for this filling process, more than 43 per cent. of the whole volume of the earth would be occupied exclusively by pure metals mixed by rule and measure. It would appear then that the "sorting-out theory"—about which a good deal has been written—whereby, in suns and planets, the metals on account of being heavier fall more rapidly to the centre, and the lighter metalloids remain near the surface—a theory probably got up to get over the difficulty we are in—is not a very happy one, as too much metal would be required for the process, at least for the earth. No doubt it might be applied differently to what we have done by mixing metals with rocks, stones, earth, etc., forming metallic ores—very rich they would doubtless have to be—from the centre outwards; but however disposed it would seem that very much the same quantity would be required to furnish the desired densities up to 6000 miles in diameter, where we have supposed compressed granites, etc., might come into play. Besides, such an arrangement would do away with the whole beauty of the theory; there would be no law to invoke; it would be all pick-and-shovel work. The sorting-out theory is one of these notions that occur to humanity and are accepted at once, without consideration of what the consequences may be. If it is made to account for the four inferior planets being so much more dense, and of coming so much sooner to maturity—so to speak—than the four superior ones, it is hard to understand why the sun up to the present day almost ranks in low density with the large planets. If that theory holds good, it would be most natural to suppose that the mean density of the sun should be very much greater than that of Mercury. But it appears to be only carried as far as it suits the theorist, and to be there dropped, or rather ignored. Having been defeated in our attempt to build up or construct an earth solid to the centre by appealing to the metals to make up the weight or density required for the foundation layers, and that even to somewhere about three-fourths of the diameter of the whole structure, we are forced to fall back upon our known rocks, earths, etc., in order to compound out of them the dense material we require, and of course we feel that we have in hand a more hopeless task than we had with the metals. How are we to compress the everlasting hills into one-fourth or one-fifth of their volume? Some solution of the difficulty, or mystery, must be found somewhere; but at the same time the mountains of gold, silver, and less precious metals required have shown us how absurd, even laughable, it is to appeal to them. Let us suppose that we have a cubic foot of matter of any kind of 13¾ times the density of water, and that we place it in one of the scales of a balance at the centre of the earth; we shall find that it does not depress the scale one hair-breadth, for the very good reason that it has nowhere to depress it to; it would be already at what may be called the end of gravitation or tendency to fall lower. As it could not get any lower it would have a tendency to fly off anywhere—provided it was free to do so—and drag the scale and balance along with it, in obedience to its own attractive power and the attraction of all the matter of the earth surrounding it, except that the attraction might be so equally distributed all around it that it would not move in any direction. It would, however, be in a state of very unstable equilibrium, and if by some means the attraction were increased a little on one side more than the others, and it were at liberty to do so, it would abandon the centre and fly off in that direction never to return. Now, this being the case, we are forced to consider how a cubic foot of matter, such as the one we are dealing with, could ever have found its way to the centre of the earth; and the law of gravitation, or rather of attraction, does not in any way help us out of the difficulty. We know that we put our cubic foot of extremely dense matter there for an experiment, but we do not know of any process of nature that could place there any equal mass of matter of that density. Gravitation and attraction are generally used as synonymous terms, more especially gravitation—somewhat after the manner of the likeness between the two negroes, CÆsar and Pompey, the latter being most especial in the likeness—but there is a very appreciable distinction between them, if we want to use each of them in its proper and strict sense. Gravitation implies the conception of a weight of some kind falling to a fixed centre, while attraction gives the idea of two weights, or masses, drawing each other to a common centre, which when properly looked at is a different thing; because the centre may be anywhere between the two, depending entirely on the difference, if any, in the weights of the masses. The confounding of the two, or rather the almost universal adoption of the less correct term, name, expression—whichever it may be called—has been the cause of wrong conceptions being formed of the construction of almost all—probably all—celestial bodies, and of that most absurd expression, attraction of gravitation, used by all our most eminent physicists. The gravitation of attraction might be excused, but putting cause for effect is hardly scientific. A name is nothing as long as what is meant by it is understood and taken into consideration, but that is not always the case, as we shall proceed to show. The term gravitation may be applied with almost, but not absolutely, perfect strictness to the attraction between the sun and the planets, because the common centres of their attractions and the centre of the sun are so near each other that they may be looked upon as one and the same thing, or point; but it is not so with the attractions of the planets for each other where there is no common fixed centre, or if there is something approaching to it in a far off way, it is constantly varying, so that the term gravitation cannot be strictly applied to them, nor even to the sun, to speak truly. Planets sometimes gravitate away from each other and from the sun, otherwise Adams and Leverrier could not have discovered Neptune from the perturbations of Uranus. Neither can it be properly applied to the different masses of matter in the sun or in the earth—although it was no doubt notions connected with the earth that gave rise to the term, from all ponderable matter falling upon it—because per se they could have no tendency to fall to the centre, for at the centre there is no sufficient attractive force to draw them towards it. Gravitation was a known term long before the days of Newton, who had the glory of enlightening the world by showing that attraction was the cause of it; and, perhaps unfortunately, the name was continued to represent what it in reality does not. Let us suppose that we have an empty earth to fill up; if we place one mass of matter at London and another at Calcutta, they could have no tendency of themselves to fall to the centre, but if left alone would go for each other in a straight line and meet half-way between the two, provided they were equal in mass, and attraction, not gravitation, would be the proper term to apply to them. But supposing that two equal masses were placed at their antipodes and the four were left to themselves, they would gravitate towards and meet at the centre in the usual meaning of the word, but the force that drew them there would be really that of attraction. We could, however, place four similar and equal masses at the centre, and give the outer ones just and good reason for gravitating or falling down to it, because those at the centre being equally attracted in the four directions might remain stationary there, but would be in a state of unstable equilibrium. We may now suppose that when the masses had just left London and Calcutta to meet the others, a goodly number of other equal masses were added to those at these two places and began to attract the two bound towards the centre, they would prevent the two from proceeding, or at least retard them on their journey inwards. Moreover, the larger numbers at these two places would attract the four masses at the centre with more force than would the two at the antipodes, and would draw the whole of the four away from the centre and outwards towards themselves; but we might also suppose that at the same moment an equal number of equal masses were added to those at the antipodes, which would again equalize the attractions at the four outer posts, and things would continue as they were at the first; with this difference, that the four at the centre would not be able to balance the attractions at the four outer posts, and the consequence would be—seeing that the forces at the four outer stations were equal to each other, and far superior to the four at the centre—that each one of the four at the centre would be drawn away from it towards one of the outer stations—provided the law of attraction acted impartially—and so the centre would be left without any of the masses at it, that is empty. No doubt when the four outgoing masses met the larger ones coming in, they would all then move towards the centre; but the four places where they met would be immensely nearer the places occupied at first by the outer masses than half-way between them and the centre—proportioned, in exact conformance with the law of attraction, to the excess of the numbers of the masses at the outer stations over those at the centre—and they would be moving, all of them together, to a remote and void space. We may now increase the four outer stations to thousands or millions, with the security that the mode of proceeding would be the same with the whole of them; that is, that the first tendency of the masses at each one of the millions of stations would be to draw away the filling we were pouring into the hollow earth—provided we did it equally and impartially all over the hollow—from the centre, and to leave a void there. We are accustomed to look upon the earth as a solid body in which there are no acting and counteracting forces, no movements of matter from one place to another, similar to those we have been calling into play, and as if there was only one force acting upon its whole mass and driving it to the centre; we have, in our ideas, got the whole mass so compressed and wedged in that it cannot move, and never has been able to move in any direction except towards the centre, and this is no doubt the case at the present day. We never stop to think with sufficient care how this compression and wedging-in were brought about, and we only accept what we have been accustomed to believe to be facts, and trouble ourselves no more about it; but there must have been a time, according to any cosmogony we may choose to adopt—even to the vague one that the solar system was somehow made out of a nebula of some kind—when the matter of the earth was neither compressed nor wedged in, nor prevented from moving in any direction towards which it was most powerfully attracted—before superincumbent matter came, so to speak, to have any wedging-in force—and we must go back to that period and study it deeply, if we want to acquire an accurate knowledge of the construction of the earth. TABLE IV.— Calculations of the Volumes and Densities of the Earth between the Diameter specified, reduced to the Density of Water. Diameter (Miles). | Densities. | Volumes (Cubic Miles). | Averages of Densities. | Volumes at Density of water (Cubic Miles). | Observations. | 7918 | | 259,923,849,377 | 5·6600 | 1,471,168,987,476 | TotalVolumeoftheEarth atDensityof Water. | 7914 | 2·0000 | 393,724,522 | 1·0000 | 393,724,522 | Densityat7914milesDiameter. The2milesabovebeingat DensityofWater. | 7909 | 2·5000 | 491,596,266 | 2·2500 | 1,106,090,598 | | 7900 | 3·0000 | 883,309,189 | 2·7500 | 2,429,097,520 | | | | 1,768,628,977 | | 3,928,912,640 | Volumeto9 milesdeepat DensityofWater. | 7850 | 3·0679 | 4,870,723,550 | 3·0339 | 14,777,288,178 | | 7800 | 3·1359 | 4,809,069,650 | 3·1019 | 14,917,253,147 | | 7750 | 3·2038 | 4,747,808,450 | 3·1698 | 15,049,403,225 | | 7700 | 3·2717 | 4,686,939,950 | 3·2377 | 15,174,905,476 | | 7650 | 3·3397 | 4,626,464,150 | 3·3057 | 15,293,702,541 | | 7600 | 3·4076 | 4,566,381,050 | 3·3737 | 15,405,599,748 | | 7550 | 3·4756 | 4,506,690,650 | 3·4416 | 15,510,226,541 | | 7500 | 3·5435 | 4,447,392,950 | 3·5095 | 15,608,125,558 | | 7450 | 3·6114 | 4,388,487,950 | 3·5775 | 15,699,815,651 | | 7400 | 3·6794 | 4,329,975,650 | 3·6454 | 15,784,493,235 | | 7350 | 3·7473 | 4,271,856,050 | 3·7132 | 15,862,255,885 | | 7300 | 3·8152 | 4,214,129,150 | 3·7812 | 15,934,465,142 | | 7250 | 3·8832 | 4,156,794,950 | 3·8492 | 16,000,335,122 | | 7200 | 3·9511 | 4,099,853,450 | 3·9172 | 16,059,945,934 | | 7150 | 4·0191 | 4,043,304,650 | 3·9851 | 16,112,973,361 | | 7100 | 4·0870 | 3,987,148,550 | 4·0531 | 16,160,311,788 | | 7050 | 4·1549 | 3,931,385,150 | 4·1210 | 16,201,238,203 | | 7000 | 4·2229 | 3,876,014,450 | 4·1889 | 16,236,236,930 | | | | 80,329,049,377 | | 285,717,488,335 | | 6950 | 4·2908 | 3,821,036,450 | 4·2568 | 16,265,387,960 | | 6900 | 4·3587 | 3,766,451,150 | 4·3248 | 16,289,147,934 | | 6850 | 4·4267 | 3,712,258,550 | 4·3927 | 16,306,838,133 | | 6800 | 4·4946 | 3,658,458,650 | 4·4606 | 16,318,920,654 | | 6750 | 4·5625 | 3,605,051,450 | 4·5285 | 16,325,475,491 | | 6700 | 4·6305 | 3,552,036,950 | 4·5965 | 16,326,937,841 | | 6650 | 4·6984 | 3,499,415,150 | 4·6645 | 16,323,022,067 | | 6600 | 4·7664 | 3,447,186,050 | 4·7324 | 16,313,463,263 | | 6550 | 4·8343 | 3,395,349,650 | 4·8004 | 16,299,036,460 | | 6500 | 4·9022 | 3,343,905,950 | 4·8682 | 16,278,802,946 | | 6450 | 4·9702 | 3,292,854,950 | 4·9362 | 16,254,190,604 | | 6400 | 5·0381 | 3,242,196,650 | 5·0042 | 16,224,600,476 | | 6350 | 5·1060 | 3,191,931,050 | 5·0721 | 16,189,793,479 | | 6300 | 5·1740 | 3,142,058,150 | 5·1400 | 16,150,178,891 | | 6284 | 5·2140 | 962,684,511 | 5·2080 | 5,013,660,933 | | Half of | volume} earth} | 129,961,924,688 | | 518,596,945,467 | {0·352507 of whole {volume of the earth {at density of water. | 6250 | 5·2420 | 2,129,893,439 | 5·2080 | 11,092,485,030 | | 6200 | 5·3098 | 3,043,490,450 | 5·2759 | 16,057,151,265 | | 6150 | 5·3778 | 2,994,795,650 | 5·3438 | 16,003,588,994 | | 6100 | 5·4457 | 2,946,493,550 | 5·4118 | 15,954,833,794 | | 6050 | 5·5137 | 2,898,584,150 | 5·4797 | 15,883,371,567 | | 6000 | 5·5816 | 2,851,067,450 | 5·5477 | 15,816,866,892 | | | | 146,826,249,377 | | 609,405,243,009 | | 5950 | 5·6495 | 2,803,943,450 | 5·6156 | 15,745,824,838 | | 5900 | 5·7175 | 2,757,212,150 | 5·6835 | 15,670,605,255 | | 5850 | 5·7850 | 2,710,873,550 | 5·7515 | 15,591,589,223 | | 5800 | 5·8533 | 2,664,927,650 | 5·8194 | 15,508,275,967 | | 5750 | 5·9213 | 2,619,374,450 | 5·8873 | 15,421,043,199 | | 5700 | 5·9892 | 2,574,213,950 | 5·9553 | 15,330,206,336 | | 5650 | 6·0572 | 2,529,446,150 | 6·0232 | 15,235,360,051 | | 5600 | 6·1251 | 2,485,071,050 | 6·0912 | 15,137,064,780 | | 5591½ | | 412,281,190 | 6·1591 | 2,539,281,080 | | 0·647819 whole of the | of the} volume} earth} | 168,383,592,967 | | 735,584,493,738 | {Half mass of {whole earth {at density {of water | 5550 | 6·1930 | 2,028,807,460 | 6·1591 | 12,495,628,024 | | 5500 | 6·2610 | 2,397,498,950 | 6·2270 | 14,929,225,962 | | 5450 | 6·3289 | 2,354,301,950 | 6·2950 | 14,820,330,775 | | 5400 | 6·3968 | 2,311,497,650 | 6·3628 | 14,707,597,247 | | 5350 | 6·4648 | 2,269,086,050 | 6·4308 | 14,592,038,570 | | 5300 | 6·5327 | 2,227,067,150 | 6·4988 | 14,473,263,994 | | 5250 | 6·6006 | 2,185,440,950 | 6·5667 | 14,351,135,086 | | 5200 | 6·6686 | 2,144,207,450 | 6·6346 | 14,225,958,748 | | 5150 | 6·7365 | 2,103,366,650 | 6·7026 | 14,098,025,308 | | 5100 | 6·8045 | 2,062,918,550 | 6·7705 | 13,966,990,043 | | 5050 | 6·8724 | 2,022,863,150 | 6·8385 | 13,833,349,651 | | 5000 | 6·9403 | 1,983,200,450 | 6·9064 | 13,696,775,588 | | | | 194,473,849,377 | | 905,774,812,734 | | 4950 | 7·0083 | 1,943,930,450 | 6·9743 | 13,557,554,137 | About density of iron | 4900 | 7·0762 | 1,905,053,150 | 7·0423 | 13,418,813,378 | "" | 4850 | 7·1441 | 1,866,568,550 | 7·1102 | 13,271,675,704 | "" | 4800 | 7·2121 | 1,828,476,650 | 7·1781 | 13,124,988,241 | "" | 4750 | 7·2800 | 1,790,777,450 | 7·2461 | 12,976,152,480 | "" | 4700 | 7·3479 | 1,753,470,950 | 7·3140 | 12,824,887,528 | "" | 4650 | 7·4159 | 1,716,557,150 | 7·3819 | 12,671,453,226 | "" | 4600 | 7·4838 | 1,680,036,050 | 7·4499 | 12,516,100,569 | "" | 4550 | 7·5518 | 1,643,907,650 | 7·5178 | 12,358,568,931 | "" | 4500 | 7·6197 | 1,608,171,950 | 7·5858 | 12,199,270,778 | "" | 4450 | 7·6876 | 1,572,828,950 | 7·6537 | 12,037,960,935 | "" | 4400 | 7·7556 | 1,537,878,650 | 7·7216 | 11,874,883,784 | "" | 4350 | 7·8235 | 1,503,321,050 | 7·7896 | 11,710,269,651 | "" | 4300 | 7·8914 | 1,469,156,150 | 7·8575 | 11,543,894,449 | | 4250 | 7·9594 | 1,435,383,950 | 7·9254 | 11,375,991,957 | | 4200 | 8·0273 | 1,402,004,450 | 7·9934 | 11,206,782,371 | | 4150 | 8·0953 | 1,369,017,650 | 8·0613 | 11,036,061,982 | | 4100 | 8·1632 | 1,336,423,550 | 8·1295 | 10,864,454,250 | | 4050 | 8·2311 | 1,304,222,150 | 8·1972 | 10,690,969,808 | | 4000 | 8.2991 | 1,272,413,450 | 8.2651 | 10,516,624,406 | | | | 226,413,449,377 | | 1,147,552,171,299 | | 3950 | 8·3670 | 1,240,997,450 | 8·3331 | 10,341,355,851 | About density of copper | 3900 | 8·4349 | 1,209,974,150 | 8·4010 | 10,164,992,834 | "" | 3850 | 8·5029 | 1,179,343,550 | 8·4689 | 9,987,742,590 | "" | 3800 | 8·5708 | 1,149,105,650 | 8·5369 | 9,809,800,023 | "" | 3750 | 8·6387 | 1,119,260,450 | 8·6048 | 9,631,012,320 | "" | 3700 | 8·7067 | 1,089,807,950 | 8·6727 | 9,451,577,408 | "" | 3650 | 8·7746 | 1,060,748,150 | 8·7407 | 9,271,681,355 | "" | 3600 | 8·8426 | 1,032,081,050 | 8·8086 | 9,091,189,137 | "" | 3550 | 8·9105 | 1,003,806,650 | 8·8766 | 8,910,390,109 | | 3500 | 8·9784 | 975,924,950 | 8·9445 | 8,729,160,715 | | 3450 | 9·0464 | 948,435,950 | 9·0124 | 8,547,684,156 | | 3400 | 9·1143 | 921,339,650 | 9·0804 | 8,366,132,559 | | 3350 | 9·1822 | 894,636,050 | 9·1483 | 8,184,398,976 | | 3300 | 9·2502 | 868,325,150 | 9·2162 | 8,002,658,247 | | 3250 | 9·3181 | 842,406,950 | 9·2842 | 7,821,074,605 | | 3200 | 9·3860 | 816,881,450 | 9·3522 | 7,639,638,697 | | 3150 | 9·4540 | 791,748,650 | 9·4200 | 7,458,252,283 | | 3100 | 9·5219 | 767,008,550 | 9·4880 | 7,277,377,122 | | 3050 | 9·5899 | 742,661,150 | 9·5554 | 7,096,424,353 | | 3000 | 9·6578 | 718,706,450 | 9·6239 | 6,916,759,004 | | | | 245,786,649,377 | | 1,320,251,473,643 | | 2950 | 9·7257 | 695,144,450 | 9·6918 | 6,737,200,981 | | 2900 | 9·7937 | 671,975,150 | 9·7597 | 6,558,275,871 | | 2850 | 9·8616 | 649,198,550 | 9·8276 | 6,380,063,674 | | 2800 | 9·9295 | 626,814,650 | 9·8956 | 6,202,697,051 | | 2750 | 9·9975 | 604,823,450 | 9·9635 | 6,026,158,444 | | 2700 | 10·0654 | 583,224,950 | 10·0315 | 5,850,621,086 | | 2650 | 10·1334 | 562,019,150 | 10·0994 | 5,675,940,204 | | 2600 | 10·2013 | 541,206,050 | 10·1674 | 5,502,658,393 | | 2550 | 10·2692 | 520,785,650 | 10·2353 | 5,330,397,363 | | 2500 | 10·3372 | 500,757,950 | 10·3032 | 5,059,409,310 | | 2450 | 10·4051 | 481,122,950 | 10·3712 | 4,989,822,340 | | 2400 | 10·4730 | 461,880,650 | 10·4391 | 4,821,618,293 | {About density | 2350 | 10·5410 | 443,031,050 | 10·5070 | 4,654,927,242 | {of silver. | 2300 | 10·6089 | 424,574,150 | 10·5750 | 4,489,871,636 | | 2250 | 10·6768 | 406,509,950 | 10·6429 | 4,326,444,747 | | 2200 | 10·7448 | 388,838,450 | 10·7108 | 4,164,770,870 | | 2150 | 10·8127 | 371,559,650 | 10·7798 | 4,005,338,715 | | 2100 | 10·8807 | 354,673,550 | 10·8467 | 3,847,037,595 | | 2050 | 10·9486 | 338,180,150 | 10·9147 | 3,691,134,883 | | 2000 | 11·0165 | 322,079,450 | 10·9826 | 3,537,269,768 | | | | 255,735,049,377 | | 1,422,103,132,109 | | 1950 | 11·0845 | 306,371,450 | 11·0505 | 3,385,557,708 | | 1900 | 11·1524 | 291,056,150 | 11·1185 | 3,236,107,805 | | 1850 | 11·2203 | 276,133,550 | 11·1864 | 3,088,940,344 | | 1800 | 11·2883 | 261,603,650 | 11·2543 | 2,944,165,858 | | 1750 | 11·3562 | 247,466,450 | 11·3223 | 2,802,888,487 | }About density | 1700 | 11·4242 | 233,721,950 | 11·3902 | 2,662,139,545 | }of lead | 1650 | 11·4921 | 220,370,150 | 11·4582 | 2,525,045,253 | | 1600 | 11·5600 | 207,411,050 | 11·5261 | 2,390,640,503 | | 1550 | 11·6280 | 194,844,650 | 11·5940 | 2,259,028,872 | | 1500 | 11·6959 | 182,670,950 | 11·6620 | 2,130,308,620 | | 1450 | 11·7638 | 170,889,950 | 11·7299 | 2,004,522,025 | | 1400 | 11·8318 | 159,501,650 | 11·7978 | 1,881,768,566 | | 1350 | 11·8997 | 148,506,050 | 11·8658 | 1,762,143,088 | | 1300 | 11·9676 | 137,903,150 | 11·9337 | 1,645,694,821 | | 1250 | 12·0356 | 127,692,950 | 12·0016 | 1,532,519,609 | | 1200 | 12·1035 | 117,875,450 | 12·0696 | 1,422,709,531 | | 1150 | 12·1715 | 108,450,650 | 12·1375 | 1,316,319,764 | | 1100 | 12·2394 | 99,418,550 | 12·2055 | 1,213,453,112 | | 1050 | 12·3073 | 90,779,150 | 12·2734 | 1,114,168,820 | | 1000 | 12·3753 | 82,532,450 | 12·3413 | 1,018,557,725 | | | | 259,400,249,377 | | 1,464,439,812,165 | | 950 | 12·4432 | 74,678,450 | 12·4093 | 927,507,290 | | 900 | 12·5111 | 67,217,150 | 12·4772 | 838,681,824 | | 850 | 12·5791 | 60,148,550 | 12·5451 | 754,569,575 | | 800 | 12·6470 | 53,472,650 | 12·6132 | 674,461,229 | | 750 | 12·7149 | 47,189,450 | 12·6820 | 598,456,605 | | 700 | 12·7829 | 41,298,950 | |   |