A., Miss, spiritualistic medium
A'ali Pasha
Abyssinia, Italians in
Adams, Charles Francis, minister to England during the Civil War
Adirondack Club
Adirondacks, life in the
Adirondacs, The, poem by Emerson
Adowah, defeat at, the decisive event in the decline of Italy
circumstances which led to it
After the Burial
Agassiz, Louis
is pleased with one of Stillman's pictures
first meets Stillman
makes excursion with the Adirondack Club
his scientific work
personal character
brief mentions of
Agios Rumeli
Aiguille de Varens
Alabama, the Confederate cruiser
Albania, Stillman's travels in
Albanians, character and customs of
intellectual capacity
Albert, Prince, his attitude towards the United States in the Civil War
Alcott, A. Bronson
Aldrich, T.B., contributes to The Crayon
Ali Saib Pasha
Alps, See Switzerland.
American Archaeological Institute, Stillman undertakes expedition for
American Art Union
"American Pre-Raphaelite," Stillman so called
Ames, Mr., Stillman's companion on voyage to England
Ampersand Pond
Anakim, procession of the
Anti-rent war in New York
Antonelli, Cardinal, character of
Appleton, Thomas Gold, contributes to The Crayon
his character
Appleton, William H.
Arethusa, English frigate, at Crete
Arkadi, convent of
Arkadi, the blockade runner
Armenian massacres, action of England and Italy in regard to
Armitage, Mr., fellow art-student with Stillman
Art in America in Stillman's youth
Art instruction in France and England compared
Art Union of New York buys a picture by Stillman
Arthur, Chester A., school and college friend of Stillman
Associateship of Design, Stillman elected to, 140.
Assurance, English vessel, at Crete
Atlantic, the steamer, 139.
Auf Wiedersehen
Bacevich, Maxime
Backwoods experiences. See Adirondacks, life in the.
Bailey, Philip James
Baldissera, General, appointed to command of Italian forces in Africa
Ball, Daniel
Banovich, Mitrofan
Baptists, Seventh-Day. See Seventh-Day Baptists.
Baratieri, General, commanding Italian forces in Africa
Barbieux, French officer in Herzegovina
Baring, Sir Evelyn
Barnum, P.T.
Basil, St., Herzegovinian bishop
Bath, Marquis of
Beaconsfield, Lord, his Aylesbury speech
comment on Montenegrin affairs
discussed by Stillman and Gladstone
Beaulieu, M. Le Hardy de, Stillman's meeting with
Beaver Brook
Bed of Ferns, Stillman's picture
Buskin's criticism of, rejected by the Academy
Being a Boy
Bennett, James Gordon
Berdas, the, Stillman's journey into
invasion by the Turks
Berlin, Treaty of
Bigelow, John, managing editor of the Evening Post
Biglow Papers, edited by Thomas Hughes
Binney, Dr. Amos
Binney, Mrs. Amos
Bismarck, Herbert
Black, Rev. William
Blair, Mr., engineer
Blanc, Baron
Bliss, Elder, ancestor of W.J. Stillman
anecdotes of his family
Bodichon, Barbara
Borthwick, Colonel
Boutakoff, Captain
Boyce, Mr., artist, visits Stillman
Boyle, Mr., artist
Brett, Mr., artist, Rossetti's aversion for
Brigandage in Rome
Briggs, C.F.
Brin, Sig., Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs
"Brooklyn School,"
Brown, Mr., consular agent at Civita Vecchia
Brown, Ford Madox
Stillman's judgment of, and his influence on Rossetti
Brown, H.K., the sculptor
Brown, Mrs. H.K.
Browning, Mrs., mother of the poet
Browning, Robert, father of the poet
Browning, Robert, the poet
Browning, Sariana, sister of the poet
Bruno, Giordano
Bryant, William Cullen
Stillman's association with, on the Evening Post
contributes to The Crayon
feeling towards Lowell
Buchanan, Robert, his criticism of Rossetti
Buchanan, James, his influence on English public opinion
Burne-Jones, Sir Edward
Burnside, General Ambrose E.
Burr, Aaron
Butler, Benjamin F., his influence in Massachusetts at opening of the
Civil War
Calvin, doctrines of, held by Ruskin
Cambridge, Mass., life at
Camp life. See Adirondacks, life in the.
Camp Maple, See Adirondack Club.
Canandaigua, U.S. corvette, at Crete
Candanos, collision between Mussulmans and Christians at
serious fight at
relief of
Cass, Major
Castellani, Sig.
Cattaro, Gulf of
Cattermole, George, Turner's liking for
Cavallotti, Sig.
Crispi's opponent
Cemeteries, prehistoric
Century, The. See Scribner's Monthly.
Chabot, Charles, the handwriting expert
Chalons, Alfred, miniature painter
Chalons, Edward, miniature painter
Chase, Salmon P.
Childhood of the Virgin Mary, Rossetti's picture
Children's Crusade, referred to
Christ in the Carpenter's Shop, picture by Millais
Church, F.E., artist and teacher of Stillman
Civil War in the United States, Stillman returns to America on account of
English attitude concerning
Clermont, Fulton's steamer
Clough, Arthur Hugh, Norton gives Stillman letter to
intercourse with
Col des Fours
Cole, Thomas, landscape painter
Collegiate education, discussion of
Collins line of steamers
Colucci, Sig., Italian consul at Crete
Comoundouros, Greek prime minister
his character
brief references to
Coney Island
"Conscious mind in creation,"
Constable, John, artist
Consular service abroad, weakness of
Conversion, Baptist views concerning
See, also, Revival meetings.
Cornhill Magazine, Stillman contributes article to, on
architectural restorations in Florence.
Coroneos, Colonel, his action in the Cretan insurrection
Corot, Jean Baptiste, comparison of his work with that of Rousseau
Cosmopolitan Club, London
Coutet, Alpine guide
Couture, Thomas
Coxe family, traveling companions and friends of Stillman
Crayon, The, Stillman's art journal
Creswick, Thomas, artist
Cretan committee of Athens assists Stillman
Cretan committee of Boston
Cretan insurrection
Stillman writes history of
Cretan women, beauty of
Crete, Stillman made consul in
consular life in
plan for its annexation to Egypt
later visit to
survival of ancient superstitions
horrible history of Crete
Crispi, Francesco, Italian premier, Stillman's association with, and
estimate of
his relations with King Humbert
with Sir Evelyn Baring
his overthrow
its consequences
his second ministry
review of his conduct of Italian affairs in Abyssinia
Crispi, Signora
Cromer, Lord. See Baring, Sir Evelyn.
Cunard line of steamers
Cushman, Charlotte, in Rome
Cuvier, Baron Georges
Daily News, Stillman is placed on staff of
journeys and correspondence in,
attitude of the people towards the Herzegovinian insurrection
Dana, R.H.
Dancing, disapproved of by Stillman's father
Danilo, Prince of Montenegro
Danish Effendi
Darwin, Charles R., his evolutionary hypothesis
Davidson, Charles, gives Stillman lessons in art
Dead House, The
Delacroix, EugÈne, artist
Delane, Mr., of the London Times
Delaroche, Paul
Delf, Mr.
Deliyanni, Greek premier
Dendrinos, Russian consul at Crete
Depretis, Agostino
DerchÉ, M., French consul at Crete
De Ruyter, N.Y., school at
Dervish Pasha
Diamond, the steamer
Dickson, Charles H., English consul at Crete
Dickson, Mrs. T.G., cares for Stillman's children
Didot, Mlle.
Didot, Firmin, Stillman's meeting with, in Paris
Diplomatic service, American
Dobrilovina, convent of, Stillman's visit to
Dormitor, Mt.
Dossi, Count Alberto Pisani, Crispi's secretary
Doughty, Thomas, artist
Drobniak, province of
Duby, secretary of the Prince of Montenegro
Dufferin, Lord, succeeds to the Embassy at Rome
DuprÉs, the
Durand, A.B., artist,
contributes to The Crayon
Durand, John, partner of Stillman in publishing The Crayon
Dusseldorf, visited by Stillman
"Dutch courage"
Echo, English paper, prints letter from Stillman
Edhem Pasha
Edmonds, Judge
Edmunds, Senator
Elliott, Sir Henry, English ambassador at Crete
Emerson, Edward W.
Emerson, R.W.,
his estimate of Alcott
Stillman's first meeting with
his relations with Longfellow
excursion with the Adirondack Club
visits Stillman in England
influence on Stillman
first visit to
second visit
her attitude during the American Civil War
later visits and residences in
English church in Rome
Enneochoria, valley of
Ennosis, blockade runner
Ense, Varnhagen von
Epirus, invasion of
Erie Canal
Eshref Pasha
Estee, Elder
Evans, Mr., archaeologist
Evening Post, The
Evolution, theory of
Eyoub Pasha
Fable for Critics
Father's influence in forming character of children
Fenian organization
Festus, Bailey's
Fielding, Copley
First Snow-Fall, The
Fish, Hamilton, urges Stillman's dismissal from Crete
Fleming, Colonel, of Florida
Florida, Stillman's trip to
Fogg, George G., American minister at Berne
Follansbee Pond. See, also, Adirondack Club.
Forbes, Archibald
Forbes, J.M., gives Stillman a commission for a picture
France, relations with Italy
Francis Joseph, Emperor of Austria
"Franco, Harry" (pseudonym). See Briggs, C.F.
Freeborn, Mr., English banker and friend of Stillman
Freeman, Professor Edward A
Freemasons in Rome
Froude, James Anthony, Stillman's friendship for
Fuller, George, Stillman's companion on voyage to England
Gallenga, Mr., Rome correspondent of the Times
Garibaldi, Giuseppe
Garrick, the ship
Garrison, William Lloyd
Geissler Pasha, German officer, in Crete
General-Admiral, Russian frigate at Crete
Geneva, Stillman's visit to
"Geodesy," nickname of a professor at Union College
George, King of Greece, his character
his weakness of action and unpopularity
calls Tricoupi to form a ministry
GÉrÔme, the artist
Gettysburg, battle of
Ghost at Chamounix
Gibson, John
Gifford, S.R., artist
Gilder, Richard Watson
Giolitti, Sig., Italian minister
Girtin, Thomas, artist
Gladstone, W.E., his satisfaction with himself
Beaconsfield's banter of
Stillman's intercourse with
Mr. Walter's dislike of
Goldsborough, Rear-Admiral
"Good Americans, when they die …,"
GÖrgey, Arthur, treason of
Gosdanovich, Montenegrin interpreter and traveling companion of
Gray, Judge
Gray, Asa
Gray, H.P., artist
Greece, political affairs in
Greek Church, influence of
Greeley, Horace, opposes coercion of the South
Greene, Colonel W.B.
Greene, Mr., English consul at Scutari
Greenleaf, Dora
Greenough, Horatio, contributes to The Crayon
Griffiths, Mr., London picture dealer
Halbherr, Federico, archaeologist
Halford, Mr., his collection of pictures
Hall, S.C., editor of the Art Journal
Hamilton, Alexander
Hamlet and Ophelia, Rossetti's picture
Hamley, General
Hancock, Mass
Harding, James Duffield, artist
Haynes, Mr., accompanies Stillman on his archaeological expedition
Hector, Rossetti's picture
Herald, the New York, correspondence of, from Vienna, during
the Exposition; further correspondence.
Herzegovina, Stillman's journey to, as
Times correspondent;
condition of the country during the
insurrection; battle at Muratovizza
See also, Dalmatia and Montenegro.
Hibernia, Fla.
Hoar, Judge E.R., joins the Adirondack Club;
Grant's attorney-general.
Hobart Pasha, English admiral at Crete.
Hohenlohe, Cardinal.
Holland, J.G.
Holmes, John.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell;
Stillman's estimate of.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.
Holmes, Sir William, English consul at Mostar, Herzegovina.
Hooker, Mr., secretary of legation at Rome.
Hosmer, Harriet.
House of the Four Winds.
Houssein, Hadji.
Howe, Dr. Estes.
Howe, Dr. S.G.
Howells, William Dean,
Stillman's first meeting with;
consul at Venice.
Hubbard, Richard W., artist.
Hudson and Mohawk Railroad, opening of.
Hughes, Thomas, Lowell gives Stillman letter to;
intercourse with.
Humbert, King of Italy, character of his rule
and relations with Crispi.
Hungarian crown jewels, concealed by Kossuth;
schemes for their removal;
recovered by the Austrian government.
Hungarian politics. See Kossuth, Louis.
Hunt, Holman.
Hunt, William M.
Huntington, Daniel, contributes to The Crayon.
Hussein Avni.
Ignatieff, General.
"Indian Chiefs" of the anti-rent war.
Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique.
Inman, Henry, artist.
International copyright.
Ioannides, Dr., in the Cretan insurrection.
Irby, Miss.
Isle of Wight.
Ismael Pasha, Stillman's relations
with, during his consulate at Crete;
character of his rule;
action during the insurrection;
his dismissal.
Italian politics.
Italian prisoners murdered at New Orleans.
Ivanovich, General.
Jacque, Charles, artist.
James, Henry, father of the novelist,
contributes to The Crayon
Jay, John, American minister at Vienna.
Jews in Newport, R.I.
Johnson family, in the Adirondacks.
Jonine, Russian agent.
Juliet and her Nurse, Turner's picture.
Karam, Joseph, prince of the Lebanon.
Kaulbach, Wilhelm von.
Kestrel, the yacht, Stillman makes use of, about Crete;
hired for the voyage "on the track of Ulysses."
King, John A.
King, Rufus.
Kingsley, Charles.
Kingsley, Henry.
Knapp, Mr., revival preacher.
Kossuth, Louis, his tour in America;
his intercourse with Stillman.
Kovachevich, Slavonic patriot
Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet de
Landscape Element, The, in American Poetry, series of articles by
Stillman in The Crayon
Landscape in America, lack of picturesqueness in
Larcom, Lucy, contributes to The Crayon
Lark, The, and her Young, fable of
Leighton, Sir Frederick, visits Stillman
LemaÎtre, FrÉdÉric, actor
Lenox, James
his attempts to obtain Turner's TÉmÉraire
possession of another work by Turner
Leslie, Sir Charles R., artist
Levant Herald, Stillman's work upon
Leys, Baron
Lincoln, Abraham,
at the outbreak of the Civil War
his understanding of the North
in the Mason and Slidell case
brief mentions of
his assassination
Lind, Jenny, fellow-passenger with Stillman from England
Linnell, John, artist
Ljubibratich, Herzegovinian leader
Llanthony Abbey, Turner's picture
Lloyd, Mr., English consul at Syra
Lockwood, Le Grand
Longfellow, H.W.
Stillman's intercourse with
his spiritualism
comparison with Emerson
Longfellow, Mrs. H.W.
Lowell, James
Lowell, Charles
Lowell, James Russell
assists Stillman with The Crayon
is appointed a professor at Harvard
complimentary dinner to
comparison with Holmes
Stillman's personal association with and judgment of
brief mentions of
Lowell, Mrs. James Russell
Lumley, Sir John Saville. See Saville, Lord, of Burford.
Lyons, Lord, English ambassador at Constantinople
MacDonald, Captain
MacDonald, Mr., manager of the Times, Stillman's association with
Mack, Dr. David
Mack, Laura, of Cambridge. See Stillman, Laura, wife of W.J.
Mackail, J.W., his life of Morris
Macmillan's, evenings at
Magdalene, Rossetti's picture
Mahmoud Pasha, Hungarian general, in Turkish army
Mahommed the Arabian, bricabrac dealer
Mantz, Paul, French correspondent of The Crayon
Marsh, George P., American minister to Italy
Marshall, John, surgeon
Martins, Professor, French scientist
"Mason and Dixon's line"
Mason and Slidell, capture of
Matanzas, Fla.
Maxson, Mr., grandfather of W.J. Stillman
Maxson, Eliza Ward. See Stillman, Eliza Ward Maxson
Maxson, John, ancestor of W.J. Stillman
Maxson, William B., uncle of W.J. Stillman
Mayor, Edmond, Crispi's secretary
Mazzini, Giuseppe
Mehmet Ali, governor-general of Crete
Mehmet Pasha
Meissonier, Jean Louis Ernst
Melos. See Milo
Metellus, his siege of Canea
Millais, Sir John
his picture The Proscribed Royalist
Stillman meets
his facility of execution
his influence compared with Rossetti's
Millet, J.F., Stillman's meeting with, at Barbizon
his work
his personal relations with Rousseau
appreciation by Americans
Millianoff, Marko, Kutchian chief
Milnes, Monckton, Stillman makes acquaintance of
Milo, Montenegrin hero
Milo, the island of
Mirko, father of Prince Nicholas
Modern Painters
Mohawk River
Monson, Sir Edward
Mont Blanc
Montenegro, Princess of
Montenegro, Stillman's journey to, as Times correspondent
condition and character of the people
incidents of travel
participation in the Herzegovinian insurrection
declaration of war and military operations
Russian intervention
campaign of 1877
siege of Niksich
later visit to the country
See, also, Herzegovina.
Montenegrin women, courage of
Monteverde, Colonel
Moratsha, Stillman's journey to
scene of defeat of Mehemet Ali Pasha
Morley, Lord
Morris, E. Joy, American minister at Constantinople
Morris, William; character of his work and Rossetti's influence
upon him
Mosier, Joseph
Mostar, visit to
Mother's influence in forming character of children
Moustier, Marquis de
Mukhtar Pasha, commands Turkish troops in the Herzegovinian
is replaced by Suleiman Pasha
MÜller, Max, quoted
reviews The Cretan Insurrection
with Mrs. MÜller, meets Lowell at Stillman's house in London
Muratovizza, battle of
Murray, Captain Patrick, commander of the Wizard
Mussulman honesty
Mustapha Kiritly Pasha, his campaign in Crete
his relations with Stillman
his recall
his execution of Cretans in 1837
Naples, Congress of
Naples, King of
Napoleon III.
Natural selection, theory of
Nevius brothers, missionaries
New Orleans, murder of Italian prisoners in
New York city
the schools of
description of, in Stillman's boyhood
artist life and journalism in
New York politics
Newport, R.I., "Seventh-Day Baptists" in
Nicholas, Prince of Montenegro, opposes Herzegovinian insurrection in
its early stages
Stillman's first audience with
his character and appearance
his civil list
incidents in Stillman's intercourse with
unwillingness to take responsibility of a war
his conditions refused by Turks
relations with Austria
his gratitude to Stillman for sympathy aroused by his Times
his opposition to Russian suggestions
movements during the war
brief mentions of
Nicotera, Sig.
Niksich, siege of
Nooning, The, plan of
Norich, Mr.
North Conway, N.H.
Norton, Charles Eliot,
first meets Stillman
contributes to The Crayon
friendship with Stillman
brief mentions of
Nott, Mrs., wife of President Nott
Nott, Eliphalet, President of Union College