The course of study in The American School of Osteopathy is a carefully graded one, and is divided into four terms, of five months each. The terms beginning September and February of each year. The course thus requires two years for completion. COURSE OF STUDY.The course of study extends over two years, and is divided into four terms of five months each. FIRST TERM.The first term is devoted to Descriptive Anatomy including Osteology, Syndesmology and Myology; lectures on Histology illustrated by micro-stereopticon; the principles of General Chemistry and Physics. SECOND TERM.The second term includes Descriptive and Regional Anatomy; didactic and laboratory work in Histology; Physiology; Physiological Chemistry and Urinalysis; Principles of Osteopathy; Clinical Demonstrations in Osteopathy. THIRD TERM.The third term includes Demonstrations in Regional Anatomy; Physiology; lectures in Pathology illustrated by micro-stereopticon; Symptomatology; Physiological Psychology; Clinical Demonstrations in Osteopathy. FOURTH TERM.The fourth term includes Symptomatology; Minor Surgery; didactic and laboratory work in Pathology; Psycho-Pathology; GynÆocology; Obstetrics; Sanitation and Public Health; Venereal Diseases; Medical Jurisprudence; Clinical Demonstrations; Clinical Practice. The school is open to students of both sexes without distinction, and all have equal opportunities and privileges, and are held to the same requirements. The methods of instruction are such as obtain in the best academic and collegiate institutions, and include recitations from standard text-books, lectures, quizzes, practical laboratory work, and practical clinical work. The equipment of the school is complete in every respect. The recitation and lecture rooms are amply provided with all necessary means of illustration, such as specimens fresh and preserved, skeletons, models, charts, manikins and diagrams. The respective laboratories are fitted up with all the necessary apparatus for practical work in the Anatomical, Histological, Microscopical, Chemical and Physiological departments. The clinical facilities and opportunities enjoyed by students in this school are exceptional. An abundance of material is always available for clinic demonstrations, which are continued daily through two terms, with practical work in the clinic operating rooms by each student, under the direction of the regular operators, daily during the whole of the last term. In addition to the regular clinical department, the A. T. Still Infirmary has constantly under treatment from three hundred to five hundred patients, and although the students do not see these patients, the many cases of diseases of all kinds under the care of the regular operators in the Infirmary give them constantly fresh and varied illustrations for use in their lectures. Sometimes, too, patients whose cases may be of special interest offer the use of their cases for the purpose of demonstration before the students. Opportunities are thus furnished to students for such practice and drill in the actual work of treating diseases as we believe is not equaled by any similar institution anywhere. The course of study is progressively graded with a view to giving students a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the facts and principles upon which their future work is to be based. These clinic exercises in connection and immediately following give them facility and readiness in the art of applying the facts and principles which they have acquired in recognizing and treating diseased conditions. Catalogue mailed upon application. For information as to terms, etc., apply to |