With what it has Communication—Its Position—One of its Functions—Stimulation or Inhibition—Results Produced. WITH WHAT IT HAS COMMUNICATION.Every ganglion on the great chain of the sympathetic nerve has special and important functions, but upon the superior cervical falls the greatest burden of responsibility. This ganglion has communication with a greater number of nerves and organs than any other; is in direct communication with three cranial and four cervical nerves, indirectly with four more cranial nerves, and enters, by its branches into the formation of a large number of plexuses. Through this ganglion it is that much Osteopathic work is done, and the purpose of this brief paper is to point out some of the many effects which may be produced by its stimulation or inhibition. ITS POSITION.Anatomically we know that the superior cervical ganglion is situated in relation to the transverse processes of the upper three cervical vertebrae. It gives off branches which communicate directly with the vagus, glosso-pharyngeal and hypoglossal ONE OF ITS FUNCTIONS.Physiologically we know that one of the special functions of the sympathetic nervous system is to control the tone of non-striate muscular tissue, and that we have filaments distributed from the sympathetic system in the muscular wall of every blood vessel, duct and organ throughout the body. We also know that the sympathetic is the accelerator nerve of the heart, being opposed in its action by the vagus which, is inhibitory; further, that the vagus is constant in its brake-like action, while the sympathetic only acts when stimulated either directly or reflexly. While the vagus is inhibitory to STIMULATION OR INHIBITION.We can produce stimulation or inhibition of a nerve at will; press suddenly and with a little violence upon the ulnar nerve where it lies in relation with the internal condyle of the humerus and we will find a manifestation of its physiological action, evidenced by a sense of pain in the ulnar and radial sides of the fifth finger and the ulnar side of the fourth, together with contraction of the muscles supplied by that nerve. But if our pressure be less intense and more prolonged we will inhibit the nerve and produce a sense of numbness in the same area together with temporary loss of muscular control. Osteopaths well understand how to produce either stimulation or inhibition of the ganglia by way of the nerves passing to them from the spinal cord, and the results of such inhibition or stimulation in any sympathetic area can be prophesied readily by anyone who has read with attention what I have written; for instance, in the case of inhibition in the region of the nerves supplying the superior cervical ganglion with nerve force, we will find, first, throughout the area of distribution of the branches of this ganglion a relaxation of the vascular walls. This will be marked by two indications, first, the skin will become flushed and moist; second salivary secretion and lachrymal secretion will be increased. Second, the vagus is now allowed full sway, and we will find slowing of the heartbeat. It is well known that pressure over the seat of the first spinal nerve for a very brief period of time will control a congestive headache; the pressure in such case is made only for so long time as to produce stimulation of the sympathetic to greater activity, when we will attain a vaso-constrictor action, lessen the volume of blood in the cranial cavity and so abolish the headache. The arteries of the body may be divided into three groups, the large, the medium-sized and the small; in the first THE END.FOOTNOTES |