In venturing to add another book on Qualitative Chemical Analysis to the long list of publications on this subject, the author has been moved chiefly by the often expressed wish of students and friends to have his lectures on qualitative analysis rendered available for reference and for a wider circle of instruction. Parts I and II of the present book embody these lectures in the form to which they have developed in the course of the last sixteen years, since, in 1894, the teaching of analytical chemistry, along the lines followed, was first suggested by Ostwald's pioneer "Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen der Analytischen Chemie." The author believes that instruction in qualitative analysis, besides teaching analysis proper, should demand of the student a very distinct advance in the study of general chemistry, and should also, consciously, pave the way for work in quantitative analysis, if it is not, indeed, accompanied by work in that subject. The professional method of work, whether routine or research work of the academic or the industrial laboratory is involved, inevitably consists in first making an exhaustive study of the general chemical aspects of the subject under examination: it includes a thorough study of books of reference and of the original literature on the subject; and when the experimental work is finally undertaken, it is carried out with a critical, searching mind, which questions every observation made, every process used. The method of instruction in this book aims at developing these habits of the professional, productive chemist. For the reasons given, a rather thorough and somewhat critical study is first made (in Part I) of the fundamental general chemical principles which are most widely involved in analytical work. The applications of these principles to the subject matter of elementary qualitative analysis are then discussed (in Part II), in closest connection with the laboratory work covering the study of analytical reactions (in Part III). The material is presented, not as a finished subject, but as a growing one, with which the present generation of chemists is still busy, and which contains many important, unsolved problems of a fundamental character. Numerous references to standard works and to the current literature are given, of which those suitable for reading by the young student are specially designated. The obvious demand is thereby made on the student to aim to remain in touch with the growth of the science, after he has completed his studies under the guidance of an instructor. Finally, to arouse and develop the critical, questioning attitude of the professional chemist, referred to above, the subject matter of the laboratory work, given in Part III, is put very largely in the form of questions, which demand not only careful observation on the part of the student, but also a thoughtful interpretation of the observations made. In the experience of the author, although the majority of students attending his lectures had already acquired some knowledge of chemical and physical equilibrium, of the theories of solutions and of ionization and of their applications, the more exhaustive treatment of parts of these subjects and of related topics, to which a course in qualitative analysis lends itself, has been of particular benefit to them, bringing them into closer touch with the method of detailed study of a chemical topic, than the broader, more varied work of general chemistry courses usually does. Throughout the theoretical treatment of the subject, the attempt is made to prepare the student for a more general quantitative expression of chemical relations. For this reason, chemical and physical equilibrium constants are given and used, wherever it is possible. The author is aware that these "constants" have, in part, only a temporary standing; that more exact work will continually modify their numerical values and, probably, limit the field for their rigorous application. The latter facts can be impressed on the student and still the invaluable principle be inculcated in his mind, that chemistry is striving to express its relations, as far as possible, in mathematical terms, exactly as its sister science, physics, has long been doing. At the same time the treatment of physicochemical topics has been kept within the bounds set by the subject matter, and by the chemical maturity of the students addressed: it is elementary in form, and quantitative relations are used, in the main, only to elucidate qualitative facts. The rigorous development of the subjects presented and their elaboration from a purely physicochemical standpoint are left to advanced courses. It has been found that this method interests the better class of students in seeking such advanced courses. The relations of qualitative to quantitative analysis are touched upon in the theoretical treatment, where it has been feasible to do so. The laboratory methods aim also at beginning the training of students in the habit of accuracy demanded by quantitative analysis, by laying special emphasis on the methods of detecting traces of a number of the common elements and by requiring a report on the relative quantities of components found. The study of reactions is carried out, almost wholly, with solutions of known and uniform molar concentration. However, the actual development of quantitative accuracy is left to the instruction in the courses in quantitative analysis, in which a successful training in this direction is far more readily attained. Simultaneous courses in the two branches of analysis seem to the author to be highly desirable, whenever practicable. The study of quantitative analysis adds neatness of manipulation and accuracy to the work in qualitative analysis; and the latter supplies the opportunity for the further development of a student's knowledge of general chemistry, for which there is a much smaller scope in quantitative analysis courses, and thus relieves a condition where a serious pedagogical defect is likely to exist in the development of our students. Parts III and IV of this book are published in a separate volume, as a laboratory manual for qualitative analysis. They comprise the instructions for laboratory work introductory to systematic analysis (the study of reactions and of the analysis of groups, in Part III) and an outline for elementary systematic analysis (Part IV). The attempt has been made, in particular, to bring the laboratory work, which otherwise follows the usual lines of instruction in systematic analysis, also into closest relations to the development of the scientific foundations of analytical chemistry, as represented in Parts I and II. It is believed that the subject matter lends itself especially well to such a close interweaving of the two sides of the study, without any special loss of time to the student, and with the result, it is hoped, of a greatly increased interest on his part and an increased stimulus of the habit of scientific thought. The following plan of work is used by the author with his classes: The first section (lasting eleven weeks) of the course in qualitative analysis is started with some seven to ten (according to the ability of the class) lectures or classroom exercises, given daily, and covering the first seven or the eight chapters of Part I. At the end of the second week the laboratory work is started. During the remainder of this section of the course, two hours of classroom work and eight hours of laboratory work per week are required, and, in this period, Part III, comprising the first half of the laboratory manual, is studied in the laboratory in closest connection with the classroom work on Part II of the book. As far as possible, the laboratory work on a given topic precedes the classroom work. This first course is followed by an eleven weeks' course in systematic analysis, covering Part IV of the book. A third (graduate) course, optional for students specializing in chemistry, is offered, in which very complex commercial and natural products are analyzed and in which special attention is also given to rare elements. During this course, particular care is taken to familiarize students with other works on qualitative analysis, such as the outlines of A. A. Noyes and Bray, and the special parts of Fresenius's manual. Students who have been prepared in general chemistry along physicochemical lines, as represented, for instance, by Smith's textbooks, make more rapid and more easy progress in the first course than do students otherwise prepared. But the treatment of the subject is intended to make it possible for students, who have not paid particular attention to chemical equilibrium and to the modern theories of solution in their general chemistry course, to complete the course within the time limit indicated. Perhaps one-third of the students in an average class, in the past, have taken the course under these conditions and no special difficulty was encountered by them. In the theoretical treatment the author is particularly indebted to the original articles and to the larger works of Arrhenius, van't Hoff, Nernst, A. A. Noyes, Ostwald, and Walker. For the systematic analytical material acknowledgment is due, in particular, to Fresenius's "Qualitative Chemical Analysis," and to the important publications by A. A. Noyes and Bray in the Journal of the American Chemical Society. Some of the excellent methods of the latter authors have been adopted outright, as indicated in the text. For some special matters the author is indebted to the texts of W. A. Noyes and of BÖttger. Constant references to his sources of information have been made by the author, partly as a matter of acknowledgment, and more particularly to give students and teachers the opportunity for more extended, first-hand reading on any topic of interest. References suitable for college students are indicated by the addition of (Stud.). In two or three instances, the original source of information has been forgotten and diligent search has failed to trace it. For use in preparing any future edition of the book, the author will be glad to have his attention called to the facts by authors. The author wishes to express here his particular appreciation of the generous assistance given him by his former colleague, Prof. Alexander Smith of Columbia University, whose suggestions and advice, especially in the editing of the manuscript and proof, have been invaluable. He also wishes to make grateful acknowledgment to his colleagues, Profs. H. N. McCoy, H. Schlesinger, and Dr. Edith Barnard, to Prof. L. W. Jones of the University of Cincinnati, Prof. E. P. Schoch of the University of Texas, Prof. B. B. Freud of Armour Institute, and Prof. W. J. Hale of the University of Michigan, who have assisted him by reading the proofs or the manuscript, or by carrying out experimental studies underlying part of the work, or in other ways. Corrections of his mistakes of omission and commission, and suggestions, will be gratefully received by the author. JULIUS STIEGLITZ. Chicago, September, 1911. |