The usual heading, termed a center head, is set in the middle of the line. It may be in capitals of the text or in a larger size. If capitals and lower-case are used the size should be several sizes larger, or the face should be bolder. In any case a main heading should be a little more prominent than a line of the text. Example: TYPESETTING Example: A PRIMER OF INFORMATION A cut-in head is set in a panel, with or without rule, after the second or third line of the first paragraph. A running head is at the top of each page of a book or other work of a number of pages. In books and pamphlets the page number is usually at the outside end of the running-head line. Box headings are enclosed in rules at the top of columns in tabular matter. In modern practice no punctuation is placed at the end of headings, except the question and quotation marks when these are required. In a heading of two |