I. The People Who Gave the Moonlight Schools to the World 1
II. The Origin of the Moonlight Schools 8
III. Surprises of the First Session 14
IV. Pioneer Methods in Dealing with Illiterates 21
V. A Moonlight School Institute 32
VI. The Results of the Second Session 38
VII. To Wipe Out Illiteracy the Teacher’s Goal 47
VIII. The Movement Extends to the Whole State of Kentucky 57
IX. The First Text-Books for Adult Illiterates 70
X. Moonlight Schools in War Time 81
XI. Moonlight Schools in Reconstruction Days 106
XII. The Illiteracy Crusade Spreads from State to State 124
XIII. The Purpose of the Moonlight Schools 145
XIV. The Need of Moonlight Schools 167
XV. The Call of the Illiterates 189


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