CHAPTER | | PAGE | I. | The People Who Gave the Moonlight Schools to the World | 1 | II. | The Origin of the Moonlight Schools | 8 | III. | Surprises of the First Session | 14 | IV. | Pioneer Methods in Dealing with Illiterates | 21 | V. | A Moonlight School Institute | 32 | VI. | The Results of the Second Session | 38 | VII. | To Wipe Out Illiteracy the Teacher’s Goal | 47 | VIII. | The Movement Extends to the Whole State of Kentucky | 57 | IX. | The First Text-Books for Adult Illiterates | 70 | X. | Moonlight Schools in War Time | 81 | XI. | Moonlight Schools in Reconstruction Days | 106 | XII. | The Illiteracy Crusade Spreads from State to State | 124 | XIII. | The Purpose of the Moonlight Schools | 145 | XIV. | The Need of Moonlight Schools | 167 | XV. | The Call of the Illiterates | 189 |