Falls Church is an incorporated town of about eleven hundred inhabitants. Endowed by State law with the name of town when a mere hamlet, it is still "the village" to its citizens. It is situated on the Bluemont branch of the Southern Railway 9 miles from Alexandria, and 45 miles from Bluemont at the foot of the Blue Ridge. An electric railway connects it with Georgetown, D. C., 6 miles distant, and it is 13 miles over the Southern Railway to the business center of Washington. Located originally in Fairfax County its growing area has overlapped into the adjoining county of Alexandria, taking within its corporate limits the extreme southwestern part of what was at one time the District of Columbia. It is essentially a village of homes, nearly all of which are set in ample grounds adorned with rare trees, well-kept lawns, and tasteful shrubbery and hedges. Its fourteen miles of streets are bordered with beautiful maples, and in summer the principal avenues are bowers of living green. Like the National Capital in its inception, Falls Church is a town of magnificent distances. Within its corporate limits is room for ten thousand people without overcrowding. At an altitude of 300 feet above Washington, summer days here are pleasant and summer nights cool and sleep-inducing. The social atmosphere is most refined, and the moral tone of its citizens cannot be surpassed. No saloons have been allowed in Falls Church since its incorporation as a town thirty years ago. The town has an excellent graded public school with a high class of instructors, besides a number of private schools. Eleven churches, including three for colored people just outside the town limits, afford ample accommodation for all church-goers within a radius of many miles. All the leading religious denominations are represented. The church edifices are most creditable for a town of its size, and two are fine examples of church architecture. The history of Falls Church begins with the building of the old Episcopal Church from which the place takes its name, but the town itself is of modern growth. By a strange series of coincidences the old church, as well as the town at a later period, has been in touch in various ways with the National Government since Colonial days. Washington was a vestryman and at times attended service here. It served as a recruiting office for patriots of the Revolution. Dolly Madison took the road for Leesburg leading past this church when fleeing from the White House during the panic of the British invasion. Capt. Henry Fairfax went forth with his company of Fairfax volunteers from the Falls Church to the Mexican war and his body, borne home from far Saltillo, found a resting place within its churchyard. Skirmishes between Union and Confederate troops occurred all around its walls, and during the war of '61 it served the purposes of a hospital for Union soldiers. To make the chain of incidents complete, a farm near by was chosen at the outbreak of the Spanish-American war as a training camp for United States volunteer soldiers. Few events of moment in government affairs can occur without directly affecting some resident of Falls Church, since this little town has its quota among the officers of the army and navy, in the rank and file of the army, and on the forecastle of the man-of-war, to say nothing of a full representation on the rolls of the several executive departments. When the battle ship Maine was blown up in Havana harbor two jackies from Falls Church were on board, fortunately escaping with their lives. After Aguinaldo's capture by General Funston, it was a Falls Church man who commanded the gunboat which conveyed the captive around the Island of Luzon to Manila. The brave General Lawton, killed on the firing line in the Philippine war, had so recently been a citizen of the town that his death was deplored as a personal loss by his former neighbors. About the middle of the last century there was a large influx of settlers to Fairfax County from Northern New York and the New England States, attracted by the milder climate and the cheaper lands then offered for sale. Among the families who came about Early in the seventies two government clerks drove over the rough and hilly road from Washington and looked around the little hamlet of a dozen houses scattered along the Leesburg turnpike from the old brick church to the railroad station at West End. They were impressed with its inviting hills as the ideal situation for country residences. The excellent water from unlimited springs, the cool breezes and pleasing prospect from the hilltops overlooking hot and dusty Washington in the distance, persuaded them to make their homes in this ideal place. At that time the railroad facilities to Washington were most unpromising. The coaches were little better than the present freight car caboose, the schedule was unreliable, the trains slow, and a change of cars had to be made at the Alexandria junction. Such drawbacks did not deter Since the day our townsmen, Mr. Charles H. Buxton and Prof. W. W. Kinsley, the pioneers of modern Falls Church, first settled here, the increase of population has been slow, but it has been of steady and sterling growth. The conservatism of the land-owners has given less rapid growth than were its tone purely speculative. The population as reported by the United States census for 1890 was 792; the census of 1900 gives the population at 1007, an increase of over 27 per cent. during the ten years. The tax roll for 1903 shows property of taxable value of $420,125, an increase of $149,040 over 1890. Of all those who followed Messrs. Buxton and Kinsley to Falls Church, who built homes and made the little straggling settlement at the cross-roads the beautiful village it is to-day, space will not permit even a brief mention. But there are a number of well-known citizens still residing here who formed the nucleus of that "department colony" of thirty years ago, and through whose influence in great measure this village has become a settlement of government employees. Most prominent among these settlers of the 70's who are connected with the executive departments in Washington are Messrs. G. A. L. Merrifield and M. S. Roberts of the Pension Bureau, Albert P. Eastman of the War Department and George F. Rollins of the Treasury Department. The rate of taxation levied by the town government is 60 cents on the hundred dollars, 30 cents of which is for school purposes and 30 cents for all expenses of the corporation. To this must be added the taxes collected by the county of Fairfax, 75 cents on the hundred dollars, making a total tax on property holders in the town of $1.35 on each one hundred dollars of the assessed When scarcely entitled to be designated by the name of village, the little settlement on the Leesburg turnpike known as Falls Church was, by an act of the General Assembly of Virginia, incorporated as a town. The act in question was approved March 30, 1875, and on April 13 following the new town began its career with the following officials duly installed: The act of incorporation was successively amended by the State Legislature in 1879, 1890 and 1894. Sections 1 and 2 of the act of incorporation as amended, approved March 2, 1894, read as follows: Section 1. So much of the territories in the counties of Fairfax and Alexandria, together with all the improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging, as is contained in the following boundaries, to-wit: Beginning at the corner of Alexandria and Fairfax counties, on J. C. DePutron's farm; thence to the corner of J. C. Nicholson and W. S. Patton, in Mistress Ellen Gordon's line; thence to the corner of Sewell and L. S. Abbott on the new cut road; thence to the corner of A. A. Freeman and Mrs. Henry J. England on the Falls Church and Fairfax Court House road; thence along centre of said road to centre of bridge over Holmes Run; thence easterly in a straight line to the northwest corner of the colored Methodist church Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That the government of said town shall be vested in a council of nine qualified voters, who shall be elected by ballot on the fourth Thursday in May, eighteen hundred and ninety-four; three of whom shall hold that office for one year, Section five provides that the council shall annually levy and collect necessary taxes for roads, streets, school and corporation purposes, which tax for all purposes shall not exceed sixty cents on one hundred dollars without the consent of two-thirds of the resident freeholders of the corporation. An amendment gives the council the privilege of levying an additional tax of ten cents on the hundred dollars for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a high school course in Jefferson Institute, the public school, whenever requested by the town school board. Section eight provides that the "town sergeant shall be the executive officer of the council, and shall have the authority, jurisdiction and fees of a constable of Fairfax and Alexandria counties within and one mile beyond the corporate limits. He shall, unless otherwise provided, be the town treasurer and as such shall collect all taxes, fines and licenses, and disburse the same upon the warrant of the council, signed by the mayor and clerk." The same section makes the sergeant overseer of roads and streets, giving him the same powers as overseers of roads under the Section nine provides that no district school tax and no district road tax shall be assessed and collected, except by the council, on any property within the corporation limits. The last important section of the act of incorporation, which assures the peace and quiet of this village, is the restriction placed upon the liquor traffic. It reads as follows: Sec. 10. That any person applying to the county of Fairfax or the county of Alexandria for a license to sell liquors of any kind, either as a keeper of an ordinary or eating house, or as a merchant, within the corporate limits of the town of Falls Church in the said counties, or within one mile beyond the limits of the said corporation shall produce before the courts or boards having control of the issuance of licenses for the sale of liquor of said counties a certificate of said council of said town to the effect that the applicant is a suitable person and that no good reason is known to said council why said license should not be granted. And the courts of said counties The town is divided into three wards and each ward is represented by three councilmen. The Board of Health, appointed annually by the council, looks after the health of the town, with authority to carry out such sanitary regulations as may be deemed wise and expedient. The Board of Health for the present year consists of Dr. T. C. Quick, Chairman, and Councilmen John H. Wells and Elmer I. Crump. The Fire Department of the village was organized in 1898. The officers are a chief engineer and three fire wardens, one from each ward, and a captain of the fire company. The equipment for fighting fires consists of one fifty-five and two twenty-five gallon The Village Improvement Society, an important factor in the growth and development of the village, was organized about twenty years ago. The chief object of the society has been the improvement and adornment of the streets and the fine shade trees which emborder the village thoroughfares everywhere attest the fidelity of its members to the object in view. In addition to the work of this character the society has aided in various other ways in the work of improving the village besides furnishing social entertainments for its members and friends. About fifteen hundred dollars have been raised by the society and disbursed to excellent advantage in securing substantial benefits to the public weal. The Village Improvement Society was organized in the fall of This society was modeled after the famous Laurel Hill Society of Stockbridge, Mass., and from a pamphlet published some years ago setting forth its object we learn that its funds have been expended on roads, sidewalks and street lamps, for a survey of the corporation, a piano for the public school and other improvements at the school, for taking the census and for Arbor Day expenses—a total expenditure up to that time of about eight hundred dollars. The greater part of the money raised by the society is from voluntary dues or the proceeds of lectures or other entertainments. The funds raised in this manner are generally expended through the town council or in conjunction with appropriations made by that body. The first observance of Arbor Day in the State was by the Falls Church Village Improvement Society, when in 1892 this society instituted the observance of the day by the public school. Since that date the society has defrayed all Arbor Day expenses. By an ordinance of the town adopted February 8, 1904, the third Friday in April of each year is designated as Arbor Day, to be observed under the auspices of the Village Improvement Society for the planting of such trees, plants or shrubs as it may desire. The officers of the Village Improvement Society for the present year are as follows: President, M. E. Church; Vice-President, Franklin Noble, D. D.; Secretary, Miss Belle Merrifield; Treasurer, George W. Hawxhurst; Assistant Secretary, Dr. George B. Fadeley. The meetings are held on the first Monday of each month, except July and August, at the homes of the different members. On these occasions after the adjournment of the business meeting, a literary and musical programme is provided by the hostess of the evening. Aside from the matter of business, the social part of these gatherings is a distinct feature of the society, which serves to keep alive the interest of its members, bringing together congenial friends and giving "new-comers" an opportunity to become acquainted with their neighbors. Pioneer Business Men. Among the most prominent business men of Falls Church who located here about the time the place was incorporated as a town, or soon thereafter, may be mentioned Mr. M. E. Church. Mr. Church is a native of Vermont, and upon settling here engaged in the drug business; he now conducts a successful real estate, loan and insurance business. He is also connected with other important commercial interests, and has been an indefatigable worker in promoting the welfare of the village. Mr. George W. Mankin, a native of this State, was one of the early settlers in the village. He conducted a general merchandise business for a long period of years, but at present is engaged in the drug business with his son Mr. Geo. T. Mankin, under the firm name of George T. Mankin & Co. Mr. Mankin has established as high reputation as a business man and citizen as had his brother Mr. Charles Mankin, the well known dry goods merchant, but recently deceased. Mr. Wm. M. Ellison, whose father was one of the early northern settlers in this community, is a successful lawyer and real estate Among other prominent merchants who early settled here are Mr. J. W. Brown, dealer in hardware and general merchandise, and Mr. George Gaither, dealer in groceries. Mr. Isaac Crossman, who came here from Pennsylvania soon after the civil war, purchased for farming purposes a large block of land which is now situated almost in the center of the village. The price paid was about forty dollars per acre. A large part of this land has been divided into town lots and sold. To indicate the increase in real estate values since the war, the land of this Crossman property lying nearest the northern boundary of the village sells for one thousand dollars and upward per acre. Few Old Houses. Practically all the houses of the village are modern, but there are a few old buildings of historic interest. Among these is the Lawton house, at one time the residence of The old big chimney house situated in the field opposite the Odd Fellows' Hall was built in Revolutionary times and is probably the oldest dwelling in this vicinity. It is owned by the venerable John Lynch, who was the sexton of the Episcopal Church for so many years before and after the civil war. Mr. Lynch is now a resident of Maryland. The Colored Settlement. The colored people have a settlement a short distance south of the town limits, consisting of probably a hundred cottages with a population of between four and Hotels. The Falls Church Inn, where an old Virginia welcome awaits the way-farer, accommodates transient and regular boarders. Besides there is the "Evergreens," a large summer boarding place which has a high reputation. There are numerous other homes, in or near the village, where boarders are taken for the summer months. Newspaper. Falls Church has one newspaper published weekly, called "The Falls Church Monitor." This paper was first established by Mr. E. F. Rorebeck, under the name of "The Falls Church News." Mr. M. E. Church is Editor and Mr. R. C. L. Moncure, General Manager. Excellent Natural Drainage. Four Mile Run, traversing the northeastern section of the corporation, separates the main part of the village from all that portion lying in Alexandria County and known as East Falls Church. This little stream empties into the Railway Depots and Post-Offices. Indicating the wide extent of territory covered by Falls Church, it possesses two railway depots and three independent post-offices. The Southern Railway's East Falls Church and West End stations are one mile apart. The electric railway also has stations and ticket offices near those of the steam road. The Falls Church post office is on Broad street in the center of the village. East Falls Church post office is located at the electric railway station and West End post office at the West End steam railway station, the former being one-half mile and the Street Lights. The village streets are now lighted by kerosene lamps, but a movement is already on foot looking toward a better system of street lighting and it is probable that an electric light plant will be installed for that purpose within the near future. A Bank is Needed. The organization of a bank is being considered by a number of enterprising citizens. There is already a sufficient amount of banking business transacted by the residents of the village, which is now divided among the banks located at Leesburg, Fairfax, Alexandria and Washington, to make such an institution a paying investment from the start. The Park. Crossman Park, the densely wooded hill over which the electric road runs from East End to West End, is an attractive spot to nature lovers. Hundreds of old chestnut trees make it a favorite resort for picnic parties in summer and nut-hunters in the fall. It is altogether a charming piece of woodland without undergrowth, and needs no gravelled walks or other evidences of the hand of man to add to its present charm. Near the park may be seen the stone which marks what was at one time the western corner of the District of Columbia. It is situated on the land of Mr. S. B. Shaw and is only a few yards from his residence. On the west corner is chiseled "Virginia 1791," while on the opposite corner the words "Jurisdiction of the United States" are still quite legible. Falls Church Telephone and Telegraph Co. The Falls Church Telephone and Telegraph Company, of which Mr. M. E. Church is President and General Manager, is connected with the lines of the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company of Washington and with the lines of the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company. The stations on this line include Alexandria, Arlington, Ash Grove, Bailey's Cross Roads, Ballston, Barcroft, Belaire, Bluemont, Chesterbrook, Clarendon, Chain Bridge, Colvin Run, Dunn Loring, Dranesville, East Falls Church, Fairfax, Fort Myer Heights, Glencarlyn, Hall's Hill, Herndon, Hamilton, Kenmore, Lewinsville, Langley, Leesburg, Merrifield, Oakton, Paeonian Springs, Purcellville, In addition to the telephone line Falls Church has two Western Union Telegraph offices besides two express offices. Camp Alger. Falls Church has gained a national reputation within recent years by reason of the establishment near the village of the camp for volunteer soldiers at the outbreak of the Spanish-American War. This camp was one of several of the kind established in the Southern States for the purpose of organizing an army for the invasion of Spanish territory. The farm of Mr. C. L. Campbell, about one and a half miles southwest of the village was selected by the War Department for the army corps to be assembled nearest Washington, and as soon as the contract was signed for the lease of the property, troops from fourteen States were hurried here as fast as recruited. The first troops on the ground were the District of Columbia Volunteers. They were followed by those from Pennsylvania, and The Second Army Corps was made up of the troops assembled at Falls Church, to which Major General William M. Graham, U. S. V., was assigned by orders of May 16, 1898. General Graham assumed command May 23, 1898, announcing the official designation of the camp as "Camp Russell A. Alger." The strength of this army corps before the last of May consisted of 922 officers and 17,467 men. In June the number in camp was 1,103 officers and 26,002 men; in July the strength of the corps was 1,183 officers and 29,747 men. In August the corps consisted of 1,347 officers and 33,755 men, the highest number in this corps before disbandment at the end of the war. By orders of May 24, the troops then on duty at this point were organized into a First Division composed of three brigades of three regiments each, and by orders of June 9, 1898, the Ninth Massa On June 9th the separate brigade mentioned was assigned as the First Brigade, 3rd Division. On August 2, 1898, a second brigade was organized composed of the First Connecticut Volunteer Infantry, and the Third Virginia Volunteer Infantry. The First Brigade, consisting of the Massachusetts and Michigan troops, left Camp Alger for Santiago de Cuba on June 22 and 24, 1898. Troops of the Second Brigade were returned to their States for muster out on September 7 and 8, 1898. The tents of the provost guard pitched at the electric railway terminus at East End with pickets posted at various street corners made Falls Church appear like a town under martial law. Under all the circumstances the conduct of the troops was admirable. The homes of the citizens were thrown open to the soldiers doing picket duty in the village, and the ladies of the place vied with each other in contributing to the comfort of sick soldiers at the camp. The summer of 1898 was a most eventful one in Falls Church. Finances of the Town. The expenses of the town government for the year ending August 31, 1904, was $2,188.47. The assessed valuation of the town is $420,125, which is about 50 per cent of the real value. The tax levy for all purposes is six mills. The levy is divided as follows: For corporation purposes three mills; for school purposes three mills. The total receipts for fiscal year 1904 were $2,289.20. There is no bonded indebtedness. A number of times propositions to bond the town for school or street purposes have been voted upon but each time the citizens have decided against incurring any bonded debt. The following are the officers of the town government: Officers of the Town. George N. Lester, Mayor; Henry Health. In the matter of health Falls Church leads. Statistics obtained by the U. S. Census Bureau relating to the mortality rate show that out of 341 towns and cities from which returns were received the lowest death rate for the year ending May 31, 1900, was in St. Joseph, Mo., with 9.1 for each 1,000 inhabitants, followed by Portland, Oregon, 9.5, St. Paul, Minn., 9.7, and Minneapolis, Minn., 10.08. For the same period there were only 5 deaths in Falls Church, its population then being 1,007. The average annual death rate in Falls Church is about 9.5 per 1,000, only 57 deaths having occurred here between August 17, 1898 and September 2, 1904, a period of a little The death rate in the United States for 1900, according to census returns was 17.8 per 1,000, the rate in cities where such statistics were gathered being 18.6, and in rural districts 15.4. For the purpose of comparison the death rate per 1,000 in the following cities as reported by the U. S. Census Bureau for 1900 will be of interest. Baltimore, Md., 21.0; New York, N. Y., 21.3; Washington, D. C., 22.8; Alexandria, Va., 24.2; Norfolk, Va., 25.2; Lynchburg, Va., 27.7; Richmond, Va., 29.7; Petersburg, Va., 31.1. Ideal Country Homes. To the generosity of a nearby nurseryman the town is indebted for its wealth of trees. When the first streets were laid out Mr. D. O. Munson donated liberally from his nursery stock and to him is chiefly due the credit for the present attractive appearance of the tree-lined streets. The conventional arrangement of the average suburban town has not been followed in laying out the streets of this village, and even the sinuous main avenue, lined on either side by a row of full grown maples, adds to its charm. Beyond the town to the westward the The healthfulness of Falls Church is proverbial, while its charming situation, accessibility to the city of Washington and the homelike tone pervading every part of its area have surprised and attracted all whose privilege it has been to visit here for the first time. The place to the tired city man can afford all the enjoyment of retirement and tranquillity. With an abundance of green lawns, well shaded walks and drives, pure water, churches, good schools and the necessary stores; what more could the seeker desire to complete his ideal of a country home. Possessing advantages imperfectly pictured herein, Falls Church welcomes the jaded fathers and mothers from the city to the place where children may enjoy life with nature, where the climate, conducive to refreshing sleep, soothes tired nerves and makes life to such again buoyant with youthful hopes and joys. |