Falls Church in the Civil War.


In May, 1861, the Union troops moved into Virginia and occupied Arlington Heights and Alexandria. On June 1 an engagement at Fairfax Court House between a company of Union cavalry and Confederate troops resulted in the loss of six Union and twenty Confederate soldiers. The Union forces under General McDowell occupied the town of Fairfax about the middle of July, inaugurating the first Bull Run Campaign. The battle of Bull Run was fought July 21, 1861.

After the first battle of Bull Run, a systematic plan for the defense of the National Capital began to take shape. At that time the commanding heights four miles west of Alexandria and six miles from Washington were occupied by the Confederates, Falls Church being the headquarters of General Longstreet.

In October, 1861, the hills were again taken possession of by the Union troops. The system of works for the defense of Washington on the south began with Fort Willard below Alexandria, and terminated with Fort Smith opposite Georgetown, comprising in all twenty-nine forts and eleven supporting batteries, besides Forts Ethan Allen and Marcy at the Virginia end of Chain Bridge, with their five batteries of field guns.

Mr. Charles A. Marshall Mr. Charles A. Marshall

Falls Church was the most advanced post of General McDowell's corps, when on August 3, 1861, a correspondent of Harper's Weekly writing from here to that paper described the old Church as it appeared at the beginning of the Civil war as follows:

"On this page we illustrate Fall's Church, Fairfax County, Virginia, from a sketch by our special artist with General McDowell's 'corps d'armee.' This is the most advanced post of our army in Fairfax County, and has been the scene of several picket skirmishes. Falls Church was built in 1709, and rebuilt, as an inscription on the wall informs us, by the late "Lord" Fairfax, whose son, the present "Lord" Fairfax, is supposed to be serving in the rebel army. The title of "Lord," we may observe, is still given to the representative of the family. The inscription on the old church reads as follows:

'Henry Fairfax, an accomplished gentlemen, an upright magistrate, a sincere Christian, died in command of the Fairfax Volunteers at Saltillo, Mexico, 1847. But for his munificence this church might still have been a ruin.'

Service was held in the old church two Sundays since, Rev. Dr. Mines, Chaplain of Second Maine Regiment, officiating, and most of the troops in the neighborhood being present."

Mr. John S. Garrison Mr. John S. Garrison

Captain Henry Fairfax, to whose memory the tablet alluded to was placed in the old church, was a graduate of West Point. At the outbreak of the Mexican War, he organized a company called the Fairfax Volunteers sailing to Mexico with the regiment of Virginia volunteers under command of Colonel John F. Hamtramck. Upon arriving in Mexico, Captain Fairfax fell a victim to the climate and died at Saltillo, August 16, 1847. His body was brought home and buried near the church he loved so well, and it is thought that the grave which may be seen in the foreground of the war-time picture of the church on page 62 may be his. The tablet to his memory has long since been destroyed, and every vestige of his tombstone has disappeared, but nature, not forgetting his generous gifts to the old church, has sent up a spire-shaped cedar to mark his grave. Colonel Hamtramck died April 21, 1858, at Shepardstown, Va.

Mr. F. A. Niles Mr. F. A. Niles

The damage to the old church, according to one of the oldest citizens of the town, Mr. George B. Ives, was done by a company of Union cavalry on picket duty under command of a captain of the regular army. He permitted his men to tear out the floor of the church and use it for a stable. The building might have been damaged beyond repair had it not been for Mr. Ives and the late Mr. John Bartlett, who reported the matter to General Augur, the Military Governor of this district, by whose orders the captain was arrested and further desecration prevented.

About three miles from Falls Church, on the Alexandria turnpike, is Bailey's Cross Roads, where in November, 1861, President Lincoln reviewed the Union forces preparatory to the Peninsular Campaign.

The story of the most important events occurring during those stormy times around the old Colonial church is best told by the "Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies," extracts from reports therein following:

Dr. T. C. Quick Dr. T. C. Quick

Skirmish at Munson's Hill August 31, 1861.

Report of Colonel Geo. W. Taylor, 3rd N. J. Infantry, dated September 2, 1861.

General: The pickets of the enemy having for some time been extremely annoying to outposts on Little River Turnpike and on the road leading from thence to Chestnut Hill, I decided on making a reconnaissance in person with a small force with the view of cutting them off. Accordingly I marched with 40 men, volunteers from 2 companies of my regiment, on the morning of Aug. 31, at 3 a. m., and keeping to the woods arrived soon after daylight at or near the point, a little beyond, at which I desired to strike the road and cut them off.

Miss Ellen W. Green Miss Ellen W. Green

Here we were obliged to cross a fence and a narrow corn field where the enemy, who had doubtless dogged our approach through the woods, lay in considerable force.

While in the corn we were suddenly opened upon by a rapid and sharp fire which our men, whenever they got sight of the enemy, returned with much spirit. Scarce two minutes elapsed when I found 3 men close to me had been shot down. The enemy being mostly hid, I deemed it prudent to order my men to fall back to the woods, distant about 30 yards, which I did.

At the same time I ordered enough to remain with me to carry off the wounded, but they did not hear or heed my order except two. With these we got all off, as I supposed, the corn being thick, but Corporal Hand, Co. 1, who, when I turned him over, appeared to be dying. I took his musket, also the musket of one of the wounded and returned to the woods to rally the men. I regret to say that none of them could be found, nor did I meet them until I reached the blacksmith shop, three-quarters of a mile distant.

Here I found Capt. Regur, Company I, with his command. Re-enforcing him with 25 men of the picket, then in charge of Capt. Vickers, 3rd regiment N. J. volunteers, with the latter he immediately marched back to bring in Corporal Hand, and any others still missing. He reports that on reaching the ground, he found the enemy in increased force, and did not re-enter the corn field, in which I think he was justified. I should have stated that quite a number of the enemy were in full view in the road when we jumped the fence and charged them, and that each man in the charge, Capt. Regur leading by my side, seemed eager to be foremost; nor did one to my knowledge flinch from the contest until my order to fall back to the woods, which fortunately they misconstrued into a continuous retreat to our pickets. The enemy seemed to have retreated very soon after, as the firing had ceased before I left.

Mr. Jno. D. Payne Mr. Jno. D. Payne

The 3 wounded men are doing well except one. As near as I can ascertain there were 3 of the enemy shot down.

The whole affair did not last 10 minutes.

The officers with me were Capt. Regur, Co. I, 1st Lieut. Taylor and 2d Lieut. Spencer, both of the same company.

All of which I have the honor, respectfully to report.

Geo. W. Taylor,
Colonel, 3rd Regiment N. J. Volunteers

Brig. Gen. P. Kearny,
Commanding Brigade.

The Rectory—Rev. George S. Somerville The Rectory—Rev. George S. Somerville

Sept. 12, 1861: Longstreet states that Colonel Stuart has been at Munson Hill since its occupation by the Confederate troops; that he had driven the enemy from Mason's, Munson's and Upton's Hills.

Sept. 25, 1861: Reconnaissance at Lewinsville and skirmish near that place with Stuart's cavalry. Union force 5,100 infantry, 16 pieces of artillery and 150 cavalry, under Brig. Gen. Wm. F. Smith, commanding at Chain Bridge.

Sept. 25, 1861: Report of General J. E. Johnston, Headquarters Army of Potomac to Secretary of War, Richmond, states that an advance guard of 11 regiments of infantry and Colonel Stuart's calvary is stationed at Falls Church, Munson's and Mason's Hills, at Padgett's and at Springfield Station on the Orange and Alexandria Railroad in a strong defensive position.

Dr. L. E. Gott Dr. L. E. Gott

Sept. 28, 1861: Affair at Munson's Hill, near Vanderburg's House. Union force attacked at night on march to Poolesville. Lieut. Col. Isaac J. Wistar, Commanding California Regiment, reported 4 killed and 14 wounded.

Nov. 16, 1861: In General Orders No. 45, Headquarters Army of Potomac, Major General McClellan gave Fort on Upton's Hill name of Fort Ramsay.

Nov. 18, 1861: Skirmish on road from Falls Church to Fairfax Court House, about a mile south of Falls Church, between a detachment of 1st Va. Cavalry under Lieut. Col. Fitz Lee, and 14th N. Y. S. M., under Lt. Col. E. B. Fowler. Union loss 2 killed, 1 wounded, 10 missing. Confederate loss, Private Tucker killed and John C. Chichester, Lee's guide, mortally wounded; 2 slightly wounded. Col. Lee's horse killed under him during action.

Sept. 2, 1862: Skirmish near Falls Church. F. J. Porter, Major General Commanding, Headquarters Army Corps, Hall's Hill, in his report to General Marcy states that a battery supported by cavalry suddenly appeared on Barnett's Hill and opened fire upon Pleasanton at Falls Church, while dismounted cavalry fired upon and killed 3 of his mounted pickets, who, armed only with sabers and pistols, could not contend with the enemy protected by timber. Pleasanton replied with his battery but the shots fell very short. The enemy supposed to have come from direction of Hunter's Mill returned toward Vienna. He states that the country beyond his picket lines affords every facility for such attacks, and that the commanding general must expect them to be frequent so long as the enemy continues in large force in his front and wishes to divert attention from other movements, that from the opposite hills his camp and movements are open to view of the enemy.

Mr. R. J. Yates Mr. R. J. Yates

Sept. 4, 1862: Brig. Gen'l A. Pleasanton from his camp near Fort Albany, Va., in his report to Brig. Gen. R. B. Marcy, chief of staff, written at 5 a. m., states that he is about to be off with the sixth cavalry and two other companies for Falls Church where he expects to make his headquarters and from whence he will scout as directed. He suggests that the telegraph be extended to Falls Church and asks that supplies for his command be forwarded by railroad to a point opposite Falls Church.

Mr. S. A. Copper Mr. S. A. Copper

At 8:30 a. m., his message states that from reports received by him, the impression is that the enemy is going to cross the Potomac at Walker's Landing.

At 12: 45 p. m., he reports from Falls Church that the enemy's advanced pickets, on the Leesburg and Georgetown turnpike are three-fourths of a mile this side of Difficult Creek, and that a regiment of Mississippi cavalry, the Jeff Davis Legion, is at the bridge over the creek.

At 1:30 p. m., from Falls Church his dispatch to the chief of staff states that the squadron on the Vienna road reports the enemy to be approaching from that direction in some force; that one of his men had been badly wounded in a skirmish. Gives it as his opinion that the enemy is only making a show of force to conceal his movements on the upper Potomac.

Sept. 4, 1862: Major General F. J. Porter from Headquarters Fifth Army Corps at Hall's Hill, sends a message at 4:30 p. m., to Major Gen'l McClellan stating that Gen'l Morell from Minor's Hill reports that the enemy has begun an attack on the Union pickets, with artillery, infantry and cavalry.

Mrs. J. L. Auchmoody Mrs. J. L. Auchmoody

Sept. 4, 1862: At 6:45 p. m., from Upton's Hill, Brig. Gen'l J. D. Cox, commanding division, makes the following report to A. V. Colburn, Ass't Adjutant General:

"The firing upon General Pleasanton's command was from, possibly, three pieces of light artillery. The small-arm fighting was confined to the head of the enemy's column, deployed as skirmishers, with some dismounted men or infantry, it is not certain which. The pickets of Pleasanton's command, Eight Illinois and Eight Pennsylvania Cavalry, skirmished with them. We lost 2 men shot. The force of the enemy did not come beyond the edge of the woods, one and a half or 2 miles above Falls Church, and no large numbers were actually seen. The reports sent by General Pleasanton were necessarily those brought in by his men. A regiment of cavalry, with two light pieces, rapidly handled, would account for all the demonstration I could see with my glass, but there may have been more. General Pleasanton's cavalry being ordered away, we shall not have cavalry to scout the country till General Buford arrives. Scouts report all quiet toward Fairfax and Little River pike."

Mr. Samuel Luttrell Mr. Samuel Luttrell

Aug. 16, 1863: Skirmish at Falls Church; no circumstantial reports on file.

June 23-24, 1864: Skirmishes near Falls Church and Centreville, Va. Extract from report of Col. Charles R. Lowell, Jr., 2nd Mass. Cavalry, commanding cavalry brigade. Headquarters cavalry brigade near Falls Church, Va., June 24, 1864.

A patrol from the camp of 16th N. Y. Cavalry consisting of 4 men was fired upon last evening between the pike and the railroad by a party of about 10 men and 2 of the patrol captured; the other two brought word to Annandale, and Col. Lazelle sent out a party of 40 men under Lieut. Tuck, 16th N. Y. Cavalry in search of attacking party. Party halted one and a half miles beyond Centreville to feed. Party of about 60 of the the enemy dashed in upon them. Men demoralized and panic stricken scattered in all directions. Lieut. Tuck only one as yet, 6 p. m., who has reached camp; remainder either wounded, prisoners, or straggling. After Tuck had been sent out a citizen reported to Col. Lazelle that he had been stopped by Mosby last evening near Centreville and detained under guard till morning, and that he had seen small parties numbering about 100 men. Col. Lazelle, upon receiving this information, sent out 150 men to support Tuck under Major Nicholson. This party started at 8 a. m. At 2 p. m., Tuck returned, reporting attack as above at 11 a. m. He was started by Col. Lazelle with a party of 15 men to overtake party of 150 and put them on trail. Major Forbes with 100 men and ambulances has been sent out this evening to place of surprise to pick up stragglers and any wounded, and support Major Nicholson if Mosby's force is reported more than 60 men.

Mrs. C. Larner Mrs. C. Larner

June 25, 1864, 11 a. m.: Major Forbes just returned from Centreville and a clearer account of affairs can be given. Mosby with 200 men came down Thursday evening to near Union Mills and an iron gun drawn by 6 horses. Squad of Kincheloe's men took 2 of Col. Lazelle's patrol. Mosby returned to Union Mills Friday morning and marched his column back through Centreville about 10:30 a. m. Tuck's men feeding horses on newly cut hay, men in cherry trees, some asleep, one picket sitting on fence.

Mosby learned of Tuck and sent part of his men rapidly on. Shot man on post, causing panic among the rest.

Mr. W. H. Barksdale Mr. W. H. Barksdale

July 18-21, 1864: Scout from Falls Church, Va. Col. Henry M. Lazelle, 16th N. Y. Cavalry commanding brigade, writing under date of July 21, 1864, from headquarters cavalry brigade near Falls Church, Va., to Lieut. Col. J. H. Taylor, Assistant Adjutant General and chief of staff, reports return to camp of a portion of a party of 10 men sent under charge of 2d Lieut. Gray, 13th N. Y. Cavalry on Monday evening last. About 4 o'clock a. m. to-day, while between Sangsters and Fairfax Station was ambuscaded by a party of from 50 to 60; loss 5 men taken prisoners and 7 horses.

Mr. Wm. B. Wright Mr. Wm. B. Wright



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