A BRANCH HERE French Steam Laundry


We doubt if there is a better laundry in the
country than the French Steam Laundry. By
best, we mean the quality of work done and
the care exercised to guard the interest of patrons.
We have become one of their authorized
agents, and before accepting the agency, satisfied
ourselves as to the superior excellence of
this laundry's service.

F. P. WELLER, Druggist
3534 M Street Northwest
"Right by the Aqueduct"

Capt. M. S. Roberts Capt. M. S. Roberts

There is nothing that costs so little and gives such returns as poultry. For the past ten years I have been breeding Barred Plymouth Rocks and Black Minorcas and have produced many high scoring exhibition birds that have carried off honors in some of the largest shows in the United States in very strong competition.


At Upper Marlboro, Md., September, 1898, 1st pen, 1st cockerel, and 1st pullet, Black Minorcas; 2d pen, 2d cockerel, and 1st pullet, Barred Plymouth Rocks.

At Hamilton, Va., November, 1898, 1st, 2d, and 3d pullets, 1st cockerel, and 1st and 2d pens, Black Minorcas.

At Washington, D. C., January, 1899, 1st and 2d hens, 2d and 4th pullets, and 3d and 4th pens, Black Minorcas; 5th pen, Barred Plymouth Rocks. Also special for Black Minorca hen.

At Rockville, Md., September, 1899, 1st pen, 1st cock, and 1st and 2d hens, Black Minorcas; 2d pen, Barred Plymouth Rocks.

At Hagerstown, Md., October, 1899, on three entries, 1st hen, 1st pullet, and 4th cockerel, Black Minorcas.

At Hamilton, Va., November, 1899, 2d pen, 1st cock, 1st, 2d, and 3d cockerels (13 in class), 2d, 3d, and 4th hens, and 2d, 3d, and 4th pullets, Black Minorcas. Also special on Black Minorca cock, and silver trophy cup for the best display of Black Minorcas.

At Laurel, Md., January, 1900, on Black Minorcas, 1st pen, 2d cock, 1st hen, 1st and 3d cockerels, 1st and 2d pullets. Special on display. 1st on Barred Rock cockerel, (19 in class).

At Hamilton, Va., October, 1900, on Black Minorcas, won 1st and 3d cocks, 3d and 4th hens, 1st and 4th cockerels, 1st and 4th pullets, 2d and 4th pens. Three out of four specials; tied for best display, and received a silver cup for highest-scoring display.

At the great Philadelphia Poultry Show, held at Philadelphia, Pa., December, 1900, won, on Black Minorcas, 1st pen, 2d cock, 5th hen, 2d and 4th cockerels, 2d and 4th pullets. Special on pen. Special on best display.

At Philadelphia, Pa., January, 1901, in the largest and best class of Minorcas ever brought together in America up to that time, I won seven regular prizes and thirteen specials. At this show I had three of the largest cockerels ever shown at one time by a single exhibitor, their combined weight being 29 pounds. In a class of sixty-four females I won first on the best shaped bird. Also, won nearest to ideal comb on a cockbird in a class of nineteen.

Eggs in season at $3 per sitting, two sittings, $5. Birds a matter of correspondence. Address all communications to

CHARLES L. BLANTON, East Falls Church, Va.

The Misses Birch The Misses Birch



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