Since the days when woad-clad Britons faced CÆsar's legions we have had a military system, but it was not, so far as we have any substantial evidence, until the days of Elizabeth that personal decorations were awarded for military service, or distinction on the seas or in the field. In the Middle Ages, a warrior, knighted on the field of battle, was permitted to use a square instead of a swallow-tailed pennon, as a knight's banneret, and to use a war cry, from whence we may trace the origin of the mottoes used with Coats of Arms. Later, after Sedgemoor (July 6th, 1685), recognition of the lower ranks is recorded in the bestowal of a gratuity of £40 to Sergeant Weems of the 1st Royals (now the Royal Scots) for serving the great guns in an emergency; but these types of award hardly provided that personal note or record which the war medal, as we know it, gives to the recipient. It is fitting that the Navy, which had existed for centuries prior to the establishment of a standing Army, should take precedence in the bestowal of awards for active service; the rout of the Spanish Armada—in 1588—probably gave the incentive to Good Queen Bess to commemorate the auspicious occasion by the issue of medals in gold and silver, and we may reasonably assume that they were given for personal decoration to the leading officers Just over fifty years later, Charles I established the principle for the Army, and thus strengthened the precedent, which was gradually extended, until now every boy and man who has acquitted himself creditably in a campaign, and the nurses also, may rightly claim the medallic recognition and record of their principal services by land or by sea. Elizabethan Naval Medals.—A silver medal, with an attached half-ring loop for suspension, was apparently given by Queen Elizabeth for naval achievements; it is oval, and bears on the obverse a bust of the Queen, and on the reverse a bay tree on an island, with the legend impressed thereon NON · IPSA · PERICVLA · TANGVNT. This is a splendidly decorative medal. The "Ark-in-Flood medal," though hardly so well designed or so delicately cut, is characteristic. It is generally stated that it was given to the principal officers who fought against the Armada, or to commanders who had distinguished themselves at sea. The medal was struck in gold and silver and measured 2 in. by 1¾ in., and was suspended by a fancy loop. On the obverse of the medal is a bust of the Queen facing to the left, with the inscription ELIZABETH ? D ? G ? ANGLIE ? F ? ET ? H ? REG. These, like another medal given by Elizabeth, we may reasonably suppose to have been struck to commemorate the defeat of the "Invincible Armada." James I issued a similar medal in gold and silver, with a ring for suspension. On the reverse is the Ark upon the waters, having above it, like Elizabeth's medal, the symbol indicative of Divine protection, surrounded by the motto STET · SALVUS · IN · VNDIS. There are Charles I establishes Military Medals.—Having indicated the creation of the campaign or active-service medal for the Navy, we will leave the consideration of naval medals for the section which will be reserved for that purpose and deal with the listing of the military badges of the brave, commencing with those which were struck in the days of Charles I, who established medals for military prowess. They were, according to the order of the Court, held at Oxford on the 18th day of May, 1643, "to be delivered to wear on the breast of every man who shall be certified under the hands of their commander-in-chief to have done us faithful service in the forlorn hope." These medals were only, it will be seen, given for very distinguished conduct in the field. One bore the Royal image on the obverse, and Prince Charles on the reverse; and the other the bust of Charles on the obverse, with the inscription CAROLUS · D · G · MAG · BRI · FR · ET · HIB · REX, and on the reverse the Royal Arms with the Garter bearing the motto HONI · SOIT · QUI · MAL · Y · PENSE. Both medals were silver and oval in shape, the sizes being respectively 1·7 in. by 1·3 in. and 1·5 in. by 1·2 in. First Distinguished-conduct Medal.—The first record we have of the bestowal of a medal for conspicuous conduct in the field is in the award made to an Irish commander who distinguished himself at the Battle of Edge Hill—the first battle of the Civil War, fought on October 23rd, 1642—by the recovery of a Royal The First Campaign Medal.—The Dunbar medal—by the famous medallist, Thomas Simon, was struck in two sizes, in gold (1 in. by ·85 in.) and silver (1·35 in. by 1·15 in.), for presentation to officers and men who "did this excellent service," and, to use the quaint words of Oliver Cromwell, in "commemoration of that great mercie at Dunbar" where the Scots Royalists were defeated on September 3rd, 1650. Although these medals, which were worn suspended by a chain from the neck, cannot be regarded as campaign medals in the modern sense, they have the unique distinction of being the first of which there is a reliable record, indicating that the common soldiery and officers equally participated in the receipt of a military decoration for war service. This issue was exceptional, for throughout the existence of the Commonwealth, although medals were struck to commemorate naval victories over the Dutch, they were given to officers only, and during succeeding years this appears to have been the rule also until the beginning of the nineteenth century, when the custom was established to bestow upon all soldiers, from Field Marshal to drummer-boy, the same medal; that was after the battle of Waterloo, June 18th, 1815. THE DUNBAR MEDAL, 1650.
The Dunbar medal, as the illustration facing page 1 shows, bears on the obverse the bust of Cromwell in armour with the inscription in a semicircle above WORD AT The Cromwellians voted the sum of £100 to provide a gold medal, for distinguished service, and chain for presentation to Colonel Mackworth, who, as governor of Shrewsbury, had refused to surrender the castle to the Royalists. Of Blake's medal and the other decorations for maritime warfare I shall treat in the section devoted to naval medals, but I might here remark upon the fact that in those Puritan days the seaman appears to have been as much a "handyman" as in modern times, for, like the present-day marine and seaman, he fought Per Mare et per Terram; at any rate Generals Blake and Monk did, for they received naval medals or awards from the Commonwealth for their services against the Dutch. Various medals were struck during the Civil War by the Royalists, and engravings are extant illustrating medals variously bearing on the obverse the portraits of King Charles I, Prince Rupert, or one or other of his leading supporters and generals, including the Earl of Essex and Sir Thomas Fairfax. The reverse bore either a representation of the Parliament or the arms of the person depicted on the obverse. The victory of Naseby (June 14th, 1645) is commemorated by a silver medal—gilt—with ring for suspension, During the reign of Charles II (when the foundation of a standing army was established) and James II, there is no record of military medals being struck, although during the reign of the former, as I shall presently describe, naval medals were issued to commemorate victories over the Dutch, and in the reign of the latter a large silver medal, apparently for presentation to naval men, was issued. During the reign of William III and Mary, naval medals only were struck, and, as far as is known, only one such during the reign of Queen Anne, for there is no record of any being issued for the famous battles of Blenheim, Ramillies, and Oudenarde (where, as "Prince Elector of Hanover," George III distinguished himself), or the sanguinary battle of Malplaquet, although commemorative medals were struck. The reign of George I is also barren of military campaign medals, while there were apparently only two issued during the reign of George II—one for the Battle of Culloden (April 16th, 1746), where the Duke of Cumberland well earned the sobriquet of "The Butcher," and the other for the taking of Louisbourg, in Canada (July 27th, 1758), where, after a seven weeks' siege, the French garrison surrendered to General Amherst. The Culloden Medals.—The Culloden medal was struck to commemorate the crushing of the Jacobite rebellion at the battle of Culloden on April 16th, 1746, when the Scots under Prince Charles Edward and Lord George Murray were defeated by the Duke of Cumberland. The medal, oval in shape, and 1·75 in. by 1·45 in. in size, had on the obverse the head of "The Butcher," with CUMBERLAND above, surrounded by an ornate ribbed border and suspender; a nude figure of Apollo, with a wounded dragon at his feet, In the British Museum there is a bronze medal commemorating this same battle; it is possible that it was intended to be worn as a war medal. The striking of the medal is with a scroll suspender at the top with a hole, which leaves no doubt that it was intended for suspension by means of a small ring. There is a small ornamental scroll at the bottom. It is plain on the reverse, the obverse being occupied by the equestrian effigy of the Duke of Cumberland, with the date 1746 in the exergue, and above the group GUL · AUG · DUX · CUM · TERROR · REB. Capture of Louisbourg.—For the siege of Louisbourg, gold and silver medals were struck for presentation to those officers who had been conspicuous by their gallantry. In gold and silver the medal, 1·7 in. in diameter, bears on the reverse a representation of the bombardment, with LOVISBOVRG TAKEN MDCCLVII, and on the obverse a globe resting upon a figure symbolic of France (some say a fury) dropping fleur-de-lis, and pointing to boats at sea. On the globe, supported by a British Grenadier and a sailor, are the words CANADA and AMERICA, and above all the figure of Fame, with laurel wreath and trumpet flying in front of the Union Jack, and a scroll with the words PARITER IN BELLA; the ribbon for this is half brownish-yellow and light purple. This rare medal is, however, generally placed in the category of historic medals. It is by Thomas Pingo, who was responsible for a series of historical medals, including those commemorating the capture Carib War.—For the Carib War in 1773 the Legislative Assembly of the island of St. Vincent ordered that a medal of silver should be awarded to those who had taken part in suppressing the rebellion which had broken out among the natives. The medal bore upon the obverse the bust of George III in high relief, his hair being tied with ribbon, as was the fashion of the times, but represented as clad in armour. Above the bust is the legend GEORGIVS III MB REX. On the reverse Britannia, characteristically helmeted and resting her left hand upon the Union Shield, offers to a beaten Carib an olive branch in token of peace, while the vanquished is represented as having surrendered his arms, which lie at the feet of Britannia. In the exergue is the date MDCCLXXIII, and above the group PEACE AND PROSPERITY TO ST. VINCENTS. The medal, 23/20 in. in diameter, was cast and chased, and bears on the truncation of the King's head the name of the modeller—C. M. Moser. It was worn suspended from the neck by a red ribbon. Among the regular regiments taking part in the campaign were the 14th, 31st, and 70th. Isle of St. Vincent.—Another medal was awarded for service in the island of St. Vincent. It was given to the militia officers and non-commissioned officers who commanded about five hundred natives—slaves—who helped in the campaign against the Caribs and French troops in 1795. On the obverse of this medal, which was cast and chased in silver and bronze, is a winged figure of Victory, with her right foot planted upon the body of a defeated Carib, who has dropped his musket at her feet. While in her left hand she bears a palm branch, she shows her determination by grasping a sword in the right. Above is the inscription ST. VINCENTS BLACK CORPS; on the reverse is a repre The next in order we have to consider are those issued by the Honourable East India Company to the officers and men who took part in the Deccan and Mysore Campaigns, between 1778 and 1792, against Hyder Ali and his son Tippoo Sahib, but these, despite the significant character of the wars, were not official or Sovereign awards, and were given to the Company's troops only. Previous to this, the Company had awarded a medal (in 1766) to native officers who had quelled a mutiny among European troops at Morighyr. The Deccan Medal.—The medal for Guzerat—1778-84—and Carnatic—1780-84—commonly known as the "Deccan" medal, was issued to native troops only, and, as Dr. Payne states, is the earliest Anglo-Indian medal to be awarded to all ranks. On the obverse Britannia is represented resting upon a trophy of arms, and holding a wreath in the right hand, which she extends toward a fort over which the British flag is flying. On the reverse is an inscription in Persian, which explains that the medal is awarded by the Government of Calcutta to commemorate "the excellent services of the brave; year of the Hegira 1199, A.D. 1784." The medal, issued in two sizes, was intended to be worn suspended from the neck by a yellow cord run through a metal loop. It was issued in gold to Subadars, Mysore Campaign.—During 1791 and 1793 the native Many Counterfeits.—This is a poor class of medal, and doubtless the ease with which it lent itself to the counterfeiter is responsible for the number of cast fakes which one meets with. These, however, are easily detected: in casting, "sandholes" cause little grains on the surface, while dust on the mould causes holes in the cast; the granulations need removing Capture of Ceylon.—For capturing Ceylon from the Dutch in 1795-6 it was decided by an Order in Council, dated Fort William, May 15th, 1807, to confer a medal upon the Gun Lascars only who served with the European Artillery. Only two gold medals were struck and presented to native officers, and one hundred and twenty to other ranks. Like those previously mentioned, the medals were intended for suspension from the neck by a yellow cord. One and nine-tenths inch in diameter, this is one of the simplest medals ever issued, and the only one in which lettering suffices for decoration. On the obverse is the inscription, For Services on the Island of Ceylon A.D. 1795/6, and on the reverse, in Persian, "This medal was given by way of acknowledgment of services in Ceylon in the year of the Hegira 1209-1210." Siege of Seringapatam.—The feeling of animosity on the part of Tippoo Sahib, the son of Hyder Ali, fed by the fact that the Directory in France had designs against British India, led him to make preparations for another conflict, but the Earl of Mornington, who afterwards became Marquis of Wellesley, smartly marched an army into Tippoo Sahib's territories, and on March 27th, 1799, advanced in battle array against the enemy, who, after losing about 10,000 men, retreated in disorder, followed by the British Army, which, pressing on to Seringapatam, reached the city The European regiments that took part in the storming were the 33rd Regiment (now the 1st Batt. West Riding Regiment), which, led by the Hon. Arthur Wellesley (afterwards Duke of Wellington), distinguished itself on the road to Seringapatam—on March 27th—by standing its ground in the face of an advancing body of 2,000 men, and then, after firing a volley, boldly charging upon them, and with the aid of cavalry driving them off. The other European regiments included the 19th and 22nd (late 25th) Light Dragoons (both disbanded), the 12th and 73rd Regiments, 74th Highlanders, 75th and 77th Regiments, the Scots Brigade, afterwards the 94th (disbanded in 1818), and the 103rd. For these excellent services the Honourable East India Company issued a medal, of which two kinds exist—one produced in the Soho Mint near Birmingham, the famous place established by Matthew Boulton, and the other from dies cut in Calcutta after strikings of the Soho medal. HONOURABLE EAST INDIA CO.'S MEDAL FOR SERINGAPATAM, 1799. HONOURABLE EAST INDIA CO.'S MEDAL FOR EGYPT, 1801. Variety of Medals Struck.—Quite a variety were struck. Gold for His Majesty, the Governor-General of India—Lord Melville, the Marquis Cornwallis, certain Nizams, Nabobs, and Rajahs, the Commander-in-Chief and the General Officers on the Staff, and one for the Oriental Museum. (£15 to £20 has been paid at auction for one of these medals.) Silver gilt for the members of the Council of the three Presidencies, the Residents of Hyderabad and Poona, the Field Officers and the General Staff on Service. (£8 has been given for a fine specimen of the gilt medal.) Silver medals were awarded to the captains and subalterns. (As much as £5 and £6 has been paid for one of these.) Bronze for non-commissioned officers of the British Army, and tin for privates. The medals were issued unnamed in 1808, but it was not until August 29th, 1815, that the members of the British Army were permitted to wear them; issued without suspenders, this permission led to the addition of loops and suspenders, and the adoption of a ribbon for suspension, and while some used a dark orange ribbon suggestive of a tiger's skin, in allusion to the victory of the British arms over Tippoo Sahib—"the conquering tiger of God"—the claret-coloured ribbon with dark blue edges, as used with the Peninsular gold medals and crosses and the Waterloo medal, was the recognised ribbon, although some officers wore a watered yellow ribbon. To the native commissioned officers and non-commissioned officers, sergeants, bandsmen, and trumpeters of European corps, and to others who might be ranked as non-commissioned officers, the bronze medal was also granted, while the tin medals were given to corporals, gunners, and European privates, and to native doctors, guides, and general-utility men with the Army. The Soho Medal.—This, 11/9 in. in diameter, bears on the obverse a representation of the British lion, with a defeated tiger beneath him, a long pennon flying above, and held erect by the lion's tail, bearing near the staff the Union Jack, and in Arabic the defeated Tippoo's title, "Assad Allah El Ghaleb," and in the exergue IV MAY MDCCXCIX. On the reverse is represented the storming of Seringapatam, with the meridian sun indicating that when the sun was in its full glory the successful assault was made and glorious victory was won. Underneath is the legend in Persian, "Seringapatam God conquered 28th day of the month Zikadah, 1213 of the Hegira." The Soho mint was responsible for the striking, in the years 1801 and 1802, of 30 gold, 185 silver gilt, 5,000 bronze, and 45,000 tin medals. The Calcutta Medal.—Like the medal of Mysore, there are two varieties of the Seringapatam medal owing to mistakes on the part of the die-cutters. The sun at its meridian, a significant and symbolic feature in the Soho medal, is omitted in that struck at Calcutta; moreover the medal is not so large, being only 1? in. in diameter, is thinner, has a loop for suspension by a cord, and, what is very important, of inferior craftsmanship—so that in considering the value or authenticity of a medal for the famous battle of Seringapatam the collector has to remember several important features, since while he may hold in his hand two medals differing somewhat in size, design, and quality of craftsmanship, he may find that both are perfectly genuine. The Calcutta mint issued 83 gold and 2,786 silver medals, so that the collector must carefully consider what he is about when a silver-gilt medal is offered for sale; only 185 bona-fide medals of that quality were issued, but of the 850 British-struck silver medals many have been gilded to simulate the rarer medals, while a number of the smaller and inferior Indian-struck medals have been gilded and offered as original gilts. Despite the large number of tin medals issued (45,000), I have seen many fetch £1 each at auction. No bronze or tin medals were struck from the Calcutta die. Egypt, 1801.—Napoleon, with an eye upon our Indian Empire, invaded Egypt in order "to conquer the East and take Europe in the rear." Fortunate in eluding Nelson, who was cruising in the Mediterranean, he managed to disembark his troops, but he had to suffer the humiliation of Nelson's brilliant victory in the Bay of Aboukir (on August 1st, 1798), by which he lost practically all his fleet. This famous sea battle is known as the Battle of the Nile. It left Napoleon stranded in Egypt with his army, which he marched across the desert. He stormed Jaffa and besieged Acre for two months, but Sir Sidney Smith and his garrison of British and Turks not only held the fort, The Highlanders at Alexandria, 1801.—At the battle of Alexandria, March 21st, 1801, Generals Moore and Oakes were wounded, but continued to lead their H.E.I. Co.'s Medal for Egypt.—The Military and General Service medal, with bar for Egypt, was not issued to the survivors of the series of strenuous fights which concluded with the capitulation of Alexandria, until February 11th, 1850, almost forty-nine years after. Meanwhile a large number of the army of about 5,000 men, which sailed from India under the command of Sir David Baird, had received a special medal from the Honourable East India Company, which, by a General Order, was granted on July 31st, 1802. The promptitude of the Company in rewarding soldiers stands out in pleasant relief against the thoughtlessness or procrastination of the home Government. This army of 2,000 Europeans, 2,000 sepoys, and 400 artillerymen, marched across the Nubian Desert to Keneh, and after descending the Nile encamped at Rosetta, but saw no fighting. The British regiments which formed part of the army to cross the desert were the 10th and 61st Regiments of foot, and detachments of the 80th, 86th, and 88th. PENINSULAR GOLD MEDAL. Awarded to Lieutenant-Colonel Alex. Gordon, 83rd Foot, who was killed at Talavera. Silver medals, 11/9 in. in diameter, were struck for about half the force, and sixteen gold ones. The medal, illustrated facing page 12, bears on the obverse an energetic figure of a sepoy, carrying the Union Jack, with a background suggesting a camp. In the exergue is a Persian inscription to the effect that the medal is presented to commemorate the defeat of the French armies in Egypt by the bravery and ability of the victorious army of England. On the reverse, suggestive of the transportation of troops, is a ship in full sail, and on the land which forms the background the Pyramids and an obelisk indicative of Egypt. In the exergue is the date MDCCCI. Order of the Crescent.—Selim III presented a series of gold medals to the officers who took part in the operations. These varied in weight and size, some being set with diamonds, while a few of the larger ones were enamelled crimson in the centre. The medals, being struck from different dies, have the crescent either on the right or left of the star. The principal naval and military officers received medals measuring 21/10 in. in diameter; those ranking next received a lighter and smaller medal, 19/10 in. in diameter; while a third medal, given to captains, was still lighter and only 1? in. in diameter. The non-commissioned officers received a silver medal 14/10 in. in diameter, so that one may gauge by the size the rank of the officer who received it. The medals were suspended from an orange-coloured ribbon by means of a hook and chain. I have seen specimens without attachment for suspension. The army which landed under Abercromby included the 1st Battalion of the Coldstreams and the Scots Guards; the 1st Royal Scots; 2nd Queen's Royal; 8th King's; 13th, 18th Royal Irish; 19th, 28th; 23rd Welsh Fusiliers; 28th, 30th, 40th (flank companies), 42nd Black Watch; 44th, 50th, 1st and 2nd Battalions of the 54th, 58th; 79th Cameron Highlanders; 89th, 90th Perthshire Light Infantry; 92nd Gordon Highlanders; one squadron of the 11th Light Dragoons; the 12th and 26th Light Dragoons (unmounted); Artillery and Engineers; also Dillon's and De Rolle's Regiments; a detachment of Baron Hompesch's mounted riflemen, and the Corsican Rangers. The army was further strengthened by a squadron of the 8th Light Dragoons; the 10th and 27th Foot; 1st and 2nd Battalions of the 89th, and the Queen's German Regiment. The 22nd Light Dragoons; two battalions of the 20th Regiment; the 24th, 25th, and 26th Regiments; as well as the Ancient Irish Fencibles, the Chasseurs Britanniques, and De Watteville's Regiment, did not reach Egypt until July 1801. The medals of men attached to the regiments which first landed and drove the French off to Alexandria, following up their retreat, and particularly those who took part in the most furious fighting, are the most sought after; those of the Black Watch and Gloucesters being especially and rightly valued, likewise those of the 8th and 13th Foot. The Red Heckle.—There is even now a common notion that the Black Watch (which lost 54 officers and men killed, and 262 wounded) had its white heckle changed to red because of its prowess against the French "Invincible Legion" in the historic ruins outside Alexandria, where, it is alleged, the heckles in the fallen bonnets became dyed with the blood of the slain, and in honour of their part in the battle of Alexandria they were granted this signal favour. Such, however, is not the correct story, for it is now generally Highland Society's Medal.—For the "distinguished and brilliant manner in which the 42nd acted at Alexandria," the Highland Society of London had a medal struck to commemorate the capture of the "Invincibles'" standard, and one was presented to each officer and private, and to the relatives of the dead men. The medal is 2 in. in diameter, and bears on the obverse the bust of Sir Ralph Abercromby and the inscription ABERCROMBIUS DUX IN EGYPTO CECIDIT VICTOR 28 MAR 1801, and on the reverse a Highlander capturing a French standard, with the inscription in Gaelic NA FIR A CHOISIN BUAIDH' SAN EPHAIT 21 MAR 1801, which being interpreted means "These are the heroes who achieved victory in Egypt." On the edge of the medal is engraved in Gaelic O'N CHOMUN GHAELEACH D'ON FHREICEADAN DUBH NA XLII RT ("From the London Highland Society to the Black Watch 42nd Regiment"). In this battle the 28th (the 1st Gloucester Regiment) gained the distinction of wearing their badge at the back and front of their helmets, they having—while in line—turned about to meet an attack in the rear by cavalry while repelling an attack on their front by infantry. |