On Sunday, May 10th, 1857, the native soldiers in Meerut openly mutinied. It was not the fat used in the making of cartridges which caused the outbreak; that was merely the ostensible reason, for there can be little doubt that a section of the natives, failing to understand European institutions and principles, were easily led by political agitators to take the desperate step of rebellion. The Kings of Oude and Delhi had been practically deposed by the Indian Government, and it was the effort to restore the Mogul dynasty, engineered by those who for political reasons wished to see the English expelled from India, that had much to do with the mutiny—for mutiny it certainly was, bred among men who had gathered extravagant notions of their own importance and their ruler's weaknesses. The common people were hardly affected—indeed, the princes were also, with the exception of the Ranee of Jhansi and the NÁnÁ SÁhib, loyal to the British. The arch-fiend of the mutiny was the NÁnÁ SÁhib, who had been quietly waiting his opportunity for revenge upon the British for refusing to continue the pension granted to his foster-father. The cartridge incident merely helped him in his nefarious designs, and forwarded the efforts of our external enemies. It was not, however, expected that the mass of the people of India, with their princes, would remain loyal as they did. At the time the mutiny broke out, in a population of 18,000,000, 200,000 of whom were sepoys, there were only 38,000 British soldiers, so that it is quite evident that the outbreak was not national, but military, otherwise they would have been swallowed up in the tempest. Disaffection had occurred at two or three stations, and the 19th and 34th Native Infantry had to be disbanded, the latter after Mangul Pandy had shot two officers at Barrackpore. Then the more determined outbreak occurred at Oude and Meerut; the English officers were murdered, and the European civilians slaughtered before the two regiments of mutineers marched off to join others in Delhi, which became the centre of mutinous activity. They proclaimed as king a descendant of the great Mogul, and attempted to capture the magazine, but, as we shall see hereafter, ten Britishers gallantly defended it, and ultimately blew it up. At this time the 8th were at Jallundur, the 32nd at Lucknow, the 60th and 6th Carabineers, with a troop of horse artillery and details of other regiments, at Meerut. The 61st at Ferozepore, the 75th at Umballah, the 81st at Meeau Meer, the 37th were called up from Ceylon, and the Madras Fusiliers from Madras. The 64th and 78th hurried from Persia, and the 84th were recalled from Burmah. The troops, which included the 93rd Highlanders, en route for China were ordered to India, and Sir Colin Campbell hurried off from England to take command of the operations. Meanwhile the insurrection spread, until the whole region between the Punjab and Lower Bengal was in revolt, a district as great as Austria, France, and Prussia combined. Within six weeks of the murder of Colonel Finnis at Meerut, of the 120 sepoy regiments only 25 had not mutinied, and of these only 5 could be relied upon. MEDAL FOR AFGHAN WAR. ROBERTS STAR FOR MARCH TO KANDAHAR. Cawnpore.—NÁnÁ SÁhib took his opportunity directly the news of the rebellion at Meerut and Delhi became known. Placing himself at the head of the rebels, he proclaimed himself Peshwa of the Mahrattas, and on June 6th informed General Sir Hugh Wheeler that he was about to attack the position held by him, a miserably slight fortification within which he had gathered about 1,000 souls, of whom only 465 were males of all ages and classes. How bravely they fought, despite hunger, thirst, and disease, for twenty days, and only surrendered when a safe passage to Allahabad had been guaranteed by the bloodthirsty NÁnÁ, and how by his treachery they were butchered by gunshot and sword, or burnt to death, is one of those heroic episodes which will live for ever; while the butchery of the women and children also by order of the NÁnÁ SÁhib Delhi.—On May 11, 1857, the 3rd Native Cavalry, who had outstripped their infantry companions in revolt on the long march of 38 miles from Meerut, appeared before the King's palace at Delhi, and declared they had "slain all the English at Meerut, and had come to fight for the faith." The old King had no desire to become embroiled in the tumult that had begun to rage around him, but his guards, sympathising with the mutineers, opened the gates and stood by while the miscreants murdered the English officers and officials, and their families, and any white person they could find. Lieutenant Willoughby, with 2 other officers and 7 British soldiers, determined not only to sell their lives dearly, but to do as much hurt to the rebels as possible, before they accepted Meanwhile the Commander-in-Chief, General Anson, had collected all the available troops and marched upon Delhi, but dying of cholera at Kurnaul, the command devolved upon Major-General Reed. Major-General Sir Henry Barnard had collected a number of men at Aleepore, and Brigadier-General Archdale Wilson had quitted Meerut with about 700 men in order to join forces with the Commander-in-Chief. On May 30th he was attacked by the mutineers at Ghazee-ood-deen-nuggur, but drove off his assailants numbering over 4,000. They returned to the attack on the following day (Whit-Sunday), but the 6th Carabineers and the Rifles drove them off with considerable slaughter, and captured 26 guns. Then commenced the siege of Delhi, but for three and a half months the ancient city withstood the assaults of the besiegers. First Badlee-ke-Serai was taken, the 75th particularly distinguishing itself in the valiant fight which the English troops made in acquiring it, and then, after the Delhi cantonments had been taken and burned, the Goorkas giving splendid evidence of their loyalty and gallantry, the army sat down before the city, and the British lines were slowly but deliberately pushed forward. On June 17th one of the enemy's positions near the Ajmeer gate was taken; and on June 23rd, the fatal day of prophecy when British rule was to cease, the mutineers made a determined advance from the city, but after a hard In June cholera broke out in the camp, and early in July Sir Henry Barnard was among its victims, while the 8th and 61st regiments suffered considerably. Again and again the rebels sallied forth, only to be beaten back, and the fighting proceeded gallantly week after week, during which time Major Tombs, Lieutenant Hill, and a number of men gained the V.C. Then Brigadier-General John Nicholson, having gained a brilliant victory at Nujjuffhur, and prevented an attack upon the rear of the British camp, rode in on August 7th. Shortly after his little army marched in; it comprised 680 men of the 52nd, a wing of the 61st, the 2nd Punjab Infantry, and a field battery with detachments of Beloochees and military police. The besiegers were waiting for the siege train with which to breach the walls, and the mutineers having learned that it was en route, sallied forth in considerable numbers to intercept it; but Nicholson, with 1,600 infantry, 400 cavalry, and a battery of field guns, set out on August 25th to save the train. The troops had to cross the swamps, made more difficult by the ceaseless rain; but after wading through them, the water sometimes over the horses' backs, and along the rain-drenched roads, they came up with the enemy at Nujutgurh after a march of twelve hours. The mutineers numbered 6,000, but the tired and drenched soldiers of Britain, led by the daring Nicholson, charged the enemy, placed 800 of them hors de combat, captured 13 guns, and sent the sepoys flying back to Delhi. Retracing their steps, the little force, having lost 60 men, arrived back in camp, having in forty hours, during twenty-four of which they were foodless, marched 35 miles and beaten and dispersed an army of well-trained men. (Obverse.) EGYPTIAN MEDAL FOR 1882. (Obverse.) KHEDIVE'S BRONZE STAR FOR 1882. HONG-KONG PLAGUE MEDAL. Awarded to about 350 of the Shropshire Light Infantry, Engineers, and men of the R.N. The siege train arrived on September 4th, together with a wing of the 8th Detachment of the 9th and 60th, and a battalion of Beloochees. The guns were mounted, and by the 11th ready for action, when fire was opened and incessantly sustained against the Cashmere and Watergates until breaches had been made, and then it was determined to assault the city. Blowing in the Cashmere Gate.—It was found necessary, however, to blow up the Cashmere Gate, and a party of twenty men under Lieutenants Home and Salkeld of the Engineers were detailed for the purpose. They effected their object, but Salkeld was mortally wounded and many of the men killed and wounded in their gallant effort. Bugler Robert Hawthorne of the 52nd, having thrice sounded the regimental call of the 52nd for the column to advance, took charge of the wounded lieutenant, and having bound up his wounds, removed him to a place of comparative safety. The bugler was decorated with the V.C. for "as noble a deed as any that has ever graced the annals of war." In the assault on September 14th the gallant Irishman John Nicholson fell, mortally wounded while leading his men near the Lahore Gate, and 1,169 officers and men were killed, wounded, or missing, but the whole of the outer parts of the city were in possession of the British. On the 16th the magazine which Willoughby had, it was found, only partially blown up was captured by the 61st, but desultory fighting was continued until the 20th, when the Lahore Gate and the palatial Jumma Musjid were captured. Then the gates of the palace were blown in, and the 60th Rifles led the way into the ancient home of the Mogul Kings, and Delhi was in the hands of the British Army. In the grand assault upon Delhi 8 European officers and 162 men were killed, 52 officers and 510 men wounded, and 103 sepoys killed and 310 wounded. It is estimated that over 5,000 mutineers perished in the defence of the city. Hodson's Daring Feat.—But the king and his family had taken refuge in Humayon's Tomb, about 7 miles from the city, and Hodson, the daring Captain of the Defence of Lucknow.—The neighbourhood of Lucknow, however, remained in possession of the mutineers, although over the Residency "Ever upon the topmost wall our banner of England flew." For several weeks Lucknow had been in a state of unrest, and then at 9 o'clock on the night of May 30th, 1857, the smouldering fire broke into flame. Sir Henry Lawrence, that stalwart, cool northern Irishman, as just and firm as he was unselfish, had but 700 Europeans in a city of 700,000, of whom 7,000 were sepoys. He did not lose heart, but quickly and steadily made preparations for the defence of the place; he knew he could rely upon the Sikhs and a small number of the sepoys—700 actually remained true to their salt during the siege; he made no error in his calculations, and took few chances. He turned the Residency into a fortress, and generally prepared for the worst, while his sense of humour and his smiling face gave no sign of the stern practical heart within him. He was, as he said, "virtually besieging four regiments—in a quiet way—with 300 Europeans," while he resided "in cantonments guarded by the gentlemen" he was besieging! On June 30th he decided to "blood" the native troops, and he accordingly sent half a dozen guns with sepoy artillerymen in the little force of just over 800, of whom only 336 were Europeans, to meet the mutinous regiments which were marching upon the city from Eastern Oude. The estimated force was 5,000; it turned out to be 15,000, and when they were encountered at Chinhut the Sikh horsemen bolted, and the artillerymen disabled and deserted their guns. The fates generally went against the bold step that Lawrence "Ever aloft on the palace roof the old banner of England blew." On July 2nd Sir Henry Lawrence was mortally wounded, and died on the 4th; then Brigadier Inglis took command of the troops. During the defence the populace of 3,000 and the troops were harassed by cholera, smallpox, and an indefinable disease, but the spirit of the troops remained undaunted until Jessie Brown's keen Scots ears heard the far-off skirl of the bagpipes of the 78th, Outram's Highlanders—"the saviours of India"—and Havelock, marching into Lucknow on September 25th, reinforced, as well as relieved, the brave garrison which still had, for another six weeks, to hold the Residency against 60,000 mutineers. EGYPTIAN MEDAL FOR THREE CAMPAIGNS. INDIA MEDAL FOR FOUR CAMPAIGNS. EAST AND WEST AFRICA MEDAL FOR FIVE EXPEDITIONS. The original defenders of the Residency were 535 men of the 32nd, 50 of the 84th, with 89 artillerymen, and 100 British officers whose native regiments had mutinied, and 153 civilians who took up arms to assist the regulars; and these, with 700 sepoys, undeterred by "the terrific and incessant fire by day and night," had for eighty-eight days defied not less than "8,000 men firing at one time into the position." Relief of Lucknow.—Havelock, having rested his men after the advance on Cawnpore, followed up the NÁnÁ SÁhib, destroyed his palace and stronghold at Bithoor, and then with his tiny force, which was daily lessening through wounds and disease, marched towards Lucknow. He attacked Oonas en route, and passed through it, despite the 15 rebel guns which guarded the only road; pushed past the opposition at Busserut Gunge, but with a loss of 88 officers and men killed and wounded; then in despair, owing to his enfeebled force, Havelock started to return to Cawnpore. On reaching the Ganges the mutineers made a determined attack upon the little force, but the 78th, Ross-shire Buffs, dashed at the enemy's guns, and, as Havelock said, saved themselves and their comrades. Retracing his footsteps, Havelock was not aware that he had unconsciously helped the besieged in Lucknow by drawing off the rebel force to meet him, thus giving the garrison breathing-space in which to strengthen the fortifications and increase its stock of provisions. After a four-days rest the undaunted Havelock again set out for Lucknow with 1,300 men, but again meeting with opposition at Bithoor, and although the enemy was defeated, he decided to return to Cawnpore and await reinforcements. The 5th and 90th Regiments arrived early in September, five companies of men came in to make up for the terrible losses of the 78th, and then Sir James Outram, the "Bayard of India," arrived to take command of the Cawnpore and Dinapore divisions, but chivalrously delegated the command to Havelock "in gratitude for the brilliant deeds of arms achieved by General Havelock and his gallant troops." The relieving force consisted of the 1st Brigade—5th Fusi Crossing the Ganges on September 19th and 20th, the relieving force of 2,500 men attacked the enemy at Mungulwah on the 21st, and, although an obstinate opposition was met with, defeated the enemy and captured a couple of guns. Pushing forward, drenched by heavy rains for three days and through quagmires of mud, the badly fed little force came upon the enemy, 12,000 men, entrenched on the outskirts of Lucknow at the Alambagh, but after the artillery had opened fire the 78th Highlanders and the Fusiliers rushed the position, and in ten minutes the mutineers were flying in all directions. "The petticoated devils" were too much for them. After a day's rest, leaving 300 sick men to hold the place, the army advanced towards the Residency, and through a storm of shot gallantly rushed the Charbagh bridge, leaving the 78th as a rear-guard to hold it, which they bravely did, although stormed at by rifles and field pieces. The column then pushed on to the Kaiser Bagh, or King's palace, taking in reverse the battery which had been firing on the main body; and then the Highlanders, followed by the Sikhs and Fusiliers, made a desperate effort to reach the Residency. For three-quarters of a mile, with desperate and dauntless courage, the men pressed forward through a street in which from every housetop, door, and window a relentless hail of bullets poured upon them. In this grand advance Brigadier Neill fell, shot through the head, but the troops pushed on, and then through the embrasure by the side of the battered archway of the Baillie Guard they pressed. The picture has often been painted of the big rough-bearded Defence Continued.—As I have stated, the relief of Lucknow was also a reinforcement, and those who relieved the garrison, continued its defence for nearly fifty days, and survived the war, were awarded the clasp for the Defence of Lucknow. Havelock, having relieved Lucknow, did not deem it advisable to take the risk of escorting the women and children and non-combatants through the thousands of sepoys who still encircled the Residency, so for six weeks the garrison, under Outram, kept the enemy at bay, until Sir Colin Campbell, the cool and daring Scots veteran of the Peninsular War, fresh from the Crimea, who was ready at the age of sixty-five to take up the arduous duties of Commander-in-Chief in India, prepared for the final relief. He landed at Calcutta on August 13th, but through delays, largely occasioned through want of transport, he could not start out on the march to Lucknow until November 9th. Three days later he had under his command 4,700 men, a number of whom had been engaged in the siege of Delhi; detachments of the 4th, 5th, and 23rd Fusiliers; a wing of the 53rd, a number of the 82nd, and the 93rd Highlanders 1,000 strong, 700 wearing the Crimean medal; remnants of the war-worn 8th King's (Liverpool) Regiment; the 75th (now 1st Gordons); a heavy battery Royal Artillery; Bengal Horse and Field Artillery; two squadrons of the 9th Lancers; Hodson's Horse; a squadron each of the 1st, 2nd, and 5th Punjab Cavalry; 2nd and 4th Punjab Infantry; detachments of Bengal and Punjab Sappers and Miners; and the Naval Brigade with 8 guns under Captain Peel. Sir Colin Campbell arrived at the Alambagh, where Sir James Hope Grant had resolved to await reinforce JUMMOO AND KASHMIR MEDAL, 1895. JUMMOO AND KASHMIR MEDAL, 1895. BRONZE HUNZA NAGAR BADGE, 1891. BRONZE DECORATIONS GIVEN BY THE MAHARAJAH OF JUMMOO AND KASHMIR. The Secundrabagh.—The storming of the Secundrabagh is full of heroic deeds. "There never was a bolder feat of arms," stated Sir Colin Campbell in his dispatch. There seven companies of the 93rd, as the 4th Punjabis halted for a moment when their British officers were shot down, raced ahead of their Sikh comrades, and Lance-Corporal Dunlay gained his V.C. for being one of the first through the breaches and supporting Captain Burroughs, who had been wounded, against superior numbers of the enemy. There also Lieutenant Kirke Ffrench and Private Irwin of the 53rd, and Private J. Smith of the 1st Madras Fusiliers, gained the V.C. for being among the first to enter the Secundrabagh by the gateway. When the roll of the 93rd was called after the storming, it was found that 8 officers had been wounded, 28 non-commissioned officers and men killed, and 71 wounded. At the Shah Nujeef, a domed mosque, the enemy withstood a heavy cannonade by Captain Peel's naval siege train, and the field battery with some mortars for three hours, when "it was stormed in the boldest possible manner by the 93rd Highlanders under Brigadier Hope," while Captain Peel took his guns forward with such daring that had it not been for the withering fire of the Highlanders the naval brigade would have suffered considerable loss. As Sir Colin Campbell stated in his dispatch, it should not be forgotten that the heroes of the relief of Lucknow had made the longest forced marches, some from Agra, some from Allahabad, and had undergone great fatigues and privations in pressing forward for the attainment of this great object. No Bar for Cawnpore.—On the afternoon of November 20th Sir Colin Campbell, with his great convoy, arrived at the Alambagh, and encamped on the open space his force had occupied before advancing on Lucknow. Three days after the march was resumed, and as he advanced towards Cawnpore the sounds of firing were heard, and he learned that the Gwalior contingent, 10,000 strong, under Tantia Topi—the only leader the mutiny produced—had joined with the force of the NÁnÁ SÁhib in attacking Major-General Windham (Redan Windham). Leaving the convoy in charge of the rear-guard, Sir Colin hurried forward with the main column, which, despite its fatigued condition, footsore and hungry, pressed onward to the assistance of their comrades at Cawnpore, fighting their way forward until on December 6th the city was Lucknow.—To retake Lucknow, which Sir Colin Campbell had evacuated on relieving the city, a splendidly equipped army was organised to march upon the place under the Commander-in-Chief. On March 2nd, 1858, he advanced with about 18,700 men, to be later strengthened by Brigadier Frank's column and the Nepaulese under Jung Bahadoor. Approaching Lucknow by the Dilkoosha Park, the rebel pickets retired before the 42nd and 93rd Highlanders, who swept the rebels from their works in front of the MartiniÈre, and the British troops took possession of the palace and the Mahomed Bagh. On the morning of March 9th the MartiniÈre was assaulted. The Punjabis, with the 42nd Highlanders, took the rebels in flank, the 93rd Highlanders in skirmishing order advanced at the double, supported by the 90th, and as they approached the MartiniÈre the mutineers bolted, and took refuge in their entrenchments across the canal. On the 11th the Begum's palace (Begum Kotee), sheltering 5,000 sepoys, was stormed, the regiments rushing forward under "a perfect storm of musketry," but "not a man wavered." The rebels had cunningly devised "every obstacle that could be opposed to the stormers," but the 93rd and the 4th Punjab Rifles were not deterred, and they fired their muskets and The Secundrabagh (Alexander's Garden) was again taken, this time with comparatively little opposition, two companies of Highlanders being conspicuous by the alacrity with which, on being faced by a wall, they obeyed Sir Colin Campbell's command to "Tear off the tiles, and in at the roof!" The Imambarrah was next stormed, and Brasyer's Sikhs rushed the Kaiser Bagh, or King's palace; the different smaller points of defence were carried, the mutineers scattered in all directions, and the outworks of the city were soon in the possession of the besiegers. It only remained to take the city itself, and this was effected by a combined effort on the part of Sir James Outram, Sir James Hope Grant and Brigadier Campbell, and after a stiff fight on March 21st Lucknow was again under the British flag. The defeat of the retreating mutineers by Sir Hope Grant about 12 miles out of the city removed all fears for its safety. Central India.—Between January and June 1858 a number of engagements were fought, for which the clasp inscribed Central India was awarded. The troops under Sir Hugh Rose (afterwards Lord Straithnairn) had cannonaded the fort of Rathghur for a couple of days, and then on January 28th, after a section of the mutineers had made an attack on the rear of the British camp, took the place by storm. Three days after they thrashed a force near Baroda, and then pressed on to the relief of Saugor, where a number of Europeans with their wives and families had been besieged for six months. Sir Hugh's force relieved the fort on February 3rd, 1858. Major-General Whitlock, with the Madras column, had started on the same errand, and in pushing his way onward to the goal had cleared the Jubbulpore district. On March 17th Brigadier Stuart took the fort of Chandairee with the 86th Queen's and 26th Bombay Native Infantry, and then with Sir Hugh Rose proceeded to the investment of Jhansi, where the mutineers had shot down some of their officers in cold blood, and treacherously murdered others. On March 21st the army appeared before the place, but had hardly done so when it was discovered that the remnants of the Gwalior contingent, under Tantia Topi, which had retreated from Cawnpore, and had gathered strength in its march, were advancing upon Jhansi from Kalpee. Sir Hugh Rose gave the enemy no time to think, but turning his troops about charged the rebel hordes with such vigour that it is estimated 2,000 of them were killed. The effect of this punishment so impressed the Ranee, and the garrison of 12,000 men in Jhansi, that the bulk of them fled during the night, and next day, after a considerable amount of opposition, the British troops occupied the place. In the pursuit of the rebels about 1,500 were killed, their guns, ammunition, and baggage falling into the victors' hands. In this affair, in which Lieutenant Leith won the V.C., were engaged the 14th Dragoons (who lost, out of 243, 5 killed and 24 wounded); 207 Native Cavalry; 208 of the 86th Queen's; 226 3rd Bombay Fusiliers; 298 of the 14th, and 400 of the 25th Bombay Native Infantry. MEDAL FOR MATABELELAND, 1893, WITH BAR FOR RHODESIA, 1896. CAPE OF GOOD HOPE GENERAL SERVICE MEDAL, WITH BAR FOR BECHUANALAND, 1896. (Reverse.) QUEEN VICTORIA'S SUDAN MEDAL. (Obverse.) KHEDIVE'S SUDAN MEDAL. Kotah.—General Roberts, in order to deal with the mutineers who had murdered the Resident, Major Burton, and his two sons, pushed past all opposition in Rajpootana, and in spite of great hardships advanced against Kotah, and on March 30th, under the leadership of the 72nd the troops poured through the Kittenpole Gate, which had been blown up by the Engineers; and after terrific fighting, in which Lieutenant Cameron of the 72nd gained his V.C., the mutineers gave way, and by the evening Kotah, with its 70 guns, was denuded of mutineers. The force engaged included 250 of the 72nd Highlanders; 500 of the 83rd; 250 of the 95th; a like number of the 10th and 13th Bengal Native Infantry; a number of Sappers, and a detachment of the 8th Hussars. The Highland brigade, after the capture of Lucknow, was engaged in assisting to stamp out the rebellion in the province of Rohilcund, and to that end were employed in Brigadier Walpole's force, which marched from Lucknow with the object of advancing upon the district from one point while Brigadier John Jones advanced from Roorkee. In Walpole's advance he called upon the Rajah in possession of the jungle fort of Rhooyah to surrender the place, and on his refusal ordered four companies of the "Black Watch" to advance without protection or cover against the strongest face of the fort, from which, after gallantly remaining in an exposed position for six hours, they ultimately retired, but not before Brigadier Adrian Jones of the 93rd, Lieutenants Douglas and Bramley of the 42nd, and Lieutenant Willoughby of the Punjabis had been killed, also a sergeant and 6 privates of the 42nd, a lieutenant, 3 sergeants, and 34 privates wounded, in an affair that, but for the want of spirit on the part of the commander, might have been settled in a few minutes by a bayonet charge into the mud fort! Next Three V.C.'s won by 42nd.—In this unfortunate affair Quartermaster-Sergeant Simpson of the 42nd gained the V.C. for bravely going back and rescuing an officer and a private who lay dangerously wounded. Private Davis of the 42nd was also awarded the coveted distinction for going up to the very walls of the fort and rescuing the body of Lieutenant Bramley. Lance-Corporal Alex Thompson of the 42nd also received the Cross for assisting Major-General W. M. Cafe to bear away, under a heavy fire, the body of Lieutenant Willoughby, and going to the rescue of Private Spence, who had been mortally wounded in the same effort. The Occupation of Bareilly.—The advance on Bareilly was begun on April 28th, and on May 5th the army came up with the rebels on the plains to the east of the fort, where after a fight lasting four hours, the mutineers were compelled to retreat, and the city of Bareilly was occupied with little opposition. In the contest on the plains the "Black Watch" particularly distinguished itself when a body of Ghazis, Mussulman fanatics, charging down with mad fury upon the column forced the 4th Punjabis back on the 42nd. The charge of the Ghazis was described by Sir Colin Campbell as "the most determined effort he had seen during the war," but it was coolly met by the Scots, and in the hand-to-hand fight which ensued between them and the Ghazis the latter were speedily exterminated. During this bloody episode Sergeant Gardiner of the 42nd gained the V.C. by killing two fanatics with his bayonet, and saving Colonel Cameron, who was dragged from his horse by four of them, and was in danger of being killed. In this struggle the famous Times correspondent, W. H. Russell, would have been killed but for the timely intervention of Sergeant Forbes-Mitchell of the 93rd, who shot the attacking rebel. The back of The mutiny was now crushed, thanks to the bravery and endurance of the European soldiers, and the staunch conduct of those Indian troops who, with their Princes, remained true to Britain. The gallant Sir Colin Campbell at last received something like due reward for his services to his country by being raised to the peerage as Lord Clyde. The Honourable East India Company ceasing to exist, the Government of India was transferred to the Crown by the India Act of 1858, and the government of the country vested in a Viceroy and Council, the last Governor-General under the old order becoming the first Viceroy of our Indian Empire. The following British regiments took part in the war: 5th, 8th, 10th, 13th, 23rd, 32nd, 34th, 38th, 42nd, 52nd, 53rd, 60th, 61st, 64th, 71st, 72nd, 75th, 78th, 79th, 80th, 82nd, 83rd, 84th, 86th, 88th, 90th, 93rd, 95th, 97th, 101st Royal Bengal Fusiliers (now 1st Royal Munster Fusiliers), 102nd Royal Madras (now 1st Royal Dublin Fusiliers), 104th Bengal Fusiliers (now 2nd Royal Dublin Fusiliers), 108th Madras (now 2nd Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers); Rifle Brigade; 7th, 8th, and 14th Hussars; 9th and 12th Lancers. The medal was also granted to a naval brigade from the "Pearl" and "Shannon" (see Naval Section). The Mutiny Medal.—This medal (1? in. in diameter) was granted by a General Order of the Indian Govern KHEDIVE'S SUDAN MEDAL. QUEEN VICTORIA'S SUDAN MEDAL. QUEEN'S MEDAL FOR BOER WAR. KING'S MEDAL FOR BOER WAR. It is noteworthy that the infantry did not receive more than two bars, and that it was impossible for any participant in the war to obtain more than four, and very few received as many. This is a very striking medal, a very dignified figure of Britannia being represented on the reverse holding a wreath in the outstretched right hand, and an oval shield with the Union Jack thereon on the left arm, which also holds a laurel wreath; INDIA is arranged above following the line of the medal, and 1857-58 in the exergue. The obverse bears the same head of Queen Victoria as the Military General Service medal. The names were impressed on the edge in capital Roman letters, and the suspender and fishtail bars are of the same kind as those used with the China medal of 1857. The ribbon, which is 1¼ in. wide, consists of scarlet and white stripes arranged alternately, three of white and two of red. This was the last medal issued by the H.E.I. Co., and it might be said almost the last of the classic medals (L. C. Wyon modelled the reverse). Reissues of Earlier Medals.—On January 21st, 1859, the Government of India sanctioned the reissue of medals gratis to all officers and men who had lost their decorations through the mutiny. This is an important fact to remember when considering war medals issued prior to the mutiny, as reissues are not generally considered as valuable as originals. |