
While the attention of Britain was necessarily riveted upon the Peninsula, both East and West, as we have seen, compelled her to keep the torch of battle burning, and I must therefore mention the campaign in Nepaul, for which the Honourable East India Company awarded a special medal. The order dated Fort William, March 20th, 1816, stated that the Government had decided to present silver medals to every native officer who had served within the hills, and to as many non-commissioned officers and privates as might be recommended for distinguished zeal or gallantry. The campaign was brought about owing to the Goorka tribes having adopted an aggressive policy, and refusing to vacate the districts of Bootwal and Sheoraj belonging to the H.E.I. Co., that had to be retaken by an armed force, and by an attack upon the British outposts at Rourah, which had been left in possession when the rainy season commenced. The operations, which followed the declaration of war made on November 1st, 1814, covered a frontier stretching 600 miles. In the early part of the campaign General Gillespie was killed while leading a body of 100 dismounted men of the 8th Dragoons against the small but well-defended fort of Kalunga. The back of the war was broken when, in March 1815, General Sir David Ochterlony resisted a furious assault of the Gorkalis for two hours and then, boldly charging, forced them to fly in confusion. For his brilliant services General Ochterlony was made G.C.B., the first officer in the Indian Army to receive the honour. Ummur Singh, Rajah of Nepaul, after the surrender of his officers and men was compelled to submit, but a year elapsed before the treaty was ratified at Fort William. The regiments occupied in the campaign were: H.M.'s 14th (the 14th did not, however, receive the medal, as they had not served in the field), 17th, 24th, 66th, a wing of the 67th, and 87th Royal Irish Fusiliers; a detachment of the 8th Light Dragoons, and the 20th and 25th Native Infantry.

The H.E.I. Co.'s Nepaul Medal.—The medal awarded by the Honourable East India Company was silver, 119/20 in. in diameter, and given to all ranks. On the obverse troops with fixed bayonets and colours flying are represented marching through a hilly country, the heights crowned with forts and stockades; in the foreground to the left is a field gun. On the reverse is a Persian inscription, "This medal is conferred by the Nawab Governor-General Bahadar in testimony of the energy, good service, skill, and intrepidity displayed during the campaign in the hills, in the years of the Hegira 1229 and 1230." It was worn suspended from a yellow silk cord, and, as it was only given to native soldiers for particularly distinguished conduct, is very uncommon.

When the "Army of India" medal was issued in 1851, those native soldiers who had not received the H.E.I. Co.'s medal were granted the new medal, with bar for NEPAUL (see facing page 56). The British regiments entitled to the medal with this bar were the 8th Light Dragoons; 17th, 24th, 26th, 66th, one wing of the 67th, 87th Regiments, and 20th and 25th Native Infantry. On November 5th, 1817, the Peishwa, Bajee Rao, who had again given evidence of his treachery, was defeated at the village of Kirkee by Lieutenant-Colonel Burr of the 7th Bombay Native Infantry, with the 65th Foot and a native force consisting of the 2nd, 6th, 7th, 12th, 13th, and 23rd Bombay Native Infantry; Bombay Artillery, Field and Horse, and Pioneers; the Bombay Fusiliers (now 2nd Batt. Dublin Fusiliers); and Poona Horse. On November 17th Colonel Burr, together with Brigadier-General Lionel Smith commanding H.M.'s 65th British Regiment and the 2nd Grenadier Regiment of Native Infantry, captured the town of Poona. On the 26th of the same month a force under Lieutenant-Colonel Hopetoun Stratford Scott and Brigadier-General Doveton captured the camp of the Rajah of Berar, Apa Sahib, at Seetabuldee (£79 has been paid for a medal with the single bar for this engagement), outside the city of Nagpore, which, after a desperate defence by its garrison of 5,000 men, surrendered on New Year's day, 1818. Although eight companies of the Royal Scots were present at the battle of Seetabuldee, they were not awarded the bar for same when the Army of India medal was distributed. They were also present at the capture of Nagpore (400 medals were issued to officers and men, and 43 to Europeans in the H.E.I. Co.'s service) with the following native regiments: 1st, 2nd, 17th, 21st, 23rd, 26th, 28th, 29th Madras Infantry and 6th Bengal Light Cavalry and 6th Madras Cavalry.

Maheidpore.—At Maheidpore, on December 21st, 1817, Lieutenant-General Sir Thomas Hislop defeated the Pindarees under the Mahratta Rajah, Mulhar Rao Holkar. The British troops present were two flank companies of the 1st or Royal Scots (12 medals only with this bar were presented to officers and men of this regiment), who were specially mentioned in the Commander-in-Chief's orders, and one squadron of the 22nd Light Dragoons. Only 26 clasps for this battle were issued to survivors of the 22nd. The native troops comprised 3rd, 14th, 27th, 28th, and 31st Madras Infantry; 1st Madras Fusiliers; 3rd and 4th Madras Light Cavalry.


Awarded to the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Auckland, G.C.B., P.C., Late Governor-General of India.


Corygaum.—On January 1st, 1818, the village of Corygaum was most gallantly defended against the whole force of the Peishwa, and when the "Army of India" medal was issued the surviving soldiers of the 2nd Bombay Native Infantry and 2nd Poona Horse were given the medal, with bar for the defence. Dr. Payne had in his collection a medal awarded to G. Bainbridge of the 65th Foot, with the bar for POONA AND CORYGAUM, which, according to the medal roll, was inaccurate, but it appeared that the man was actually entitled to this rare distinction.

Rare Medals.—Ten medals only were issued with bars for POONA and CORYGAUM. For the latter battle only 8 medals were issued. Only 20 with the single bar for SEETABULDEE AND NAGPORE were issued to Europeans and 194 to natives. For KIRKEE AND POONA AND CORYGAUM 73 medals were issued. 16 medals with the bar for KIRKEE AND POONA were issued to officers and men of the 65th Regiment and 44 officers and men of the same regiment had the single bar for POONA. Medals with the bars for AVA and BHURTPOOR are rarely met with, or those for CHRYSTLER'S FARM and AVA to the 89th.

Ceylon, 1818.—In 1819 the Government of Ceylon issued a medal, 1½ in. in diameter, in connection with the Kandian rebellion of 1818. It bears on the obverse a wreath of bay and oak leaves, encircling CEYLON 1818, and on the reverse REWARD OF MERIT, the name of the recipient being engraved in the centre. A blue ribbon was used for suspension. Four men only of the 73rd Perthshire Regiment, two men of the 2nd and 39 of the 1st Ceylon Regiments were awarded the medal.


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