I append a few sketches and notes which may be helpful, together with the facts I have given, to those who collect or sell the golden medallions, the bright discs of silver, or the intrinsically valueless but precious bronze crosses or stars which have adorned the breasts of the brave. First let me state that any re-engraved medal is comparatively valueless, and that those who purchase high-priced medals should not trust to their own judgment, but employ the services of those experts and dealers who possess the necessary technical knowledge and have at their command the means of identification. The names on the Waterloo medals were impressed with Roman capitals like ROBERTS ROBERTS or MURPHY, so large that they left little margin between the edge of the medal and the top and bottom of the letters. The Peninsular, or Military General Service, medal had the names indented in Roman capitals as follows: STEWARD STEWARD. The same type was used on the Naval General Service and the Army of India medals, also the Mutiny medal. On the Afghan medal of 1842, for Candahar, Ghuznee, and Cabul, the same kind of Roman capitals were used, but sometimes rather larger and narrower, and the down-strokes somewhat lighter: these medals were not always impressed, and many were engraved in this style John John and others in a light script. The Punjab medals for 1849 were indented in the same style as the M.G.S. medal; but on many of the Sutlej medals the rather taller type of Roman capital was used. The South Africa 1853 medals were named with the same letters as the M.G.S. medals. MEDAL TO PAPAL BRIGADE FOR 1860 CAMPAIGN. PRUSSIAN BRONZE CROSS FOR KÖNIG GRÄTZ (SADO WA), 1866. GENEVA CROSS FOR FRANCO-GERMAN WAR, 1870-1. On those of the Crimean medals which were returned for naming the same type was used, but the letters were rather more openly spaced. Some were also impressed in large and others in small skeleton Roman, so, MURRAY, many were engraved in square Roman capitals, and others in upper and lower case upright block. The India General Service medal, 1854, had the names mostly impressed with the same type as the M.G.S. medals up to Bhootan 1864-6; some, particularly naval medals, were named in a smaller kind of Roman capitals stamped closer together. The same type of Roman capital was likewise used on the New Zealand medals, while the China medals for 1857 and 1860, which were only named for the army, had the names indented in the same type. But the naming on the China medal for 1842 was very characteristic, and heavy Roman impressed capitals of a square nature, like DUNCAN DUNCAN, were employed in the stamping, with three long stars to fill the gap on either side between the name and the lug of the suspender. The Abyssinian medal is distinctive in its naming, the recipient's name and regiment being impressed in relief on the centre of the reverse, or, in the case of the Indian troops, in the same manner or struck incuse, while some are engraved. The Canada General Service medal has the names indented in square block capitals, as BROCK, or in caps and lower case, as Boston. Some were engraved in square upright Roman capitals. The home troops who received it had the regimental numbers impressed and not the territorial designations, as on the South African medals. The Naval medals were generally engraved in dwarfed Roman capitals. The Ashantee medal for 1873-4 was engraved in this style, BUCHANAN, 42ND. BUCHANAN, 42ND. with the date 1873-74, after the regiment, but on the 1892 medals, while the same style was used, it was engraved with thinner down-strokes and was smaller. When the I.G.S. medals, 1854 type, were first issued the names were impressed similar to the M.G.S. medal; but those medals awarded to the navy and the army for Pegu have very small tall Roman capitals on the edge; for Perak the names are engraved in sloping Roman capitals like the Afghan medals described below; or like the medals for the rest of the campaigns with the exception of Jowaki, 1877-8, which by the way was the first campaign medal to have the date indicated on the bar, the names were generally engraved as P. Murphy P. Murphy, and the same style of script, but very lightly engraved, as Edward Edward, was used to name the I.G.S. 1895 medal. This light and somewhat scratchy form of script was also employed in a very characteristic manner, to name the Punniar and Maharajpoor stars, and also some of the first Cabul medals, 1842. The Burma 1885-7 medal is generally engraved in a light running hand; but I have seen several engraved in slightly sloping squat Roman letters, 2/SCOTS FUS: The script kind of naming was used on the 1887-9 and 1889-92 Burma medals, but some of the latter medals were engraved in a neat round hand. The Naval medals awarded for Burma 1885-7 are mostly named with rather tall thin Roman capitals. The medals for Jowaki 1877-8 are impressed with Roman capitals after the character of M.G.S. lettering, and the regiments are generally described so, 2/9th Foot. The Afghan medals for 1878-9-80 were engraved thus, RENDELL RENDELL, or in the same style of letter but upright, as were also the Egyptian medals of 1882 onward; but most of those issued to the Royal Marine Light Infantry and seamen who took part in the Suakin Expedition of 1885 were indented like this, HENRY. This kind of type was also used for naming the King Edward Naval Long Service medals. Some, however, The engraving on the Egyptian medals awarded to some of the Indian troops, dooley bearers, and Indian transport department is in a very finely cut, neat script. Some of the Zulu War medals of 1878-9-80 were engraved in this way, SHEA, the letters being rather badly shaped and spaced, but most were engraved in the same style as the Afghan and Egyptian medals. The Soudan medals were engraved in this style CURTIS, and some GORE.R.A.: some of the Queen's and Khedive's medals were impressed in very small Roman letters, thus MACPHERSON. In a few instances the Queen's medals, like the Khedive's, were issued unnamed, and the recipients had to have them engraved. The medals granted for the Punjab Frontier are named with a rather coarse script. The engraving on the Hazara medal for 1888 has rather finer-cut strokes, and the naming on the Sikkim medal, 1888, is the same. King Edward's medal for Waziristan, 1901-2, is engraved in the same style; but the medal for Chin-Lushai 1889-90 is named in a neat round hand. The Maharajah of Kashmir's bronze medal for Chitral, 1895, is impressed in badly aligned and carelessly spaced block letters. The Cape of Good Hope medal is engraved in neat, squat, upright Roman capitals, and that for Natal is generally named in very lightly impressed upright skeleton block. The East and Central Africa medal with swivel ring is named in a light script; but the same medal with bar for Uganda, 1897-8, is engraved rather roughly in light Roman capitals. But these medals are named in several ways. For Sierra Leone in square block capitals. With bar for 1891-2 the medal is named in slightly sloping Roman capitals, that for 1892 the same. That with bar for The Boer War medals were generally indented with block capitals, either square, like HILL, or tall like this, HILL, or engraved in this style, F. HILL, 2/Linc Rqt: King Edward's medal for Ashanti, 1900, is generally impressed in rather small skeleton block lettering. The China medal, 1900, is named—for the navy—with a bold but light kind of Roman capital, similar to that described on page 354 as used on the Suakin, 1885, medals. The Tibet medal is generally named in a combination of large and small Roman and script, as G.Hand, 1st.13Bn.r G.Hand, 1st.13Bn.r. The Indian medal for 1908 is engraved in script, but so badly that one could not conceive an engraver's apprentice of one year's standing doing so badly. King George's medal for Abor, 1911-12, is engraved in a rather crude script. The illustrations of the namings are mostly considerably enlarged to render comparison easier. GERMAN MEDAL FOR FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR, 1870-1. FRENCH MEDAL GIVEN TO VETERANS OF THE WAR OF 1870-1. FIRST CHILIAN WAR MEDAL, 1880. SECOND CHILIAN WAR MEDAL, 1881. |